Abu Dhabi Police GHQ Management and Leadership Essay

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Organizations are categorized as social systems, which focus on achieving certain goals. The success of an organization depends on how effective its workforce executes the allocated duties. Subsequently, it is necessary for organizations to foster optimal human behaviors. Some of the strategies that firms adopt include integrating strong work systems and job designs, hiring qualified and talented employees, implementing comprehensive employees’ reward systems, and coming up with effective training programs. All these strategies are focused on improving organizational productivity (Sims 2002).

The integration of effective human resource management (HRM) practices cannot be underestimated considering the unpredictable characteristic of human behavior. HR managers have an obligation to enhance and maintain their workforce, which plays a fundamental role in minimizing the costs involved in recruitment and selection. Integrating effective HRM in the police department is critical as it offers services directly to the public coupled with being responsible for ensuring that members of the society are protected adequately. Therefore, a well-trained and qualified HR manager is crucial in enhancing the effectiveness with which a particular police department attains its goals.

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ is focused on reducing the rate of crime, eliminating fear in society, promoting the achievement of justice, and preserving social stability. The department’s ability to achieve these goals is dependent on the extent to which effective HRM is integrated. This essay evaluates a number of themes, which will promote my ability to undertake the role of an HR manager within the Abu Dhabi Police GHQ. The study focuses on four main themes, which include diversity in teams, leadership and management, change management, and ethical leadership.

Diversity in teams

Organizations are increasingly inclining towards the concepts of teams, teambuilding, and teamwork as a way of improving organizational life. For an organization to succeed, it must utilize its human and financial capital optimally. Teams are effective in improving an organization’s productivity, level of motivation amongst the workforce, implementation, and use of new technology. Productivity is improved by maximizing the capability of the team members’ skills and strengths.

Consequently, it is possible for organizations to undertake a variety of tasks. Teamwork contributes towards the development of a high level of autonomy amongst the workforce, which culminates in employees being more innovative. West (2012) argues that teams are likely to implement effective solutions that they have generated. Team working also contributes towards knowledge sharing, thus further enhancing organizational performance.

West (2012) contends that the workplace is increasingly becoming diverse due to the high rate of globalisation, changing demographic trends, high rate of immigration, and changing labour supply patterns. Diversity refers to the diverse dimensions that can be used to define a particular individual or group of individuals. Some of the common dimensions include age, race, socio-economic status, culture, sexual orientation, and religious and political beliefs.

Diversity in the workplace is increasingly becoming an organizational asset rather than a hindrance to organisations’ efforts to attain the desired objectives. Abu Dhabi Police GHQ is focused on positioning itself as an excellent police force. Subsequently, the Ministry of Interior (MOI) appreciates the importance of developing a diverse police force in order to undertake its mandate effectively.

The ministry has integrated the concept of teamwork as a critical element in promoting social stability. It is imperative for the HR manager in Abu Dhabi QHQ to exploit the concept of diversity. One of the ways through which firms can achieve this goal is by adopting the concept of diversity during the team formation phase. The HR manager in the Abu Dhabi GHQ is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the different police units or arrangements are comprised of members of diverse characteristics such as age, race, gender, cultural background, and sexual orientation amongst others. This aspect forms the basis upon which the HR manager designs the training program (West 2012).

The different teams have to be trained effectively and oriented to their respective duties in order to execute their responsibilities. However, this goal is only achievable if the HR manager has adequate skills to manage diversity within the team. The HR manager has an obligation to enhance a high level of collaboration amongst the diverse team members, which is achievable if the team members are taught on the importance of appreciating and respecting their colleagues despite their diversity.

This move will contribute to a high level of trust, which is vital in fighting crime. For example, nurturing collaboration amongst the diverse team members will play an essential role in sharing intelligence. Subsequently, the Abu Dhabi police force will deal with the complex types of crimes such as terrorism, which are being experienced currently (Great Britain 2004).

Knowledge and appreciation of diversity can contribute significantly towards the achievement of better results. First, developing a heterogeneous team will contribute towards improvement in the effectiveness with which the police force deals with challenges that emanate during day-to-day operations. This goal is achievable via integrating the concept of functional diversity, which entails ensuring optimum-skill mix. For example, the team should be formed by incorporating skilled, trained, unskilled, and untrained members.

This aspect contributes towards the generation of ideas and transfer of knowledge. A diverse team will lead to the generation of a wider range of ideas and opinions on how to solve a particular problem. Therefore, a high level of creativity and innovation is nurtured. West (2012, p.58) argues, ‘teams of likeminded clones will experience a comfortable existence, but will be ineffective and creatively stagnant in the long term’.

In summary, integrating diversity in teams is paramount in governments, businesses, and other non-governmental organisations’ efforts to improve their performance. The analysis given here shows that diversity can improve the productivity of an organisation by enhancing creativity and innovation. However, this goal is only realisable if diversity within the team is managed effectively.

Managing diversity contributes towards a high level of trust and collaboration amongst team members, thus improving the outcome of their tasks and responsibilities. Therefore, it is imperative for the HR manager in the Abu Dhabi GHQ to appreciate the concept of diversity in order to improve the effectiveness with which the police force executes its mandate.

Leadership and management

Similarities and differences between leadership and management

Different people perceive the terms ‘management’ and ‘leadership’ disparately. Organisations, groups, and teams in the contemporary society require effective management and leadership in order to operate successfully (Zhao & Xu 2012). Some individuals erroneously consider the terms as synonyms, but they are different in different aspects. Management underscores the procedure through which an organisation formulates and intends to achieve the set goals by integrating diverse functions such as monitoring-evaluation, forecasting, coordination, organisation, and training.

Furthermore, management mainly concentrates on administrative functions of an organisation while leadership is primarily focused at developing a strong influence between the team members and the leader in order to achieve a common goal. Zhao and Xu (2012) further assert that management entails taking control, coordinating, and aligning the employees’ interests with the organisational interests. Managers assume the responsibility of directing their subordinates and making decisions regarding particular endeavours.

Leadership and management have different approaches to tasks. Leadership entails evaluating the challenges faced and formulating new and creative solutions. Leaders utilise their commitment and charisma in motivating their followers to be committed towards resolving the issues at hand. On the other hand, managers approach tasks by formulating and combining policies, methods, and strategies. Furthermore, they empower individuals by seeking their values, views, and principles regarding a particular issue. Managers perceive that such an approach is critical in generating success.

Another major characteristic that distinguishes leadership from management is that former occurs in a group setting. On the other hand, management is an organisational wide aspect. Managers and leaders have different personality styles. First, managers are more rational as compared to leaders and they are normally problem solvers. On the other hand, leaders are conventionally more brilliant as compared to managers, risk takers, and they have a high level of imagination and creativity (Zhao & Xu 2012).

The power structure in leadership and management vary significantly. Management is concerned with building a legitimate power base and it requires the followers to obey the set rules and procedures. On the contrary, leadership is concerned with building a personal power, which is based on personal character and experience. Furthermore, power in leadership is concerned with the extent to which a leader can influence his/her followers positively.

Despite the above differences, leadership and management share a number of similarities. First, the two aspects entail working and influencing individuals in order to attain a predetermined objective. Therefore, the two aspects are people-oriented. Secondly, the goals of leadership and management cannot be separated from each other. In a bid to execute leadership and management activities effectively, it is imperative for the leaders to possess certain abilities.

Leadership styles

The leadership styles and management approaches adopted by leaders and managers determine the effectiveness with which an organisation can achieve its goals. Managers and leaders can integrate different leadership styles and management approaches in executing their duties. Different leadership theories have been proposed over the years. Examples of such theories include behavioural and trait theories. However, these theories do not explain whether implementing them will result in effective leadership. Other leadership approaches that have been proposed include the command-and-control approach.

Despite the view that most organisations are shifting towards more advisory and engaging tendencies, there exists no ideal approach that can be integrated by all firms. However, the management and leadership approach varies depending on the prevailing situations and the individual characteristics. Some cases call for a high-level managerial involvement in operations in a bid to realise the set goals.

In such a situation, it is important for the command-and-control approach to be implemented. On the other hand, some situations require contingency approach. For example, dealing with security situations is a delicate balancing act. Subsequently, it is imperative for the HR department to provide a high level of autonomy within the command structures in order to deal with the fast-changing environment effectively (Williams 2012).

As a member of a team, I would like to be led under a transformational leadership style. This style is very effective in enhancing one’s ability to progress in his or her career. First, the leadership style provides one with an opportunity to be directly involved in an organisation’s decision-making process. For example, one can contribute his/her ideas during the decision-making process. This aspect contributes towards the development of a high level of motivation in executing the assigned duties and responsibilities. Therefore, the likelihood of gaining new knowledge under this leadership style is high due to the high level of sharing and participation amongst workmates and team members (Rubin, Dierdoff, & Brown 2010).

Change management

Mullins (2010) contends that change is an outright fact in individuals’ daily life. Subsequently, change can be defined as a continuous process, which qualifies it as a normal phenomenon. It is important for managers to understand how different people react to change. Such an understanding gives insight on the most effective change management strategies.

Some individuals accept change relatively easily while others resist it. One of the reasons that explain the existence of resistance to change amongst individuals is their individual personality and personal background. However, HR managers carry the responsibility of influencing the personality of their employees. Mullins (2010) further argues that an organisation’s management team can do very little on employees’ resistance to change.

Different organisations are committed to nurturing an effective organisational culture in an effort to enhance attainment of the set goals. However, the occurrence of change disrupts an organisation’s operational processes, which may limit the ability to attain the set goals. West (2012) argues that change leads to the generation of numerous uncertainties regarding the future performance.

Therefore, most people consider change situations to involve great effort and expenses, risks, and difficulties in the implementation process. Furthermore, clients may be adamant to integrate the intended change, thus reducing the volume of customers who seek the organisation’s products or services. Such occurrences explain why some organisations are resistant to change.

Governments and businesses organisations cannot shield themselves from change. Therefore, it is imperative for managers to adapt the most effective change management strategies and practices to minimise the likelihood of being affected negatively by change. Managers have an obligation to minimise and eliminate resistance to change amongst their subordinates. One of the ways through which this goal can be achieved is by adopting the Kurt Lewin model. The model advocates for three main steps in the change management process. These stages include unfreezing, change, and freezing (Mayer et al. 2012).


during this phase, the manager should focus on stimulating the subordinates to understand the importance of implementing change. One of the ways through which the managers can achieve this goal is by conducting provocative events and informational meetings. The events and meetings should target all employees and aim at creating awareness on the significance of change to the organisation’s success. Managers should ensure that employees understand how they will gain from the intended change.


During this phase, managers should focus on instilling a sense of change amongst their followers. Therefore, managers should provide employees with an opportunity to participate in the change implementation process. This move will make employees feel as part of the initiators and custodians of the intended change. An effective communication system should be designed to ensure that employees are adequately informed about the change. Furthermore, managers should empower their followers to learn and embrace new behaviours, values, and attitudes. However, a high level of flexibility should be integrated in implementing change. This assertion means that managers should not force their subordinates to change.


During this stage, managers should focus on sustaining the various changes being implemented in their organisations. Additionally, the refreeze stage is aimed at developing a sense of stability in the change process. The effectiveness with which organisational managers undertake the refreezing process influences the degree of confidence amongst employees regarding the change being implemented. Considering the view that change is a constant and continuous occurrence, it is imperative for managers to consider integrating change within their organisational culture.

Managers should not perceive resistance to change as a negative phenomenon. However, they should see it as an opportunity to improve the change process. First, managers should utilise resistance to change as an avenue to develop new perspectives regarding it. Therefore, resistance may contribute to new ideas, which might improve the change process. Furthermore, resistance also provides organisational managers with an opportunity to nurture a high level of collaboration amongst team members by ensuring that all the relevant stakeholders are involved in the process of implementing change.

In the process of ensuring stability and providing security to the Emiratis, the Abu Dhabi GHQ has an obligation to implement new strategies and methods to combat crime, which is changing at a fast pace. In a bid to achieve this goal, the HR department has to ensure that all the parties in the department appreciate the importance of changing the operational strategies and tactics. This move may entail the use of new technology, which some parties might perceive as a threat to their job. The HR manager has an obligation to dispel such fears.

In conclusion, it is evident that organisations face different forces, which necessitate the need to change. Therefore, it is important for the Abu Dhabi GHQ to consider change as a necessary aspect in providing services to Abu Dhabi residents. In a bid to implement the desired change successfully, it is imperative for the HR manager to adapt optimal change management strategies and practices.

Ethical leadership

Ethics can be defined as the standard and acceptable behaviour in the society. Individuals’ behaviours or conducts vary from one society to another. Ethical leadership is a crucial element in organisations’ efforts to achieve optimal performance. Consequently, most organisations are focused at integrating ethical leadership within their organisational culture. Mayer, Aquino, Greenbaum, and Kuenzi (2012) argue that ethical leadership is comprised of three main building blocks, which include

  1. Being an ethical example
  2. Active management of morality
  3. Treating people fairly

In a bid to be an ethical leader, one must integrate the above three building blocks. Being an ethical example and treating people fairly constitute the moral person part of leadership. Subsequently, the other two elements emphasise on the importance of nurturing desirable characteristics like fairness and trust. Active management of morality is concerned with advocating and encouraging ethical behaviour amongst followers through various transactional efforts, for example adopting a reward system such as rewarding ethical behaviour and punishing unethical behaviour.

Adopting ethical leadership can thus improve the effectiveness with which leaders influence their followers. First, ethical leadership contributes towards improvement of the level of trust amongst followers. Adopting ethical leadership improves an organisation’s internal communication system. Furthermore, ethical leadership also entails ensuring that employees are valued, appreciated, and supported in undertaking their duties.

This move leads to the development of a positive attitude towards one’s job. Additionally, followers develop a positive perception regarding their leaders, which leads to the development of a high degree of organisational identification amongst followers. For example, followers may perceive organisational leaders as role models. Subsequently, the level of job satisfaction and degree collaboration amongst employees’ are improved remarkably. This aspect increases the level of productivity amongst employees, hence improving organisational effectiveness (Mayer et al. 2012).

Some authors are of the opinion that the concept of ethical leadership is an illusion, while authors argue that its implementation is dependent on the leader’s cultural background. Integrating extreme ethical leadership can limit the likelihood of leaders achieving the set organisational goals. This argument is based on the view that ethical leaders may pay more attention to their followers rather than the set organisational goals.

Additionally, taking into account ethical issues may lead to poor decision-making, hence affecting the likelihood of attaining organisational goals. Therefore, extreme ethical leaders rarely progress in their career path, as they are not in a position to achieve the set organisational goals (McNutt & Batho 2005). Despite this argument, it is important for managers to be ethical. However, leaders and managers should not focus on being extremely ethical. Balancing the extent to which ethics are integrated in leadership will lead to the development of a high level of respect and trust for the managers.

Ethics in the police force

Developing public trust is an important element in law enforcement agencies. Police officers are provided with a high degree of discretion in executing their duties. Subsequently, they have the freedom to make different decisions in order to deal with the prevailing situations and serve the public effectively. Consequently, it is imperative for the Abu Dhabi GHQ to integrate the concept of ethical leadership in its quest to promote social stability in the UAE.

Integrating ethical leadership will lead to the development of a high level of trust between the UAE police force and the public. For example, the perception of the UAE police as a ruthless agency amongst the public. This aspect will lead to an increment in the degree of collaboration between the two parties, hence improving the effectiveness with which the police force fights crime. Adopting ethical leadership within the police force will form the essence of nurturing integrity within the Abu Dhabi GHQ.

Adopting ethical leadership is fundamental in ensuring optimal management of the staff within the Abu Dhabi GHQ. This goal can be achieved by formulating the codes of ethics, which will guide employees in the course of executing their duties. Implementing extreme ethical leadership may limit the effectiveness with which the HR manager influences his/her subordinates to deal with situations such as crime, which might lead to social destabilisation.

This analysis identifies ethical leadership as a critical element in promoting optimal policing practices in the UAE. However, the effectiveness with which ethical leadership is promoted within the Abu Dhabi GHQ is dependent on the quality of the HR manager. Subsequently, the HR Manager has to integrate ethics within his/her leadership.

Double weighted

Over the years, I have gained sufficient knowledge and experience on different issues having served under different capacities. Subsequently, I consider myself as a leader. My vision as a leader is to influence my followers to develop and adopt best practices and behaviours. This move will not only improve their performance, but also promote the likelihood of attaining their personal development goals. In order to attain this vision, I will adopt both participative and situational leadership style.

This choice will give my followers an opportunity to be actively engaged not only in the daily operation of the organisation, but also in the decision-making process. Therefore, my followers will be in a position to share their opinion and ideas with the top management on various issues and situation affecting the organisation. Participatory leadership style will also aid in nurturing a sense of teamwork amongst my followers. Consequently, a high degree of collaboration amongst the followers will be nurtured.

Steve Jobs is one of leaders from whom I derive inspiration from in my quest to become a successful leader. During his lifetime, Steve Jobs depicted an exemplary leadership style. First, he was in a position to inspire and develop trust and a clear vision amongst his followers. His leadership style ensured that all followers developed a high degree of organisational identification.

He focused on ensuring that employees developed a sense of ownership on the various projects that the firm implemented. This aspect contributed towards the development of a high level of commitment amongst employees, hence improving individual and organisational performance (Henson 2014). Despite the view that some individuals perceived him as an arrogant leader, these allegations were inconsistent with his commitment to ensure that the organisation achieved spectacular results.

Considering the ever-changing nature of the business environment, Steve Jobs applied the situational leadership style, which improved the effectiveness with which he dealt with the emerging situations (Henson 2014). This type of leadership is very applicable within the police force, which is faced by dynamic situations.

Interacting with colleagues at the workplace has played an essential role in understanding my strengths and weaknesses as a leader within the Abu Dhabi GHQ. One of the strengths that I have identified relates to charisma. Most of my friends are of the opinion that I have a talent in inspiring and influencing others to improve their performance. This quality is derived from the view that I have a passion towards building a stable and peaceful society in order to promote coexistence amongst individuals of diverse political, economic, and social statuses.

In order to improve my performance as a leader, I have realised the need to develop my team working and team building skills. This realisation will improve the effectiveness with which I develop a strong working relationship with my followers and subordinates. In summary, it is important for HR managers to develop optimal leadership and management skills. This assertion arises from the view that the two concepts are inseparable in HR managers’ efforts to promote optimal organisational performance.

Reference List

Great Britain: Building communities, beating crime; a better police service for the 21st century 2004, Stationery Office, London.

Henson, R 2014, Faculty insight; the leadership of Steve Jobs, Web.

Mayer, D, Aquino, K, Greenbaum, R & Kuenzi, M 2012, ‘Who does ethical leadership and why does it matter? An examination of antecedents and consequences of ethical leadership’, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 55 no. 1, pp. 151-171.

McNutt, P & Batho, C 2005, ‘Code of ethics and employee governance’, International Journal of Social Economics, vol. 32 no. 8, pp. 656-666.

Mullins, L 2010, Management and organisational behaviour, Prentice Hall, New York.

Sims, R 2002, Managing organisational behaviour, Quorum Books, Westport.

Rubin, R, Dierdoff, E & Brown, M 2010, ‘Do ethical leaders get ahead? Exploring ethical leadership and promotability’, Business Ethics Quarterly, vol. 20 no. 2, pp. 215-236.

West, M 2012, Effective teamwork; practical lessons from organisational research, Blackwell, West Sussex.

Williams, C 2012, Effective management; a multimedia approach, Cengage Learning, Ohio.

Zhao, Y & Xu, W 2012, ‘Discussion on management and leadership similarities and differences’, Lecture Notes in Information Technology, vol. 16 no. 2, pp. 1-4.

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