Alcohol is a common health and social problem in Miami, FL, as well as in other states. About 64 million Americans drink alcohol at least once per month, and 5% of alcohol use disorders are reported in Miami (Bishop & Rodriquez Orjuela, 2018; Lakeview Health, 2019). The prevention of alcohol-related problems is possible, and the role of a community cannot be ignored.
Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) programs are developed to improve general practice. Bruguera et al. (2018) proved the worth of SBIRT in reducing the use of alcohol among risky drinkers and increasing effective treatment plans. In the video by SBIRTonline (2015), a patient is questioned during his annual check-up as a part of the assessment. Questionnaires (screening) help gather general facts and recognize threats. Interviews (brief intervention) reach and motivate alcoholic patients to change their styles of life. Education resources and referral procedures (referral to treatment) offer extensive care to alcoholics with evident health problems.
Problem Description
It is not easy for people to control alcohol consumption and stay adequate in making their decisions either to drink or not. There is no specific amount of alcohol a person may drink to avoid health or financial problems (Bishop & Rodriquez Orjuela, 2018). Therefore, every person is under threat of becoming alcohol dependent and experiencing bad influences.
Community Resources
- New Horizons Group of Alcoholics Anonymous is a local fellowship to support men and women with alcoholic problems in Miami Springs. Multiracial and apolitical meetings are offered to all who are in need.
- Harbor Village Florida is a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center for Americans. In addition to a full recovery and sobriety, clients reduce their relapse chances considerably.
The problem of alcohol misuse is frequent among Miami citizens. There are many recovery centers and treatment programs available to people. In modern healthcare settings, SBIRT is defined as a recommended program to identify patients’ problems and alcoholic dependence at an early stage.
Bishop, F. M., & Rodriquez Orjuela, J. L. (2018). Toward the prevention of alcohol use disorders: Overdrinking (unintentional binge drinking) in a community sample. Health Psychology Open, 5(2). Web.
Bruguera, P., Barrio, P., Oliveras, C., Braddick, F., Gavotti, C., Bruguera, C.,… Ortega, L. (2018). Effectiveness of a specialized brief intervention for at‐risk drinkers in an emergency department: Short‐term results of a randomized Controlled trial. Academic Emergency Medicine, 25(5), 517-525.
Lakeview Health. (2019). Miami Florida substance abuse statistics. Web.
SBIRTonline. (2015). SBIRT in primary care: At-risk alcohol use [Video file]. Web.