Course Reflection and Discussion
I would like to note that the course was a valuable experience for me as I gained extensive knowledge concerning applied and academic research. I cannot say that my understanding has been changed, but it was considerably enriched. Clearly, I have always understood that applied research focuses on problems rather than trends and concepts. However, I learned a lot about the major aspects to focus on when implementing applied research. The discussions and collaborations were also helpful as I could analyze different perspectives on the studied issues. These different opinions helped me gain a deeper understanding of things that seemed simple or too difficult for me. The knowledge gained during the course will help me in my professional life in many ways. First, I will be able to implement research and understand various trends and issues. I will also be able to present the results of my research in an effective way. As for the further exploration of the subject, I would examine ways to enhance the validity and reliability of my research. We have addressed this problem, but I feel there are many more (simple and convenient) ways to ensure the validity of a study.
Applied Research Proposal
The applied research can be referred to as the use of research techniques developed within the field of academic research to address particular issues existing in different spheres. The applied research is not aimed at developing a theory or expanding existing ones, but it focuses on the application of existing theories to explore certain issues and equip people with the necessary evidence to come up with effective solutions. The applied research can describe an issue and identify its causes and effects. As far as my proposal is concerned, I believe I could implement my plan. My research addresses a serious issue, and it is associated with the use of sound research methods. I think the plan can become the basis for my future research.
As has been mentioned above, I have learned a lot about the applied research, but I still feel there are certain gaps in my knowledge. One of the questions I would like to raise is associated with data collection (recruiting, to be more precise). How can the researcher ensure the participation of the participants? Is monetary compensation the only effective tool? This question is specifically relevant when it comes to quantitative research that implies the focus on the proper representation of the population.
Ayiro, L. (2012). A functional approach to educational research methods and statistics. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Vito, G. F., Tewksbury, R., & Kunselman, J. C. (2014). Introduction to criminal justice research methods. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.