In evaluating the website it is important to mention all relevant considerations that were used in its creation. This is because the development of any successful endeavour requires adequate planning and preparation (Shelly, Napier & Rivers 2009). According to Shelly, Napier, and Rivers, a good approach to the development of a detailed design plan involves six distinct steps (2009).

The first step that was considered in the design of the CompleteQuarters website was the definition of the purpose of the website in question. To achieve, this it was necessary to outline the goals and objectives the site was to meet in a given duration. Goals, in this case, refer to targets to be accomplished within a specified time frame, while objectives are the methods chosen to accomplish the goals (Shelly, Napier & Rivers 2009).
The next step in the process is the identification of the site’s target audience. This step is also considered crucial given that after identifying a target audience the developer can select a suitable theme based on the target audience (Shelly, Napier & Rivers 2009). In this case, the target audience is composed mainly of adults and therefore the site was developed with this in mind. Based on this position the site focused on using colors and themes that would appeal to adults.
The step that followed was to determine the site’s general content. Based on the purpose of the website in question and the target audience a suitable choice can be made to satisfy the target audience (Shelly, Napier & Rivers 2009). Another step that was adhered to that relates to general content was the selection of the site structure. Again based on the perceived target audience the structure selected was meant to be suitable for the audience (Shelly, Napier & Rivers 2009).
The next step involved designing an appropriate look and feel for the CompleteQuarters website. Also of importance was the consideration of the website navigation system. This is of utmost importance given that this allows users to move around the website (Shelly, Napier & Rivers 2009). A poor navigation system is likely to discourage users from using the website due to additional complexity caused by poor navigation.
In addition to the above considerations, it was thought wise to minimize the number of animations used so as not to irritate the target audience (Syed 2004). In addition to that, the design completely avoided the use of blinking text, which is reported to be very distracting. Consideration was also given to the selection of a suitable background and text colour to ensure the text was always legible.
One of the potential problems encountered was the limited knowledge of the use of JavaScript. With greater technical knowledge of the approach, it would have been possible to create a far better website to provide a competitive advantage. However to justify the choice it should be noted that JavaScript was selected given that it does not require any additional software to run (Syed 2004). Alternative mechanisms such as PHP require additional software, which adds unnecessary complexity to the process of creating the website. It should be noted that the lack of programming expertise also led to the elimination of such superior methods for developing the solution. It should be noted that JavaScript is indeed adequate for the operations required on the proposed website.
The main reason behind the use of strategic approaches to web design is based on the potential of web-based business. There has been a significant increase in advertising expenditure, which can be attributed to the role of new companies such as Google and their role on the internet (Shuen 2008). Google has managed to continually increase its advertising revenue and that enabled many companies to start earning significant sums from the internet (Shuen 2008). This position posits that for companies interested in profit generation a strategic approach to the web-based market plays a very crucial role in achieving business objectives.
It has been observed that through technology the protection of trade secrets has become increasingly difficult (Holland, Reed, Lee, Kimmel & Peterson 2007). In the case of the proposed website, this will have to be ensured through the use of appropriate security such as user login. This can help ensure the company’s private information is not leaked out through the hands of competitors.
Another potential security problem is the role of external entities, such as suppliers that could lead to leaks and potential legal or ethical dilemmas (Holland et al., 2007). In avoiding the legal problems that could arise from such alliances the proposed business suggests the use of non-disclosure agreements or NDA (Holland et al., 2007). Such agreements obligate the recipients of confidential material to keep it confidential and use it only for the intended purpose. This appears a wise approach to avoid confidentiality issues that could arise due to handling customer’s financial data.
Holland, CJ, Reed, DM, Lee, SH, Kimmel, AI & Peterson, K 2007, Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights and Trade Secrets, Entrepreneur Media Inc., Printed in Canada.
Shelly, GB, Napier, HA & Rivers, OI 2009, Web Design: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Course Technology, Boston.
Shuen, A 2008, Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide, O’Reilly Media Inc., Sebastopol, CA.
Syed, H 2004, A Complete Introduction to the World of Web Design: A Visual Approach, Lulu Press Inc., Printed in the USA.