Disaster management refers to supervision and organization of assets and errands designed for dealing with all humanitarian features of response, vigilance, crisis and resurgence with an aim of diminishing the impact of crisis (Quarantelli 1998). In every community there is a certain type of disaster though the vulnerability differs. The kind of disasters striking these communities differs from; multifaceted emergencies, epidemic emergencies, ecological/environmental emergencies as well as natural disasters.
Any type of disaster can interfere with the vital services in a community hence affecting the social, financial and health networks in a community (Alexander 2002). However most these disaster can be prevented via a number of activities like: – disaster preparedness, disaster recovery and disaster relief.
There is no precision, efficacy; completeness or even reliability in the explained views, proposals, opinion or specifics made. Generally, the content of the text was aimed at putting across important information that can help the community at large.
The text does not at any point give an assurance or credibility on the kind of the data it contains (Quarantelli 1998). This is well shown on the kind words used to explain the data given in the text. For instance, there is no precise figure of the population living in the urban areas and thus, terms like about and approximately are often applied.
According to the research that was conducted on disaster management, it appeared acceptable to make use of words that would in one way or the other give an alert of any arousing facet that may be there.
Terms like can not, may, will, can and should are frequently used in the text pointing out that the author is not certain with the kind of information he gives. On the other hand, words like must are not used in the text indicating that he was sure on the kind of particulars found.
From the content of the text, the priority and message was easily determined. This is because the author put a lot of emphasis on areas that he discussed and the points given could be elaborated easily as he tackled the issues that one is conversant with (Drabek 1986).
The actual information that is put to the public is that some types of damages can easily be prevented despite the challenges that are faced in the effort to diminish them however; other damages especially those caused by natural disasters like those of 2007 mostly wild fires, flooding, hurricanes and earthquakes can not be prevented.
Other important issues discussed in the content are the causes of the disaster in a community one of them being the population of people in a community. The population of people in a given area governs other factors that contribute to a disaster (Drabek 1986).
It was found out that when the number of people increases in a given area, there was a high possibility of that area experiencing drought which in turn results to global disasters. Also on an increased populace, the need for water also increases hence water reduction which is also termed as a global disaster.
Kuepper undertake to relate people water and disasters by stating that according to the report by the world water development, it is predicted that within the next twenty years the amount of water available to everyone is likely to reduce by thirty percent (Creswell 2009). The increase in the number of people, results to decrease in the water capacities hence leading to a disaster.
World population, economy, disaster costs, climatic change and global warming, environmental issues, science and technology, water crises and outlook are all causes of global crisis. This therefore, calls for the community to come up with workable strategies that can help to reduce or else completely do away with the disasters.
There is much relationship between increase and decrease in the text. For instance, the availability of water may decrease with increase in the number of people. This may result from amplification of water usage by the growing population (Alexander 2002).
There is also likelihood of increase in severity of weather related disasters as a result of people engaging in various activities like industrialization which directly interfere with the weather due to poor management of the exhausts. This eventually leads to increased disasters that are weather related.
According to the statistical analysis that was carried out on the content provided by the author, it was found out that generally the information was accurate. However, a number of the facts were old as from the year two thousand and four (Creswell 2009).
Looking into the relationship between sign, strength and direction, there is an increased relationship between people and economy in that, the economy in a community is dependent on the management of such crisis like disasters that might strongly determine the direction of the economy.
In the text, the author brought out the community to be lowering economically with time (Alexander 2002).The number of those above poverty line was reducing as the number of people increased. Due to the increased global warming as well as climatic changes, the community was found out to be prone to disasters like weather related disasters, flooding and also drought.
In conclusion, disaster management ought to be looked into in depth to ensure that all possible causes of disaster are diminished. This will eventually help in managing it and at the same time manage the planet.
Alexander (2002). Principles of Emergency planning and Management.6th ed., Terra Publishing.
Creswell ,J.W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, And Mixed Methods Approaches. 3rd ed., Sage publications.
Drabek, Thomas E. (1986). Human System Responses to Disaster. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Quarantelli E.L. (1998). Where We Have Been and Where We Might Go In.What is disaster.9th ed.,London.