Educational Technologies and Their Integration Essay

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Introduction to Educational Technologies

The educational technology can be understood as the system of processes while finding the solutions to satisfy educational needs. In this instance, the most appropriate and innovative educational instruments are used. In turn, instructional technology is the sub-discipline of educational technology, which focuses on the application of teaching and learning techniques. The technological approaches have to be used in education, as they encourage the motivation of the students, maintain the interest and needs in learning, and prepare students for future education. Nonetheless, the teachers should not fully rely on the usage of technologies in education, as technology is not the only solution, and teachers do not develop the technological instruments. While adapting the technological tools, the analysis of benefits and the main drawbacks has to be conducted, as sometimes the older teaching strategies are more applicable.

Theory and Practice Foundation of Effective Technology Integration

The primary goals of technology include

  1. orientation of the learners of the widespread of the educational technology;
  2. information on how the educational technology can be used as the media opportunities of the teaching process in schools; and
  3. to encourage learners to human learning with the assistance of technology.

The educational technology can be defined as the educational ethical practice, which encourages and facilitates learning outcomes with the assistance of digital and electronic devices (Kishore par. 1). Nonetheless, the educational technology has to be adapted to instructional technology, as they have different intentions and the nature of origin. Educational technology has to be combined with learning theory and instructional theory. In turn, instructional technology is more complex since it combines design, innovation, assessment of the learning processes in the classroom, and selected the appropriate resources for learning (Kishore par. 1).

Educational technology is aimed at creating cognitive and visual associations with the particular symbols to enhance learning outcomes. Nonetheless, it has to combine technological and pedagogical knowledge. In turn, instructional support can be used as the enhancer of communication, tool for revision, and support (Kishore par. 8).

The technologies such as classroom projectors, mobile devices, NOW, Microsoft and Live Meeting (Hollinshead par. 7). The primary benefits of using technology are

  1. motivating the learners by using various visual resources;
  2. combination of classroom and integrated learning;
  3. combination of time and place;
  4. enhancing communication between students, and
  5. maintenance of information flow (Hollinshead par. 11).

A Technology Integration Plan

The primary steps of the technological integration plan contain the following stages analysis of the curriculum, design of the program, its development, implementation, and assessment. The usage of technology is essential, as there is no potential way of using the human resources inefficiently in the modern world (Dede 4). There are three factors, which define the success of technology integration Technology Integration Planning Model, learning theories, and essential conditions. There are two types of learning theories: directed (based on the change of behaviors, which is constructed by eventualities of reinforcement; learning is connected to the encoding of the information in the memory) and constructivist. The memory can be short-term, long-term, and sensory registers. Moreover, the learning process is formed by optimal consequences, and learning is fostered by systems of instructions.

As for the constructivist theory, it is shaped by individual experience and background. Learning requires having practice (Dewey). In this case, students learn from their actions and interactions with the environment, and motivation is constructed with the assistance of self-efficacy (Bundura). According to this theory, adults and children see the world from different cognitive perspectives, and adults have to assist in the children’s development and learning by scaffolding (Vygotski). Learning implies cognitive growth through maturation by going through the stages of cognitive development (Piaget). Additionally, children understand the concepts better when they discover environment and objects themselves (Bruner). The innate intelligence contains linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily0kinestetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalistic (Gardner).

Behaviorist theory (Skinner) implies that learning is the process, which occurs inside the mind. Info-Process (Atkinsson & Shiffin) refers to mind as a system, which implies acquiring information from the sensory register, to short-term, and them to long-term memory. Cognitive behavioral approach implies that learning is built by instructional conditions (“Theory into Practice” par. 4).

The Goal of Technology Integration

The technology integration is necessary, as the computer portrays information that the students already know. Additionally, computers provide profound and interesting information for learning. The technology implies acquiring the information with the assistance of communication, conversation, collaboration, and reflection.

The schools should encourage learning and allows students to understand the problems and issues. Active learning implies learning and developing sophisticated skills and expertise. In this instance, meaningful learning being active, intentional, constructive, authentic, and cooperative.

Does Technology Change the Way We Think and Learn

In the article Media Will Never Influence Learning, Clark implies that media is not the most effective instrument for learning, as it fails to motivate the learners (23). Nonetheless, it is unclear whether the media can influence learning outcomes or not. However, it could be assumed that the media research will have the positive impact on the learning in future.

Nowadays, technology plays an important role in learning, and it dramatically modified the learning approaches. Now, the learning facilities provide enhanced communication, the expanded audience, gloster platforms, the combination of all resources in one gadget, e-books, interactivity, the absence of blackboard, presence of the Internet services, and compliance with the learner’s needs and desires (McKnight par. 3). The availability of the learning through the Internet contributes to the presence of these features.

Moreover, modern learning approaches have changed dramatically from the previous methods. Now, the learning is more collaborative, as the Internet allows combining and sharing the works of the individuals with the assistance of online storage (Gutierrez par. 4). Additionally, the high interactivity of the modern devices implies active brain learning and the necessity of finding solutions to the problems and issues. Another aspect is the application of the different approaches to different learners since people have different learning skills. Multitasking is the feature of the modern learning principles, and it implies changing from one device to another. Nonetheless, it is a negative feature, it influences the length of completion and the absorption and analysis of information (Gutierrez par. 6).

Moreover, the Internet, smartphones, and other gadgets have an adverse effect on concentration, learning, understanding, and absorption of new information (Robson par. 4). Nonetheless, the negative aspects can be turned into the advantageous feature, as the technology can contribute to the new approaches in learning by creating the individual learning methods based on the individual memory’s capabilities. Lastly, another beneficial feature of the Internet is the fact that it makes any information highly accessible and eases the learning process for the youngsters (Robson par. 10).

Does Technology Support Inquiry-Based Learning

The technology is aimed to assist in information gathering, knowledge building, and focus on student-oriented projects. The primary goal of the inquiry-based learning is to provide the learners with the ability to find the solutions to the real case scenarios. In this instance, learners get involved in direct communication with the other society members and the environment. In this instance, they take an active position.

Mobile devices are the essential attributes of the inquiry-based learning, as they provide a social platform for the active interactions. The primary benefits of the mobile devices are the availability of the multiple data sources, nature of multitasking, the involvement of excitement and interest, high engagement, reduction of time consumption, and access to the research centers. Moreover, various applications such Evernote, Calendar, and DropBox can be used for the exchange of the information between students.

Nonetheless, the inquiry-based learning implies that students need to find their solutions to the issues. In this instance, questions are profound, and the expected answers are complicated. Additionally, questions imply having multiple answers. Furthermore, the discussion is the substantial determinant of the successful interaction between the teacher and the learners. Planning and scheduling are important aspects, which affect the efficiency of the students’ work. Lastly, multiple modes of communication take place, and the teacher plays a role of the learning facilitator.

Finally, the primary difference between the traditional and inquiry-based learning is the fact that the first method is focused on providing the information about the existing facts and phenomena (“Concept to Classroom” par. 1). The teacher is considered as the primary source of information. In turn, the inquiry-based learning is focused on interactions, proposing the solution, and active discussion to develop critical thinking of the students.

Technology Supported Hypothesis Testing

As for the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), it implies using the technological instruments while proposing teaching methods (Morsch, Omdahl and Ludvigsen 1). Nonetheless, the integration of computer and physical methods will be the most efficient approach as it helps categorize the information relevantly. In turn, the microworlds are used to simulate different scenarios and determine the potential outcomes. In this instance, the microworlds reveal that managers lack the focus on the particular strategy and often change the techniques.

Technology will affect the future development of educational approaches. Usage of mobile devices such as smartphones implies the modifications of the Internet protocols and introduction of different applications (“10 Hypothesis for Technology Investing” 4). Additionally, the advancement in search engines contributes to the rapid finding of the required information. Moreover, the introduction of application model implies creations of different tools, which can ease the usage of smartphones and other gadgets (“10 Hypothesis for Technology Investing” 8). Furthermore, the dominance of the Apple’s products on the market might be the reason for the high popularity of the Apple devices. Another trend is the fact that there are the increased entry barriers for the other social networks, as the other have a strong brand image.

Technology Integration

Technology integration implies using the computer, smartphones, and other gadgets on the everyday basis to achieve the higher results and improve the quality of learning. In turn, Seamless integration is the availability of learning instruments, which make the knowledge deeper and more profound in the context of the course and the assignment. Moreover, the implementation of the technology integration is more effective when the wide range of learning tools is available. Otherwise, the level of integration and interactivity is one lower, and the lessons remain teacher-centered. Lastly, the primary benefit of the technology integration is the ability to redefine the issues, modify tasks, simplify the learning approaches and make them interactive at the same time, and substitute the teacher-centered learning methodologies.

Technology integration is an essential element, as it contributes to the positive learning outcomes (“How to Integrate Technology” par. 1). Nonetheless, the teacher has to understand that he/she would not be the center of attention as the new approach implies active discussion. Moreover, the teacher has to choose the interactive elements efficiently while introducing a new approach to employing the interaction. Additionally, it is essential to answer whether the technology will assist in understanding the content (“How to Integrate Technology” par. 1). Furthermore, the implementation of these methodologies will be rather challenging, as it might require some time to adapt to the technological modifications. Development plan and determination of the usage of equipment and hardware are the essential elements while integrating the technology in the classroom. Lastly, the primary benefit of the technology integration is the ability to provide direct and fast feedback to the users (“How to Integrate Technology” par. 10). These aspects save time and contribute to the development of efficient teaching approaches.

Communicating with Technology

The technology affected the approaches to communication. The primary benefit of the social media is the ability to communicate and interact with a higher volume of people (“Millennial CEO” par. 1). Moreover, social media contributes to the development of the freedom of speech, as people do not have a tendency to filter their thoughts and ideas online.

As for the drawbacks, social media affected the communication skills, as no people cannot interact with excitement while having a direct contact (“Millennial CEO” par. 5). Furthermore, it adversely affects the writing skills, as the thoughts tend to be summarized and abbreviated. It has a negative impact on the verbal communication.

The usage of emoji has a negative impact on the ability of the youngsters to control and maintain their emotions (Johnson par. 1). The communication is more frequent, but its content is rather limited. The texting and social network tend to replace life communication with other family members. The research revealed that constant usage of technology affect the neurotransmitters in the children’s minds and has an effect on the formation of their character, as the children lose the feeling of empathy, the ability to build quality relationships, language barrier, and lack of emotional expressions (Johnson par. 4).

Nowadays, social media is the powerful tool, which can affect company’s reputation (Kruh par. 1). Moreover, the virtual life becomes alive, as people devote significant time to the social networks, and this fact contributes to the development of online social movements, which can affect the political and social structure of the world (Castells par. 5). Nonetheless, social media has a positive impact on the development of technology, as it contributes to the creation of the portals for educators to share information, the interactivity of the classrooms, enhanced communications, and presence of high volumes of online content, which can be applied in learning principles (Paas 9).

Community Building and Communicating

Being language teacher implies coming up with interesting and motivating tasks and assignments. The work should not be monotonous, as it influences the educational outcomes. In this case, the appropriate online space has to be provided, as the students tend to spend significant time communicating via the social networks (Arditto par. 4). The creation of the online learning communities contributes to sharing ideas, interactive tasks, and sufficient communication.

Nowadays, mobile technology plays a vital role in learning. In this instance, the availability of the Internet via the mobile network contributes to the development of the individual study plan while having a sufficient cooperation with the experts and students with the different educational backgrounds (Al-Husain and Hammo 1). Furthermore, the Internet is the primary driver for the development of the online communities, which correspond to the necessity of studies, generation of new concepts, and provide the favorable conditions for learning. The mobile technologies are considered as the future of education (Al-Husain and Hammo 1).

Writing with Technologies

Using technological instruments for writing is one of the most important contributors to the development of the learning outcomes. Organizing writing with the assistance of concepts maps will help determine the flow of thoughts of the student by using software such as C-Map, Inspiration, and MindMeister (“Chapter 7” 1). Another approach is gathering the key words with the assistance of Wordle. Another approach, which contributes to the flow of the learning, is blogging, as it allows displaying, introducing the ideas, and getting the relevant feedback from the users. Blogging can contribute to the student’s ability to develop their ideas as not all of them can speak in public (“Chapter 7” 5). The Internet also offers collaborative writing approach, as it implies working on the projects at the same time. Moreover, the online tools allow providing feedback to the students quickly.

Assistive technology contributes to the completion of the writing task and often is aimed to assist the students with disabilities. Assistive technology can be specialized in various areas to enhance movement, hearing, speech, vision, and understanding. As for the reading, the vast variety of digital and online sources such as project Gutenberg, Bookshare, recordings for the blind readers, and various software is available. As for writing, it implies having portable note takers, netbooks, voice recorders, and word prediction spelling tools. In turn, there are software and instruments, which are available for scheduling, exams, and meetings such as iPad applications, smartphones, and Inspiration.

Using technologies for writing is rather controversial since it enhances the creativity but it questions the writing skills (Purcell, Buchanan and Friedrich par. 1). Nonetheless, the teachers use technology in their writing, as it implies high interactivity. In the end, the teachers still use formal writing instructions and check the works for plagiarism and correct citations (Purcell, Buchanan and Friedrich par. 1).

Modelling with Technologies

Modeling with the website Model-It (upper-elementary students) and spreadsheets (math and science students) contribute to the creation of the interactive and systematic learning during classes and allows the students make decisions (Kasey). Additionally, databases such as KITE can be used to make a comparison between subjects. Moreover, the instruments such as concept maps (show the interdependent information), system dynamic tools (simulation of the situation), spreadsheets (maintain the lists of information), and databases (find important information about the matter) (Sarah). Different MindTools assists in the creation of different thinking, cognitive construction of theories, support of the hypothesis, and building of the ownership of the sources (“Designing Meaningful Activities with Technology” par. 1).

Additionally, the modern technology allows using electronic portfolios (the students build a database to share class materials), concept mapping, and cognote-supported electronic discussions (having the online discussion about the class activities (MacKinnon and Aylward 1).

Visualizing with Technologies

Visualizing is another important aspect of learning in the modern classroom. In this instance, multimedia applications instruments such as digital books, CD-ROM storybooks, hypermedia, and computer simulations can be used (“Multimedia Applications for the Classrooms” par. 4). The primary benefits of media are interactivity and excitement. The main drawbacks are the requirement high amount of time and production costs. Hypermedia is another method, which is actively implemented during the modern classes to improve the learning outcomes. Hypermedia is rather interactive and connects various multimedia principles (Sankarsingh par. 4). The primary benefits of hypermedia are excitement, interactivity, rising interest, and the ability to deliver higher high-quality feedback. As for the limitations, it is costly, time-consuming, and unstructured (Sankarsingh par. 4).

Speaking of virtual reality, it is also actively used in the learning, as it allows interacting and building the particular role models. The primary advantages of this approach are safety, high interactivity, interest, and motivation. As for the drawbacks, it is rather expensive, limited, and complicated (Sankarsingh par. 4).

Making Assessment Meaningful

One of the ways to improve learning outcomes is to improve teaching methods. The final assessment has to affect the student’s way of thinking and provide principles, which can be used in his everyday life. The curriculum has a tendency to limit the materials and information, which can be provided to learners. The assessment has to involve the particular features such as creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication. Combining these characteristics will contribute to the development and modifications of the curriculum in a right way.

The meaningful assessment implies that it allows understanding their level of achievement, providing the required equipment and space. Moreover, it is easy to use by students and teachers, and teachers do not give the priority to the particular group of students (Lund and Veal par. 2). These characteristics contribute to the cultivation of the trusting relationship between students and teachers. As for the writing assignments, it implies using the following categories for the assessment such as ideas and analysis, writing quality, and following the format requirements (Wolpert-Gawron par. 2).

Usage of Internet

The primary benefits are high interactivity, motivation, excitement, interactivity, communication with the other learners, availability of the information, physical safety, and rapid feedback delivery. As for the drawbacks, it is distracting and might be a reason for procrastination and lack of writing skills.


The fundamental advantages of gaming are increased interest interactivity, decision-making, motivation, and communication. As for the drawbacks, it might be destructive, lacks theoretical knowledge, and students might not take the assignments seriously.

Clark- Kozma Argument

Clark-Kozma debate is related to the influence of the media on the learning outcomes. In this instance, Clark claims that media has no effect on learning, as the learning outcomes are dependent on the other external factors. As for Kozma, he discusses how different kinds of media can affect the learning outcomes as it helps the learners to understand the particular aspects.

Cognitive Tool

The cognitive tools are aimed to advance the cognitive development and imply learning with technology. In this instance, the computer technology has to imply the usage of critical thinking of the users. The technology simulates scenarios and helps students to evaluate the problem from different perspectives.

Cognitive Load

Cognitive load is the working capacities of the memory. In this instance, the memory is highly operation only for some period. Nonetheless, this aspect can be increased to improve the learning outcomes.

Using Hypertext for Learning

As for the cognitive advantage of hypertext, the usage of interactive sources of information implies understanding and developing of the visual associations with the particular terms. Moreover, it contributes to the development of the critical thinking skills and makes the learner in control of the situation. Lastly, it enhances the collaboration skills.

2.0 Technologies

In this instance, usage of blogs contributes to the development of creative writing and allows the students to receive the feedback and express their ideas clearly. As for the disadvantages, in this case, students do not develop their communication skills, as using blogs does not require the interactions with the other participants.

Student-Centered and Teacher-Centered Computer Technology

Teacher-centered learning implies that the teacher is the primary source of information, and he/she provides the students with all the necessary facts. In this instance, the interactive blackboard is one of the examples, as the teacher is in control of the flow of information in the class. Student-centered technologies imply using the instruments, which encourage discussions and interactions, such as collaborative writing techniques, multimedia, hypertext, and concept modeling.

Learning of the Second Language

Various audio and video materials will help acquire the primary sounds and intonations of the language. Additionally, having blogs, social groups, and online conversations imply enhancing the language skills with the assistance of active communication.

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