Haenlein, M., Huang, M. H., & Kaplan, A. (2022). Guest editorial: Business ethics in the era of artificial intelligence. Journal of Business Ethics, 178(4), 867-869. Web.
This article analyzes the ethics of using artificial intelligence in the context of doing business. Haenlein et al. (2022) argue that the increasing influence of AI and its development leads to the need to establish ethical standards for its use. The authors focus on both AI’s positive and negative impact on business practices. In their opinion, using these technologies can lead to potential surveillance of employees and manipulation of customers, which leads to the need to establish ethical standards. Haenlein et al. (2022) propose various approaches to address ethical issues in the use of AI in business, such as the development of standards at the company level or the intervention of regulators. The authors emphasize the importance of this topic due to the increasing need to combine new technologies and ethical norms.
Mitcham, C. (2020). The Ethics of Technology: From thinking big to small—and significant again. Axiomathes, 30(6), 589-596. Web.
This article analyzes the ethics of technology from the perspective of their historical development. Mitcham (2020) comprehensively analyzes the relationship between ethics and technology and the application of ethical standards in technological development. The study primarily focuses on how people’s perception of technology has changed. According to the author, initially, technologies were aimed at establishing control over nature. Therefore, ethical norms had theological foundations. Today, ethical issues are based on integrating technology into people’s lives without violating privacy and confidentiality.
Nicholas, J., Onie, S., & Larsen, M. E. (2020). Ethics and privacy in social media research for mental health. Current Psychiatry Reports, 22, 1-7. Web.
This study analyzes issues of ethics and confidentiality. They are related to the use of social networks for psychic research. Nicholas et al. (2020) note that the rise in popularity of social networks and the increase in the number of users has led to the fact that these platforms are used as resources for assessing people’s mental state. Moreover, most users are unaware of this, thanks to the ability to remain anonymous on social networks. Nicholas et al. (2020) the authors note that there are significant contradictions between the development of technology and ethical issues in the field of mental research. This is because such research is beneficial for the development of this topic but potentially violates ethical standards. Therefore, it is necessary to develop clear ethical standards and control their adherence by researchers.