Fast food and chain restaurants provide Americans with unhealthy food, which has an adverse influence on people’s health conditions. They gain undesired weight and suffer from various nutrition disorders that also cause complications. Of course, these companies are guilty of such outcomes, but the responsibility that lies on the buyers is undeniable. They make their choices to accept junk food and consume it instead of cooking healthy meals. Americans seem to be too lazy and too light-minded to evaluate the issue and prevent it.
Not that long ago fast food and chain restaurants became extremely popular among Americans. They attract an enormous number of the general public and encourage them to come as often as possible using colorful advertisements, providing special bids, and being hospitable. They are targeted at children and minority youth as the most vulnerable population. Their marketing seems to be aggressive, and their tactics look immoral, but can we claim the companies to be guilty and deflect blame away from ourselves? I believe, no.
People are well aware of the fact that junk food is unhealthy, but they continue eating it. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that “two-thirds of American adults and 15 percent of children are overweight or obese” (Wartman, 2010). Mostly such data is reported because adults treat fast food and chain restaurants to be acceptable. Many American children ask their parents to go to McDonald’s instead of having a meal at home. I believe that such behavior is normal.
They see a clown, balloons, bright setting, and eat tasty food. Kids are just yet not able to realize how dangerous the burger they eat is. But these are their parents who bring them to fast food. They understand that their actions are likely to cause problems with nutrition and overweight and still manage such actions. I think it is time to take responsibility and prevent possible difficulties and not just react to the outcomes.
In a free country, the population has an opportunity to make their own decisions. Fast food and chain restaurants sell their products, but they do not force people to buy them. Many individuals resist temptation and eat an only particular food. They choose healthy products and cook very often to improve their health conditions and be sure that nothing threatens their children. I do not see a reason why others are not able to do the same. Do not buy junk food and soon it will not be sold. Americans seem to be too lazy. They follow the easiest way and choose cheap food that tastes fine not to waste time on cooking delicious and healthy meals.
Of course, junk food is not recommended by healthcare providers. According to the research, five days of consuming it provides a very negative effect on the organism (Mercola, 2015). People can eat unhealthy food and remain fit and sound, but the quantity and frequency play a great role. Such products are to be occasionally eaten by teenagers and adults while children are to stay away from junk food. People should remember that there is a line, which cannot be crossed if they care about their health and the health of their families. They can enjoy eating junk food rarely but not every day.
Thus, people are to be responsible for their behavior and understand the danger of unhealthy food.
Mercola, J. (2015). Re: What happens to your body when you eat junk food?. Web.
Wartman, K. (2010). Study shows fast food companies aggressively market to kids, minorities . Web.