Public Policy on Youth Gambling Coursework

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The XYZ Company’s Think Beyond taskforce was convened in Minnesota with the aim of developing public policy on youth gambling. The policy would serve as a guideline in combating challenges posed by youth gambling in United States of America. This project paper commences with a brief introduction of the company behind this policy development. A brief overview on youth gambling is also revisited.

In order to support facts presented in the paper, relevant statistics have been incorporated throughout the essay project. Furthermore, themes and goals that acted as guidelines for policy development have been fully explored in the paper.

On the same note, identification of goals and themes has been pointed out as one of the success determining factors when exploring positive and negative trends that may either promote or hinder the policy development process.

Finally, several recommendations have been arrived at based on discussions that were conducted in an open and democratic manner. These recommendations, also referred to as action plans, were designed to facilitate smooth implementation of the policy.

Background Information of the Company

XYZ Company is a provider of specialized behavioral health care services in United States. The company specializes in rehabilitation of mostly young people who have been ravaged by drug and substance abuse, eating disorders, learning differences among other behavioral problems.

They reach out their clients across United States through myriad of clinics and academies spread across various states as well as through seminars that are usually conducted on a regular basis. They also carry out both empirical and theoretical research studies which are used as important informative tools in the entire rehabilitation and treatment program.

In designing their programs, XYZ understands that being youthful stage in life is proving to be more challenging than it was some decades back. The company clearly understands that young people are highly vulnerable to drugs, exposure to violent gangs and the new wave of cyber crime.

The world today is very fast paced with everyone rushing to keep with globalization wave. In any case, the level of neglect among young people is rather high since there are no well defined structures that have been put in place to catalyze their smooth transition to adulthood.

XYZ Company is more or less like a model academy programs. It target vulnerable youth by addressing individual and group issues affecting them while transiting to adulthood. The organization prefers tackling youth related problems using an insight-oriented therapy as compared to behavior modification therapy. The model has proven to be successful and has been embraced by other organizations.

The key target of both therapies is to increase awareness among participants on how their emotional and behavior habits affect their well being alongside offering guidance towards positive change. The company has been in business for well over 20 years.

They have made use of research as core method of devising scientific solutions in behavioral health issues identified among youth. Their programs have been a success. Five years ago, XYZ entered into contractual agreement with United States government to carry out research on public policy regarding youth issues that are emerging and need to be treated with urgency.

Description of the policy issue

Medical statistics obtained from XYZ Company shows that quite a significant number of adolescent’s patients were being admitted to the academy with mental health symptoms that had not been common in recent past. They recorded an increased number of adolescents with sudden alcohol and substance abuse complications, suicide attempts, anxiety complication, poor unexplained health and higher rates of depression symptoms.

Further investigation by the organizations’ therapist confirmed that most of the adolescents who were diagnosed with above symptoms had been involved in online gambling. Most of them also confirmed that they were addicted to gambling hence the mental health related symptoms.

Gambling industry has been expanding at a rapid rate on a global scale. The advent of the internet or information superhighway alongside increased use among adolescents has lured innocent young people into the highly addictive habit (Campbell & Smith, 1998). According to Messerlian, Derevensky & Gupata (2005), adolescents have adapted gambling as a new form of recreational activity.

They quote a research carried out in Canada and US in 1999 which showed that over 80% of adolescents took part in gambling online or otherwise at least once in their lifetime. The research also showed more alarming results that between 4% and 8% of adolescents have developed more serious gambling problems while10-15 % were at a high risk of developing similar problems.

Despite the numerous problems associated with gambling, policy makers have always viewed it as a socially acceptable form of entertainment. With most people reporting to have gambled at least once in their lives, it has been very hard to convince policy makers otherwise. According to Dunn (2003), public policy informed by research shows that a particular problem would negatively affect many people within a population.

This has not been the case with gambling since it it has been viewed as a public health problem only in the recent past. Initially, it was perceived as an individual problem which did not attract the attention needed to make any decisive public policy.

The current researches being conducted has showed that gambling was impacting negatively on the society both on financial and behavioral perspective (Campbell & Smith, 1998). More so, the research results showed a rising number of adolescents who participate in gambling.

In addition, empirical researches had revealed that adolescents who gambled excessively were likely to engage in alcohol and substance abuse among other habits noted above (Campbell & Smith, 1998).

According to Dunn (2003), public policy aims at addressing societal issues by improving awareness and creating recognition of risks involved. This new public policy aims at developing new measures that can reduce emotional, social, financial, mental and physical problems attached to a particular problem.

It is against this background that XYZ Company saw the need of designing a public policy initiative that would address the perceived gambling problem among young people. The company realized the general legislative statues that prohibit youth from participating in formal gambling might do little to control online illegal and legal gambling among the youth.

There was a need to come up with a public policy aimed at preventing youths from participating in any form of gambling. Previously, the company was involved in designing treatment programs for the identified behavioral problems, but the policy on gambling was designed with a different goal in mind.

Why public policy?

The main goal identified in designing public policy on youth gambling was to come up with programs that would be implemented across states to help discourage youth from engaging in gambling. The youth from each identified centre would come up with programs that would provide training, education and provision of support services to those already affected.

Training and education would increase information among the youth about the risks associated with gambling. This was a new goal as the company wanted to deviate from therapeutic-restorative initiatives of treatment and focus on preventive measures that would be less costly than the current programs.

This public policy also aimed at come up with regulatory measures that would be put in place to stop the spread of the problem. According to Dunn (2003), regulatory measures as a component of public policy, aims to reduce the perceived risks within the community.

Control is enhanced through access restriction to a product or service perceived to have negative societal impacts. Though regulation is important, the main emphasis will be on preventive measures as historically regulations have not succeeded in preventing risky habits among the youth (Dunn, 2003).

Developing the policy

The policy development task force was named “Think Beyond’. Leaders selected participants to be involved in policy development based on their interest on the problem of youth gambling. The task force comprised members from education, finance, law enforcement, gambling industry, health care, research community and government officials from Minnesota State.

The participants with diverse backgrounds and perspectives were brought together to fulfill a commitment to save the youth from the self destructive behavior. They were ready to invest their time, money, energy and their talents in order to address the national problem of youth gambling. All the above participants were volunteers; hence no compensation was made to compel them to attend the meeting.

The leader of the public policy through the public relations office had solicited for funding from progressive gaming operators, insurance executives, lawyers, bankers and other stakeholders who supported the policy development. The fundraising was led by the public relation co-coordinator Mr. Thomas D.

The funds raised would be used to implement the recommendations that would be arrived at during the policy making stage. The Think Beyond task force stated with presentation from selected participants. After the initial presentations, participants were divided into three groups to continue with what was called break out sessions.

Policy theme and goal identification

Breakout session 1 was assigned a task was to come up with the goals of the intended public policy program. The session consisted of ten participants. Each of the participants was asked to contribute materials for designing the vision.

In addition, working as a group the participants would identity the key themes and goals to be included in the vision. This was important as the key themes and goals would contribute positively in recommendations development.

Develop a national policy on problem youth gambling

The main goal for coming up with the above theme was to convene a taskforce involving relevant stakeholders who would foresee the development, enactment and implementation of gambling problem public policy.


The goal of coming with the above theme was to ensure the Think Beyond taskforce explored possible avenues to ensure there was consistent and dedicated revenue for the proposed youth programs.

Law enforcement

The main goal for exploring the above theme was to ensure that the laws that prohibited underage gambling were more consistent and tougher on offenders.

Need for consistent research

The goal was to come with a taskforce that would be in charge of carrying out research so as to consistently measure prevalence. The outcomes of the research would be useful in identifying the program outcomes as well as provide answers to the whys of youth gambling.

Treatment and Training

The participants realized problem gambling was already in existence hence the need for treatment and training programs for the affected and infected. The goal was to design treatment programs informed by research.


The goal under this theme was to use education as a prevention measure. To achieve the goal the taskforce would come up with education programs that are suitable to disseminate information to schools and communities.

Public awareness and media

The goal was to increase awareness of problems and issues associated with youth gambling through the numerous media avenues. In addition, the gambling advertisers would be required to avoid advertisements that are appealing to young consumers.

Assessment of positive trends and assets identification

Break out session 2 main task was to research on the issues that needed to be addressed so as to achieve success of the goals identified by session 1.

They were required to analyze the situation and gauge whether it was possible to achieve the desired goals, identifying the available assets that would contribute positively to goals achievement. The participants would identify the assets of each theme identified above and identify the positive contribution of the identified asset in achieving the main goals.

Positive trends and assets in gambling industry

  • The government and the private sector were willing to assist in addressing the issue of youth and gambling.
  • The above stakeholders were also willing to provide the needed economic resources to support the proposed programs.

Positive trends and assets in communities

  • There was increasing awareness of the issue of youth gambling among the community.
  • Communities were willing to support the programs that aimed at disseminating information on youth gambling.
  • The established community, religious and fraternal groups would be involved in the discussion of devising new gambling policies.

Positive trends and assets in public policy

  • To support the proposed public policy, elected officials were found out to be more inclined to consider youth gambling a national problem that needed an immediate intervention though public policy.
  • The law makers were also willing to support the underage gambling prohibition measures either through funding or devising strict laws.
  • In addition, the public was putting pressure on government to be more accountable of how their funds were being spent. This was a plus as it would ensure the funds set aside for the youth gambling programs was channeled efficiently.
  • To support the execution was the benefits brought about by technology, as it would be easier to forecast the economic and social effects of the gambling policy.

Positive trends and assets in institutions and organizations

  • Many independent and institutional researchers were concerned with problem youth gambling, and directed their research objectives towards the study of the above issue.
  • They also found out that corporations were willing to contribute funds to carry out research on youth gambling problems.
  • Planners of the think beyond program and the sponsors were also willing to invest their time and money to make the policy development a success.

Positive trends and assets in treatment and training

  • It was discovered that specialist trained in dealing with gambling addiction problems were many and were willing to contribute positively to the program.
  • It was also noted that treatment technologies for gambling related problems were becoming more sophisticated and more advanced. This was positive as it meant there was a way out for the youth who has sunk in problem gambling.
  • The numerous online help programs would also contribute positively as well as the involvement of family and friends in supporting the patients.

Positive trends and assets in the media

  • The media was viewed as the best avenue to draw attention to the problem, and if more coverage was enhanced the issue would be widely recognized.
  • In addition, the media was a potential avenue to reach the wide network of youth using youth oriented programs on television and using social media to educate the youth on gambling problems.

Negative trends and obstacles in public policy development

Upon identification of the positive trends and assets that would contribute positively to the policy development, the participants during break session 2 also noted that there were negative trends, of which failure to anticipate them would hinder the achievement of the identified goals.

Obstacles in gambling industry

  • A critical analysis of the gambling industry showed that gambling was commonly taken as form of family entertainment. The perception would hinder dissemination of problem gambling information.
  • It was also noted that there were so many adverts directed towards the young consumers as well as high publicity of lotteries which would make the youth to try gambling.

Obstacles in community

  • It was noted the declining economic prosperity increased the demand for get rich activities.
  • The youth today are bored either because they have no jobs or otherwise, and they took part in gambling for it offered immediate gratification.
  • The youths were becoming more and more disconnected from the society, and in turn results to gambling for emotional connection.
  • The rapid expansion of gambling games that were easily accessible to the youth contributed negatively to the goals achievement.
  • The technological innovation also increased access to cash and credit by use of ATM machines and credit cards.
  • The community failed to provide alternative social programs to keep the youths occupied, and instead they turn to computer games and technologies. The above games influence them negatively as they transfer the skills to gambling games.
  • Online communication had promoted new gambling technologies which made it hard to enforce regulation against youth gambling.
  • Finally, the today families were no longer united a situation which made the life of a youth today to be very stressful in combination with the burden rested on them from school works.

Public policy obstacles

  • The lawmakers had contributed to the rapid expansion of gambling through licensing and rules relaxation. They did so without consideration of the positive and negative effects of their actions on society. In addition, they were not willing to take responsibility of the consequences that arose from their actions.
  • The government was more interested in revenues generated from the gambling industry and cares less on the impact of gambling on its public.

Treatment and training obstacles

  • There was a widespread treatment programs whose methods could not be authenticated.
  • The treatment providers were engaged in turf of wars on the best practices of gambling addiction treatment.
  • The treatment models for training and delivery of services were not adequate
  • Most insurance companies failed to acknowledge gambling addiction among the youth as a medical problem; hence they never allocated funds for prevention and treatment programs.
  • The national reduction of health care services funds was likely to affect the prevention and treatment programs.

Media obstacles

  • The media was more focused on sensationalism and rarely did they concentrate on provision of accurate report of the problem and treatment programs availability.

Actions plans for policy implementation

Having carried out an analysis of the trends, obstacles and opportunities, during break out session 3 the participants’ task was to develop action plans that would oversee the implementation of thick beyond public policy. The participants were required to assess the themes and goals identified earlier and base the action plans on the same. The recommendations that were arrived at were as follows:

Policy development action plans

  • A bi-national task force would be created inclusive of the key stakeholders of public policymaking.
  • Both the public and private sectors that were willing to fund the programs would be identified.
  • To begin implementation of the program the necessary support staff would established.
  • A five-year strategic plan that included program and public policy initiatives would be developed.
  • The research data results would be used as a strategy to gain policy makers support.
  • There was a plan to identity the allies of the policy from the government and private sectors.

After every stage of actions plans development, the participants would assemble to discuss the recommendation. Each of the recommendation was discussed and through a democratic process adjusted based on the majority opinion. It was agreed that a bi-national taskforce was necessary to coordinate the response of the youth on the policy program.

The Minnesota council and XYZ organizational would negotiate and appoint an interim task force. The interim task force would be responsible for developing and circulation of the bi-national plan to other participants.

The permanent bi-national task force upon establishment would develop the recommend five-year strategic plan. The developed plan would capture both public policy and programmatic public policy goals and if possible include legislative proposals.

Recommended action plans on funding

  • A tax-exempt charitable structure would be enacted so as to attract funding.
  • Each of the participants pledged their money that would be used as seed to drive the task force.
  • Potential private and public sector organizations would be identified and funds would be obtained. The collected funds would be used to drive recommended programs in policy development, treatment and training, education, research and public awareness.

Likewise, the above recommendations were tabled for discussion and participants arrived at the following agreements; the participants were in agreement that potential funding sources from the public and private sector should be explored.

To attract more funding, the group would concentrate on increasing public concern on youth gambling, which in turn would attract political attention; hence more funds would be released.

Trends in the previous years had indicated that state legislatures had contributed some considerable amount of money to support some council’s and private gambling treatment centers. it was therefore, recommended that the task force would push the government to set aside some portion of revenues collected form gaming industry to support the anti-gambling programs.

Another measure to attract funding was for the bi-national task force to make the organization a tax exempt charitable organization. This would enable it to solicit for funds from businesses, foundations and the government. The most potential organizations to provide funds are those that dealt with youth health and wellness issues, and the bi-national taskforce was required to focus more attention on the same.

Law enforcement action plans recommendations

  • The organization would lobby for establishment of standardized laws to prevent underage gambling.
  • Lobby for tougher laws on offenders found selling lottery tickets to under age persons, and those who do not make effort to prevent underage gamblers from entering into the casinos of any other organized gambling sites.

When the above recommendations were tabled the participants saw no need to increase the minimum age, instead they agreed that the policy should focus on existing age limit. They also agreed that the tougher measures should include but not limited to loss of license and higher fines plus or minus jail terms.

Research based action plans

  • Establish as mini library where research findings would be deposited. The findings would be designed into educational materials and disseminated across all the established programs. In addition, a websites would be launched to ensure the information reaches a wide audience.
  • An international research agenda would also be developed to gain more information on youth gambling prevalence and to share information on treatment and prevention programs.
  • CDC would also be requested include questions on gambling in their youth health surveys.
  • A uniform methodology to conduct research on youth gambling prevalence would also be developed.

The participants were in agreement that there was need for extensive research on national and international level to assess the prevalence of youth gambling and to explore the different treatment and prevention programs across the country. Since many of the studies used different methods, it was agreed that a uniformed methodology was needed so the results can be generalized.

They also suggested that several research centers be establishes in universities so as to encourage research. The task force would set the research agendas, assist in dissemination of research collection tools, and host conferences to attract more researchers. They also noted that the availability of funds directed at youth gambling researches was a positive asset to the program as many researches would be taping into the resources.

Treatment and training based action plans

  • Develop a manual to guide the establishment of treatment and training centers.
  • Conduct regular assessment of all training centers to ascertain their efficacy in solving the problem. In addition, training of professionals in treatment centers would be offered.

The participants agreed there was need for assessment of existing centers to evaluate their capability it reverse the situation. The assessment reports would be used to solicit for funds from the government as legislators would be more confident with the professionalism of the centers.

An inventory p0rogrma to act as guideline manual for assessing the centers would be designed to ensure uniformity of assessment. In addition, a manual for professional training would be developed so as to integrate treatment needs with professional expertise.

Education based action plans

A committee to oversee the development of a national/international curriculum to be used in schools was to be set up. An educational video package to be distributed to schools would also be developed. Some youths would also be identified to act as role models in an effort to enhance educational effort.

The parents and teachers would also be incorporated in the educational program so they can be sensitized on the dangers of youth gambling. This is because most teachers and parents considered gambling to be harmless and even encouraged it; hence the need to educate them on the dangers of youth gambling.

The participants unanimously agreed on curriculum development. A suggestion was made to iconic youth such as athletes and musicians to act as role models to pass the message of dangers of gambling.

Public awareness and Media based action plans

  • The findings of the task force would be publicized through the media to create public awareness.
  • Allies and potential partners in the media would be identified so as increase public awareness on youth gambling.
  • Bi-national speakers on the issue of youth gambling would be identified.
  • A national week on gambling would be factored where screening test on problem gambling would be televised.
  • Some selected members of the task force would assist stakeholders in the gambling industry to come up with advertisements that discouraged youth gambling.


The participants agreed that publicity of the task force findings was necessary as it would help stimulate discussion of the issue in the society.

Television was identified as the best tool for creating awareness and if possible programs would be designed and allocated time on national televisions. Some media organizations had already shown interest on the issue and partnership with them should be explored to exploit the opportunity of media funded programs.

The issue of gambling advertisement was discussed at length and participants felt there was need for a ‘code of practice’ to discourage adverts that targeted young consumers. The bi-national task force would consult with the industry to come up with standards that would be applicable across the industry.


Having factored in all the elements necessary for enactment of desired public policy, what remained was establishment of an interim task force to oversee the implementation of the recommendations. After the establishment of the interim task force, the next key issue would be to conduct fundraising campaigns for tapping resources from both the public and private sector.

Additionally, solution to the social problem lies with personal will of everyone involved. The priority for policy makers is that they must recognize that there is a problem hence the need to allocate funds to address the problem at hand. Secondly, gambling industry should be responsible and accountable and also be in a position to acknowledge that young people have been adversely affected by gambling.

Hence, they should be part and parcel of anti-youth gambling programs and funding for preventive, training and preventive initiatives. The private sector has an equally important role to play bearing in mind that resources are needed for the recommended programs to take off.


Campbell, C. S. & Smith, G. J. (1998), Canadian gambling: trends and public policy issues. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Dunn, W.N. (2003). Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction (3rd ed.). New York: Prentice Hall.

Messerlian, C., Derevensky, J. & Gupta, R. (2005). Youth gambling problems: a public health perspective. Health promotion international journal, 20(1), 69-79.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 21). Public Policy on Youth Gambling.

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