Saving Sharks from the Extinction Essay

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Sharks are vibrant apex predators, which are generally important in the maritime lifecycle. However, the larger ones are worn-out quicker than they are expected to breed. In fact, this portends the dependability of aquatic ecosystem around the globe.

It is zealous having sharks given that for more than forty million years, they have been necessary for the well-being of the sphere, surroundings, and have fashioned the maritime as well as oceanic lifestyles. Moreover, sharks have both natured and nurtured the continued existence of human race in the long run.

Thus, it is significant for the marshals to guard and secure the naval areas to uncover the abuse and intervene to discontinue the vicious killing of sharks. Sharks continuously rambled marine from the periods when dinosaurs were known to be the most exhilarating water animals.

However, their extensive reign at the zenith of the oceanic food chains might be culminating with time as the species become gradually extinct. The population of sharks for the last sixty-one years has dwindled considerably due to the inception of industrialized fishing. It is indeed imperative to save sharks from the extinction threats that make thirty percent (30.0%) of sharks and other rare species more susceptible to killing for commercial purposes.

This dream can only be realized through the support of International Nature Conservation Union. The commercialization or consumption of shark fin has resulted into a tremendous toll on sharks’ killers as they reduce sharks populace. Shark finning entails an act of fishing the shark, cutting off the fins, and disposing the body remains in the deep-sea.

While running and maintaining worldwide shark fin trade, approximately seventy four million sharks are primarily slayed per annum. For instance, shark fin soup is cherished in the lieu of the Asian delicacy. Generally, over a long period of time and in their entire lifespan, sharks reproduce very few young ones, propagate slowly, and take time to reach maturity stage.

Hence, it is ideal to stop killing sharks given that it exposes them to a state of sluggish recovery from depletion, and extinction besides making the species susceptible to overexploitation. The entire shape of deep-sea ecology faces jeopardy from the diminution of sharks, which are the main predators.

An essential habitat often becomes vanished provided the tiger sharks are killed for broth such that they cannot control their preys’ foraging. In fact, the tiger sharks are interrelated to the eminence of the oceanic lawn beds. Thus, the despair is evident through their kill, green sea turtles, and dugongs, which feed on these seabeds.

Shark slaughter must be stopped if we want to survive, otherwise, the marine will not be able to conserve the healthy steadiness of the oceanic life expectancy. Furthermore, there will be no more shark fin soup, and the disappearance of other seafood species will emerge globally.

To boost the existence of sharks, we should be jointly cautious about the killing and consumption of shark fin broths. Definitely, the flavor of shark fin is no longer shark, but it is typically poultry soup. Nonetheless, the elevated levels of nourishment ingredients are not contained in the shark fin.

Even though the consumption of shark fin broth is perceived to have some customary value attachment, it is not indispensable. We should think about consuming the simulated shark fin if we constantly desire to consume shark fin soup. This follows the fact that different groups get worried distinguishing the dissimilarity from truth as soups are reasonably priced.

The appreciated principles of customary approaches to life are moderation and balance. Hence, we should take decorum and pride in augmenting our ecosystem’s stability via deciding not to devour sharks. In conclusion, in the present-day, it is a critical for us to reverse the universal deterioration of shark populace.

We have to work jointly to inspire the accord associations and fishing states to direct and manage soaring aquatic fisheries. Besides, we ought to campaign for transnational shark preservation and proclaim shark scenery reserves in kingdoms whose static waters have sundry shark population. Surely, sharks are endangered species across the globe.

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IvyPanda. (2019, July 2). Saving Sharks from the Extinction.

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"Saving Sharks from the Extinction." IvyPanda, 2 July 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Saving Sharks from the Extinction'. 2 July.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Saving Sharks from the Extinction." July 2, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "Saving Sharks from the Extinction." July 2, 2019.


IvyPanda. "Saving Sharks from the Extinction." July 2, 2019.

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