The Database Design for a Hospital Management System Report

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The paper focused on the database design for a hospital management system. The challenges of the traditional method of record-keeping were reviewed to find a lasting solution. Consequently, the paper introduced different database designs and its application. Previous literature in database design was reviewed based on the research objective. The objectives, mission statement, user needs, and challenges were summarized in the paper. A report on database design, implementation, and limitation formed the conclusion of the paper. The project objective focused on nursing certifications and data collection. Thus, the database design covered various aspects of nursing certifications and their requirement. Consequently, monthly records and staff identity were generated after completion. In summary, the paper reviewed the need for database technology to improve staff performance.

Information management is designed to assist the user with valid and reliable tools that influence the decision-making process (Ashcroft 2013). As a result, database installation provides an integrated terminal for operations, financial statements, research papers, strategic operations, certification details, work routines to mention a few (Balaraman & Kosalram, 2013). Thus, effective management of databases facilitates specialization, professionalism, efficiency, and productivity. The need to create a user identity, managing director certification, produce monthly reports, write management reports, generate monthly publications, or identity clients list depends on an effective database solution. Information managers can process, sort, match, link, aggregate, calculate, and manage data in server terminals to improve efficiency. Thus, database technologists can link an information portal to register users, relief organizations, social service platforms, health care facilities, email clients, airline reservations to mention a few. The features of databases include self-describing, processing power, combining ability, sharing mechanism, controlled data redundancy, data sharing, unauthorized restrictions, data independence, integrity constraints, transaction processing, multiple data views, backup utilities, and recovery facilities. Thus, database installation is a necessity for quality healthcare delivery.

Health Care Database

Surveys conducted on health care databases revealed that the digitization process facilitates quality service delivery. Thus, securing an organized operation in hospital management depends on information transfer and documentation. By implication, the conventional paper documentation, reporting, and retrieval are replaced with a robust and convenient means of storage (Jones, 2010). The database feature depends on its uses and management, however, the online database system (OLTP) is commonly used in healthcare centers to organize and manage information. The OLTP relies on real-time operations to manage patients’ drug history, bill payment, research, staff records, and certifications. However, the traditional system of reporting affects daily operations in health care management. Previous literature conducted in health care management reviewed the need for digitization (Kaur & Grover, 2013). Emergency room services require real-time information to manage complex situations arising from staff shortages, staff records, drug therapy, and the patient’s history. Thus, an effective information transfer improves the quality of life. The importance of database solutions for hospital management systems cannot be overemphasized. Database installations for hospital management integrate different departments that improve healthcare delivery.

Previous literature in database management revealed the importance of a central information terminal on staff performance (Khan & Saber, 2010). The survey revealed that the computerized method of data collection and storage addressed emergencies to avoid staff shortages. Consequently, nursing certification, which forms the bedrock of quality service delivery, relies on an effective database system. As a result, the responsibility of a registered nurse can be circulated within hours during emergencies. This paper provides the database solution for healthcare management. The problem statement, solution, design, and application were described in subsequent sections.


The current manual storage system limits the efficiency of staff performance. As a result, the manual data collection, paper forms, and data loss characterize the current storage system. By implication, duplicate data, information inconsistencies, and ineffective supervision limit staff motivation and performance. The need for an integrated database system is cost-effective and significant. Reviewing the foregoing discussions on the need for an effective database system, the objective of the design were summarized below.

  1. The transfer and circulation of information are the primary objectives of the database
  2. To generate a monthly report for emergency room directors and ED nursing.
  3. To generate a reliable report on nurses BLS notification
  4. Restructure daily report storage and transfer channels
  5. To improve emergency room services and reduce staff shortages.
  6. To provide certification requirements for various health institutions.

Mission Statement

To provide a robust certification channel to enhance staff educational achievements for quality service delivery.

Project Overview

Daily operations within the organization suffer setbacks when information retrieval is inefficient. Staff motivation facilitates performance; however, an effective monitoring system stimulates employees’ productivity. As a result, the project aims to provide a database system that compiles daily and monthly reports on staff credentials, certification bodies, certification requirements, and deadlines. The automated system will reduce the paperwork by 95 percent. Consequently, the hospital management system provides a secured integration of user needs and confidentiality. Among other things, the DMS will organize staff certification, provide monthly reports, computerize staff credentials, and permit information disseminated effectively. Thus, the database system will provide an effective staff-planning model (SPM). The challenges of the growing population require reliable information on staff credentials, retirement dates, and certification processes to avoid employee shortage. Thus, the features of an effective staff-planning model include data, strategy, planning, and evaluation.

The User Needs: Executive Interview

A randomly selected interview by the hospital management board in the Royal Oak health system revealed that an effective onboarding system stimulates growth and performance. Consequently, records of staff certification, retirement date, and onboarding programs increase the cost of management. As a result, a computerized database system will reduce the cost of manual transactions and nursing turnover.

Consequently, a coordinated interview with Malik health system revealed the challenge of nursing turnovers. The cost implication can be reduced if a workforce-planning model is enforced. Employee certification is another challenge in hospital management that affects performance. Most organizations lack the nominal records of staff credentials to improve performance. As a result, emergencies constitute nursing shortage and poor service delivery. Thus, the need for the SPM will mitigate the poor performance and improve the onboarding program.

Design Challenges

The challenges of the database design where unexpected, thus affected the choice of tool. The first challenge was the schema design. I designed a database with five tables for staff credentials to improve information management. The first challenge was redundancy and data loss during the design. I avoided duplicating row data and tables for staff credentials.

For example, the table unit: Employee Credential: Employee ID: Department ID: Department Name Job portfolio

In the above example, I maintained a single name for staff identification to save storage space and avoid redundancy. Consequently, I avoided losing information links and data repetition. Another problem I encountered was database anomalies. Database anomalies include insertion, deletion, and update. Thus, I inserted the staff identity to match a specific table. However, I avoided placing an employee’s identity in the wrong department. I also avoided database designs with null values. By implication, each table had the staff identity and relevant credentials based on their qualifications. The null rule mitigates staff design with empty attributes.

The objective analysis includes consultation, certification bodies, certification requirement, staff credentials, and education activities. However, the output records include automated list for continuing education, monthly nurse reports, BLS certification update, emergency room report and staff information. The project requirement includes an operating system, database, and software applications.

Software Requirement for the Database Design

Operating system = windows XP, windows 7 & windows 8

Database = SQL SERVER

Web server IIS

Software applications = Microsoft access, adobe Photoshop, and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Language = C#

Web technologies = ASP.NET 2.0

Hardware specifications = Pentium processor, ram, hard disk, Microsoft keyboard.

The Microsoft.NET framework was used to enforce object-oriented design, code execution, communication requirement, and minimize versioning conflicts. However, the features of the language program enforce code security, eliminate application challenges, and improve performance. Other technologies used in the design include the NET framework class library, client application development, server application development, and active server pagesNET. The benefits of the active server pagesNET include performance, tool support, simplicity, scalability, security, availability, manageability, and extensibility

Database Design

The design parameters are established to avoid error coding. However, the database components include UML diagram, USECASE diagram, SEQUENCE diagram, and CLASS diagram. The preliminary phases of the project include planning, analysis, and database design. The mission statement, project specifics, and objectives characterized the planning phase. I aligned the project specifics with the objectives to enhance performance. The analysis phase includes the variables of staff credentials, data collection method, record alternatives and consultation. The design phase, which includes logical and physical design, described the entity relationship and table designs. Thus, the logical design phase reviewed the processes of data management. The process and database command characterized the logical design phase. Consequently, the table section categorized the physical design phase. The databases comprised five tables that enrolled staff credential level based on their certifications.


The implementation process follows two steps, which include system construction and installation. The database testing evaluates its performance based on the objectives. Consequently, associated documentation was carried out to enhance efficiency. Testing is another form of the implementation process in database design. Database testing provides an evaluative mechanism for end users.

Database Evaluation

The testing phase evaluates the database functionality. However, the evaluation process requires a systematic approach to avoid database pitfalls. The database designer must evaluate its performance based on the mission statement, objectives, and project specifics. However, the test result was consistent with previous survey of staff databases (Wang, 2011).

Database Limitation

Some variables limited the development and implementation of the database system. The factors include language criteria, security, and static FAQ file. Other challenges encountered include inadequate research literatures, broad project scope, design problems, and expenditure.


The project addressed the challenges of manual record keeping as it affects nursing certification. Consequently, poor monthly reports, examination schedules, and certification requirements were the project objectives. Thus, I designed an effective database that generated staff credentials, provide monthly reports on staff certifications, and education activities that improve staff performance.


Ashcroft, M. (2013). The impact of information use on decision making by physiotherapists. Library Management, 29(8), 174 – 195.

Balaraman, P., & Kosalram, K. (2013). E –hospital management & hospital information systems: Changing trends. I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 1(1), 50-58.

Jones, M. (2010). Learning the lessons of history: Electronic records in the United Kingdom acute hospitals. Health Informatics Journal, 15(4), 253-263.

Kaur, H., & Grover, D. (2013). Design and development of online hospital management information system. International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research, 3(2), 79-88.

Khan, R., & Saber, M. (2010). Design of a hospital-based database system: A case study of BIRDEM. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 2(8), 2616-2621.

Wang, S. (2011). Toward formalized object-oriented MIS analysis. Journal of Management Information Systems, 16(4), 117 – 141.

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IvyPanda. (2022, April 20). The Database Design for a Hospital Management System.

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"The Database Design for a Hospital Management System." IvyPanda, 20 Apr. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'The Database Design for a Hospital Management System'. 20 April.


IvyPanda. 2022. "The Database Design for a Hospital Management System." April 20, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "The Database Design for a Hospital Management System." April 20, 2022.


IvyPanda. "The Database Design for a Hospital Management System." April 20, 2022.

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