The French Revolution was characterized with several transformations in areas of; economic, social and political, romantic literary was of no exception. Romanticism was anchored in the work of the poets which was evident in the daily lives of the society. Popular romanticism poets included; Percy Shelley, Coleridge, Keats, Byron and Wordsworth. Besides, outstanding women figures such as Mary Robinson, Charlotte Smith and Anna Barbaud, played a significant contribution in romantic literature during this revolution.
The Romantic Movement was necessitated by the revolution against inventive and communal values existing in the society. Prior to Romanism, the system which prevailed, was known as classified as neoclassic. Due to the dire need for reforms and self-independence, neoclassic system of governance was destroyed (Greenblatt, 76). This was because of the inequality existing between the middle- class society and the super-rich.
Did British Romantic Poets Lose Their Faith In Revolutionary Ideals Because Of The French Revolution’s Processes And Outcomes?
British romantic poets embraced mutual coexistence and spoke in one voice during the revolution. This can be attributed in similarity of themes in their pieces of work. However, majority of them were disheartened by the deteriorating state of the economy brought about by war.
There were sights of injured and dead bodies all over which frightened them (Greenblatt, 76). As a result, of the prolonged French revolution, the poet missions were inconvenienced, hence; they were not able to complete their tasks. The poets did not give up their mission despite the collapse of the revolutionary undertakings. The poets regarded the unfolding events as, a cleansing ritual; as, it was previously prophesied in the holy book. They believed the aftermath will mark the beginning of blessings and peace.
The romantics had a strong faith in their work. They did not allow external pressures to distract them from their goals. Most of their poems were very inventive and lyrical which resulted in their isolation (Greenblatt, 76). The romantics loved to travel all over and their writings were mainly of the events which had taken place some time ago. Did the Cautionary Tale of This Revolution Lose Its Power by the Time the 1960s Rolled Around and Romantic Ideas?
The cautionary tale of the French revolution did not lose its power. The human innovative power and the increasing demand for literature materials and articles promoted the continuity of romantic ideas (Wallace, 77).
This is evident in modern literature, which is mainly characterized by using computer technology to pass the message across the society. Also, the revolution contributed to the emergence of cinemas and televisions thus replacing poetry, though most of the current writers still turn to events of the romantic period to strengthen their romantic ideas.
The cautionary tale in relation to the revolution lead to recognition across the universe and was linked with the beginning of inventive thinking and the onset of greater philosophical theories and independence. The current romantic poetry is identical to that of medieval times; the themes are in accordance to passion, human life and expression, which was predominant in during the cautionary tale revolution (Wallace, 77).
Besides, major transformations have taken place in the twentieth century, as the women models continued to be recognized, thus establishing equality in the society. Women are now accorded the same status like their males. For instance, Margaret Thatcher was elected the first woman as a prime minister in 1979. Also, women have been active in fields such as in priesthood, which was a preserve for male folks.
The romantic era is the onset of literature, and it gave rise to dramas, prose essays, novels, and the most common is the poetry (Wallace, 77). One of the best poets of ancient times referred to the French revolution as being the foundation block of our modern way of life.
The romantic period commenced in 1798-1832, and lasted for almost thirty four years, it was later preceded by the Victorian era. This period marked a revolution in areas of; drama, poetry, novel and prose essay. Modern literature continues to characterize on the happenings of the romantic era. Besides, the role of women in romantic literature was significant, thus; they were greatest poets and their themes mainly featured on real-life experiences.
Works Cited
Greenblatt, Stephen. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume 2: The Romantic Period through the Twentieth Century, New York, 2006.
Wallace, Miriam L. Enlightening Romanticism, Romancing the Enlightenment: British Novels from 1750 to 1832, Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2009.