Introduction: About CCSS
One of the most essential issues in the sphere of the modern education, the importance of the CCSS still causes unceasing debates. On the one hand, the existing standards prove to be quite satisfying; however, on the other hand, it must be admitted that the CCSS needs considerable amendments. Therefore, it is essential to consider the existing CCSS.
The Summary of the Article
Offering a completely new vision of the students’ learning program and the means to learn the new information, the CCSS is supposed to provide people with considerably more options in their studying process and at the same time make the latter as less complicated as possible. Clearing all obstacles that stand in the way of the modern students, the CCSS is supposed to offer people a whole new world of studying.
However, it must be admitted that the CCSS contains quite a lot of controversial issues. Triggering a number of questions concerning how the CCSS works and what strategies the new system offers to make the studying process more ordered and less confusing, the CCSS is quite a debatable issue.
As Watt (2011) himself emphasizes, “Awareness about a lack of agreement between what standards based education is intended to be and what it actually is led policy makers to determine that common standards offered a solution to this problem” (5).
It is also essential to mark that the issue is intertwined with the No Child Left Behind Act. Once created for the needs and wants of numerous students who needed support, the CCSS is now turning into the policy that could satisfy the needs of stakeholders, as Watts (2011) explains. Hence, the reconsideration of the CCSS implementation is strongly required.
Government and Education
In the current policy concerning the education and the CCSS issues, the involvement of the government is completely evident. Once taking the educational issues as the proper means of solving the economical problems, the government is continuing the above-mentioned policy, which has its negative effect of the system and quality of education.
As Altbach (2011) emphasizes, “For some within higher education, even the mention of state government conjures up negative images” (220). Obviously, the government is supposed to change its policy towards educational establishments, taking them as independent structures.
However, according to Lardizabal (2005), the government’s partial involvement into the educational issues is one of the foundations of education and its basic principles (72). Therefore, the golden mean between the government’s partaking in the educational sphere reconstruction must be found, otherwise the system of education might be dangerously harmed.
Conclusion: The Prospects
As it can be seen from the examples above, the offered CCSS system does not substitute the existing one, since it does not comply with the requests and needs of the modern students. In addition, the fact that the government is concerned mainly with the profitability of the educational establishments is another reason for considerable doubts in the new CCSS implication.
Even though the current system of education is far from being flawless, the offered changes can harm the sphere of education considerably, which is highly undesirable. Thus, the CCSS proposal must be reconsidered once again and the implementation of the new CCSS strategy must be postponed till it becomes a completely impeccable mechanism.
Reference List
Altbach, P. G., et al. (2011). American higher education in the twenty-first century: Social, political and economic challenges. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press.
Lardizabal, A. S. (2005). Foundations of education (psychological, sociological and anthropological). Quezon City, PH: Rex Bookstore, Inc.
Watt, M. G. (2011). The common core state standards initiative: An overview. Washington, DC: ERIC.