The Renaissance is undoubtedly one of the most discussed periods in both art and history. The Renaissance, regarded as the most influential era in art history, produced many productive artists whose works and influences are still appreciated and admired today. Europe was reawakened during the Renaissance, characterized by a fresh surge of self-definition, music, and art. The event in my life that I consider to be a renaissance period is my graduation ceremony. I consider it to be my Renaissance period because it symbolized the beginning of a new chapter in my life. One thing that makes me consider myself classic is how I interact with others. Regardless of the age gap, I prefer to connect with people readily and mingle wherever I go.
Humanism is a humane, logical ideology influenced by art and science. It encourages the maximization of individual liberty and opportunity in the context of social and planetary responsibility while asserting the intrinsic worth of every human being. Contrapposto, which equates to “opposite” in Italian, was historically a major development in art since it was the first instance in Western art history when the human anatomy was employed to depict a more laid-back psychological viewpoint (King, 2018).
This makes the image appear more active or relaxed, depending on one’s preference. Without Sandro Botticelli, Western art history would not have been the same. Top clients of Botticelli included prominent members of the Medici family, whose works are regarded as some of the best examples of the Renaissance movement. The Birth of Venus, one of Botticelli’s most well-known pieces, is the one I liked the best since it has mythological subjects that represent the values that were prevalent in Italy at the time.
King, M. L. (2018). The Renaissance. Renaissance and Reformation. Web.