The threat of terror attacks presents one of the primary issues in global safety. The video focuses on the issue of domestic terrorism in the U.S. in light of the January 6th attack on the Capitol (Center for Strategic & International Studies, 2021). The video draws attention to the growing number of military personnel involved in domestic terrorism, from zero in 2018 to 6,4% in 2020 (Center for Strategic & International Studies, 2021). The trend emphasizes the potential threat of more active duty and reserves service members participating in domestic terrorism attacks. Through training and service, military personnel develops special skills which increase their potential to cause significant damage compared to ordinary protesters. Thus, the video emphasizes the importance of addressing the issue of domestic terrorism on all levels, including detecting the potential tendency for terrorism in military personnel during training.
I believe that the study of terrorism is an important topic because it allows learning from tragic events and creates directions for further development of security in the country.
The number of research on terrorism and potential threats to national security significantly increased after the 9/11 attack (Phillips, 2021). Furthermore, many other countries implemented anti-terrorism measures after the 9/11 attack and declared them sufficient without considering the regional characteristics of countries (Hodwitz, 2019). While the implementation of existing anti-terrorist measures can have positive results, a deeper study of the regional elements of terrorism is necessary to guarantee a higher level of protection against potential threats. Furthermore, the lack of knowledge about terrorism creates negative stereotypes about people of specific religious and ethnic backgrounds. Refugees are often viewed as potential terrorists, which leads to politically motivated violence and discrimination against immigrants (Klein, 2021). Comprehensive terrorism studies can help in the elimination of such xenophobic stereotypes by providing objective data.
Center for Strategic & International Studies (2021). Data unpacked – the military, police, and rising U.S. terrorism [Video]. YouTube. Web.