70 Afghanistan War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Afghanistan War Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Costs Effects of the War in Afghanistan
    This highlights the causes of the war and Justifies the United States Action to invade Iraq on the argument of self-defense based on the UN Charter.
  2. Operation «Anaconda» in Afghanistan
    The Taliban resistance turned out to be much stronger than expected, and the operation became the largest battle since the beginning of the war.
  3. The Afghanistan War From a Utilitarian Point of View
    I think that a utilitarian would support this war directly after the initial terrorist attacks, as the perceived benefit will be increased happiness for the United States from the lack of outside threats.
  4. Researching of Crisis in Afghanistan
    After the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan, the U.S.evacuated the Americans by Aug.31. It is important to note that the Biden administration claims an international agreement with Taliban representatives to allow the United States to […]
  5. The Taliban Resurgence After Their Fall in 2001 in Afghanistan
    It is, therefore, true to conjecture that the insurgency in Afghanistan was as a result of the inefficiency and the inability of the government to counter and resolve the challenges faced by the country and […]
  6. Why the U.S. Should Withdraw From Afghanistan?
    The main threat is related to terrorist activity, which may increase after the withdrawal of troops, and with no presence in the area, it may be impossible for the US to prevent the harm.
  7. The Role of Islamic Rhetoric in the Afghanistan-Soviet War of 1979 – 1989
    It is the resilience of the people and harshness of the terrain that made it difficult to conquer the country that borders Pakistan to the South, Iran to the West, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan to the east.
  8. The Activities That Lead to the Afghanistan War
    It provides in-depth discussions into the Soviet Union’s involvement in the war, the international position on the activities of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, foreign involvement and help to Mujahideen, the withdrawal and exit of […]
  9. Troop Increase in Afghanistan
    President Obama explains the situation of the war in Afghanistan and the efforts that the United States has made regarding the war, but first begins by explaining the cause of the war.
  10. Afghanistan and The Soviet Invasion
    The very existence of the civil Government in Afghanistan is with the active assistance of the reigning National Alliance, needs the support of foreign powers and NATO allies to stay in power.
  11. War in Afghanistan and Its Ethical Implications
    The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that the American Government did not appreciate the magnitude of the ethical implications of the war in regards to the state, world politics, world economy and the […]
  12. Taliban’s Role in US Desire for Peaceful Afghanistan
    Therefore, the Taliban actions against the civilians, as well as their participation in other terrorists’ actions have become the trigger to the U.S.intervention aimed at establishing peace and welfare and in Afghanistan, as well as […]
  13. The US Involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan
    However, a significant number of objectives that underpinned the Iraq war were achieved, but the overall objective of making the world a safer place to live in after the toppling of the Baath party and […]
  14. US Interests in the Middle East and Afghanistan
    According to Fields, there have been a lot of efforts by the United States to enhance the reconstruction of the country after a lengthy period of war against terrorism in the region.
  15. Conflict in Afghanistan: Pakistan Funds the Taliban Fighters
    Basing on the fact that the nation has a voice in the recruitment of manpower in the Taliban, it is the role of Pakistan to plan and direct all offenses in the nation.
  16. Afghanistan’s Security and US Presence
    From the 1980s the Taliban, which began as a resistance group fighting against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, has played a key role in the affairs of Afghanistan. This paper has argued that the presence […]
  17. Why the Soviets Lost Their War in Afghanistan
    The news brought with it the surmise that this was a war that Afghanistan, a disunited country with limited military resources, would not stand up to the military might of the Soviet Union, leading to […]
  18. The Use of Force Against Afghanistan by the U.S.
    The use of force by the U.S.was just under the just war theory because it was executed for self-defense and elimination of a terrorist threat that was difficult to combat.
  19. U.S. War in Afghanistan: Pros and Cons
    Although the US war in Afghanistan has lasted a decade already and is still continues as we speak, the United States of America together with its allies should still persist because the Afghan government needs […]
  20. British Army in Afghanistan
    The war in Afghanistan started with the conflicts between the British army and the Al-Qaeda and the Taliban group as the supporters of Al-Qaeda squad.
  21. Private Security Contractors in Iraq & Afghanistan
    However, the following arguments seek to reinforce the fact that the use of private security contractors is desirable in contemporary settings. Consequently, it is safe to argue that the continued use of private security contractors […]
  22. War in Afghanistan: Should the U.S. Pull Out Now?
    Therefore, the United States need to pull out its troops from Afghanistan because the cost of retaining them is unsustainable, Al-Qaeda organization is no longer a threat, and that Afghanistan requires independence to fight terrorism.
  23. Effects of the War in Afghanistan
    The trigger for the current war in Afghanistan was the September 11 attacks in the United States in the year 2001.
  24. What the U.S. Should Do in Afghanistan
    The ability of an enemy to fight back harder is not necessarily an indication that the important war against the menace of terrorism and anarchy in Afghanistan is unwinnable.
  25. Why U.S. Troops Should Stay in Afghanistan
    S embassies in Kenya, Tanzania and the terror attacks on the U. The living legacy of Osama should send fears in the nerves of the U.
  26. Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Impact on the USA’s Economy
    The meaning of this is that the household would have a lesser amount of money to spend, as a bigger portion of it will be directed to supporting the war.
  27. War in Afghanistan: Security Strategies and Policies of the Countries Involved
    Afghanistan was the origin of the attack and thus U.S.troops were deployed to Afghanistan after the attack.U.S.military then overthrew the Taliban government leading to retaliations by the Taliban which have hitherto resulted to high levels […]

👍 Good Essay Topics on Afghanistan War

  1. Soviet Logistics in the Afghanistan War
  2. Canadian Attitudes Towards the Afghanistan War
  3. The Long Term Effects of the War in Afghanistan
  4. War Between Afghanistan and the United States
  5. Rebuilding Core Institutions of the Afghan State During the Afghanistan War
  6. Terrorism and Religious Extremism During the War in Afghanistan
  7. The War Against Terrorism: The Taliban in Afghanistan
  8. The War in Afghanistan: The Main Driving Force Behind the Invasion
  9. The War in Afghanistan and the Interim Government
  10. Analysis of American Foreign Policy and the Afghanistan War
  11. Air Attacks During the War in Afghanistan
  12. Corporate and Private Interests Behind the War in Afghanistan
  13. Relationship Between the Korean War and the Afghanistan War
  14. Problems of the Withdrawal of American Troops From Afghanistan During the War
  15. Military Base During the War in Afghanistan
  16. The Link Between the War in Afghanistan and Economic Dependence
  17. Next Steps in the War in Afghanistan: Issues for Congress
  18. The Experience of French Military Ophthalmologists in the War in Afghanistan
  19. Remote Sensing and GIS as Counterterrorism Tools in the Afghanistan War
  20. The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in the War in Afghanistan

⭐ Simple & Easy Afghanistan War Essay Titles

  1. Exploring What Caused the War on Afghanistan
  2. Scars Left From the War in Afghanistan
  3. Suicidal Thoughts in Afghanistan War Veterans
  4. Costs of the Afghanistan War, in Lives and Dollars
  5. Life-Changing Perspectives Brought by the Deployment of the War in Afghanistan
  6. American Foreign Policy and the War in Afghanistan
  7. Anger, Hostility, and Aggression Among Afghanistan War Veterans
  8. The Assassination of the Northern Alliance During the War in Afghanistan
  9. Humanitarian Aid and Corruption in Afghanistan During the War
  10. Television War Story From Afghanistan
  11. The Human Rights Situation in War-Torn Afghanistan
  12. The Link Between an Al-Qaeda and Taliban in the War in Afghanistan
  13. Prelude to the September 11 Attacks During Afghanistan War
  14. Military Suicide During the Afghanistan War
  15. War Conflict Between Afghanistan and Russia
  16. The War in Afghanistan: Campaign Progress, Political Strategy, and Issues for Congress
  17. The Afghanistan War With the Soviet Union
  18. Changes in the Country After the War in Afghanistan
  19. Funding for the War in Afghanistan
  20. The Connection Between the Terrorist Attacks and the War in Afghanistan

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"70 Afghanistan War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/afghanistan-war-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '70 Afghanistan War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.


IvyPanda. 2024. "70 Afghanistan War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/afghanistan-war-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "70 Afghanistan War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/afghanistan-war-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "70 Afghanistan War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/afghanistan-war-essay-topics/.