123 Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Topics & Examples

If you’re writing about patients with memory loss or dementia care and treatment, this article will be of use. Our team has prepared Alzheimer’s disease essay examples and topics below.

🏆 Best Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Examples & Topics

  1. Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease
    The study will discuss the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease, such as risk factors, cellular involvement, genetic influences, and the interventions of the available therapy’s pharmacological Interventions.
  2. The Effect of Music on People With Alzheimer’s Disease
    The evidence suggests that one of the most prominent effects of music on patients with Alzheimer’s disease is autobiographical memory preservation alongside the stimulation of both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
  3. Early Diagnosis and Imaging Techniques for Alzheimer’s Disease: MRI and PET Scans
    This paper aims to cover the Early Identification of Patients in the Pre-Demented Stage of Alzheimer’s Disease and methods that can be used to detect it.
  4. Alzheimer’s Disease: Factors and Prevention
    One of the most common cognitive issues in the elderly population is Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, Alzheimer’s disease is most commonly observed in the population aged 65 and older.
  5. Alzheimer’s Disease: The Stem Cell Therapy
    The task of disposing of unused frozen human embryos differs from disposing of other medical tissues. Similarly, before disposing of the embryo, other individuals might need to perform cultural traditions with or for it.
  6. Physician-Assisted Suicide, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Genetics
    In other words, it is the study of genes and traits passed from parents to offspring and the differences in traits, such as physical and mental traits.
  7. Alzheimer’s Disease: Making Decisions for Patient
    Based on the condition of the patient, the best decision to manage the condition is through the use of cognitive behavioral strategies.
  8. Alzheimer’s Disease: Debilitating Neurological Ailment
    A sound knowledge of Alzheimer’s disease should give a better comprehension of the aging process, insights into how brain function changes in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, and a viewpoint on how to delay or prevent […]
  9. The Study of Alzheimer’s Disease
    Therefore, the study of Alzheimer’s disease will help to gain an understanding of its characteristics, consequences, and methods of treatment among the older generation.
  10. The Case Study of Patient With Late-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
    In the majority of cases of Alzheimer’s, it has been shown that patients are unable to make decisions on their own and are also unable to communicate their assent verbally.
  11. Therapeutic Dogs, Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Fluid Intelligence
    It is worth noting that with dementia, the patient has a speech disorder and a personality change in the early stages of the pathology.
  12. The Alzheimer’s Association Dementia Care Practice
    Therefore, achieving the philosophy and recommendations of the association is a shared responsibility between doctors, patients, and caregivers. Ultimately, CAPD tests the functionalities of the patient ranging from the psychomotor activities, perceptions, awareness, and orientations, […]
  13. Dementia, Alzheimer, and Delirium in an Elderly Woman
    Additionally, she struggles with identifying the appropriate words to use in dialogue and changes the topic. Timing: While in the middle of conversations and public places like supermarkets.
  14. Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis and Intervention
    The accumulation of plaques and tangles in the brain is a hallmark of the disease, resulting in the death of neurons and a decline in mental capacity.
  15. Alzheimer’s Disease: Assessment and Intervention
    The caregiver is recommended to install safety locks and alarms on all doors and windows to prevent the patient from leaving the apartment without supervision.
  16. Management of a Patient With Alzheimer’s: Case Study
    The correlation between this issue and the probability of the emergence of AD in elderly citizens is proved by the scholars who examined the impact of the quality of air on a person’s health.
  17. Bilinguals’ Cognitive-Linguistic Abilities and Alzheimer’s Disease
    This irregularity is reflected in the preserved linguistic abilities, including code-switching and semantic fluency, and the declined functions in translation, picture naming, and phonemic fluency, calling for improved therapy and testing practices.
  18. Managing Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
    The PICOT question is “In the care of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, does integrated community-based care as compared to being in a long-term care facility improve outcome throughout the remainder of their lives”.
  19. Alzheimer’s Disease: Definition, Stages, Diagnosis
    Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, and it is a condition in which the brain stops appropriately performing its functions.
  20. Fall Risk Assessment of Alzheimer’s Patient
    The nurse answers questions about the old lady helps fill the Stay Independent brochure and assists the observing physician in carrying the various clinical tests on the patient.
  21. Alzheimer’s Disease in an Iranian Patient
    The patient in the company of his son returns to the clinic after four weeks. Since the patient shows no side effects of the disease and an increase in Exelon to 6 mg orally BID […]
  22. Mr. Akkad and Alzheimer’s Disease: Case Study
    The onset of the symptoms is reported to have been within the past two years, but the situation has begun to deteriorate, prompting Mr.
  23. Alzheimer’s Disease: History, Mechanisms and Treatment
    Nevertheless, researchers state that the development of Alzheimer’s is impacted by the formation of protein plaques and tangles in the brain.
  24. Alzheimer’s Disease: Causes and Treatment
    AD is associated with different changes, both cognitive and behavioral. A patient can observe some or all of them depending on the development of the disease.
  25. Frontotemporal Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s Disease in a Patient
    Moreover, Alzheimer’s disease affects hypertrophies in the hippocampus as the initial part is involved in the brain’s memory areas and spatial orientation.
  26. Alzheimer’s Disease: Diagnostic and Treatment
    Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive degenerative disorder that causes a deterioration of mental and cognitive abilities.
  27. Community Health: Alzheimer’s Disease
    The community nurse’s role is to develop and participate in primary, secondary, and tertiary preventive strategies and to provide a wide range of nursing care services while maintaining the health and wellbeing of individuals with […]
  28. Challenges of Living With Alzheimer Disease
    The medications make the condition of the patient better during the first stages of the disease. During the middle stage of the disease, the symptoms worsen.

💡 Most Interesting Alzheimer’s Disease Topics to Write about

  1. The Burden of Alzheimer’s Disease
    Assessing the appropriateness and effectiveness of reducing the cost of providing care for patients with Alzheimer remains a major issue that needs to be addressed.
  2. Chronic Care For Alzheimer’s Disease
    The application of the Chronic Care Model, in its turn, will serve as the foundation for building the patient’s awareness about their condition, thus, improving the patient’s quality of life and creating the environment, in […]
  3. Synopsis of Research Studies of Individuals Afflicted by Mild Alzheimer’s Disease
    The research questions in the articles were tailored along the various physical activities that can assist patients affected by Alzheimer Disease.
  4. Alzheimer’s Disease and Naturopathic Medicine
    The main feature of AD is the aggregation of -amyloid. However, application of natural therapies to prohibit the process of the pathways can slow the progress of AD.
  5. Brain Reduction and Presence of Alzheimer’s Disease
    The purpose of the study was to examine the correlation between brain reduction and the presence of Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers wanted to examine the nature of such changes in elderly individuals at low risk […]
  6. Alzheimer Related Morbidity and Death Among New Yorkers
    Generally, Alzheimer disease is a form of dementia, which inflicts a loss of memory, thinking and behavior. The proportion of ethnic and racial diversity in the US is increasing.
  7. Environmental Interview on a Patient With Alzheimer Disease
    In the 1980s, delusions and hallucinations were added as signs of the disease. Researches in the 1960’s show a link between cognitive reduction and the number of ailments in the brain.
  8. Alzheimer’s Disease Article and Clinical Trial
    This study shows that environmental hazards, in this case lead, increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and that the development period is crucial for determining future vulnerability to neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease.
  9. Alzheimer’s Disease: Regarding Physiology
    However, one clear aspect of the development of this disease arises from a very complex chain of activities taking place in the brain over a long period of time.
  10. Mapping the Neurofibrillary Degeneration From Alzheimer’s Disease Patient
    This is an analytic review of the studies elaborating on the relationship of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and focusing on the antigen capture ELISA specific for p-tau proteins.
  11. Role of Alzheimer’s Disease Advanced in Our Understanding of the Aging Process
    Aging on the hand can be defined as the accumulation of different harmful changes in the tissues and cells that raises the possibility of disease and death.
  12. Alzheimer’s Disease: Medical Analysis
    Such gene-associated markers have been characterized, in particular the apolipoprotein E gene, which was linked to chromosome# 19, and was responsible for accumulation of A by way of binding to this protein.
  13. Diabetic Teaching Plan for Alzheimer’s Patient
    He knows the purposes and some of the steps and needs to be taught again to regain his independence in monitoring his blood glucose level.
  14. Comparing Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease
    There are many superficial similarities between Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease primarily in some symptoms and age-group of persons afflicted by these two diseases.
  15. The Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease on Family Members
    The disease develops gradually and is said to be a disease of the old because it relates to the inability to remember.
  16. Alzheimer’s Disease in Science Daily News Article
    The news article accurately reports the focus of the study in the diagnosis of AD. Hence, the news article accurately presents that the diagnostic method is important in the diagnosis and prognosis of AD among […]
  17. Dancing and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
    Despite the fact that there is no effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, scientists discovered that dancing could help reduce the severity of the disorder as this activity involves simultaneous brain functioning, which helps to affect […]
  18. Alzheimer’s Disease Prevalence and Prevention
    The estimated global prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease is 50 million and is projected to triple by 2050 due to growth in the older generation. According to Alzheimer’s Association, AD is the fifth-ranking killer of persons […]
  19. Alzheimer’s and Cardiovascular Diseases Progress
    While the design of the study involves a review of the existing papers and a compilation of their key results, the information provided by the authors is nonetheless crucial to the understanding of the issue.
  20. The Alzheimer’s Disease Concept
    In simple words, it is the condition caused by the negative changes in the human brain that, as the end result, leads to memory loss and some behavioral issues that worsen the quality of patient’s […]
  21. Alzheimer’s Disease in Medical Research
    The existing data proposes that if the illness is distinguished before the commencement of evident warning signs, it is probable that the treatments founded on the facts of fundamental pathogenesis will be of assistance in […]
  22. Age Ailment: Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
    It is a time for one to clean the mind and take time to do what matters most in life. With an increased level of technological advancements, a digital sabbatical is mandatory to lower the […]
  23. Psychology Issues: Alzheimer’s Disease
    Alzheimer’s disease is a psychological disorder that involves the progressive destruction of brain cells and reduction in the proper functioning of the brain.
  24. Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
    According to documented research, Alzheimer’s disease is the primary cause of dementia affecting close to half a million people in the United Kingdom and five million in the United States.
  25. Health Care for Elderly People With Alzheimer’s Disease
    C’s condition is not likely to affect the relationship between her and her relatives if they are sensible toward her. C is to take her to a nursing home for the elderly.
  26. Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
    The most remarkable feature of the disease is the loss of ability to remember events in an individual’s life. According to the latter hypothetical medical study, it has been exemplified that the presence of deposits […]
  27. Concept and Treatment of the Alzheimer Disorder
    This implies that cognitive and natural therapies are highly perceived to be effective as opposed to pharmacological treatments. One cannot ignore the fact that both cognitive and natural therapies have become widely accepted in treating […]
  28. Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease Among Older Population
    After the 65 years, it has been found that the probability of developing Alzheimer’s disease doubles after every 5 years and as a result, by the age of 85 years, the risk of acquiring the […]
  29. Concepts of Alzheimer’s Disease
    The brain changes are the same in both men and women suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. There is also a significant increase in the death of the neurons leading to the shrinking of the affected regions.

📌 Simple & Easy Alzheimer’s Disease Research Topics

  1. Alzheimer’s Association of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
  2. The Potential Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: Through CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing
  3. Alzheimer’s Condition as an Enemy of Mental Health
  4. Vitamin a as a Potential Therapy to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
  5. The Relationship Between Gender and Alzheimer’s Disease
  6. The Stages and Treatments of Alzheimer’s Disease
  7. The Clinical Description of the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
  8. The Description of Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Statistics in America
  9. The Psychological Symptoms of Alzheimer’s the Cognitive Symptoms
  10. Varying Aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease and Implementations
  11. The Effects of Alzheimer’s and Dementia Among Elderly
  12. The Early Symptoms and Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease
  13. Watching a Loved One Slip Away From Alzheimer’s Disease
  14. The Differences Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s Dementia
  15. A History of Alzheimer’s Disease and Why It Is Still One of the Most Researched Diseases Today
  16. A Healthy Lifestyle Might Help Combat Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease
  17. The Studies of Music and How It May Not Help the Alzheimer’s Disease
  18. The Trials of Caring for a Loved One With Alzheimer’s Disease
  19. Alzheimer’s Disease a Progressive and Fatal Disease of the Brain

👍 Good Research Topics about Alzheimer’s Disease

  1. The Effects of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease on Caregivers and the Care Needed for Suffering Patients
  2. The Psychologist’s Role in Addressing Family and Community Problems for Families With Alzheimer’s Disease
  3. Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Effect on the Patient and Care Giver
  4. The Statistics of Prevalence of Alzheimer’s Disease in the 21st Century
  5. The Link Between Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease
  6. The Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease
  7. The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
  8. The Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease in the Documentary “Black Daises for the Bride”
  9. The Physiology and Genetics Behind Alzheimer’s Disease
  10. The Early Manifestations of Alzheimer’s Disease
  11. The Role of Gamma Secretase in Alzheimer’s Disease
  12. The Lack of Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease
  13. The Representation of Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Impact in the Film “Still Alice”
  14. The Possible Link of the Human Immune System to Alzheimer’s Disease
  15. The Study of Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Affect on the Elderly
  16. The Characteristics, History, Symptoms, Statistics, and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
  17. The Triggers, Progression, and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
  18. Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer’s Disease
  19. The Positive Impact of Exercise in Protecting the Brain From Alzheimer’s Disease
  20. Three Primary Types of Dementia: Alzheimer’s Disease, Vascular Dementia
  21. The Causes, Risks, Factors, and Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
  22. The Contingent Valuation Method in Health Care: An Economic Evaluation of Alzheimer’s Disease

❓ Research Questions About Alzheimer’s Disease

  1. What Is the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?
  2. What Is the Main Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease?
  3. How Do You Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?
  4. Who Is at High Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease?
  5. What Foods Cause Alzheimer’s Disease?
  6. Do Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Sleep a Lot?
  7. Do Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Know They Have It?
  8. Do Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Feel Pain?
  9. What Is the Best Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease?
  10. How Long Do Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Live?
  11. What Do Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Think?
  12. Do People with Alzheimer’s Disease Have Trouble Walking?
  13. Is End Stage Alzheimer’s Disease Painful?
  14. What Are the Final Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease Before Death?
  15. Does Alzheimer’s Disease Run in Families?
  16. Should You Tell Alzheimer’s Disease Patients the Truth?
  17. Why Do Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Stop Talking?
  18. How Do You Know When an Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Is Dying?
  19. Which Is Worse: Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease?
  20. What to Say to Someone Who Has Alzheimer’s Disease?
  21. How Does Alzheimer’s Disease Affect Eyes?
  22. Are Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Happy?
  23. What Are the Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease?
  24. What Is the Best Way to Help Someone with Alzheimer’s Disease?
  25. What Are Good Activities for Alzheimer’s Disease Patients?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 16). 123 Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/alzheimers-disease-essay-topics/

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"123 Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda, 16 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/alzheimers-disease-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '123 Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Topics & Examples'. 16 November. (Accessed: 24 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "123 Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Topics & Examples." November 16, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/alzheimers-disease-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "123 Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Topics & Examples." November 16, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/alzheimers-disease-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "123 Alzheimer’s Disease Essay Topics & Examples." November 16, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/alzheimers-disease-essay-topics/.