131 College Students Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best College Students Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Financial Challenges of College Students
    One of the reasons for this is that being a student, a person is exposed to a lot of stressors and pressures on a daily basis, including an expectation to show excellent academic results, as […]
  2. Stress Among College Students: Causes, Effects and Overcomes
    Due to stress, college students may experience such adverse outcomes as the decreased levels of cognitive functioning, the impaired ability to study, and, consequently, lower academic performance.
  3. Being a College Student
    In its turn, this also implies that, in order for college students to excel in their studies, they must be willing to act in a thoroughly self-disciplined manner.
  4. Should College Students Be Required to Attend Class
    The objective of this paper is to discuss the reasons why students must be required to attend class. Attending class practices is very significant because it gives room for a student to consult from the […]
  5. Comparison of Stress Level Among Traditional Learning and Online Learning College Students
    The distance learners have been perceived to be enjoying a suitable environment of learning as opposed to the traditional classroom learners who experience high levels of stress.
  6. Stress in College Students, Its Causes and Effects
    Recognizing the cause and effect of stress in college students is an important aspect in college management and leadership as it will lead to a better understanding and development of the appropriate methods for intervention.
  7. Skin Tones and Beauty Perception Among College Students
    At the same time, due to the existing “European standard of beauty”, which dictates that the closer a face is to having European features, the more attractive it seems, some individuals tend to find representatives […]
  8. Personal Responsibility of College Students
    Personal responsibility requires a person to acknowledge what one wants to achieve in college, understand the need to manage time effectively and wisely, between the outside and college life.
  9. College Student: Challenges and Pressures
    Popular movies created the attractive image of the college life for young people, but it is important to pay attention to the fact that the main purpose of entering the college for the majority of […]
  10. Consequences of a College Student Cheating in Exams
    Another effect of cheating in exams is that the honest present and even the future students in the system also suffer from the cheating behaviour.
  11. College Students’ Healthy Nutrition Research
    This study will examine health and nutrition behaviors of college students in order to gain deeper understanding of the factors that influence food consumption particularly, among the university students.
  12. Bayview University’s College: Ethical Behavior of Business Students
    This report presents the findings of a study commissioned by the dean of the College of Business at Bayview University. The objective of the study is to assess the current ethical behavior of business students […]
  13. Role of College Student Development Theory in Undergraduate College Life
    The main features that are introduced by the instructor are the usage and emphasis of case examples in the educational process and the second focus of the instructor is special attention to two spheres: individual […]
  14. Should College Students Have Credit Cards
    This paper aims to discuss the causes of credit card debts among students and the effects such debts may bring about to students’ lives.
  15. Reference Groups: College Students
    This paper presents some topics like various reference groups of college students, most important reference groups and the difference between high school students and college students having reference groups in moulding of one’s personality.
  16. Academic Performance of College Students: Influence of Time Spent Studying and Working
    There is a general tendency among students who work and study at the same time consisting in the fact that students tend to spend more time at work instead of devoting their time to studies.
  17. Tutoring Programs for College Students
    The students also have the freedom to choose the tutors who are best suited to their needs and the most affordable.
  18. The First-Generation College Student Experience
    Angelica was a first-generation college student and she was likely to identify with the plight of her immediate family. Angelica lacked the financial resources that could have alleviated most of her college-related problems.
  19. How Sleep Deprivation Affects College Students’ Academic Performance
    The study seeks to confirm the position of the hypothesis that sleep deprivation leads to poor academic performance in college students.
  20. Lawsuits Regarding College Students With Disabilities
    Abuse is one of the factors considered to have discouraged physically challenged students from pursuing their academic careers.
  21. Money Saving Methods for College Students
    A budget is one of the methods that a college student can use to save money. In the budget, one should indicate how much to save and the means of saving the money.
  22. College Students: Internet Addiction
    The authors also note that the use and access of the internet have increased in the past decades. Additionally, the authors argue that conflicts between parents and young individuals are likely to result in internet […]
  23. Methylphenidate on Choice Reaction of College Students
    The present study examines the effects of Ritalin, a commonly consumed methylphenidate, on cognitive performance with a focus on choice reaction time in response to stimuli.
  24. Note-Taking Habits of 21st-Century College Students
    The article aims at investigating the impact of emerging technological developments on taking notes and updating the existing literature on the general note-taking behavior of students.
  25. Anorexia Nervosa Development in a College Student
    For example, one study investigated adolescents’ and parents’ perspectives on the early detection of and response to eating disorders and found that parents should be proactive, assertive, supportive, and understanding when intervening in their children’s […]
  26. College Student Learning During COVID-19
    Similarly, the online survey was short and accessible to all the participants they all had an equal chance of participating in the study.
  27. Procrastination Among College Students
    It is not the fear of failure that keeps people from taking on assignments, but their personality traits and desire to have fun instead of putting in the effort.
  28. The College Students’ Health Concerns
    All this leads to a natural decline in physical activity and, consequently, to the emergence of the younger generation with a range of health problems, including vision impairment, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and metabolic […]
  29. The Outside Pressure on College Students
    Due to the world crisis, many people experience financial difficulties, and students studying abroad might not be able to receive money from their parents and spend them on essential products.

👍 Good Essay Topics on College Students

  1. Statistics of Substance Abuse Among College Students
    Descriptive statistics were employed in the study to examine the data and spot trends in substance abuse among college students. Descriptive statistics were employed in the study to examine the data and spot trends in […]
  2. “College Helps Students Dream…” Article by Faust
    The article “College Helps Students Dream of More Than a Salary” written by Drew Faust revolves around the benefits of education and the critical changes it cultivates in people’s lives.
  3. Anxiety and Depression Among College Students
    The central hypothesis for this study is that college students have a higher rate of anxiety and depression. Some of the materials to be used in the study will include pencils, papers, and tests.
  4. Sinclair College Students Walkout on Speaker Peter Labarbera
    Conflicts are an in-born portrayal of social reality because people persistently compete for resources and have different duties, ideas, and goals to other individuals in the community.
  5. Journal Storage as a Technological Asset for a College Student
    Its proclaimed mission is creating “a platform for discovering and connecting research, images, and primary sources” As of now, JSTOR is a widely used database offering a plethora of information for those interested in a […]
  6. College Student’s Ethical Problem
    The lack of a clear answer to the question of why a student went to college leads to a lack of understanding of the motives of their activities.
  7. The Importance of Students’ Equity in College Career Centers
    In addition, the role of teachers and career advisors is to work collaboratively with students and use the FoK concepts to reshape the framework of immigrant and undocumented students’ needs.
  8. Stress Reduction Among College Students
    In conclusion, “Calm” is useful in mindfulness meditation to decrease stress and enhance self-compassion and mindfulness among students. However, there is constrained information regarding the palatability and effectiveness of delivering mindfulness meditation interventions through mobile […]
  9. First Generation College Students and Resilience at a 4-Year University
    First-generation college students are defined in the study as “students whose parents or guardians have not achieved a bachelor’s degree”.
  10. Hip-Hop and Marijuana Use in College Students
    It has been estimated that over half of the college student population regularly use marijuana, while over 25% used it during past month.
  11. Health and Nutritional Behavior of College Students
    The weight distribution of the participants is demonstrated in the below figure. All these foods are high in nutritional value, implying that the nutritional and health knowledge that students have influence their food purchases.
  12. The Effect of Music Videos on College Students’ Perceptions of Rape
    The primary purpose of the article is to examine “the effect of sexualized portrayals of female artists in music videos on college students’ perceptions of date rape.”
  13. Impact of Internet Use, Online Gaming, and Gambling Among College Students
    The researchers refute the previous works of literature that have analyzed the significance of the Internet, whereby previous studies depict that the Internet plays a significant role in preventing depression ordeals and making people happy.
  14. Internet Use and Well-Being Among College Students
    Finally, Gordon et al.analyze the role of Internet use in students’ escapism and psychological adjustment. The article by Gordon et al.offers valuable insights into the relationship between students’ use of the Internet and their well-being.
  15. College Students: Responsibilities
    The percentage of students who consider their college time as an opportunity to have fun and spend their time in a pleasant way in constant parties is growing ever more.
  16. Benefits of Students Going to College
    The reasons are that: The students will have more knowledge and intellectual interests and be able to put up with one another in a more effective way and also to be able to learn in […]
  17. International Students Behaviour in KICL College
    So the main aim of this research was to establish an understanding of the factors that affect the consumption behaviour of the international students in KICL College.
  18. An Online Dating Service for College Students: Biff Targets Marketing
    The issue that has to be answered in the case is what the college students, as target customers for online dating service, ideadlly would like to be offered.
  19. American College Student: Learning a Second Language
    The last reason comes in terms of the fact that learning a second language requires a lot of time and efforts. They already have learned a language which is used in most parts of the […]
  20. How Can College Students Cope With Stress
    Getting through college determines the success of the rest of your life at the same time that you want more than anything to get on with your life.
  21. Distinguished Students of Knowsley College
    Arthur Cohen outlines the use of Community Colleges in their support for the employment of graduates or making continuation of studying possible on the upper levels of education, gaining bachelor degree, for example.
  22. Alcohol Consumption Factors Among College Students
    In general, the purpose of the research was to arrive at evidence-based recommendations for university policy and guidance programs that could more holistically help students avoid binge drinking or alcoholism and systematically cope with the […]
  23. College Students in UK and Marijuana
    The reasons for the punishments are very different but the result remains the same: marijuana is still used by the majority of students and is available for everyone.
  24. College Students: Self-Efficacy and Goal Orientation
    On the other hand, data results also stated that performance-avoidance goals are negatively related to academic standing.”Students in good academic standing reported having higher self-efficacy and adopted significantly more mastery goals toward learning than students […]
  25. Full-Time College Experience in Student Careers
    Students having full time in college is important because they can be able to have relations with others and from these then one is able to develop the weak points.
  26. Living Arrange Ments for College Students
    The greatest benefit of living in a dormitory is the stimulation of educational growth involving easy access to classes, longer browsing time in the library, greater and closer contact with faculty staff, and assistance from […]
  27. Procrastination Predictors in College Students
    This is a show of autonomy, the evading of the aversive task, avoidance of a state of anxiety, a response to their fear of failure or they are said to suffer from perfectionism and usually […]
  28. Media Effects on College Students Today
    The effects of such social media as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat on college students’ choices can be discussed with reference to Alhabash and Ma’s study.
  29. Receptive Learning Styles in College Students
    I am certain that the assessment gives pertinent explanations of learning styles and personality. This will, in my opinion, enable people to know and appreciate their personalities and focus on the best learning styles.
  30. Human Papillomavirus Awareness Among College Students
    The research addresses the problem of low levels of literacy concerning HPV and other related sexually transmitted diseases and the stigma associated with the diseases. This research aims to determine the level of literacy among […]
  31. CrowdSurf: A College Student Delivery Application
    It is a college student delivery application that follows a peer-to-peer model to tackle the problems of high fees and long delivery time typical of delivery service.

🥇 Simple & Easy College Students Essay Titles

  1. Educational Tests: Toddlers and College Students
    The collection of standardized data regarding the quality of the learning environment prepared for young children is the intended purpose of this test.
  2. Relational Aggression Among College Students
    Relational aggression is one of the research areas in speech communication that have received immense scholarly research. However, it is important to note that the highest focus of relational aggression has been mainly on adolescents […]
  3. The High Dropout Rate of Students in College
    Another reason that contributes to a high rate of school dropout is the issue of those students that cater to their school fees.
  4. College Student Mentoring and Interest Group
    To solve the problem of the lack of mentoring in many community colleges of the United States, the national government should guarantee that all community colleges in the country are obligated by a decree to […]
  5. Extra Charges Minimization for College Students
    Some of the charges that the proposition requests the universities in the United States to remove include meals and parking fees.
  6. College Students: Suicide and Bullying-Methods
    The analysts used this tool to report the mood of the participants by posting quizzes, which the students answered while filling the questionnaire.
  7. Computer Architecture for a College Student
    It is also important to consider that the student might have to carry the computer to college on a regular basis.
  8. The Effect of Twitter on College Students
    First, they wanted to address the question “what is the effect of encouraging the use of Twitter for purposes relevant to education on student engagement?” Secondly, they wanted to answer the question “what is the […]
  9. College Students: Suicide and Bullying
    The misconception that bullying is a minor issue among college students has contributed to the high number of students who suffer because of bullying.
  10. Mental and Physical Health in College Students
    However, in spite of the fact that physical activity promotes physical and mental well being of an individual, college students are rarely engaged in this significant act.
  11. Faculty Should Not Pay Like a College Student
    The professors contribute a lot in terms of knowledge dissemination in the college and should be given discounts on the food and parking charges.
  12. Successful Study Habits for College Students
    The researchers contended that the environment in which students study and their participation in other activities are critical determinants of their success in career and employment.
  13. Sleep Deprivation Impacts on College Students
    Additional research in this field should involve the use of diverse categories of students to determine the effects that sleep deprivation would have on them.
  14. Students’ Perception of a Mobile Application for College Course
    The central controlling idea of the research study managers to render the scope of the research and provides a sufficient explanation of the nature of the study.
  15. College Students’ Satisfaction of Music Festival in China
    Aquinas says that one of the reasons why music festivals are popular among the students is because they offer them the opportunity to express their feelings.
  16. What Influences College Student Non-Completion
    Social connectedness, students-faculty relationship and students’ financial status are interrelated factors that influence the students’ capability to stay in campus. Astin’s model argues that students’ involvement and integration in the academic and social components of […]
  17. The Major Obstacles to Success for College Students
    A college advisor helps students to realize the importance of the course they are undertaking as well as the opportunities available at the job market thus motivating the students to work hard.
  18. Risk Factors for Deliberate Self-Harm Among College Students
    This is a review of the article that the three scholars wrote to report on the findings of their study. The second will be the methods used in the study, with specific analysis of the […]
  19. What Are the Reasons for Why So Many Students Drop College
    However, the number of those who do not finish high education is increasing not only due to the students inability to pay, but to the constant cost rise for the tuition over the years.
  20. College’s Response to Budget Issues Will Effect Students
    In addition, these colleges and universities increased their preference for the richer out-of-state students to the low income in-state-students. McLaughlin advises that students in search of higher education should start by finding out the financial […]
  21. College Student Drinking
    Because of the high variability of drinking among college students, the main problem of the paper is to address psychosocial variables that predict excessive drinking and, therefore, account for the problem of drinking among college […]
  22. Why College Students Should Not Turn to Caffeine
    The paper will look at some of the trend of involvement of college students into caffeine consumption and the risks that surround consumption of caffeine by college students.
  23. College Students and the Case for Quality Reading
    Thesis: In the focus of this paper is the question on the rile of the Internet in the development of the reading skills and how it can be used to develop the college students’ skills […]
  24. Why Credit Companies Target College Students
    However, the use of credit cards and the debts that is a consequence of cards have become an increasingly monetary threat to students.
  25. Internet Addiction Among College Students
    It is definitely advisable that the schedule include at least a few hours to login to Facebook because at the end of the day the aim is not to put the person in total isolation.
  26. ‘College-Ready for All: Preparing Students for Success’
    The program also aims to support and share techniques and materials to assist teachers and students to incorporate the standards, not mentioning the fact that it will design fair measures to appraise success.

📑 Good Research Topics about College Students

  1. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among College Students
  2. Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Real-Life Violence Exposure Among Chinese College Students
  3. Abolishing General Education for College Students
  4. College Students and Negative Aspects of Fraternities
  5. Abortions Should Become More Easily Accepted Among College Students
  6. College Students and Their Impact on the Evolution of Social Media
  7. Academic Dishonesty Among College Students
  8. College Students and the Illegal Use of ADD Medications as Study Aids
  9. Analysis of Academic Opportunities for College Students
  10. College Students and the Problems They Confront
  11. Academic Shortcoming and Study Habits of College Students
  12. College Students’ Attitude Toward Marijuana Use on Campus
  13. Acting for Happiness: Financial Behavior and Life Satisfaction of College Students
  14. College Students’ Attitude Towards Online Shopping for Electronic Products
  15. Academic Stress During Freshmen College Students
  16. College Students: Cheating and Morality
  17. Achieving Academic Success for College Students
  18. College Students Have Fallen Into Poverty
  19. Adult Learning Theory: Applications to Non-traditional College Students
  20. College Students Need Tax Deductions – Response to Questionnaire

🎓 Interesting Topics to Write about College Students

  1. Affective and Daily Event Predictors of Life Satisfaction in College Students
  2. African American College Students’ Experiences With Everyday
  3. Alcohol Abuse Among College Students and Possible Solutions
  4. Anxiety and Sleep Problems of College Students During the COVID-19
  5. Psychometric Properties of the Internet Addiction Test Among Lebanese College Students
  6. Association Between Stress and Eating Habits Among College Students
  7. College Students, Piracy, and Ethics: Is There a Teachable Moment
  8. Beyond Depression and Suicide: The Mental Health of Transgender College Students
  9. Associations Between Social Capital and Depressive Symptoms Among College Students
  10. Birth Order and Romantic Relationship Styles and Attitudes in College Students
  11. Casual Sex Has Become a Trend Among College Students
  12. Challenges College Students Face Living on Campus
  13. College Students and Internet Values Analysis
  14. Clinical Depression Affecting College Students
  15. Characterizing Cyberbullying Among College Students: Hacking, Dirty Laundry, and Mocking
  16. Childhood Maltreatment and Depression in Adulthood in Chinese Female College Students
  17. Chlamydia Prevalence Among Female College Students in Alabama
  18. Chronotype, Sleep, and Depressive Symptoms Among Chinese College Students
  19. Cognition and Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among College Students in Ireland
  20. College Students and Credit Card Use: Role of Parents, Work Experience

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 21). 131 College Students Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/college-students-essay-topics/

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"131 College Students Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 21 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/college-students-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '131 College Students Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 21 November. (Accessed: 24 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "131 College Students Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/college-students-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "131 College Students Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/college-students-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "131 College Students Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/college-students-essay-topics/.