110 Economic Growth Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Economic Growth Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Importance of Service Industries in Economic Growth
    The pursuit of service economy, which dictates the specialization in the service industries, is one of the newest economic concepts that ensure the realization of the economic growth.
  2. Traffic Congestion Impact on Dubai’s Economic Growth
    In many urban centers, an efficient and functioning public transport system is essential to the economic and social development of the society.
  3. Challenges to Sustainable Economic Growth in Africa
    In addition to the frequent outbreaks of conflict and instability among African states, the rapid increase in the continent’s population poses a threat to economic development.
  4. Economic Growth in Canada Between 1990 and 2000
    In addition, the paper discusses the sources of the economic growth data and the formula the country uses for making calculations of its various economic indicators like the GDP.
  5. Social Equality and Economic Growth
    Social equality provides individuals with equal opportunities to contribute to the growth of the economy. Equality also ensures that the potential of the society is fully exploited to enhance the development of the entire community.
  6. Concept of Economic Growth
    Development is a term that can be used to explain the way the resources are put to efficient use as the greater the positive usage of resources; the more the state of development.
  7. Education, Human Capital, and Economic Growth
    In the broad sense, it is an intensive productive factor of economic development, including the educated part of the labor resources, knowledge, tools of intellectual and managerial work, and the environment of living and working.
  8. The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Development
    To this end, the author is going to discuss the relationship between economic development and economic growth Economic Development Overview Economic development is characterised by the initiatives put in place to spearhead improvement of the […]
  9. Relationship Between Population and Economic Growth
    Consequently, Solow argues that the rate of population growth will be equal to the rate of economic growth in steady states.
  10. Economic Growth and Development
    Differences between economic growth and economic development When compared to economic development as we are to witness shortly, economic growth is a simpler and narrower subject.
  11. ICT and Economic Growth
    The study of knowledge economy highlights the significance of ICT and learning in the creation of wealth and competitive advantage in the global economy.
  12. The Relationship between Political Stability & Economic Growth
    The government is very crucial to stability and economic development in a country because it holds the responsibility of developing legislation.
  13. History of the Kenyan Economy: Stimulating the Economic Growth Through Various Means
    Political influence on monetary and fiscal policies of the country by the end of the century facilitated the continued stagnation of the Kenyan economy.
  14. Sustainable Development’ and Economic Growth’ Relationship
    The concepts of sustainable development and economic growth are interconnected with the aim of protecting the available wealth of the earth and at the same time creating more opportunities towards satisfaction of human needs.
  15. Sogo Shosha’s Impact on Japan’s Economic Growth
    At the time, Japan had limited access to foreign markets, and the Sogo Shosha companies offered an important bridge between Japan and the rest of the world.
  16. Ibn Khaldun’s Umran Theory and Economic Growth
    Although the subject matter is typically viewed as the means of explaining the development of the contemporary society from the perspective of the cause-and-effect concept; however, the specified approach is a common misconception and a […]
  17. India’s Highs and Lows in Economic Growth
    India in particular has become one of the fastest growing countries in the world after China and the country shows signs of maintaining the growth momentum in a sustainable manner.
  18. Nigeria’s Economic Evolution and Future Growth
    The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a country located in the western part of the African Continent. The paper is going to tackle the economic evolution and the current economic status of Nigeria.
  19. Economic Growth and Role of Government
    The economy is a crucial aspect of any nation, and the role of government in its sustainable development is hard to overestimate.
  20. Poor Economic Growth in Uganda
    The country’s fiscal policies are not effective and the ability of the government to control the money supply is significantly low.
  21. Economics: “The Elusive Quest for Growth” by Easterly
    In this case, it is arguable that technology has resulted in growth from the leaping effects in production and industrial efficiency.
  22. Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth
    Entrepreneurship capital is the main factor in the neoclassical production function which is the ability of economic representatives to start new organizations.
  23. Impact of Economic Growth on Environmental Sustainability
    Because of constant development of the richest economies, such as the United Kingdom, and United States, the consumption levels of the global population surpass the actual amount of natural resources that the Earth has prepared […]
  24. Latitude Can Cause Long-Run Economic Growth Differences Across Countries
    The researchers found that there was a clear relationship between the prevalence of disease, especially malaria, as well as the productivity of agriculture in tropical zones, and the low economic growth rate.
  25. Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Developing States
    The paper under analysis covers the topic of the relationship between foreign aid and economic growth in developing countries. There is a raging debate on the real effect of foreign aid on developing countries, and […]
  26. External Debt and Economic Growth by Al Kharusi and Ada
    The journal article “External Debt and Economic Growth: The Case of Emerging Economy” by Sami Al Kharusi and Mbah Stella Ada highlights some of the impacts of external debts on a nation’s economic growth.
  27. The Impact of Automation and Robotization on Long-Run Economic Growth
    Due to the increased use of robotics and AI in the production industries, it is imperative to understand the contribution of mechanization in the economic world.
  28. Who Reduces Economic Growth in Africa
    This is due to the fact that the financial assistance provided by the West to the countries of Africa is not gratuitous, but leads to the formation of state debt.
  29. Panama: Quality of Life and Economic Growth
    The inflation rate in the country is an indicator of the degree of depreciation of money. In the United States of America, this indicator is significantly higher and is 0.1%.
  30. Economic, Productivity Growth, and Free Trade
    The article by Saleem et al.is closely connected to the topic of factors contributing to productivity growth as researchers explored the impact of innovation and total factor productivity in Pakistan’s economic environment.
  31. Environmental Policy’s Impact on Economic Growth
    One common belief about the environmental policy is that it results in layoffs as well as closure of plants and reduces the level of competition in the market.
  32. Economic Growth and Unemployment Relationship in the USA
    The corresponding figures characterize the structure of economic dynamics and the diversification of the labor market. The research limitation is the multifactorial nature of economic growth and unemployment indicators.
  33. Family Business Promoting Economic Growth
    The primary goal of the article is to assess the role of the family business in the economic growth of Saudi Arabia.
  34. Growth and Equality – Development Objectives Compared
    National policy makers and the development economists have been interested in the study of the interface between growth and equality in the past, but recently there have been a revival of this subject.
  35. Economic Growth of Morocco in the Context of Sustainable Development
    However, the labor share of GDP is the highest in the upper-middle-income sector which demonstrates the growth of a strong middle class in the country.
  36. Ten-Year Economic Growth of Australia
    The aim of this report is to show the status of the economy of Australia. The number of young people in the country constitutes the greater percentage of the population.
  37. Climate Change and Economic Growth
    The graph displays the levels of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the years before our time with the number 0 being the year 1950.
  38. Vietnam’s Economic Growth and Poverty & Inequality
    A significant part of the population was active in employment, and this means that the numerous income-generating activities improved the economy of this country.
  39. John M. Quigley: Urban Diversity and Economic Growth
    The article reviews the part that the traditional scale economies and diversities in the improvement of the economic growth. The diversity of cities should therefore be valued as factor contributing to economic growth.
  40. U.S. Automobile Industry as a Large Segment of the National Economic Growth
    The main indicators of stability and efficiency in work were the factors for the oligopoly of the automobile market in the United States.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Economic Growth

  1. Gasoline Prices, Rates of Unemployment, Inflation, and Economic Growth
    The data which has been queried from the database are related to gasoline prices in California, the unemployment rate in the US, the inflation rate in the US, and Real GDP.
  2. Economic Growth & Developing Countries
    Sponsorship of trademarks will help the general public identifying the owner of goods in the market as also the availability of goods and services in the market and can protect people against false practices.
  3. An Initial Examination of Correlates of Economic Growth
    The variable of choice is REGION because of the numerical values assigned to Southeast Asia and the OECD countries. Finally, the fourth variable is degree of participation in foreign trade.
  4. Culture and Religion’s Impact on America’s Early Economic Growth
    Nor was the dominant ideology appreciably affected by the novel and radical doctrines that penetrated the intellectual barriers of the nation in the early twentieth century, as the shift in the tide of immigration carried […]
  5. Irish Economic Growth and Standard of Living
    Ireland today being named as ‘Celtic Tiger’ for the economic boom it has experienced from 1990s to 2001 and then from 2003 to 2006, which has changed the fate of this poor economy to be […]
  6. Walmart Inc.’s Training and Development for Economic Growth
    In turn, the key deliverable that the exercise mentioned above is expected to produce will be represented by a rise in the quality of communication between employees and managers.
  7. Capitalism and Democracy – Social System Analysis
    It is suggested that the combination of these ideologies enhances the freedoms of individuals, and allows the economy of the country to develop at a rapid rate.
  8. Understanding the Role of Technology and Efficiency in Economic Growth
    At the beginning of this chapter, David Weil discusses the role of technologies in increasing economic growth and productivity. This notion is used to describe a situation when the arrival of new technologies harms both […]
  9. European Sovereign Debt Crisis: Flaws in Eurozone Currency and Fiscal Union
    During the creation of the European single currency, the EMU left the fiscal policy to the individual member states. Subsidization of agricultural products in developed countries leads to overproduction and thus affecting the trade cycle.
  10. Economic Growth: Problems in Different Countries
    The author analyzes the political and legal situation in the developing countries and devises two principles in integrating and blending informal and legal systems of property ownership.
  11. Australia’s Economic Growth and International Trade
    An IMF report has revealed that the relaxation of inflexible labor laws can lead to a decline in the rate of unemployment.
  12. Globalization Impact on China’s Economic Growth
    This is because descriptive research is the most appropriate research design in a study that makes use of a hypothesis and research objectives and questions. In this case, a pilot study will be conducted prior […]
  13. Economic Growth and Land Reform in Developing Countries
    The most common land reform approach is state-controlled land reforms where the state seeks to promote land redistribution to contribute to the socio-economic development of a country.
  14. Higher Education Financing and Economic Growth
    Throughout the article, the author uses data to show that increasing government spending on higher education has a negative impact on economic growth, and it leads to a decrease in the number of students joining […]
  15. Political Systems as Factors of Economic Growth
    In the 20th century, many events that transformed the global political structure had occurred: the collapse of the bipolar system of international relationships, development of independent sovereign states with the communist historical background, regime changes […]
  16. Saudi Arabian Human Capital and Economic Growth
    The current situation poses a significant risk for the future, as it is unclear whether or not the country will be able to take its place on the global oil market again nor what the […]
  17. Southeast Asia: Energy Security and Economic Growth
    The Southeast Asian peninsula is made up of the countries that are geographically positioned south of China, north of Australia, and east of India. The metropolitans are extensions of the cities to the periphery as […]
  18. China’s Law, Finance, and Economic Growth Nexus
    Besides providing the reflection of the status quo of China’s economic phenomenon aspect, section 3 offers recommendations that the country can establish to address the wanting legal protection of minority shareholders.
  19. Saudi Arabian Economic Growth Effect on Foreign Direct Investment
    The study is important because many studies that have analyzed the relationship between economic growth and FDI have examined the effect of FDI on economic growth.
  20. Exploring the UAE Economy: PESTLE Analysis and Implications for Businesses
    According to the latest information on the state’s progress, the premises for the growth of the international business in the UAE have been set rather successfully, with a range of areas, where international organisations may […]
  21. US Economic Growth: Projected Trends for 2016-2018
    According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the United States is one of the largest economies in the globe. This fact explains why the country is the largest economy in the world today.
  22. Economic Growth in Kenya: Past and Future Challenges
    To ensure that the country attracts more investment, the government has put in place strategies to make the country investment conducive for both local and foreign investors, mainly from the United States and the Middle […]
  23. Multinational Firms Impacts on the Economic Growth
    Although Byres affirms that MNCs may have a positive economic impact on their host countries, he says the economic sectors that align with their operations benefit from the companies, at the expense of other economic […]
  24. Role of Supply-side Policies in Balanced Economic Growth
    Considering the drawbacks of economic growth as a measure of performance for economies such as failing to record productivity in the black markets, Keith asserts that all nations endeavour to ensure a balanced economic growth.
  25. Kenya: Economic Growth and Health Care System
    As a result of the projects financed by the international lending organizations, Kenya has seen a growth in the percentage of children accessing free basic education.
  26. Gross Domestic Product and Economic Growth
    For instance, the business sector is responsible for the production of goods and services which have to be consumed for production to continue.
  27. Economic Growth of Singapore from 1965 to 2008
    It is a country located south of Johor, one of the Malaysian state, and it is also to the north of the Equator.
  28. Supply Policies’ Role in Economic Growth
    Despite the flexibility aspect, the role of the government in the implementation of the supply side policies cannot be ruled out.
  29. China’s Export-Led Economic Growth and Development
    Supporters of China’s export-led growth strategy believe that the approach has enabled the country to improve its economic fortunes in the last three decades.
  30. Remittances Role in Spurring Global Economic Growth
    It is necessary to lower the cost of sending remittances in order to increase the annual amount by recovering the excess that is used to cater for the exorbitant costs imposed by money transfer companies.
  31. Economic Growth by David Weil
    Another factor the author explains in a more in-depth manner in the book is the method of the comparison made in the determination of the level of economic growth.
  32. Cuba’s Quest for Economic Growth
    However, this has not had much impact on the development of the country due to inefficiencies in the government. It is important to note that the private sector is restricted in Cuba and the government […]
  33. Industrialization and Modern Economic Growth in India and China
    The other theory suggests that the de-industrialization of Indias economy was a result of the British victory in foreign markets for cottage made manufactures, followed by its penetration in the India’s home market with cheap […]
  34. Economic Growth and the Living Standards
    This arose from the high rate of economic growth as a result of the high rate of industrial revolution and technological progress.
  35. Etihad Airways to Collaborate With Maharashtra Government for Economic Growth
    The main issue of the article is an establishment of collaborative bonds between Etihad Airways and the government of Maharashtra. The opportunity to extend the purposes of the transitional services by launching the first touristic […]
  36. Effect of Civil War on Economic Growth
    The sources will provide data about the state of Sudan before the civil war and the state of the economy after the war.
  37. Effect of Civil War on Economic Growth: Evidence From Sudan
    Of greater essence in the paper is the collection of a set of data and literature that will help in linking the scale of violence and instability caused by the civil war in Sudan and […]
  38. Sustaining Australia’s Rate of Economic Growth
    The Australian Bureau of Statistics declared that in the year 2005-06 to 2009-10 witnessed the increase of 21% in the GVA of mining industry in Australia.
  39. Services Industries’ Role in Building Economic Growth
    Overview of the task There is a compelling need to highlight the importance of services economy which policy makers and entrepreneurs alike can benefit from, by making use of the economic and business potential in […]
  40. Services Industries and Economic Growth
    Importance of technology in the service industry Another reason for building service economy is because of the technological advancement in the service industry.

⭐ Simple & Easy Economic Growth Essay Titles

  1. United Arab Emirates Vision 2021: Economic and Social Prosperity
    The national interest is to be proactive in responding to challenges affecting the people of the UAE and to leave a legacy of prosperity and stability.
  2. China’s Economic Growth and Financial Development
    It is the wish of every country to realize improved and sustainable economic growth and financial development in order to improve the living standards of the greatest majority among its citizenry.
  3. Democracy and Economic Growth: Asia-Pacific Region Experiences
    Kalpana and Jolly describe that to date, communication industry in the Asia-pacific area have been boosted by flexible and mobile networks and the relevant maintenance of data systems. The maintenance of high economic growth reduces […]
  4. Economic Growth and Environment Relation
    Although the relevance of the EKC and the focus on the stages of development as the important factors to speak about the relationship between the economic growth and environment are highly debatable issues, it is […]
  5. Has Globalisation Led To Economic Growth?
    However, the benefits of globalization in promotion of economic growth outweigh the negative effects that it has in economic growth of a country.
  6. Australia’s Economic Growth
    One of the main dangers which awaits Australia as a result of the reduction of the Asian demand in its resources is the reduction in the investment.
  7. Economic History of Canada: How Did the Settlers Facilitate Economic Growth?
    The study of economic history of Canada involves the analysis of the prevalent economic institutions and industries. The major analytical part of the paper will concentrate on the role of settlers in developing the economy.
  8. Institutional Reforms and China’s Economic Growth
    The paper also evaluates some of the issues that China has to do in order to maintain the country’s future economic growth and development.
  9. Building Economic Growth: Service Industries Significance
    For example, service industries form the largest category in the Australian and Canadian economy in regards to employment, and businesses. In addition, the need for organizations to develop their service offerings is due to the […]
  10. Services Industries Are Important in Building Economic Growth
    Ettlie Rosenthal postulates that a customer is always engaged in provision of a service, and the reaction of the customer to the service affects the quality.
  11. International Trade Policy and Economic Growth Realization
    Similarly, the labor, which is the human asset employed in the realization of this output of cooperation, will necessitate the international bodies to observe and regulate all the players in the international trade.
  12. Technology Progress in Realising Sustainable Economic Growth
    Because of the growth theory and the development theory having fostered the process of technological advancement as the core reason for economic growth, most of the Asian economies have embarked on the initiative.
  13. The Economic Growth of China and India
    The new infrastructure invested in China and the increase in credit in India show that there is a bigger growth of credit in India than in China.
  14. China’s Rapid Economic Growth
    This piece of work gives a critical discussion of the various factors that are associated with the rapid economic growth in China in the last three decades and their implications in the country as well […]
  15. Rising Oil Prices’ Effects on Economic Growth
    Increase in production costs and the decrease in consumption expenditure caused by the rise in oil prices prompt producers to reduce outputs.
  16. The Role of the State in Encouraging Economic Growth
    Despite the call for minimization of the role of the state in regulating trade and other economic activities by proponents of trade liberalization following the demise of the Cold War in 1980s and 1990s,it is […]
  17. Theories of Economic Growth
    Too, despite highlighting the plight of the global poor, most of these activities are executed with the aim of increasing the foreign aid to the poor.
  18. China’s Economic Growth and Inflation
    On the road to becoming the second largest economy, China has experienced growth rates of about 10% in the last 30 years making it to top the list of the fastest growing economies.
  19. Effects of China’s Economic Growth on Sub-Saharan Africa
    On the same note, trading with China has led to increase in prices of raw materials that are produced by countries in Sub-Saharan Africa thus leading to expansion of Gross Domestic Product.
  20. China’s Economic Growth Since 1978
    The article by Wang and Yao, however, sought to use data of China’s human capital stock to analyze the economic growth of the country. China’s involvement in the global economy subjected it to the effects […]
  21. Relationship between Economic Growth and Nation’s Health
    Ascertaining the influence of economic growth in health care is necessary for policy makers since such an intimate understanding of the relationship between economic growth and population health will enable them to formulate astute policies […]
  22. External Financing and Economic Growth
    The main reason why investors may decide to pull out of a country in the course of their stay is loss of faith in that country’s economy.
  23. Kenya’s Economic Growth
    The level of increase in output of services and goods is used as a measure of economic growth. Kenya’s government has been trying to be ahead of population growth, and this has been favored by […]
  24. Economic Growth in Hong Kong and Singapore
    As a result, support for investment and exports is one of the most successful methods that have been used to encourage economic growth for typical firms in Hong Kong and Singapore.
  25. Economic Growth and Crises in Historical Perspective
    Describing the concepts history, contributors and the how the changes occurred in the economic history In line with the World of Economics, economic thought began with the onset of industrialization.
  26. Colombia’s Improved Business Climate: Foreign Investment and Economic Growth
    Political instability in the country can be traced to the middle of the twentieth century after the assassination of the country’s president in the year 1948.
  27. Rapid Economic Growth and Industrialization in Japan
    In Asia, Japan was the first country to exhibit a marked positive growth after the damage caused to the nation following the world war.
  28. Key Drivers of China’s Rapid Economic Growth and the Global Impacts
    The resulting graduates therefore worked in the manufacturing sectors of the economy and thus led to the improvement of the quantity and quality of outputs.
  29. Is China’s Economy Another Bubble?
    The fact that China is expected to contribute to about a third of the world’s growth this year makes the issue a global concern.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 26). 110 Economic Growth Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/economic-growth-essay-topics/

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"110 Economic Growth Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 26 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/economic-growth-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '110 Economic Growth Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 February.


IvyPanda. 2024. "110 Economic Growth Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/economic-growth-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "110 Economic Growth Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/economic-growth-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "110 Economic Growth Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/economic-growth-essay-topics/.

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