121 Enron Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Enron Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Solutions, Causes, & Conclusion: Enron Case Study
    Some of the salient features evident in the case include: Factors that contributed to the rise of the company- These factors are clearly illustrated and explained.
  2. Enron Corporation’s Failure and Recommendations
    Before its downfall, Enron was one of the largest companies in the United States, and its share price was among the highest in the market.
  3. Ken Lay’s Leadership and Enron Company’s Downfall
    An analysis of Lay’s ethical conduct outlined below is conducted through the prism of Kidder’s ethical checkpoints, the principles of moral sensitivity, moral judgment, moral motivation, moral character, as well as the CEO’s power and […]
  4. Enron Management Practices’ Ethical Principles
    According to Hendrikse & Hendrikse, code of ethics refers to “the business constitution that governs relationships and behaviour among the company, its directors, management and employees, and the inter-relationship among the company, shareholders, and business […]
  5. Enron Corporation’s Malpractices and Bankruptcy
    As such, Fastow knowingly supported transactions that damaged the financial condition of Enron to benefit himself as well as other executives in this energy company.
  6. “The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron” Film
    The crash and the subsequent dismissal from the company catch the main character as well as thousands of others off-guard, completely breaking the rose-tinted lenses and awakening them to the reality of working in Enron.
  7. Enron Corp. Business Environment and Strategic Position
    The company grew rapidly as the founder exploited the opportunities of deregulation in the United States and privatization abroad. In that respect, this paper is aimed at investigating the business environment and the strategic position […]
  8. Business Ethics: Enron
    Objectives for the research Many scholars of different fields have already researched on the Enron scandal and the bankruptcy of this Corporation, but the prime objective of the writer of this research paper is to […]
  9. Enron’s Ethical Practices Negligence
    Enron is an example of a business which has been engaged in unethical practices just for the sake of satisfying the interests of a few people in the organization at the expense of others.
  10. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
    Enron Company was characterized by a number of problems in the form or malpractices that led to the eventual collapse of the entity.
  11. Fraud Analysis: Enron Corporation
    Another major incentive to commit fraud was the desire of the executives to protect their reputations as the leaders of the most successful corporation in the United States.
  12. Enron’s (USA) and Parmalat’s (Italy) ‘Scandals’ of 2003/2004: Ethical Issues and Criticisms
    One of the key issues that led to the failure and bankruptcy of Enron was the lack of transparency and the dishonesty of Enron’s key top management team and partners.
  13. The Aftermath of the Enron Scandal
    Key provisions of the act include disclosure controls, improper influence on conduct of audits, disclosures in quarterly reports, evaluation of internal controls, and criminal penalties for violating the provisions of the act.
  14. Enron Corporation: Leadership Failure
    Researchers believe that human beings and their arrogance were to blame for Enron’s demise, while others contend that Enron was a striking example of vanity and the blind acceptance of praise.
  15. “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” by A.Gibney
    The Enron scandal involved the energy company Enron and its executives engaging in dishonest accounting procedures to conceal the company’s financial losses and inflate its stock price at the beginning of the 2000s.
  16. Enron Scandal in “The Crooked E” Film by Spheeris
    However, the movie exposes the company’s mismanagement and unethical events that led to its bankruptcy in 2001. Sharon Watkins was a whistleblower reporting unethical conduct in the financial records and reporting to the chairman.
  17. Enron Company: The Most Significant Financial Fraud
    Despite the short-term success, the company’s history has become one of the most significant because many people lost their jobs, and the company was forced to close with a big scandal.
  18. Fundamental Management Principles in the Enron Case
    Factors that can negatively affect management are the lack of qualification of specialists, resistance on the part of employees, and the unwillingness of the company to change for the better.
  19. The Enron Corporation’s Rise and Fall Analysis
    The story of the extreme rise and the following fall of the Enron Corporation still interests many people. The record-breaking bankruptcy of “the seventh largest company in the United States and the sixth largest energy […]
  20. Enron Corporation: Unethical Behaviour
    Enron’s Inc. failure is associated with proliferation of unethical practices amongst the organisation’s executive.
  21. The Enron Corporation Analysis
    By 2000, the firm ranked 22nd on the list of the 100 best companies, in the U.S. The firm’s failure emanated from the propagation of unethical practices by the firm’s workforce especially those in the […]
  22. Sociological Perspectives on Crimes of Power: Enron
    Selfish ambitions of people are dangerous to the organization because this will lead to the downfall of the company in the long run as it happened with Enron.
  23. Cost Management: Enron’s Accountant’s Role, Terms and Purpose
    The recent series of corporate failures have lead to questioning of the responsibility of different stakeholders in upholding standards that are set to ensure that the best interests of the organization are met.
  24. Ways of Improving Corporate Governance in the Post-Enron Era
    The boards of directors, CEOs and other stakeholders have the responsibility of ensuring proper corporate governance to spur growth and sustainability.
  25. Instance of a Corporate Fraud: The Case of Enron
    Instead, it is the glaring denial of the contemporary principles of corporate ethics making the foundation of financial transactions and the lack of concern for the entrepreneurship as an extension of one’s business progress that […]
  26. Story of Enron Corporation and Its Failure
    The executive officer was inked with the deliberate alterations of the company’s profits and the omission of debts and losses in the financial reports.
  27. White Collar Crime-Enron Corporation
    If the degree of accuracy obtained in the data is found to be inadequate for the use in the current research, they will be termed as insufficient and hence unsuitable to be used by the […]
  28. Enron Case: White-Collar Crime
    White-collar crime can be defined as the unlawful acquisition of money by failing to adhere to the set rules and regulations in terms of fraud and stealing money meant for a private entity or public […]
  29. Enron: The Implications of Accelerated Earnings, Poor Investment Decisions, Too Much Compensation
    The result is that by the time Enron was getting the supply, it had to do so at reduced earnings for the company.
  30. Enron Scandal Causes and Outcomes
    As the closer analysis of the situation reveals, the major role in the scandal, apart from the Enron CEO, Jeffrey Skilling, and their colleagues, should be attributed to the auditors that supervised the company’s work […]
  31. The Fall of Enron: Failure of Stakeholder
    The company was involved in an unprecedented scandal that came to the spotlight late in the year 2001. According to experts, the scandal came about mainly as a result of the culture adopted by the […]
  32. The Enron Through Training: Avoiding Problems
    Therefore it is very important to have every employee of a given organization to undergo training so that they are aware of the organization culture, a culture that is known for only positive actions, whether […]
  33. Enron Corporation: Examining a Business Failure
    The case of Enron shows that violation of accounting principles and issues can lead to bankruptcy and legal responsibility of the company’s executive team.
  34. Enron in “The Smartest Guys in the Room” Film
    The events of the current world economic situation can be perceived through the Enron debacle described in the movie “The Smartest Guys in the Room”.”The Smartest Guys in the Room” is considered to be a […]
  35. Enron vs. Andersen: Ethical Issues and Conflicts of Interests.
    Andersen was the auditor of Enron and by becoming up, close and person with the auditor it was easy for Enron to motivate Andersen.

🎓 Simple & Easy Enron Essay Titles

  1. “Enron: Who’s Accountable” by Daniel Kedlac
    After a sequence of evidences about the inconsistent accounting procedures with regard to the fraud that have been responsible all throughout the 1990s comprising Enron and Arthur Andersen’s accounting firm, Enron held on the threshold […]
  2. The Smartest Guys in the Room – The Enron Story
    In the analysis, the filmmaker tried to show how the two concepts can be used to the benefit of the company owners but to the detriment of the workers.
  3. The Rise and Fall of Enron
    It is not the fact that the company’s revenue stream was generating that kind of sales, because there are other companies that can also boast the same type of income-generating capacity, albeit Enron belongs to […]
  4. Enron Company’s Conditions
    The financial statements are usually used to present the performance of a company which directly depicts the performance of its managers.”Cookie jar” reserves are one of the methods applied by managers to show a positive […]
  5. Corporate Governance: Enron and Parmalat Case
    I understood that CEOs need to have a clear knowledge of the roles, duties, and responsibilities that go with corporate governance.
  6. The Collapse of Enron Corporation
    This lack of accountability and integrity resulted in the recklessness of the senior executives and their failure to address the inefficiencies of the organization.
  7. Enron Scandal
    The organization’s toxic corporate culture encouraged unethical decisions that led to the disintegration of the firm and the conviction of top executives.
  8. Enron’s Business Failure and Contingency Theory
    On the other hand, the middle level managers are supposed to coordinate the activities of the lower level supervisors in order to keep the strategic plans and objectives of the company in line with the […]
  9. Kenneth Leigh and Enron’s Impact on Business Ethics
    Kenneth Lay, the CEO of the Enron Company, had a major impact on the development of business and corporate ethics. An analysis of the ethical conduct of this famous business figure will help shed light […]
  10. Enron and Madoff: Behavior and Outcomes
    The SEC conducted five investigations of Madoff’s operations during which they were to check the clearing account of the firm and discover that no trading was done.
  11. The Enron Company’s Ethical Crimes
    They allowed the top management of the company to use complex nature of the financial statements and the weaknesses in the accounting standards to manipulate the financial records with an intention of enriching themselves.
  12. Organizational Leadership: Enron Company Case
    The leadership function of an organization has the power to determine the success level of the organization based on the commitment of the leader in achieving the goals set by the stakeholders.
  13. Enron Company: Governance and Strategic Purpose
    As Campbell and Yeung note, it is the role of the management to believe in the strategic purpose of the organisation before it can influence its stakeholders towards achieving the set vision.
  14. Enron Company’s Organisational Culture Problem
    The profit-priority power culture literally broke the company’s corporate strategy’s ability to control and retain the company’s success condition. In this regard, the Enron employees must implement the profit-priority culture or resign from the Enron […]
  15. Enron Scandal: Independent and Dependent Variables
    The company pushed for the change of the constitution. The legislature removed the law that allowed the regulation of the industry.
  16. The Collapse of the Enron Corporation
    The essay is an attempt to determine why the Enron Corporation failed, and the reasons why the senior management at Enron failed to uphold ethical principles, and lessons learned despite their educational background.
  17. An Analysis of The Rise and Fall of Enron Corporation
    The corporation soon earned the admiration of industry experts and investors, and was able to hire the best young minds from across the nation, and the resultant enthusiasm with which these newly recruited employees served […]
  18. Enron Company Leadership Crisis
    This shows the level of leadership lapses that had engulfed the company whereby the CEO was aware of malpractices but failed to act on them in order to salvage the organization.
  19. Enron: Failure and Scandal
    It is also important to note, that the realized management and corporate culture were based on the ideas of the charismatic leadership within the company.
  20. How Enron May Have Avoided the Scandal through Conflict
    In the case of non routine task, the higher the conflict the lower the performance and vice versa as the conflict was attributed to cause distractions yet it did not improve the manner in which […]
  21. Enron Corporation and Agency Theory
    One assumption to the agency theory is that whenever the principal-agent goal is not congruent, then the behavior that instills the self-interest of the agent in utilizing to the maximum results in the maximization of […]
  22. Enron Company’s Unethical Business Research Practices
    The main elements of the Enron case will be to highlight the many important issues relative to the case. The issue of business research practices came under scrutiny when Enron, considered among the top ten […]
  23. How Ethics May Have Played a Role in Enron’s Way of Doing Business
    The purpose of this was to instill in the public the confidence that everything that happened in the company was fair and open a notion that was welcomed by the managers working for the company.
  24. International Business: The Enron Case
    Lay and Skilling oversaw the creation of a corrupt alliance among composed of Lay, Skilling, Fastow and a number of business people dealing with the company.
  25. Enron Company Business Ethics Case
    The government’s decision to deregulate the industry encouraged Enron’s managers to engage in dishonest practices, which resulted in the firm’s collapse.
  26. Two Problems of Enron Company
    Reasonably, from all the information presented, employee X’s proposal should be rejected, followed by suspension and ownership of that paper given to its rightful owner, which is employee Z.
  27. Enron’s Corporate Scandalous Fall
    Secondly, the company through the leadership of Jeff Skilling adopted the mark to market accounting mainly as a way of covering up the operating losses made by the company.
  28. Federal Government Funding Enron: Exploring Challenges
    In particular, close relationships political leaders Bush and Lindsey and Enron company can be considered the brightest example of the company’s political influence on the government.

💡 Good Research Topics about Enron

  1. What Did Arthur Andersen Contribute to the Enron Disaster?
  2. EU Policy Developments Before and After Enron
  3. Accounting Scandals: Enron and Worldcom
  4. Enron: What Caused the Ethical Collapse?
  5. How Leadership Influences Culture and Theories of Leadership at Enron?
  6. Enron and the How Companies Dupe Investors?
  7. Accounting Education, Research and Practice After Enron
  8. Enron: How They Succeeded and How They Failed?
  9. Financial Analysis of Enron Corporation
  10. Is Legislation in Malaysia Sufficient Post-Enron and WorldCom?
  11. A SWOT Analysis of Enron
  12. What Is Enron’s Business Model?
  13. Enron: How It Evolved in Past Years and Added to Its Critical Success?
  14. Accounting For Enron: Shareholder Value and Stakeholder Interests
  15. Enron’s Failure of Corporate Governance
  16. Accounting System Failures and Enron
  17. Auditor Choice and Institutional Investor Characteristics After the Enron Scandal
  18. Balance Sheet and Enron Derivatives Trading
  19. Enron: Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Ethical Accounting as Inferior Goods
  20. Corporate Greed Enron Company
  21. Auditor Independence in the Post-enron Era
  22. Crisis and the Consolidation of International Accounting Standards: Enron
  23. Assessment of the Role of the Accounting Profession in the Enron Corporate Scandal
  24. Decision-Making Pitfalls: The Enron Debacle
  25. Enron and Internationally Agreed Principles for Corporate Governance

📑 Interesting Topics to Write about Enron

  1. Enron and Its Innovative Growth
  2. Ethical Issues With Enron
  3. Enron and Its Effect on Society
  4. A Company Analysis and Overview of Enron
  5. Main Characteristics of Enron Company
  6. Explaining Enron: Communication and Responsible Leadership
  7. Enron and the Natural Gas Industry
  8. Organizational Behavior at Enron
  9. Enron Was an American Energy and Service Company
  10. HR Crisis Management: An Enron
  11. Irregularities in Accounting at Worldcom and Enron
  12. Managing People and Organizations: About Enron Company
  13. Enron and Its Impact on Corporate Business Practices
  14. Positive Work Environment and Enron
  15. The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron
  16. Enron and the White Collar Crime
  17. Enron: The World’s Major Accounting Scandals
  18. The Manipulation of Enron’s Financial Statements
  19. Enron Versus Bombay Politicians
  20. The Enron Corpus: A New Dataset for Email Classification Research
  21. Auditor Conservatism After Enron
  22. Graph-Theoretic and Spectral Analysis of Enron Email Data
  23. Enron Political Implications
  24. Misusing Numbers in the Enron Story
  25. Enron Discourse: The Rhetoric of a Resilient Capitalism

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"121 Enron Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 24 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/enron-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '121 Enron Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 24 November. (Accessed: 24 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "121 Enron Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/enron-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "121 Enron Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/enron-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "121 Enron Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/enron-essay-topics/.