Most of the science fiction films reflect the socio-political environment in both the US and the rest of the world. Science fiction has presented not only some of the greatest stories in the contemporary literature, […]
Time and realism is a crucial element of modern literature.”Time, in Modernist literature, may take the reader through a day in the life of a narrator, whereas in Realism, the reader is taken into a […]
The author considers the fiction works of that era as an attempt to convey the destructive nature of violence and everything related to injustice.”The tone of dystopia is of despair and the feel it gives […]
Fiction can possibly include the happenings of everyday life and is reliant on the person that narrates the happenings, the manner of its narration, and its composition.
Science fiction has found its place among the ‘great’ literatures of the word and hence a contribution in the field of literature. Some of the most sales in literature are in the genre of science […]
Domestic and adventure fictions have several characteristics that distinguish them from other types of imaginative writing.”One Crazy Summer” and “Hoot” are some of the most intriguing novels that show the features of domestic and adventure […]
The first is changes in the scope and uniqueness of the main sectors technology, information, and industry. In sum, the term and concept of “technoculture” reflect the essence of modern society and its overdependence on […]
The third episode from the novel to support that Yu Hua is not biased against the nationalist period is that the civil war ended in the victory of the communist ideology.
The story takes the reader through an intriguing encounter of human beings with a variety of extraterrestrial beings with the aim of outlining the theme of life.
The author further takes the point of view of a third person character in narrating the story; as he tells the story from an invisible point of view where he is not one of the […]
Mars, also known as the Red Planet, the fourth in the distance from the Sun and the seventh-largest planet in the Solar System, is a favorite destination for colonization of science fiction authors, and the […]
The aim of the modernist writers was not only depiction of life “as it is”, but search of solutions to dilemmas and problems of the society of the 20th century.
According to Rahn, through the stories told to the young children by the old women, the children ended up intermingling the past cultures and forces with the current cultures of the world.
Thus, the paper argues that the representation of crime in nineteenth-century literature was based on disparities between the regions of the city as well as the countryside.
In the opening chapters of the novel, the author introduces the initial situation by illustrating the life of Esther, a college student, working as an intern at a women’s magazine in New York together with […]
The analysis of this genre focuses on the series of fiction works with the purpose of disclosure of unique qualities of fiction theory. The history of technology and science contributes to the formation of contextual […]
Newton managed to survive until the end of the war, but he was forced to wage the struggle for the civil rights of blacks also in the era of Reconstruction.
The western genre is the most common movie genre used to highlight the dominance and development of both American and European cultures and economies to the rest of the world.
It also forces readers to rely on their own interpretations and inferences to understand what is happening in the story, adding to the overall sense of uncertainty and ambiguity.
The setting of the novel takes place mainly in a fantastic kingdom, which is ruled by King Mildred, and partially in the Forest of Doom that is terrorized by a fierce dragon.
The second world is a generic world created by the machines in order to pacify the human being as the machines siphon energy from people by plugging the human beings into an artificial intelligence system […]
In the Seventh and Eight Grade he discovered that villains are not only found in schools and the school playground but they can also be the unknown force called discrimination and this is a debilitating […]
In addition to the fact that the plot is exciting and adventurous throughout the whole film, the film’s creators raise acute societal problems. In addition, the film is full of references to political and social […]
There is the existence of various obstacles along the chain of events that hamper the processes aligned towards the achievement of the protagonist’s goals. In the whole story, this theme is reflected in the destructors […]
The depiction of the estate is dedicated primarily to the nature that began to reign over the estate in the character’s dream. Overall, sensory details are instrumental in creating the mood of the scene and […]
Therefore, this article’s primary focus is on how the viewer and the characters in the film perceive the appearance of movement and time-lapse as a form of science fiction.
Nonetheless, the attribute was appealing and inspirational to Winter, who wished to possess Rebecca’s traits and power over her Winter and the housekeeper admired Rebecca leading to obsessing over her even after Rebecca’s […]
For example, the first literary element, the setting, emphasizes the serene and simple beginning of the story. The author wants to show the real face of the character and her treatment of other characters.
The machine is a metaphor that represents those at the top of a hierarchy or the government who control people and run all the activities within the system.
This paper focuses on the perspectives of time in the following books Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood, Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, The Time and the Conways by JB Priestley, and The Dragon by Ray […]
This twist is certainly not uncommon to the genre, but the ease with which the story flows, and the plot woven together with the main story in In this case is very interesting.
The essay will analyze the success of amateur detective fiction authors, paying special attention to the narrative voice and character, as well as the interest and complexity of solving a problem.
In his article “Race, Space and Class: The Politics of the SF Film from Metropolis to Blade Runner”, David Desser had made a perfectly good point while stating: “…the themes and techniques of such films […]
A six-word fictional story is a work of fiction because it presents unreal facts, while a six-word memoir is a work of non-fiction which presents reality and is able to evoke a certain response in […]
Since the publication of Darwin’s science of evolution, mankind has been attempting to solve one of the major problems of our age where will this sort of evolution lead the human race and what implications […]
In “The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber”, Hemingway reveals his latent fear of strong women and being dominated as he depicts the story of a middle-aged man who is finally beginning to understand […]
Nevertheless, while it is emotional, having to deal with death, the pain of losing a son, and having to deal with the sympathy of people around them, the story disguised the emotion of the individuals […]
Thus, the goal of this paper is to study the phenomenon of DF based on the examples of Orwell’s and Huxley’s fiction and determine the presence of the themes that overlap with the contemporary social, […]
Furthermore, science fiction films can be considered as the sub-class of horror films because both genres depend on the Discovery Plot which focuses on establishing the presence of the specific monster in the film, and […]
While the year is never specified explicitly, it is apparent from the description of the technology that the novel describes the United States of the second half of the twentieth century.
By the laws of physics that are known today, faster-than-light travel is nothing but science fiction, and up to now, no significant discoveries have been made in this area.
The convention of the femme fatale is of great significance for the noir fiction as far as it can reveal the historical and cultural background of Los Angeles in the 1930s.
The issue of revenge being a better option in the Swedish society is evident when, at the end of the novel, Blomkvists makes efforts to bring down the executive who worn the lawsuit mentioned at […]
Thus, the author chooses the technique of reportage to represent the story of Chen-chen, and she relies on the use of the realistic tone in order to describe and emphasize all the details of the […]
In the endeavor to place a case in support of this line of argument, the paper considers the key traits of dystopian literature then showing how Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep possesses them in […]
Going by the words of Hopkins “science of fiction is a genre of fiction in which the stories often tell about science and technology of the future- these stories involve partially true-partially fictions laws or […]
He presents dual identity in; the ability of the white Americans to effectively generalize the blacks by compelling them into not standing up for their people when they know the truth of the situation, the […]
In the last part of the book, the federation warships come to the moon. This is evident in the book as the people on the moon are being controlled by the governments of the earth.
According to Descartes, the supporter of the rationalist perspective and the author of the phrase “I think, therefore I am”, declined the importance of emotional and sensuous perception of the world because it does not […]
The omission of women in history has been the cause of fictionalization that misrepresents the female gender. The ancient history of women is seen to suggest that the only role they played was in the […]
This gives a logical scene of the murder to the reader, making the reader to have familiar settings that are helpful in interpreting the rhymes correctly.
The Boys’ Literature and the Idea of Empire, 1870- 1914, one of the adventures literatures tried to argue that; boys as the role model of Britons “are you proud to be a Briton?”. Overtime, the […]
The first half of the film attempted to explain to the audience the meaning and purpose of a technique that allows for the extraction of information as well as the planting of the same.