122 Flu Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Flu Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Analysis of Communicable Disease: Influenza
    Droplets landing on the mouth or nose can promote transmission of the virus, which can also happen from touching infected surfaces and transferring into the mouth.
  2. The Benefits of the Influenza Vaccine
    Some people have a higher risk of infecting influenza and the people who are supposed to take vaccine each year are children whose age is from 6 months to 18 years, children who have a […]
  3. Influenza Vaccination Policy for Healthcare Personnel: Strategies and Antiviral Interventions
    The main aim of the policy is to reduce the risk of influenza transmission and protect healthcare professionals and vulnerable patients.
  4. Ischemic Stroke in Patients with COVID-19 versus Patients with Influenza
    Comparing the risks of having an ischemic stroke and also the characteristics of the stroke in each of the COVID-19 patient groups was done.
  5. Comparison of Influenza, Pneumonia, and COVID-19
    In the case of pneumonia, any infectious organism that reaches the alveoli is likely to be highly virulent as it has already evaded the physical protection mechanisms of the host.
  6. Influenza Vaccinations in School-Aged Children
    Influenza vaccination is often recommended for children because of 1) the high burden of influenza among children and 2) the role of children in the transmission of the influenza virus, facilitated by their social contacts.
  7. Influenza Vaccinations for Prevention of Children Hospitalizations
    In the case of influenza vaccine research, the target patient group is school-aged children since they represent the group with the highest risks of infection and spreading of the disease.
  8. The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Causes and Reactions
    The main reason for the global spread of the pandemic was the world war that was taking place at that time.
  9. Pediatric Influenza and Risk Factors
    For pathophysiological mechanisms, influenza viruses, including those in the A/H3 strain, engage in replication in the respiratory epithelium, which causes the infection of immune cells and viral protein synthesis and could lead to lung compromise/inflammation.
  10. Flaviviruses and Influenza Vaccination
    Flaviviruses cause the flu, a frequently diagnosed illness that can occasionally extend to the bronchi, sinuses, and throat. In contrast to a cold, the flu typically comes on rapidly and is frequently accompanied by fever.
  11. Influenza Vaccination for Pregnant Women
    In the case of the flu, the most effective solution is vaccination. Hospitalization is often required in these cases to ensure the wellbeing of both the future child and their parent.
  12. Avian Influenza as Viral Disease
    It is spread by influenza type A, and some of the strains can bypass the species barrier and cause infections to others, such as pigs and humans.
  13. Health Outcome of Quadrivalent and Trivalent Influenza Vaccines
    Firstly, the aim is to find and synthesize the existing evidence to compare the cost-effectiveness of the trivalent versus quadrivalent influenza vaccine.
  14. Improving Influenza Vaccination
    The success of this project implies that the government and the medical leadership can find other strategies to educate the people about the virus and the burden of the disease to the US economy.
  15. Equine Influenza: Prevention and Treatment
    Equine influenza is a respiratory disease that is highly contagious to horses and other animals in the horse family. However, it is possible to prevent the spread of the virus by vaccinating the horses, treating […]
  16. Microbiology: Influenza Viruses
    The virus uses the HA spikes on its envelope to attach to the sialic acid receptors on the epithelial cells. The HA spike proteins assist the virus in attaching to the lower respiratory tract epithelium.
  17. Lessons Learned From a Pandemic Influenza Triage Exercise
    The primary point of the article is that modern technology enables new training modes that are comparable in effectiveness to traditional physical training while taking a fraction of the time and effort to complete.
  18. The Y2K Bug and the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 Research Methods
    The Y2K bug was a programming issue caused by a shortcut that displayed the last two digits of the year instead of the full-four numbers.
  19. Influenza and COVID-19 Epidemics: Potential Implications and Vaccination
    This report is a valuable source for the present study as it includes statistical data on the prevalence of influenza on a global scale a year before the COVID pandemic outbreak and the first year […]
  20. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Role in Influenza Preparedness
    The difficulty in treating such outbreaks results from the huge number of viruses that evolve and mutate to create stronger versions of the flu.
  21. Tamiflu: Control of Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitor
    This activity of NA is important in the replication cycle of the influenza virus and mainly in the escape of the virus from the envelope.
  22. Nk Cells, Activating and Inhibitory Receptors in Influenza Virus Life Cycle
    NK cells were first discovered in 1975 as lymphocytes of the innate immune system that can kill leukemia cells in vitro without previous sensitization: Since then, NK cells have been revealed to play an important […]
  23. Influenza Preparedness Among Public Housing Residents and Low-income Population
    This is a presentation about influenza preparedness and response among public housing residents and low-income populations.
  24. The Inefficiencies of the World Health Organization: H1N1 and Ebola Management
    In the following weeks, 20 percent of the WHO’s member states deviated from international norms to protect their citizens from pigs as a swine flu source.
  25. COVID-19: Serious Disease in Comparison to Flu
    Caused by a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, this condition is highly contagious and continues to claim the lives of many people in different parts of the world. The field of Ethics can help more people […]
  26. Flu Vaccine Policy for Children Under Five Years
    The program is useful for the young generation because it reduces the spread of flues. The resulting problem is the widespread non-compliance, which hinders the effectiveness of the vaccination objectives.
  27. The 1918 Influenza Virus and Interventions
    To mitigate the impact of the loss caused by influenza, the California health department set up various interventions to stop further transmission of the H1N1 virus within California, such as the use of face masks.
  28. Flu: Public Health Law and Ethics
    As for the flu shot, it should be made before the start of the epidemics, as if the human has already caught the infection, the shot will only worsen the immunity, and may have serious […]
  29. Statins and Influenza: What Is the Current Evidence?
    This inhibition in the liver results in decreased cholesterol synthesis and also of the LDL receptors which in turn lead to increased clearance of LDL from the bloodstream.
  30. Swine Flu Disease in Australia
    The purpose of the article as written by the author is to take stock of how the nation responded to the pandemic in a bid to find out its strong points as well as its […]
  31. Effects of Influenza Vaccine on the Mortality Rate of Patients
    The other keywords used in this study include efficacy and efficiency where the former refers to the effect of the intervention on the study while the former refers to the effect that the intervention has […]
  32. Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: The Influenza Vaccine
    The project is aimed at finding out whether the influenza vaccine helps in the reduction of morbidity and mortality due to the influenza infections among the vulnerable groups particularly the elderly.
  33. Emerging Infectious Disease: Epidemiology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses
    The chain of infection of H1N1 influenza is hard to break because it is transmitted through the respiratory system and contact. When a human being is infected with the H1N1 virus, is mainly due to […]
  34. Report Review: Influenza Outbreaks at Two Correctional Facilities — Maine
    The Correctional Medical Services and the Maine Department of Corrections assisted by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted epidemiologic research to collect the data.
  35. The Hawaiian Influenza Status: Local, State, and National Websites Findings
    On the other hand, the state is involved in the monitoring of the general health of the population and ensuring that the nation is free of the disease.
  36. Epidemiology of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A in the US
    This type of statistics gave findings concerning the regions of the country that had the highest levels of infection of the virus and the patterns of disease.
  37. The Avian Influenza: The Epidemiological Approach
    Unlike the conventional approaches in the medical field, which concentrate more on the study of disease processes in affected persons with the aim of finding a cure for the disease, epidemiology focuses on finding the […]
  38. Social and Behavioral Epidemiology Aspect of H1N1
    Due to the highly unstable and unpredictable nature of the viral agents, a lot of efforts have been concentrated on understanding the pattern of infections and illnesses of these viruses on the general human population.

💡 Most Interesting Flu Topics to Write about

  1. H1N1 Flu Control Recommendation
    Yet, in the absence of viable legal mechanisms of vaccine allocation, declaring a Public Health emergency can give the Department of Health a strong advantage in its fight against the risks of H1N1 pandemics.
  2. Community Health Nursing: Avian Flu
    In the case of avian flu occurrence, it must be reported promptly to the authority in charge to put up measures of preventing further transmission, and care of infected persons.
  3. Swine Flu H1N1: Populations Affected, Course of the Disease, Intervention
    This preferential infection of younger people by swine flu is a significant difference of the virus from the seasonal flu which causes fatalities mostly in the older population.
  4. Infection of Pigs With Human-Like H1N1 Influenza Viruses In China
    In the study by Hai Yu et al, various molecular virology methods were used for understanding the molecular epidemiology of the influenza virus and unraveling the dynamics of the of the influenza zoonosis.
  5. A Synopsis of H1N1 Infection for Better Prevention and Prophylaxis Strategies
    The H1N1 virus responsible for the pandemic of 1918 is believed to have emerged concurrently from birds to swine and humans.
  6. Influenza: Six Stages and Three Periods From the Time a Virus Is Shown Signs
    In this phase, emphasis is placed on preventing the spread of the virus to humans. In this phase, the virus is not fully communicable.
  7. MDCK Cells in Production of Influenza Vaccine
    One of the main ways to create the flu vaccine in the United States of America remains the production of the vaccine from the embryonated chicken eggs.
  8. Influenza, Swine Flu, SARS and Immunity
    The US and the Northern countries are getting ready for a second wave of the H1N1 infections that could affect many people and lead to many more being hospitalized, thousands dead and closure of businesses […]
  9. The Swine Influenza A Virus (H1N1): Symptoms and Treatment
    Prevention may include early detection so that its spread is controlled, killing and avoiding of infected pigs, quarantining of infected persons until they are declared safe to mingle with others, and use of face masks […]
  10. Influenza in Australia: Are We Ready to Fight With It?
    The main objective of the National Action Plan for Human Influenza Pandemic is to protect Australia against the threat of an influenza pandemic and to support the Australian community should one occur.
  11. ”H1N1 Shots to Be Rolled Out Faster” by Mclean & Dale
    The article affirms a death caused by the deadly virus making people reconsider their health issues in terms of vaccination against the H1N1 virus.
  12. The Flu Vaccinations for Healthcare Staff: Theories, Principles, and Evidence
    The highly affected group by the disease are the health care workers. The vaccination method will manage to protect the health care personnel against the attack and the spread of the disease.
  13. The Spanish Flu Versus COVID-19: A Critical Comparison of Two Pandemics
    The US and other world governments adopted similar containment measures to both the 1918 influenza and COVID-19, as the two diseases share a major characteristic of being contagious.
  14. Compulsory Immunization Against Influenza Unethical Nature
    Later, the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology stated that unless the workers have contradictions to the vaccine, they are to receive it.
  15. More People Die by Guillain-Barre Disease Than by Swine Flu
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Guillain-Barre Disease and the swine flu epidemic of 1976-77, to discuss their causes and outcomes, and to find out why the Guillain-Barre Disease was deadlier than […]
  16. Influenza Vaccination of People 65 Years and Older
    The research is based on the latest reviews and scientific articles considering the effectiveness and the safety of the vaccine and the causes of pneumonia for older patients.
  17. The Spanish Influenza 1918-1920: Devastating for Public Health
    In 1918, the world saw the spread of one of the deadliest global pandemics in history known as the Spanish Influenza.
  18. Live-Duck Movement Networks and Transmission of Avian Influenza
    As a result of mutations, avian influenza viruses sharply change their biological properties and acquire the ability to overcome the host barrier with direct infection of people bypassing the intermediate host.
  19. Influenza Vaccination Campaigns: Is an Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure?
    The research conducted by Ward evaluated the total impacts and influences of externalities in respect to the vaccination of influenza as it developed its spread to the patients targeted.
  20. Disease in the News: “Bird Flu: If or When?” by Sellwood
    Concerning that, the author claims that since this subtype of influenza is the cause of many deaths in poultry, then it will be the most likely cause of the human pandemic.
  21. Pandemic Influenza: Spanish Flu and Swine Flu
    The origins of the Spanish flu were initially believed to lie in China and arrive at the rest of the world as a result of a rare mutation in a common flu virus; but later […]
  22. Influenza: A Seasonal Virus or a Pandemic Threat
    One of the viruses is the influenza virus which is not dangerous by itself, but the complications after the illness can cause different kinds of complications and even death.
  23. Environmental Health Project: Swine Flu
    According to the article of Genevive Kieger, the symptoms of the H1N1 virus are identical to the symptoms of normal flu.
  24. Social Problems Which Appeared in the Society With Swine Flu Appearance
    The article gives the information about the condition in the society and provides us with the statistics about the disease cases in the United States and all over the world.
  25. Common and Differences in Cold and Influenza
    On the other hand, the common cold can be caused by more than two-hundred types of viruses, and the attack of the virus is more concentrated in the nose.
  26. Pandemic Flu: Health Literacy
    The higher the readability score, the easier it is to percept the ideas reflected in the text. The higher this score, the better the understanding of a document by the reader is.
  27. Disaster Preparedness for Influenza Prevention
    Influenza pandemic lead to calamitous consequences Employees may contract influenza from residents Friends and relatives of the residents are also at risk Imperative to educate all parties Vaccination of all parties is fundamental Help […]
  28. The H1N1 Pandemic Analysis
    The 2009 Novel Influenza A pandemic brought to the forefront the critical issues of disaster preparedness and planning. The health administrators in Tennessee understood the value of cooperation by deploying the services of the Tennessee […]
  29. Healthcare Policy Analysis: Outbreak of Flu in Illinois
    The seriousness of the problem is obvious, and it is necessary to work on the prevention of such statistics in the future.
  30. Hospital-Acquired Influenza Among the US Children
    The spread of the epidemic of influenza is primarily promoted by a decrease in the immunity of the children of large cities.
  31. Managing an Influenza Pandemic: Ethical Issues Resolving
    It is important to involve all leaders from healthcare facilities and communities to discuss current and emerging issues based on the altered state of care.
  32. Mandatory Influenza Vaccination in the US
    This aspect has been cited as the key reason why most healthcare workers are opposed to the vaccine despite the tireless efforts by the government to increase the uptake of the vaccine.
  33. Medicine: Influenza, Its Causes and Impact on the People
    Virus type A is mainly hosted by the aquatic birds, and their transmission might result in devastating epidemics among the poultry, thus increasing the vulnerability of the people to the infection.
  34. Flu Pandemic Control Steps
    A flu pandemic can be controlled through four steps that would be aimed at reducing the rate of spread of the disease and reducing its impact on the community.
  35. The Stages of Production of the H1N1 Influenza Vaccine
    The hybrid contains the outer components of the influenza virus and inner components of the other virus strain. When people fail to get vaccinated, they contract diseases that were eradicated by the use of vaccines.
  36. An Avian Flu’s Emergency Scenario in the State of Illinois
    The parties in command of the response to the outbreak, as well as the coordination of activities of the various state and local agencies are some of the issues addressed in this scenario.
  37. Swine Flu Vaccination Safety, Effectiveness, and Side Effects
    A blend consisting of the virus and a standard virus from the laboratory is made to form a hybrid that is later planted in chicken eggs.
  38. Steps by the Local and Military Officials to Prevent the Spread of Avian Flu in Okiwan
    The local and military officials have laid down policies that are aimed at controlling the spread of the disease and lessening the economic, health, security, and communal impacts.

📌 Simple & Easy Flu Essay Titles

  1. The Effect of H1N1 (Swine Flu) Media Coverage on Agricultural Commodity Markets
  2. Tracking Epidemics With Google Flu Trends Data and a State-Space SEIR Model
  3. Short on Shots: Are Calls on Cooperative Restraint Effective in Managing a Flu Vaccine Shortage
  4. Learning by Suffering? Patterns in Flu Shot Take-up
  5. Possibility of a Future Avian Flu Pandemic
  6. World Warned To Prepare For Bird Flu
  7. The Flu Shot Should Not Be Mandatory
  8. Implementing Flu Vaccinations in Schools
  9. Spanish Flu And Disease Prevention
  10. Solution Prevention And Treatment Of Bird Flu Types
  11. International Marketing Plan for Blackmore’s Cold and Flu
  12. The Idea Behind the Taking of Flu Vaccine Based on the PICO Format PICOT
  13. Pandemic Flu Impact on Ethics in Nursing Practice
  14. Social Problems Facing the Contemporary United States Flu Vaccine
  15. Swine Flu and The Effect of Compulsory Class Attendance on Academic Performance
  16. Preparing Your Business For A Bird Flu Pandemic
  17. Red, Blue, and the Flu: Media Self-Selection and Partisan Gaps in Swine Flu Vaccinations
  18. Utilizing Six Sigma Principles to Improve the Flu Shot Clinic for Rural School-Age Children in Hawaii
  19. The Methods Used to Stop the Flu Virus in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
  20. The Impact of Bird Flu on the Economy: CGE Model Approach
  21. Utah Offers Vaccine Of Serenity For Bird Flu
  22. Social and Ethical Implications of the Avian Flu and Japanese Biotechnology

👍 Good Essay Topics on Flu

  1. Is Europe Doing a Better Job at Distributing the Swine Flu Vaccine
  2. The Controversial New Policy of Kootenai Medical Center That Requires Employees to Get Flu Shot or Get Fired
  3. Who Takes Up Free Flu Shots? Examining the Effects of an Expansion in Coverage
  4. Who Takes Advantage of Free Flu Shots? Examining the Effects of an Expansion in Coverage
  5. The Misconceptions Surrounding Immunization for Influenza (Flu)
  6. The History of Swine Flu and the Current Worldwide Outbreak of This Virus
  7. The Interventions to Stop the Flu Virus in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
  8. The Bird Flu Crisis in Hong Kong
  9. Why We Should Be Worried About The Bird Flu
  10. The Symptoms, Treatment, and History of the Major Flu Pandemics
  11. The Flu Vaccination Increases Compliance
  12. Swine Flu Causes History Effect Affect Deadly
  13. Ignorance Portrayed in the Georgia Flu Disaster in Station Eleven, a Novel by Emily St. John Mandel
  14. Where Are The Greatest Risk Areas for Bird Flu
  15. Japanese Biotechnology and Avian Flu: Ethical and Societal Implications
  16. Simple Steps Can Keep Families Healthy During Cold And Flu
  17. The Potential Effects of a Modern Spanish Flu
  18. Impact of BSE and Bird Flu on Consumers f Meat Demand in Japan
  19. Using Twitter for Insights into the 2009 Swine Flu and 2014 Ebola Outbreaks
  20. The Ban on Thai Chicken Imports as Boys Catch Avian Flu
  21. Understanding the Impact of the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic
  22. The Relationship Between ‘Spanish Flu’ and the Experience of the First World War
  23. Symptoms And Symptoms Of The Flu Virus
  24. The Symptoms and Types of Influenza, Better Known as the Flu

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IvyPanda. (2025, March 14). 122 Flu Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/flu-essay-topics/

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"122 Flu Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 14 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/flu-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2025. "122 Flu Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/flu-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "122 Flu Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/flu-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "122 Flu Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/flu-essay-topics/.