145 Global Issues Topics for Students & Essay Samples

🔝 Top-10 Global Issues Topics for Students

  1. Water Scarcity as a Global Issue: Causes and Solutions
  2. Illiteracy as a Global Issue
  3. Reflection on Global Issues: Globalization of the Environment
  4. The Great Global Warming Swindle: Different Views on the Issue
  5. Gender Inequality as a Global Issue
  6. Homelessness as a Global Social Issue
  7. The Book “Global Issues: Politics, Economics, and Culture” by Richard Payne
  8. How Has Globalization Impacted on Issues of Human Rights?
  9. Anthropology in Solving Global Social Issues
  10. Tuberculosis as a Global Health Issue

🔥 Hottest World Issues to Write About

Threats of Climate Change

Write an essay about the threats climate change poses to many aspects of modern life. Describe its potentially devastating effects on the environment, weather, agriculture, and human and animal populations. Explain how this phenomenon can alter people’s lives on different continents and regions through population displacement, food shortages, and economic disparity.

Child Marriages and Gender-Based Violence

Make a paper criticizing the notions of child marriages and gender-based violence around the world. Provide statistics and facts that show the dangers of these practices and the long-term mental and physical effects they have on the victims. Explain the unique challenges girls and boys face in child marriages and the types of violence they experience.

Pandemics and Public Health System Challenges

Assess and analyze the challenges the public health system can encounter during pandemics. Evaluate the impact of financial struggles, pressure on the workforce, preparations, and the toll global illnesses take on the mental condition of the medical staff. Explain the best ways organizations can overcome these issues.

Sustainability and Strategies for the Promotion of Green Energy

Describe the top strategies for promoting green energy and reducing the use of fossil fuels. Write about creating awareness, getting current research, publishing information, making it accessible to all audiences, building interest, and promoting the importance of clean energy. Analyze the efficiency of each method and provide tips for improving them.

Global Unemployment Crisis

Analyze the current state of the unemployment crisis in 2025. Assess the reasons for the labor market imbalances, the slowed growth of productivity, and struggling employers. Explain how the 2020 pandemic still plays a role in this situation. Provide the latest statistics and facts about the global unemployment crisis, and how to get out of it.

🏆 Best Global Issues Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Occupational Therapy and Relevant Global Issues
    Food insecurity and the advancement of information and communication technology are important challenges that relate to occupational therapy. ICT could, in some instances, be the only means for occupational therapists to deliver medical care to […]
  2. Global Issues: Addressing an Aging Population
    An important issue that is currently facing the world community is aging due to the increasing number of older people. Migration leaves the countries in which people are moving with a significant number of older […]
  3. Global Health Issue of Malaria
    It can be explained due to the higher density of the population in those areas and the low socioeconomic status of most people.
  4. Global Health Issues Affecting International Community
    The HIV and tuberculosis pandemics have caused and will continue to present considerable challenges to emerging nations’ public health care systems, especially in the hardest-hit nations.
  5. Global Inequality Issues in Modern Society
    It was evident during the times of colonization when foreign entities tried to impose their sociopolitical and economic institutions on the developing nations.
  6. Global Issues, Climate Justice, and Human Overpopulation
    On the one hand, globalization has many positive aspects: the mutual enrichment of the world community, the exchange of best practices, and the availability of goods.
  7. Sustainability as an Urgent Global Issue
    Therefore, this shows the importance of integrating technology with other multidisciplinary teams to achieve quick and sustainable designs that can help in solving the urgent global issue.
  8. Global Issues, Common Good, and Individualism
    In such a case, the cohesion and commitment of each individual to shared goals and interests seem to solve the mentioned problems.
  9. Global Issues: Politics, Economics, and Culture by R.Payne
    The next chapter 14 reveals the issue of cultural homogenization and hybridization due to globalization. From the perspective of the biblical worldview, it largely determines the principles of the world.
  10. Global Ecological Issues of COVID-19 Pandemic
    The reduction in carbon dioxide emissions is due to the removal of cars on the streets, which account for about 23% of total CO2 emissions.
  11. Environmental and Global Health Issues: Measles
    Measles is among the most contagious disease in the world and is highly frequent and densely distributed in poor developing nations of Africa and Asia.
  12. Solving Global Issues May Not Be as Easy as It Seems
    The main point of the essay is to demonstrate how the inaction of those with power and money in the face of human suffering is purely immoral.
  13. Global Health Issue: The Coronavirus Disease
    Families have suffered unparalleled grief, anxiety, and distress from the increasing fatality, massive job losses, lockdowns, and movement restrictions to curb the spread of the virus.
  14. WHO and Its Impact on Global Health Issues
    The issues which are the center of attention of the World Health Organization are: Women’s Health Health In Africa Eradication of communicable diseases Dr Margaret Chan, the Director-General of World Health Organization said;”I want my […]
  15. Examination of a Global Population Issue of Russia
    The country is one of the richest in the world. The country also has the largest forest cover in the world, and the largest fresh water lake.
  16. Global Health Concerns Overview
    Title Report 1. Japan nuke risks are minimal The World Health Organization has sent alerts to global health experts to travel to Japan to prevent health hazards caused by radiation. WHO reported the health risks arising from the incident is very low and the current radiation level has no great risk on public health. In […]
  17. Global Issues Action Plan in the U.S.
    While drawbacks are the possibility of losing power that other states can use to influence the United States and the lack of protection from emerging military organizations and countries, such as China and Iran, that […]

📉 Global Perspectives Research Questions: Unemployment & Poverty

  1. What’s the link between unemployment and poverty levels in the US?
  2. Which economic policies have been particularly effective in dealing with these issues?
  3. How did the number of poor and unemployed change over the past five years?
  4. How do European countries approach poverty and unemployment reduction?
  5. What are the long-term economic effects of prolonged unemployment rates?
  6. Does education play a role in lowering unemployment rates in Europe?
  7. How did the 2008 Financial Crisis influence employment in the US?
  8. What’s the effect of unemployment on a person’s physical and mental state?
  9. Which social and demographic factors increase one’s chances of unemployment?
  10. What’s the impact of the informal economy on poverty reduction in Asia?

✍️ Global Issues Essay Topics for College

  1. Global Health Issue Analysis: HIV – A Relatively New Disease
    Rapid detection and treatment are crucial to limit the spread of HIV and limit the patient’s effects. As the frequency and intensity of symptoms vary from person to person, testing is the only clear way […]
  2. Race as a Global Issue in the 1920s
    The main intention of prohibiting immigrants from entering the country was to block the Germans whom the Americans saw as a threat to their country.
  3. Global Digital Divide as a Social Issue
    That is, if societies around the globe are able to bridge the gap between those who have and those who do not in relation to information technology, then the development problems would be minimized at […]
  4. Global Warming Issues Review and Environmental Sustainability
    Whether it is the melt down of Arctic ice, the damage of the Ozone layer, extra pollution in developing countries; all sums up to one thing in common and that is global warming.
  5. Modern Global Issues: Drinking Water Shortage
    The situation is closely linked with the lack of water, and the offered technology to cope with this problem. This is the only way to use naturally filtered and sprang water.
  6. Global Health Issue in the “Mother Teresa” Movie
    The movie is devoted to her immense donation to the universal HIV/AIDS struggle in India, but along with the help to HIV infected people, she made the greatest ever contribution to the matters of peace […]
  7. Malnutrition in Children as a Global Health Issue
    The peculiarity of this initiative is not to support children and control their feeding processes but prevent pediatric malnutrition even before a child is born.
  8. Adolescent Pregnancy as a Global Issue
    The wider the information system is, the more effective methods of solving problems related to the health of pregnant teens are.
  9. The Doha Round Effectiveness in Solving Global Issues
    Except for the Dispute Settlement Understanding actions, the attendees of the conference agreed that the outcome of all negotiations was to be done as a single undertaking.
  10. Cultural Competence in Action: Solutions to Global Health Issues
    In this paper, the analysis of several case studies about cultural competence will be discussed to clarify how to achieve positive results and reduce the wasting of resources. In the second case, certain attention is […]
  11. Polar Transformations as a Global Warming Issue
    Changes in vegetation due to global warming will be varying as the regions are covered with three main vegetation types: polar desert, boreal forest, and the tundra.
  12. Project Cost Management’s Global Issues and Challenges
    The results suggest the lack of identity for the profession on the global scale due to the lack of consensus regarding the common descriptor, the scarcity of common standards, terminology, and bodies of knowledge, and […]
  13. Project Cost Management: Global Issues and Challenges
    The information revealed by the author is likely to be beneficial for those individuals who are occupied in various fields but provide cost management services in the framework of the global construction industry.
  14. Natural Disasters and Global Social Issues
    The hurricane led to a major shift in the social arrangement of the populations in the worst affected areas. This led to a significant loss of jobs in the affected areas.
  15. Childhood Obesity in Developing Countries – A Global Health Issue
    Childhood Obesity and the Globe As mentioned earlier, according to the data of WHO, the number of obese children in the world today is more than 42 million, and the vast majority of them are […]
  16. Differing Views on Global Warming Issues
    It is crucial to bring on board the views of those who view global warming as a myth that need not to be addressed.
  17. Ethics-Related Global Workplace Issues
    Child labor also exposes the children to activities that are illegal. Forced labor is a form of slavery and should not be practiced anywhere in the world.
  18. Global Population Issues and Population in the UAE
    The natural resources will face exhaustion due to the great pressure of the population. Consequently, the governments of these countries will be forced to take measures to drive the fertility rates up to cover up […]

🌱 Global Issues Topics for Essays on Climate Crisis

  1. The Link Between Climate Change and Food Shortages.
  2. The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity.
  3. How the Climate Crisis Induces Human Migration.
  4. Renewable Energy and the Battle Against Climate Change.
  5. The Effect of Climate Change on Public Health.
  6. The Economic Impact of Climate Change in North America.
  7. Best Anti-Climate Change Policies and Agreements.
  8. How Technology Can Reduce the Effects of Climate Change.
  9. Stopping the Climate Crisis by Stopping Deforestation.
  10. Raising Public Knowledge and Education about Climate Change.

📌 Good Essay Topics on Global Issues

  1. Global Issues for Global Citizens: An Introduction to Key Development Challenges
  2. Are Gender Rights and Gender Discrimination Global Issues
  3. Global Issues Regarding the Container Shipping
  4. Analysis of the Global Issues in Business
  5. Global Issues, Local Solutions: Rethinking Wealth and Health
  6. Climate Change and Pollution Are Serious Global Issues
  7. Compounded Global Issues: Terrorism, Nuclear Proliferation, and Climate Change
  8. Global Issues: Obesity, Inactivity, and Water-Crisis
  9. Environment-Related Global Issues: Global and Regional Conventions
  10. How Global Issues Are Resolved With the Scopes of Many Disciplines
  11. Explaining the Global Issues of Environment and Health
  12. Global Crimes Cause Global Issues That Affect the National
  13. The Alarming and Troublesome Global Warming Issue
  14. Analyzing How Global Issues Affect Tourism
  15. The Link Between Global Issues and Change in Human Resource Management
  16. The Relations Between the Global Issues and Institutions
  17. Global Issues Surrounding the Millennium Development Goals
  18. Analyzing Human Trafficking as a Global Issue
  19. Global Warming: An Issue That Is Man-Made?
  20. Immigration and Migration Described as the Global Issues

🌍 Issues in the World to Write About: Food & Water Deficits

  1. The Impact of Climate Change on Food Production in India.
  2. Scenarios of Global Hunger and Malnutrition.
  3. Best Strategies for Food Waste and Loss Prevention.
  4. How the Climate Crisis Influences American Agriculture.
  5. The Influence of Conflict on Food Security.
  6. How Economic Policies Impact Food Prices.
  7. Primary Causes of Worldwide Water Scarcity.
  8. Water Pollution and its Impact on Supply.
  9. Access to Food & Water in Urban and Rural Areas.
  10. Best Water Management and Conversation Strategies.

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Global Issues

  1. Analyzing Global Issues That Effect Everyone
  2. Environmental Issues: Chevron’s Contribution to Global Warming
  3. Global Issues We Are Facing Today
  4. Cigarette Smoking Relation to Global Issues of the Future
  5. Six Global Issues Associated With E-Commerce
  6. Global Issues: The Link Between Water Shortage and Child Mortality
  7. Analysis of the Innovation and Global Issues in Social Sciences
  8. The Relationships Between Internet, Computers, and Global Issues
  9. Global Issues Within the First Civilizations
  10. Legal and Global Issues Focused On Treating Undocumented Immigrants
  11. Analysis of the Poor News Coverage and Public Opinion on Global Issues
  12. Depicting Social and Global Issues and Trends in Adult Education
  13. The Global Issues Depicted in “Home”, a Documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
  14. Teaching for Sustainable Development Through Ethical Global Issues Pedagogy
  15. Terrorism and the Military: Global Issues of Today
  16. The Concept, Content, and Nature of Contemporary Global Issues
  17. The Gay Marriage Debate: Contemporary Global Issues
  18. The Analysis of the Global Issues and Threats of Nuclear Weapons
  19. Overview of the Significant Global Issues of Nowadays
  20. The Part of the U.S. and India in Global Issues On Women

❓ Global Issues Questions

  1. Are Gender Rights and Gender Discrimination Global Issues?
  2. What Are the Global Issues in Business?
  3. Are Climate Change and Pollution Serious Global Issues?
  4. Are Terrorism and Nuclear Proliferation Global Issues?
  5. What Is the Role of Third World Countries in Global Environmental Issues?
  6. How Are Global Issues Solved With the Help of Many Disciplines?
  7. What Are the Social and Global Issues and Trends in Adult Education?
  8. What Institutions Can Solve Global Issues?
  9. What Are the Global Issues of Immigration and Migration?
  10. Do Global Issues Have Local Solutions?
  11. How Global Is the Issue of Obesity?
  12. What Are the Global Issues Related to Container Transportation?
  13. Is Child Mortality a Global Issue?
  14. What Are the Global Issues Associated With the Millennium Development Goals?
  15. What Were the Global Issues of the First Civilizations?
  16. What Global Issues Is Humanity Currently Facing?
  17. What Are the Global Issues Related to Human Resource Management?
  18. What Does Smoking Have to Do With Global Issues of the Future?
  19. How Do Global Issues Affect Individual States?
  20. What Is Public Opinion About Global Issues?
  21. What Are the Concepts, Meaning and Nature of Modern Global Issues?
  22. Gay Marriage: Is It a Modern Global Issue?
  23. What Are the US and India Global Issues Affecting Women?
  24. Global Issues: How to Fight Addiction to Video Games?
  25. What Are the Global Health Issues?
  26. Is Organized Crime a Global Issue in the World?
  27. How Can National Governments Solve the Global Issue of Climate Change?
  28. What Are Starbucks Global Issues?
  29. Why Is Global Cooperation Important to Address the Global Issues of Postharvest Losses?
  30. Is It Possible to Solve the Global Issue of PTSD?

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IvyPanda. (2025, January 7). 145 Global Issues Topics for Students & Essay Samples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/global-issues-essay-topics/

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"145 Global Issues Topics for Students & Essay Samples." IvyPanda, 7 Jan. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/global-issues-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2025) '145 Global Issues Topics for Students & Essay Samples'. 7 January. (Accessed: 25 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2025. "145 Global Issues Topics for Students & Essay Samples." January 7, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/global-issues-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "145 Global Issues Topics for Students & Essay Samples." January 7, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/global-issues-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "145 Global Issues Topics for Students & Essay Samples." January 7, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/global-issues-essay-topics/.