🏆 Best HTC Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- HTC Case Study: Organizational DevelopmentThe problems of HTC Corporation include weak organizational structure, misplaced objectives, and employee’s performance (Triggs 2013).
- HTC Corporation Setting and StrategiesIn case the company has gone into the world market, the research explores some of the benefits the company has received and some of the areas that need reinforcement.
- Cases Studies: HTC and AutomuneThe positive response of the public motivated HTC to develop VR further, while the sale of part of the smartphone business to Google provided the required funds.
- HTC Corporation Organisational DevelopmentTo strengthen the production department, we must effect a change. The change in organisational strategy will reduce employee’s performance.
- HTC Corporation: Creating Superior Marketing StrategiesFor instance, if a firm realises that it needs to introduce a new process in its manufacturing system, it will need to develop new strategies of production that are in line with the new process, […]
- “All Colours”- an Advertisement for “HTC Phone” BrandAccording to Lenscold, the ability of an advertisement to portray meaningful colors in the eyes of the targeted consumer facilitates successful thriving of the product in the market, both in the long-run and the short-run.
- HTC Corporation’s Declining MarketProper implementation and application of external and internal factors of marketing would help HTC to improve the quality of its products and meet consumer requirements, and thus retain and improve its market share.
📌 Good Research Topics about HTC
- HTC’s Successful Growth Strategy in the Mobile Phone Business
- The Internal Strengths and Weaknesses and External Factors Affecting HTC
- Key Factors that Influence the Success of HTC Company
- How Will HTC’s Growth Strategies be Successful in Improving their Financial Performance
- Environmental Factors Affecting HTC’s Management Functions
- Culture, Goal-Oriented Communication, Leadership, and a Fast-Growing Organization of HTC
- HTC: Training and Development as a Strategy for Growth
- Differences between the Corporate Identity, Branding, Image, and Reputation of HTC
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in the Cell Phone Industry Related to HTC
- HTC – Market Analysis & Growth Strategy
- Integrated Marketing Communication Plan of HTC
- Effective Marketing Strategies for a Target Audience of HTC Company
- HTC and the Role of Innovator in the Mobile Computing Industry
- Comparison between HTC’s Advertising Strategy and Competitor’s Strategy
- Review of the Corporate Social Responsibility for HTC Company
- HTC and Effective Competition in the Smartphone Market
- The new HTC Pure View Smartphone Marketing Strategy
- HTC Company’s Corporate Governance and Culture
- PESTLE and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of HTC
- Employee Management & Organizational Culture at HTC Company
- Corporate Governance Index and Its Determinants in HTC Company
- HTC and the Global Mobile Device Marketplace
- Equity, Cash Flow, and Notes Analysis of HTC
🔎 Interesting Topics to Write about HTC
- The Public Relationships between HTC Company and Society
- How Global Trends Influence the Strategies Used by HTC in the Communications Market
- Integrating HTC’s Business, HR, and Staffing Strategies
- HTC Organizational Structure: The Hard Task of Restructuring
- Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages of HTC Company
- Identifying the Market Potential for the HTC Mobile Phone
- HTC’s First Communicator with 3D-Display Support
- Marketing Concepts and Principles of Success of HTC Company
- The Origins and History of the Successful Company, HTC
- Examining Different Accounting Forms within HTC
- Human Resources Management Strategy of HTC Company
- Online Marketing Strategy and Organizational Usefulness of HTC
- Dynamic Capabilities, Entrepreneurial Rent-Seeking, and the Investment Development Path of HTC
- HTC Company Market Complexity and Competition
- Strategic Planning and Development of HTC Company Marketing
- Internal Alignment and External Competitiveness for HTC
- HTC Company SWOT and PESTEL Analysis
- Actively Developing Market of Communicators as a Priority of HTC
- Social Responsibility and Ethical Issues Faced by HTC Company
- HTC Company and Its Unique Organizational Culture
- Factors that Triggered the Growth of HTC in the Global Handset Market
- HTC Company’s Internal Organizational Structure
- Managerial Skills and Abilities of Cher Wang, HT Cho, and Peter Chou – Founders of HTC