87 Invention Essay Topics & Examples

Looking for a topic about invention that changed the world? You’re in the right place! Find the best invention essay examples and title ideas below.

An invention is an innovative method, device, or process. Whether it is a small improvement or a radical breakthrough, an invention is something that changes production processes and the everyday life of people. Both the wheel and a super-modern smartphone are examples of inventions.

In your invention essay, you might want to discuss the importance of inventing in our life. Another option is to talk about a famous or your favorite invention. Want to get more ideas? In this article, we’ve gathered the best invention essay examples, speech topics, and titles. Go on reading to learn more.

🏆 Top Invention Essay Examples

  1. Electricity Is the Most Important Invention
    This process began centuries ago, yet its most active stage was launched in the middle of the nineteenth century, and one of the major moving forces of the rapid technological development was the reception and […]
  2. The Gunpowder Invention and Its Impacts on the World
    In the present times, the production of gunpowder still goes on as a continuation of the works of the ancient alchemists from China.
  3. The Invention of Internet
    Several events led to the advancement of the internet in the world today. The level of computer literacy in the world played a leading role in the advancement of internet as teachers and students wanted […]
  4. Dynamite Invention Influence on Politics, Society, and Economy
    The duality of the impact of the invention of dynamite is present in each of the three major civilizational areas mentioned above.
  5. Inventions That the World Would Do Without
    For instance, the invention of communication technology has been of great help to the entire world because of the convenience and reliability it has come with.
  6. The Inventions of Thomas Edison
    Many new developments appeared due to Edison’s achievements, who was one of the founders of the practical application of current. The introduction of compressed current energy marked the transition to a new technological era.
  7. The Flute Advancement and Its Invention
    The volume of the flute is dependent on the resonator’s size, the size of the air stream or the velocity of the air stream.
  8. Papyrus: Its Invention and Impact on the World
    The invention of papyrus paper by the Egyptians changed the scene since papyrus-paper proved to be the ideal writing material of the time.
  9. Ancient Chinese Contributions and Inventions
    Trying to point to ten most useful inventions and contributions of the Ancient China, it was really difficult to select the most necessary ones as Ancient China is famous for its contribution into the development […]
  10. Alexander Graham Bell and the Passion for Invention
    It was a very short notice and since I had counted on working on my telephone project in the spring of 1870, I was at first not ready to move with my parents.
  11. The Invention of Television
    According to Street, Paul Nipkow developed the Nipkow disc in 1884, which was capable of transmitting pictures by use of a cable. In the earlier times, it was hard to send a message for its […]
  12. Golden Age of Islam: Inventions and Success in Science
    The achievements of the Muslim technology and science contributed to the development of the Western society and helped Europe come out of the Dark Ages.
  13. Invention in Writing
    It refers to the creation of new ideas in relation to the question given or the use of old ideas to come up with new ideas in writing.
  14. Nikola Tesla’s Inventions and Achievements
    It is interesting to discuss that Tesla’s AC system led to the event in the history of the scientific and commercial world called the war of the currents.
  15. George Washington Carver’s Life, Honors, and Inventions
    Born into slavery in 1864, he went on to become a renowned educator and innovator whose contributions were critical to the success of the agricultural industry in the United States, particularly in the Southern states.
  16. The Progressive Era and Its Technological Inventions
    Moreover, the period marked the shift from the agrarian to the urban society, and many critics referred to it as the age of reforms in American history.
  17. “John Koza Has Built an Invention Machine” by Jonathon Keat
    In other words, a new scientific solution of a genius can be appropriate only when the society draws to a head with a little bit mere understanding of the scientific flow at a definite epoch […]
  18. Invention of Light Bulbs by Davy: Ethical Issues
    This was a pivotal moment when Humphrey picked up an interest in the field of electrochemistry in the year 1808 because it led to discovery of the most famous invention in his life which was […]
  19. The Motion Picture Invention and Inventors
    John Isaac played a key role in helping Eadweard to develop a technology used to take the first motion picture of a galloping horse.
  20. The Enable Talk Gloves: Invention’s Pros & Cons
    The gloves have special sensors that turn the signs into texts on a smartphone that also turns the texts into speech. This invention will impact the participation of people with speech problems in the activities […]

📱 Interesting Invention Speech Topics

  1. Phonograph Invention and Evolution
    The time period the phonograph was invented and the circumstances that led to the invention. The invention and advancement of the phonograph and its operations has had a part to play on other inventions.
  2. The Invention of Development
    On being sworn in as the president of the United States, Rist notes, Truman introduced the term, underdevelopment, as a new concept of regarding the impoverished regions of the world.
  3. Discovery Versus Invention: Understanding, Comparison and Principles of the Subject
    The earlier example of gods invented to explain cosmology is an area where the knowledge was true for its time in the sense that it organized the universe and the world, but was later replaced […]
  4. Impact of the Invention of the Camera on Art
    The invention of the camera immensely impacted the arts, especially in terms of painting. On the other hand, the camera’s invention spurred the development of new art directions, namely, Realism and Impressionism.
  5. Ancient Chinese Inventions and Contributions
    In spite of this stereotype, China is the Motherland of many inventions of the past. Gunpowder is one of the most significant and well-known inventions of ancient China.
  6. Computers: The History of Invention and Development
    It is treated as a reliable machine able to process and store a large amount of data and help out in any situation.”The storage, retrieval, and use of information are more important than ever” since […]
  7. Umbrella and Its Invention in Different Cultures
    An umbrella in ancient China was not only the item of sun protection, but it was also a symbol of a high rank and nobility of its owner.
  8. Marcel Duchamp’s Invention of ‘The Readymade’
    In his invention of readymade art, Duchamp based his artwork on the belief that creative art was not made from the perspective of the artist but from the point of view of the spectator who […]
  9. The Invention of Daguerreotypes
    Overall, the work on the daguerreotypes began in 1727, when Schulze introduced his important innovations into photography; it continued in the beginning of the 1800s, when the rudimentary camera obscura was created and actively used; […]
  10. Invention of Photography and Its Social Impact
    Although photography was invented in its full form only in 1835, an understanding of the social impact that was a result of the invention of photography is rightly portrayed by Azoulay in his article “The […]
  11. Two Inventions Comarison: Telephone and Internet
    However, the history of the first inventor of the telephone is shrouded in mystery with the name of Elisha Gray attached with the invention of the first telephone.
  12. “Invention as a Social Act” Analysis
    The paper is divided into four parts: social aspects of the invention, invention as a dialectical process, invention as an act, and classical criteria for a social view of the invention.
  13. Optical Tools: History of Invention and Consequential Development
    Nevertheless, as the socio-cultural progress in this part of the world continued to gain a powerful momentum, the idea of using lenses to create optical devices began to appeal to more and more intellectually advanced […]
  14. Biomimicry: Inventions Inspired by Nature
    The main idea or aim of biomimicry is that nature is able to provide humanity with brilliant solutions that can and need to be used.
  15. Inventions of the Ancient Romans
    The Romans built some of the most impressive buildings in the world, including the Pantheon and the Colosseum. Thus, the Romans were ahead of their time, and their legacy continues to shape modern engineering and […]
  16. Spectrophotometers: Invention and Development
    Jensen explains that spectrophotometers can be used to make measurements where previous methods were unable to, like measuring the amount of light absorbed by a substance at different wavelengths.
  17. The Invention of Cinema at the End of the XIX Century
    First attempt to introduce the idea of moving pictures traces back to middle of the seventeenth century, when Athanasius Kircher “who projected crude hand-painted images of the Devil…on the wall of a darkened chamber by […]
  18. Aviation Industry and Its Prominent Inventions
    The above are some of the most influential aviation inventions ever made in the history of the industry. Given the failure in the development of manned aircraft by Russia, it is safe to conclude that […]
  19. Luc Sante “The Invention of the Blues” and John Jeremiah Sullivan “Unknown Bards”
    Personally, I have found the article “The Invention of the Blues” by Sante important because it explains in details the origin of the music genre.
  20. Technological Inventions: The Adverse Effects
    The whole issue necessitates concerted efforts from all humans and the acceptance that people’s knowledge is limited for the realization of a real solution.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Invention

  1. The Invention and the Power of Music
    This moment was the beginning of a practical study of the benefits of music therapy for the mental and physical condition of a person.
  2. The Lego Company’s Inventions and Reinvention
    Hasbro and Barbie, the Lego company has the capacity to widen its range of products and diversify. The Lego company realized the importance of its community, and effectively used it in order to improve its […]
  3. Testing New Invention: Blender Switch
    The purpose of the analysis will be to determine if the proportion of returned blenders with new switches were deferent from the proportion of blenders with old switches.
  4. Social Needs: Inventions and Innovations
    The Pony Express was birthed in 1861 in the US with the primary goal of delivering mail and in the same breath, Coleman Sellers invented a Kinematoscope.
  5. Radio Technology Invention and Development
    In 1906 he broadcasted a Christmas concert, including his voice and violin play with the help of 400-foot towers to the ships of the United Fruit Company, which were equipped with Marconi’s radios. In 1922 […]
  6. Photography: Brief History of Invention
    At that time all images produced were in black and white and eventually all masters of the art came to believe that the only artistic way to record photographic images was in black and white. […]
  7. Airplnane: Description of the Invention
    The credit for the invention of the first powered airplane goes to the Wright brothers Orville and Wilbur. The worlds first powered, sustained and controlled flight in a heavier-than-air airplane was achieved by the Wright […]
  8. Rome and the Invention of the West
    In ” The Aeneid,” Virgil tells of the adventures of the hero of the Trojan war, Aeneas, who was destined by the gods to stay alive after the destruction of Troy to come to Italy […]
  9. Sickle Cell Disease and Scientific Inventions
    The disease is caused by a gene that is linked to the production of mutant hemoglobin. This is due to advance treatment and management of the disease”.
  10. Television, Its Invention and Technical Evolution
    The history of television involves the contribution of several engineers from different parts of the world. This paper seeks to explore the technical evolution of the television from its invention to the current developments.
  11. Visual Communications and Technological Inventions
    The invention of the printing press altered the history of the world the most notable one being the reduction of the power of the church.
  12. Ancient Chinese Inventions History
    In this article, I highlight some of the inventions and contributions and examine four that I consider to be outstanding. A sample of these inventions and contributions include “silk, tea, porcelain, paper, printing, gunpowder, the […]
  13. Apple Company: Development, Inventions, Expansion
    This essay provides an insight into the development of the Apple Company and the various personalities that have contributed to its growth.
  14. Collective Invention During Industrial Revolution
    The major similarity between collective invention and heroic individual invention is that both provided important source of innovations during the early stages of industrialization.
  15. Telescope and Microscope Discovery Combo
    The paper will look into the history of the discoveries and their effects in the development of the human well beings as well as the enhancement of the human understanding of the surrounding nature in […]
  16. Modeling, Prototyping and CASE Tools: The Inventions to Support the Computer Engineering
    Despite the fact that the engineering is constantly being enriched with the new notions and techniques which add the new ways and methods to make the process of engineering quicker and flawless, the science still […]
  17. The Period Encompassing the Invention of Cinema
    Therefore, because of the establishment of the photographic film at that time that required the use of great illumination, the application of the electric spotlight that was introduced in 1904 in theatres became essential in […]
  18. US Inventions: Electronic Appliances and Transport Facilities
    Fortunately, the inventions of recorders, compact disks, and radio led to the spread of the music in other parts of the world.

❓ Invention Research Questions

  1. How Did the Invention of Agriculture Allowed Stable?
  2. How Did the Invention of the First American Transcontinental Affect the Nation?
  3. How Has the Invention and Use of Television Affected Human Life?
  4. How Has the Invention of Contact Lenses Affected People’s Sight?
  5. How Has the Invention of Social Media Affected Human Life Over Time?
  6. How Has the Invention of Vaccines Helped the World?
  7. How Remix Culture Fuels Creativity and Invention?
  8. How Did Television Change Since Its Invention?
  9. How the Bit Was Born: Claude Shannon and the Invention of Information?
  10. How Has the Invention and Use of the Computer Changed Lives in the 21st Century?
  11. How Venture Capital Works: Invention and Innovation Drive?
  12. Was Modern Art Greater Influenced by the Invention of the Camera or Kindergarten?
  13. What Are the Inventions That Changed the 20th Century?
  14. What Brought About the Invention of Response Cards?
  15. What Did the Invention of the Bicycle as an Alternative Model?
  16. What Can the Invention Be Made for a Healthier?
  17. What Inspires Leisure Time Invention?
  18. What Invention Would the World Be Better Off Without, and Why?
  19. Which Invention Has Had the Most Significant Effect on Our Lives in the Last Two Hundred Years?
  20. Which Invention Was More Important: The Internet or the Telegraph?
  21. Which Invention Has Made the Most Impact on Our Lives?
  22. What Was Invented in 2021?
  23. Why Is the Internet the Most Important Invention?
  24. Why the Gatling Gun Is an Invention of Great Importance to the Science of Warfare?
  25. Computers: The Greatest Invention of the Century?
  26. Does Compulsory Licensing Discourage Invention?
  27. The Microscope: Science’s Greatest Invention?

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"87 Invention Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda, 20 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/invention-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '87 Invention Essay Topics & Examples'. 20 November. (Accessed: 21 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "87 Invention Essay Topics & Examples." November 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/invention-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "87 Invention Essay Topics & Examples." November 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/invention-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "87 Invention Essay Topics & Examples." November 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/invention-essay-topics/.