If you’re looking for Nike research questions and essay topics, check the list of ideas collected by our team.
🏆 Best Nike Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- Objectives of Nike Corporation: Marketing Strategies ReportDespite the stiff competition that Nike is facing, the company has been and still is the leader in the market. At the same time, the company has incorporated the use of IT and ICT in […]
- Supply and Demand of Nike ShoesThe supply of the company is estimated to be sufficient for the existing level of demand. Due to the specific area of operation of NIKE Inc, which is the narrow sportswear market, the demand for […]
- Nike Company: Costs of Production and Overall MarketNike’s cost of goods sold is provided in Table 1, showing the company’s COGS have increased in the last five years, mainly due to the increase in the price of raw materials including thread and […]
- Brief Description of Nike Inc: Is Nike a Monopoly?This paper focuses on the kind of market structure that Nike, Inc.belongs to, the price elasticity of its demands, the price elasticity of its products, the company’s closest competitors, the substitutes or subsidiaries of Nike, […]
- Pathos, Ethos, and Logos in Nike’s “Dream Crazy” AdIn addition, Nike employs logos in the commercial in addition to data by appealing to the audience’s sense of common sense and pragmatism.
- Nike New Product Development: Strategy and IdeasMarketing strategy development This stage entails formulating a marketing strategy that will be used in the process of introducing the product to the market.
- Nike Strategic Management: The Case Study EssayNike has also managed its assets and resources to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. Nike has strived to stay at the competitive edge because of its efforts and strategies.
- Nike Inc.’s Performance Measurement and ControlThis company has resourceful inventory management principles that allow it to supervise the shipment of merchandise from manufacturers to distributors and retailers.
- Nike Inc.’s Corporate Social Responsibility ProjectThe following paper aims at analyzing the CSR program of Nike, a publicly traded sportswear company, in order to determine the transparency and effectiveness of social and environmental responsibilities stated in their report.
- Strategic Plan: Nike Incorporation ReportFor example, the adoption of the ‘swoosh’ as the firm’s trademark has made Nike one of the widely recognized companies in the world.
- Nike Inc.’s Outsourcing and International LaborIt was until Nike started making losses that Phil Knight took courage to admit that the company had made mistakes in terms of corporate responsibility, code of conduct, and labor laws.
- Nike Distribution Channels EssayAt the moment, it is estimated that Nike holds a global market share of close to 40%. The phenomenal success of Nike is attributed to good product designing and awesome marketing.
- Nike Consumer Behavior AnalysisAn observer can measure the responses of the customer and find the actual information in regard of selection preferences that are based on the brand attachment.
- Nike and Adidas Companies’ Environmental ScanIn this paper, an environmental scan of the two companies operating in the sports footwear and apparel industry is presented. This paper gives an environmental scan of three sports apparel firms Nike and Adidas and […]
- Coca-Cola and Nike: Product Life-CycleThe product life cycle is an extremely useful tool for marketing managers because, as the examples of The Coca-Cola Company and Nike show, it is universally applicable to any company and helps to anticipate the […]
- Nike: Supply Chain Management Issues Caused by the COVID-19 SpreadThe objectives of the research are to study Nike’s inbound and outbound logistics supply chain management issues and to confirm the importance of the supply chain’s capability to update.
- Nike vs. AdidasPersonal Characteristics As part of the market segmentation, the personal characteristics include the consideration of buyer-seller similarities, attitude towards risk, and the loyalty of companies that the organization engages in.
- Nike: Management of Information SystemsNike should integrate information systems to improve efficiency and effectiveness of its operations. IT leverages primary and secondary activities of an organization.
- Nike Inc.: Marketing PracticesTo meet the ethical norms and values proposed by the AMA, Nike should address the unethical marketing practices it has been accused of in the past.
- Social Media Case Study: Nike’s #YouCantStopUs CampaignFor example, in Nike’s tweet on Twitter entitled “Nothing can stop what we can do together,” the company used an image of hugging Black athletes and encouraged the audience to install the Nike app.
- Nike: Brand Equity and Promotional StrategiesNike’s place in the industry of sportswear and accessories is also important in discussing its brand equity. The name of the goddess that is currently in use by Nike aligns with the other campaigns that […]
- Nike Shoes Product Marketing and Perceptual MapAccording to the created perceptual map, Nike and Adidas remain to be the leaders of the U.S.market with the focus on such characteristics of athletic shoes as appearance and comfort.
- Improvement of Information Security of the Nike CompanyNike should, therefore, ensure the data is protected by allocating individuals to monitor the activities in the database and front-end of the website.
- Natural and Physical Environmental Factors that Affect Nike Inc.Moreover, environmental laws and the call for reduction of global warming have led to the apparel industry investing in green sources of energy.
- Nike Inc.’s Marketing Strategy and ManagementIn athletic sportswear, Nike competes with brands such as Adidas which has a respectable market share and similar market capitalization, a close second to Nike in the world of professional sports attire and retail sales.
- Rhetoric Analysis of Nike’s AdvertThe use of ethos and pathos in this advert mainly brings a new scope to the game and creates a new dimension for women.
- Pricing: The Sneaker Pricing Wars (Adidas-Nike)Price is a very essential aspect in every business as it is the fundamental determinant of the profit to be achieved after the sale of a commodity or service and therefore influences the success or […]
- Financial Management of NikeFinancial management refers to the planning and management of finances of a business with the sole aim of achieving the set goals.
- Nike Strategy for Entry into the Brazilian MarketThe purpose of this report is to analyze the Brazilian sports shoe market and provide advice to the corporate leadership at Nike in order to help them develop the best strategies to increase the corporate […]
- Nike Penetration Strategy in BrazilIt allows the company to get an opportunity to locate in a region that has low production and labor costs, locate close to its target market and provide an opportunity for profit maximization.
- Nike: Brief History and Business DescriptionIn this paper, a brief historical overview of Nike will be offered to identify an outline and a purpose of a research project and understand better its strategic management, segmentation, and strengths in the current […]
- Nike Marketing Communication Strategy – CourseworkThe process of incoming current consumers and prospective consumers is among the key competencies’ of any company, a successful marketing communication mix will most likely contribute in boosting sales and revenues A company’s communication mix […]
- Nike Athletic Shoes: SWOT AnalysisThis would lead to a situation where the company’s revenues reduce as this is the sector that brings in the most of its revenue.
- Nike ConsideredNike had to decide what to do to return its positive image and the creation of the line of natural and environmentally friendly shoes was exactly what the company needed with the implementation of the […]
- Nike’s Just Do It: Advertisement and Communication ModelsThe role of advertisement is communication with the consumers, persuasion of the consumers and it also contributes to the economic growth of the country.
- Nike Company’s Marketing StrategyThe vision of Nike is to “bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world”. In this regard, Nike’s core competency is the marketing of sportswear.
- Nike Inc.’s Global Sourcing AnalysisThe demand for Nike products, in particular, and athleisure clothing, in general, continues to increase, and Nike has to perfect its supply chain to deliver the goods.
- Nike Company as a Globalized Brand NameThe modern world could be characterized by the significant changes in the structure of the market and the main approaches towards management and development of business.
- Nike Company: Business Code of EthicsIt is necessary to note that the code of ethics is a document to be taken into account by all employees of the company though it is clear that some points are likely to be […]
👍 Good Nike Topics
- Nike Business Code of EthicsGiven that employees of the organization are involved in the corporate business ethical programs of the organization, such programs therefore involves advising the employees of the organizations to be responsible on their behavior towards fellow […]
- Nike Company’s Governance and SustainabilityThe move has enabled the company to develop innovative shoe designs that are in high demand in the market. The overall goal is to come up with innovative procedures that can improve Nike’s competitive edge […]
- Market Targeting: Eclipse Gum and Nike RunnersFor instance, the company should come up with gums designed for each class of people in order to capture all potential consumers in the market.
- How Nike Sweatshops in Asia Violate Human RightsFactors that facilitated the emergence and development of Nike sweatshops included the availability of cheap labor, lower costs of production, lower wages, the restriction on the labor movements by the local authorities, and the poor […]
- Nike: The Brand’s Advertising CampaignIn this case, the company primarily directs efforts to the American market, and then to the rest, since it is based in the United States of America.
- Nike’s Brand Association With Michael JordanBrand value constitutes the ability to assist in the retrieval of information, ability to differentiate the product, capacity to provide the customer or retailer with a reason to buy, and the capacity to create positive […]
- Nike’s Challenges as a Global CorporationOne of the legal challenges that Nike is facing concerns the accusation on violation of the labor laws by employing under age staffs as young as eleven years old.
- Nike Company Analysis in Developing CountriesNike’s vision is to remain the “leading company in the industry by continuing to produce the high quality products that have long been provided in the past”.
- Data Visualization Software: The Case of NikeThis is why data visualization is a crucial business asset that may be used to realize the organization’s full potential with the help of experts in the field and all the insights gained from the […]
- NIKE Company’s Problems: Supply Chain and Action ChainThe internal elements are contractors, subcontractors, suppliers of raw materials, and raw materials outsourcing. Warehouse: Products produced by NIKE, its contractors, and subcontractors are delivered in warehouses for distribution to other chains of distribution.
- Nike Company: Current Economic and Social TrendsThe biggest blow was delivered to Nike’s luxury and the upmarket segment with major retailers’ decisions to opt-out of the pricey shoes and make a shift towards consumer trends, which dictate the purchase of middle-priced […]
- Subcontracting at the Nike, Inc.In this case, Nike Inc.’s reason to subcontract its production is mainly on the need to cut cost of production, gain high quality products and make most out of the invested capital as the main […]
- Nike Shareholders Letters’ Keyword AnalysisIn his letter to the corporation’s shareholders, Knight reflected on the challenges that the company faced and often concentrated on Asia. Phil Knight was still the CEO in 2003, and the company was on the […]
- Nike Hong KongIn the process of marketing its sports apparel and footwear products in Hong Kong, the firm intends to achieve a number of objectives as outlined below.
- Nike From an Ethical PerspectiveIt must strike a balance between the cost efficient production of its goods as well as the fair treatment of its employees as well as its other stakeholders.
- NIKE – Channel ConflictThe success of the proposed solutions can be evaluated through analyzing the behavioral performance of the channels and distinguishing forewarning signs of unacceptable performance within the channels.
- Nike’s E-Marketing in Its Market StrategyThe management has been advancing in technology, and currently Nike is one of the leading firms in the apparel industry that has advanced in the use of virtual market.
- Nike and Reebok Companies’ Investment AnalysisNike is one of the largest footwear and sportswear suppliers in the USA. Nowadays, the company is considered to be the leading sportswear and footwear in the world.
- Nike Company’s Labor ProblemsBasing on the labor problems that have bedeviled the company for years, analysis of the relationship among indirect and direct stakeholders basing on four interest points; economics, ecology, biology, and society is essential in developing […]
- Nike Company: Hannah Jones Leadership StyleThis paper will discuss personality traits of Hannah Jones, as well as her leadership style and qualities, which have influenced her success in implementing sustainability programs at Nike. Hannah Jones used value-based management as one […]
- Nike Company Corporate Structure and StrategyThis is why in order to stay competitive and hold the positions in the business arena the companies have to be flexible, and the managers need to frequently come up with ideas for changes in […]
- The Feasibility of Nike’s “Just Do It” Advertisement StrategyThe colors used in the logo help to enhance the understanding of this company’s mission and vision, which is an integral concept in the theory of emotional branding.
- Issue of Nike: Corrupt Corporate CultureGiven the scope and the long-term aims for Nike and society in general, the only acceptable solution would be to dissolve it. From an organizational framework perspective, the transformation of Nike’s culture should be done […]
- Nike Company’s Management Decisions and Marketing ResearchThe management decision facing Nike is whether the company should continue promoting its sportswear using product-based advertisements that it used to undertake or whether it should stick to the new mode of advertisement that is […]
- Nike Company: Empire’s EconomyConsidering the identified performance indicators and the dominant position of the company on the market, we conclude on the suitability of the strategies chosen by the company and recommend further investment in the decrease of […]
- Nike’s Margot vs. Lily Ads Series and MarketingIt is easy for a new customer to like and eventually buy the Nike products because of watching Margot vs. Lily series in ‘Better for It’ campaign by Nike is a creative and persuasive advertisement […]
- Campaign Brief on NikeReliability from the products Comfort when using the shoes Lightweight and agile equipment The company is able to deliver these requirements to the sports men and women who are the target market.
- Nike Company’s Business ModelThe business model makes the suppliers and customers visible and as a result, it enables Nike Inc.to come up with measures that it can use to secure more value from customers and suppliers compared to […]
- Nike vs. Adidas Marketing Strategy: Research ProposalAt the end of a product cycle, a company needs to get the products to the target customer. The company can negotiate to be given a chance to supply the club with sporting attire during […]
- Nike: The Use of Forced and Underpaid LaborNike should be open about the findings of its audits and publicly report on its efforts to end forced labor in its supply chain.
- Analysis of Colin Kaepernick’s Nike CommercialEven if Kaepernick himself does not identify as a Marxist, it is quite easy to trace back the roots of and the motivation behind his peaceful protest to the Marxist ideology.
- Corporate Governance Practice: Nike in VietnamThis dissertation has aimed to assist the academia, regulators, policy makers, and investors with better understanding about the lacking of corporate governance practice by multinational like Nike.
- Nike and Adidas Companies ComparisonThe purpose of this paper is to discuss business models of Nike, Inc.and Adidas Group in order to make a comparison analysis.
- Nike Shoes’ Marketing and Segmentation StrategyTo make their athletic shoes comfortable for the consumers, Nike has affected the use of air technology in their manufacturing. Demographic factors that affect Nike’s athletic shoes include gender and social class which determines the […]
- Nike Sweatshops and Governmental InvolvementThe manufacturers have contravened the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by not adhering to the set international standards on human rights and labor laws.
- McDonalds and Nike: Organizational ImpactThis implies that MacDonald’s has positioned itself in the market through technology and innovation to meet the needs of the dynamic market.
- Views on Nike BrandIt is no doubt that the origin of the brand name “Nike” has been a definition of Nike’s ambition to be a big success and take the sporting industry by a storm.
- Nike: COVID Implications and Possible SolutionsThe switch from purely athletic apparel to sports clothes with a twist of hip-hop fashion that Nike was experiencing was the most significant change that allowed the company to become one of the most famous […]
- Nike, Inc.: The Corporate CultureAn organization’s culture is essential to the continued success of its operations, as it reflects the motivation of its employees and the probability of new ideas surfacing.
🎓 Simple & Easy Nike Topics
- Nike Company and Its Relocation to ChinaCurrently, the organization is headquartered in the US and has a very strong presence in other western countries. The creation of low-end products may dilute the Nike brand and threaten their position in the market.
- Nike Company Organizational CultureThe organizational culture of Nike incorporates several important norms that are critical for the performance of this company and its competitiveness.
- Nike Inc.’s Quality Issues and Stakeholder ImpactIn this assignment, I will discuss the quality issues with Nike’s products that I have encountered as well as their impact on Nike stakeholders.
- Nike Inc.: Operations and LogisticsOne of the factors that have helped Nike to succeed in the sportswear industry is its ability to source discounted raw materials and labor overseas.
- Contract Law: Nike, Inc. vs. Eugene McCarthyThe United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit affirmed the decision of the district court that Eugene McCarthy violated the agreement, provided potential harm to the company, and had to leave the position offered by […]
- Nike Incorporation in the ‘Athleisure’ MarketThe company’s earnings on the first quarter of this year indicate that its growth in sales is struggling compared to last year’s summer World cup.
- McDonald’s, Qatar Airways, Nike: Working ConditionsThe franchise business model of the company has managed to ensure that the products and services that are offered at the franchises are consistent with the services offered at the company-owned restaurants.
- The Nike Company Market’s AuditTable 1: Analysis of the Nike+ Sportwatch GPS The first problem associated with the product is that the market already has access to the features it provides in various forms.
- Nike Company’s Management StrategiesThe company made immerse profits and in 1966, leading to the opening of its first retail shop in California, with the first shoe sold being Nike IN 1971.
- Success of Nike ProductsAs a matter of fact, this outstanding success of Nike in the global markets can be attributed to the quality of its footwear products and apparel for sports.
- Child Labor in Global Companies: Nike’s and Nestle’s Ethical ChallengesThe company has utilized Corporate Social Responsibility measures by posing as a provider of education in third-world countries and assistance to mothers; however, Nike’s actions mirror that of a post-colonial entity.
- Nike Inc.: Strategic DevelopmentIt is possible to connect the digital slant in the leadership strategy choice and the relationships with the workforce. Increasing the variety of products is an opportunity in the operations of Nike.
- Nike: Sweatshops and Business Ethics ResponseIn the case study “Nike: Sweatshops and Business Ethics,” Nike is blamed for using sweatshops to make its products. Firstly, Nike must communicate standards and procedures to ensure everyone adheres to the expected behavior.
- Hermes, Nike and Lululemon: Brand AnalysisThe brand recommends buying sporty clothes to make one’s experience in sports pleasurable and promotes a healthy regime. Its products are available to audiences with middle income, and it presents a wide range of products […]
- Nike’s Baseball Shoes: Product MarketingNike’s marketing for baseball shoes targets the patriotic American values of baseball as the nation’s home sport. Nike has distinct rivals in the baseball shoe business that have been around for a while.
- Nike’s Definition of Corporate ResponsibilityIn order to communicate its ideas to the public, Nike tends to resort to social media outlets, as the core of the company’s target population is younger individuals who spend most of their time online.
- Nike Inc.’s Trends and InnovationsKnight persuaded Bowerman to join him in importing and distributing their shoes in the US, which resulted in the creation of Nike.
- Strategic Management at Google, Amazon, Toyota, and NikeGoogle’s provision of a wide range of free programs and services presents an example of a marketing strategy focused on product delivery.
- Nike Inc.’s Marketing in the US and ChinaCompanies utilize marketing to appeal to customers and overshadow competitors, and Nike is a brand with a strong marketing strategy. Overall, Nike’s marketing appears well-organized and efficient due to the brand being one of the […]
- Nike: Corporate and Production StrategiesFrom a global perspective, the factors that will impact the extent to which Nike’s strategies will be successful are the growing demand for sports, active lifestyles, and demographic changes.
- Role of Twitter in Rising of Nike Customer BaseMoreover, a valuable aspect can be more significant interaction with the audience through various surveys and interaction with responses, which will increase the engagement and loyalty of users of the social network. Simultaneous posting of […]
- Nike, Inc.: Inventory and Financial AnalysisThanks to high-profile advertising campaigns and stylish designs, Nike has a prominent place in the footwear industry today. Nike calculations: 2019 Days of inventory = Inventory / Daily COGS = 19.
- Marketing Plan: Nike Case StudyIn this paper, it was possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Nike, as well as business growth opportunities and external threats.
- Nike’s Organizational Strategic ManagementOne of the approaches to enhance an institution’s expertise involves the improvement of skills and capacity among the employees and the development of a functional organizational culture.
- Nike and Amazon Firms’ Branding and E-CommerceOn the one hand, it is the responsibility of the company to ensure positive and competent branding of the products internationally.
- Nike: Workplace Writing and DiscriminationIn this case, the underlying principles related to the promotion of happiness were violated since the selected method of addressing the challenges was not the best possible approach to other circumstances.
- Product and Pricing Strategies of the Nike Athletics ShoesIt is recommendable that the Company uses product and pricing strategy, which can provide a twin approach. Subsequently, the Company should adopt a premium – pricing approach to cater for all its clients in the […]
- Examples of Advertisements by Nike, KFC and Coca-ColaLastly, the Swoosh logo is engraved in the image to confirm that it is a Nike advertisement. The background to this is that the company’s operations in the United Kingdom were almost paralyzed because of […]
- Nike Inc.: Marketing PrinciplesNike’s iconic relationships and side brands also enhance its strength to compete in the global market. Nike Inc.can maximize these strengths in marketing its products, increasing sales and share of the global market.
- Nike Company’s Emerging OpportunitiesNike is one of the leading sport products industries in the world which has excelled with a strong base of ethical behaviors, especially in enhancing the rights of the workers.
- Nike: The Nike Ad and Its PerceptionThe paper aims to investigate and analyze the impact and meaning of the ad and its perception by the target audience.
- Business Ethics – Nike CaseThe dispute between Nike and the University of Oregon began when the University of Oregon joined the Workers Rights Consortium. The corporation has been accused on a number of occasions of unfair labor practices such […]
- Nike: Strengthen the Firm’s Business DesignContrary to the past, the firm’s top management has developed ability in managing the creative process, thus bringing it to the bottom line. The company’s move to sponsor athletics across the globe has worked positively […]
- Nike and Adidas Companies’ AnalysisThe functions of retailers in the channel have been to assemble merchandise, maintain an inventory, price, promote, advertise, sell, and account for the merchandise, again as a service to the manufacturer and the ultimate consumer.
- Nike Apparel Business AnalysisIn 1994 Nike acquired Canstar Sports Inc, which was the leader in manufacture of hockey equipment and skates and in 1995 the company signed Tiger Woods the golfer for a $40 million deal to endorse […]
- Nike: History of the Company as a Leader in the Sports and Athletic Shoe Market SegmentSports products are the main products that Nike is famous for and it makes products for specific sports such as football, action sports, baseball, basketball, cycling, running and many more. The company has placed its […]
- Nike Air Max 2018: MarketingOne of the reasons the country has been identified as a potential market for the Nike Air Max 2018 is the importing nature of its citizens.
- Nike as One of the Leaders in Manufacturing and Distribution of Athletic Footwear, and AccessoriesThe central purpose is the detailed and in-depth investigation of the peculiarities of the brand’s functioning regarding the current market’s features, the progress of the closest rivals, and possibilities for further growth.
- Nike Multi-Purpose Shoe: Product Marketing PlanThe aspect of income will also be identified to ensure that families and individuals who have average salaries purchase the shoe.
✅ Most Interesting Nike Topics to Write About
- Nike vs. Dove Companies’ Social Media PowerBeing a powerful tool, the modern social media can contribute to the development of a particular brand by promoting its products and supporting the high level of interest to it.
- Nike and Adidas Companies’ Internal Analysis in 2016While focusing on Nike’s profitability, it is important to state that the company’s net income increased by more than 20% in 2015, and this number is higher than the average type of the industry because […]
- Nike Company’s Analysis Using Management ToolsNike is a company that is known by its logo; this shows the popularity of the company. The management of Nike should now lay stress on the company’s strategy.
- Nike Corporation AnalysisTrevor Edwards is the President of the Nike Brand, which is a position that presupposes the involvement into and overseeing of all activities associated with the management of the company’s brand as well as tangible […]
- Nike Incorporation: The Draft Marketing PlanThrough the use of its powerful business model, this company continues to support and fulfill the emerging needs of many customers from every part of the world.
- An Ethical Audit: Nike ControversyThe purpose of the present paper is to examine Nike as the company that follows some principles of corporate social responsibility but fails to meet the ethical requirements in relation to its workers from the […]
- Nike and Lululemon Athletica Stores: Shopping ExperienceThe overall trends in the stores are quite similar, with a prevalence of tight-fitting clothes made from innovative materials that are breathable and lightweight.
- Nike’s and Blenz’s Products’ Consumer EffectsThe analysis will cover the consumer effects, impacts, and patterns of Nike and Blenz coffee products in relation to the environment, social, health, economics, and legal factors. These products are of high quality and have […]
- Nike Vapor Strobe Glasses: Market AnalysisNike vapor strobe glasses will overcome such a strategy by extending the general market of the product. This indicates that a new product may be developed, which may affect the sales and marketing operations of […]
- Nike Company’s Business Environment and Labor ProblemsNote: the basic factors of production in the Nike Corporation, are the employees, any decision that affects their wellbeing affects the general productivity of the firm.
- Nike Company’s Ethical CaseThe harassment was viewed as a breach of ethical behavior which the public strongly expected the Nike Company to uphold regardless of whether the abuse was from the suppliers or the Nike Company itself.
- Nike Corporation’s History and ManagementHe has been the president since 2006 and has helped in the general expansion of the brand and the company’s portfolio in its worldwide business. He leads and manages the various operations of Nike Brand […]
- Nike Company’s Ethics Toward Clients and EmployeesNike should have enough workforce for it to take advantage of its laborers and also increase performance checkups of the firm.
- Nike Sportswear Company: Marketing StrategyThe company has the largest market share in the industry because of the effectiveness of its marketing strategy. Also, the marketing strategy is less diverse than that of the company’s competitors.
- Nike Company Management and MarketingApplied research is heavily used here since it is a short term activity and it is less expensive and not characterized by heavy risks to the organization The management of this organization is in the […]
- Home Depot and Nike Companies Mission StatementsHowever, it is important for the company to work on identifying and stating the needs of its customers in the mission statement.
- Nike Company Social Media MarketingNike promotes a large variety of women’s running shoes both in its website and in other social media sites. The company incorporates a number of attractive products in its social media marketing sites when promoting […]
- Sculptures: Nike of Samothrace and Dionysiac FriezeIt was unearthed on the island of Samothrace in the Aegean.Dr. The fresco is on the three walls of a room with a window and a door.
- The Nike Sports Watch Marketing Plan in AustraliaThe company cannot assume that the market is aware of the existence and the benefits of the watch despite the prevailing media attention given to the watch.
- How Does Nike Encourage Young People to Participate in Sport?Due to the limitations of the physical body, athletic activities are suitable for the young and the energetic. Therefore, the older people in the society are out of the company’s target.
- Nike’s Cheap Labor: An Ethical ViewAmong them is the failure of Nike Shoe Company to uphold the values of what is right and wrong in the society.
- Efficiency and Effectiveness for Nike, McDonalds and Body ShopSpeaking about efficiency and effectiveness for Nike, McDonalds and Body Shop, these specific aspects of business are going to be discussed with the stress on how the companies should behave in each of these processes.
- Contemporary Issues in Global Business Management: An Analysis the Business Strategy of Nike IncorporationWith the recovery of the global economy, there is a high probability of the firm increasing its sales revenue both in the domestic and the international market.
- Overview of Nike Based on OutsourcingWhile other companies may be outsourcing some of their labor functions to developing nations so as to reduce their overall expenses on labor, most of them are outsourcing their production as well as marketing centers […]
- CSR in Ethnic Industry for Adidas, Nike and RebookEmployers have to ensure that the better working conditions and employees training initiatives are put into places as part of employers CSR.
- Adidas’ Management vs. NikeHowever, this approach did not achieve the synergy among businesses because Adidas could not raise its effectiveness or improve the quality of products. To a great extent, this plan failed to differentiate the products of […]
- Nike Dumps Lance ArmstrongOakley Inc.maintained that it was reviewing the allegations and would determine the fate of their relationship with Armstrong after a verdict by the International Cycling Union. The decision by Nike to end its partnership with […]
- Nike – Case StudyIn the recent past, the dollar has fallen against the Yen and the Euro and this has led to a decrease in the price of Nike goods by pushing up the import prices.
- The Problem of Labor Exploitation in Nike and Apple CompaniesThe globalization of the economy gave many companies access to the labor markets of developing countries. Moreover, it is believed that the employees of the company do not have access to healthcare services.
- International Branding: NikeThe prominent role of the firm in the sportswear market is attributed to the adoption of strategic knowledge as its core competitive advantage.
- Nike “The Sweat Shop Debate”According to the report, “majority of its shoes are manufactured in countries, such as China, Indonesia and Vietnam, where governments outlaw independent unions and have set very little wages, posing ethical and legal challenges to […]
- Nike: Measurements AnalysisIt is hypothetical to verify the strength of the workers and determine how they adapt to working conditions. Improving the capacity of suppliers to better program their work both in quality and efficacy, significantly improves […]
- Sports Supplements: Nike Protein BarThe protein bars are critical in increasing the muscle mass. In this regard, the protein bars are critical in muscle building.
- Nike Company Operations ManagementMoreover, timeliness and quality information ensures that Nike responds to consumer needs promptly thus avoiding delays, which could cause the organization to be in fashion lag.
- New York Times Coverage of the Nike+ Advertising CampaignNike’s target market now spends most of its time on the web and on mobile devices, and the company has adjusted its advertising campaigns and advertising budgets to reflect this shift in consumer interest and […]
- The Role of Marketing Research at Nike, Inc.In essence the working condition may comprise of the remuneration to its respective employees and the conditions that the company dictates to its subcontractors.
🥇 Good Nike Research Questions & Topics
- A Business Analysis of the Nike Corporation, an Athletic Shoes Company
- Company Analysis of Nike and Its Sneakers
- Comparison Between the Mission Statements of Nike and Home Depot
- Comparison of the Three Major Differences of Nike and Reebok
- Comparison of Brand Positioning of Nike and Adidas
- Analysing Nike’s My Butt Is Big Advertisement
- Analysis Marketing Plays of Nike and Adidas
- Analysis of Nike Corporation by Porter Five Forces Model
- Analyze relationship business strategy organizational performance Nike
- Brand Vs Product Products Identity Nike
- Nike: Brand Touchpoints and the Customer-Buying Process
- Commercial Strengths And Weaknesses of Nike
- Analysis of the Marketing Plan of Nike and Michael Jordan
- Comparison of Nike and Li Ning Shoes
- Analysis of the Topic of the Athletic Shoe Industry Nike
- Did Nongovernmental Monitoring Improve Working Conditions in the case of Nike and the Footwear Industry?
- Does Lean Improve Labor Standards? Management and Social Performance in the Nike Supply Chain
- Does Nike’s recent acquisition of Converse strengthen Nike’s position
- How Does Nike Improve The Quality And Reduce Carbon?
- How Nike Figured Out China?
- How Nike Changed Its Expansion Strategy?
- How Nike Is a Person Need for Wear Appropriate Footwear?
- How Nike Is Building Brand Equity?
- How Nike Uses Employees in Sweetshops to Achieve Their Work Needs and Cases of Mistreatment of Employees
- How Does The Super Brand Nike Make Supply Chains Sustainable?
- How Will Nike’s Growth Strategies Be Successful in Improving Their Financial Performance?
- Is Nike Ethical?
- Marketing Analysis: Nike Inc.
- Marketing Audit in Nike
- Nike Ad Campaign Analysis
- Nike Case Analysis: Maintaining and Working on Brand Image
- Nike Globalisation Analysis
- Nike Swot Analysis
- Pros Cons and Risk for Nike
- Rhetorical Analysis of Nike’s Advertising
- The Analysis of Nike in Athletic Footwear Market Based on Porter’s Five Forces Model
- Why Nike Is Still One of Successfully Company?
- Why Is Nike the Biggest Training Shoe Company in the World?
💡 Interesting Nike Research Questions & Titles
- Brief Historical Perspective of the Nike Company
- Commercial Success of Nike Corporation
- Company Profile of Nike From the United States
- A Cultural Study of Nike
- Advertising and Nike Brand
- Advertising: Nike Write the Future
- History of the Nike Company, Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight
- Strategic Management & Brand Image of Nike
- Baseball and Nike
- Business Plan And Marketing Strategy For Nike
- Hitting the Wall: Nike and International Labor Practice
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Nike
- Cultural Diversity & Nike
- Environmental Scan of Amazon and Nike
- Expanding the Playing Field: Nike’s World Shoe Project
- Financial Future of Nike
- Globalization and the Poor. Waiting for Nike in Ethiopia
- Growth of the Sports Apparel Industry and Nike’s Company
- History of Nike and E-commerce
- Industry and Distribution of Nike
- Just Do It, Like The Nike Slogan, And Take Action
- Leadership Style at Nike
- Management & Leadership: Nike
- Manufacturing Practices of the Footwear Industry
- Market Segmentation of Nike Company
- Mission Statement And Vision Statement of Nike
- Nike and Expansion in China
- Nike and Exploitation Community Aid Abroad
- Nike and Financial Future Forecasting
- Nike Basketball Shoes: the Best for the Best
- Nike Brand Aligns Leadership to Drive Geographic and Consumer Segmentation Growth
- Nike’s Global Women’s Fitness Business Driving Strategic
- Nike Inc. And The Ethical Dilemma
- Nike, Inc.: Management Strategies and Techniques
- Nike Inc. Missions and Goals
- Nike: Innovation Challenges and Opportunities
- Nike Marketing Analysis Market
- Marketing Strategy in India
- Motivations, Opportunities, And Abilities
- Nepal Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning
- Nike – Recent Environmental Changes, Internal Strengths And Weakness
- Nike’s Ethical Dilemmas Going International
- Operations Management: Nike Values the Most and How
- Nike’s Organizational Function Management
- Nike’s Strategy For Entry Into the Brazilian Market
- Nike vs. Kasky: Political Commentary or Commercial
- Recommendations for Nike
- The Path to Corporate Responsibility – Nike’s Corporate Makeover
- The Success of Nike’s Just Do It Campaign
- Volkswagen and Nike Accountability Mechanisms
- Why Adidas and Nike Is the Best Choice For Me?