113 Opioids Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Opioids Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. John S. McCain Opioid Addiction Prevention Act’s Analysis
    Anderson, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, backed the legislation enactment believing in its potential to reduce opioid abuse and addiction.
  2. The Opioid Epidemic in Minnesota and Healthcare Solutions
    Addressing the healthcare concern is essential to improve patient outcomes, reduce the burden on the country’s economy, and lower the rates of overdose deaths both in Minnesota and nationwide.
  3. The Opioid Crisis: Development, Risk Factors, and Consequences
    The development of prescription opioids like OxyContin and Vicodin throughout the 1970s and 1980s was hailed as a breakthrough in pain relief.
  4. Opioid Use Disorder and Its Impact on Patient Care
    The article explains the OUD and shares strategies that nurse practitioners may use to handle the challenge and improve the quality of life among patients.
  5. The Impact of Synthetic Opioids on Addiction and Overdose Death Rates
    The research question is: how and to what extent has the growing popularity of synthetic opioids contributed to the rise in drug addiction and opioid-caused deaths?
  6. The Link Between Obesity and Prescription Opioid Use in the United States
    According to Stokes et al.article “The contribution of obesity to prescription opioid use in the United States,” there is a connection between obesity and prescription opioid usage.
  7. Addressing the Opioid Crisis: Food & Drug Administration’s Efforts, Challenges, and Policy Analysis
    In March 2021, the Food and Drug Administration publishes an expanded paper on the FDA’s role in modeling the opioid crisis and current policies to improve the public health situation.
  8. Pain Management: Opioids vs. Non-Opioid Analgesics
    Under these conditions, the analysis of pain management practices acquires the top priority as one of the essential aspects to improve the outcomes associated with the prehospital setting.
  9. Needs Assessment Plan: Opioid Use
    Targeted Need: Increasing level of opioid abuse Objectives: Learn more about the prevalence of opioid misuse Identify key risk factors and possible challenges
  10. The Efficiency of Non-Opioid Medical Agents for Chronic Pain
    The effectiveness of overall therapy for patients with chronic pain syndrome is insufficient, despite the increase in the number of both opioid drugs and non-opioid interventions. In the treatment of chronic non-malignant pain, the elimination […]
  11. “Treatments for Opioid Use Disorder Among Pregnant” by Hand et al.
    Hand et al.claim that understanding how to treat opioid use disorder and their involvement in patients’ care may lead to an increase in treatment referrals, a decrease in stigma, and an improvement in the standard […]
  12. Tackling Opioid Crisis with Evidence-Based Strategies
    Hence, this paper aims to review database materials related to the opioid crisis in the U.S.and the means of its reduction.
  13. High Rates of Opioid Abuse in Low-Income Individuals
    The social and economic elements that play a significant role in affecting the opioid epidemic are the product of societal inequities.
  14. Strategies for Addressing the Opioid Crisis
    In the first article, a nurse-led overdose prevention facility in Vancouver, Canada, is implemented and evaluated, and in the second, a thorough overview of harm reduction tactics in the US is given.
  15. The Role of Harm Reduction in Fighting the Opioid Crisis
    Healthcare institutions and professional nurses can adopt harm reduction and prevention strategies to reduce the risk of complications in patients with opioid use disorder and potentially reduce the consumption rate.
  16. The Opioid Epidemic and How to Address It
    For this, it is necessary to have a thorough awareness of the problem and the flexibility to modify and improve as circumstances dictate.
  17. US Opioid Epidemic: Reflection on Preventive Models
    The United States is facing a serious social problem in the name of the opioid epidemic. Thus, the goal of primary prevention is to control the problem before it harms people by creating awareness.
  18. Opioid Therapy and Multimodal Pain Management
    The PICOT question is as follows: In adults aged 18-55 years, what is the effect of multimodal pain management in comparison to opioid therapy on pain control over six months?
  19. Prescription Opioid Use, Misuse, and Use Disorders in U.S. Adults
    The research question in Han et al.publication aimed to examine the prevalence of misuse, abuse, and use of prescribed opioids among the adult population in the U.S.
  20. The Epidemic of Opioid Addiction in the US
    Although the author presents facts about kratom benefits, the article still lacks scientific evidence, likely due to insufficient research in this area, so it may not convince the reader that this herb should be legal.
  21. Opioid Addiction and Pharmacological Treatment
    LAAM has several merits over the use of methadone, particularly regarding its use of three doses per week, which can reduce the potential of contracting HIV/AIDS, improve the relationship between the patients and the clinicians, […]
  22. Prescription Opioids: Uses, Risks, and Treatment
    They relieve pain by binding to and activating the opioid receptors in the spinal cord, the brain, and many other areas.
  23. The Abuse of Opioids in the US
    The drug is indicated for use in a vast array of conditions with acute painful sensations or chronic pain that is moderate to strong in intensity.
  24. Opioid Crisis and the Veteran Population
    The first alternative is to reduce the frequency of opioid prescriptions by providing relevant education and training for Hawaii clinicians to encourage them to utilize alternative treatment methods for veterans in need of pain management.
  25. Factors of Opioid Misuse in Australia
    The second discusses the connection between the concepts in the literature review and the effect of opioid misuse in our society.
  26. Prevention of the Opioid Crisis in Georgia
    Hence, the most basic plan to prevent and mitigate the opioid crisis in Georgia is to enact laws to prevent opioid abuse, overdose, and misuse. Moreover, the state must limit the distribution and selling of […]
  27. Opioid Addiction in Adults: A Group Counselling Plan
    A group leader ensures that the group is led in a healthy discussion and that the group’s objectives are achieved. When this culture is properly outlined, and members are aware of their targets, the group’s […]
  28. “What Is the U.S. Opioid Epidemic?”: The Most Important Public Health Issues
    The webpage provides additional hyperlinks to understanding the opioid epidemic and the HHS 5-Point Strategy to Combat the Opioid Crisis. However, it fails to mention that the burgeoning opioid crisis was compounded by the approval […]
  29. Veterans From Ethnic Minorities and the Opioid Epidemic
    The opioid crisis is a condition of prevalent overdose-related deaths in the population connected to “the misuse of and addiction to opioids”.
  30. Sex Differences in Opioid Use Disorder Treatment With Buprenorphine
    This program is able to navigate components of the papers used in the study by factors such as eligibility criteria, participant demographics, opioid use prior to the study participants, and the duration of the intervention.
  31. Analysis of Opioid Use in Healthcare
    This article compares the incidence of opioid use disorder among male veterans and non-veterans, which provides an overview of the problem of opioid dependence in the United States.
  32. Addressing Opioid Crisis: Current Policy and Community Involvement
    To analyze current policies aimed at addressing the opioid crisis, describe examples of the crisis, and suggest a few options to help solve the problem to the community.
  33. Tyler Skaggs’s Death Reminding About Opioid Crisis
    The case of Tyler Skaggs serves as a reminder of the problem that is crucial in the United States nowadays the opioid crisis.
  34. How Opioid Addiction Affects the United States
    Addicted people have a constant desire to increase the dose, which is a severe medical and social problem. The crisis has acquired enormous proportions and become a brake on the economy and a threat to […]
  35. Adverse Effect of Opioid Crisis on United States
    That is why it is evident that there is no need to legalize heroin, meaning that alternative pain relievers should be created.
  36. Opioid Crisis in Canadian High Schools & Colleges
    In this article, Probst et al.stated the importance of a supportive school environment in the reduction of non-medical opioid use and connected it with the mental health issues of students.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Opioids

  1. Why “Opioid Patients’ Right To Know Act of 2021” Should Be Enacted
    However, the medical staff seems to be ill-prepared to provide this kind of care due to the lack of knowledge and skills necessary for catering to patients’ needs within the context of time and resource […]
  2. The Opioid Crisis in Ontario
    Typically, this crisis is growing and developing in Canada, especially in Ontario, because it is driven by the illegal and prescription use of this form of drug.
  3. Toxicology, Opioid Crisis, and Fentanyl Analysis
    It further brings into detail the normal routes of exposure of fentanyl compounds in the area of the rising cases of the opioid and regulatory framework.
  4. “Crime of the Century”: The Opioid Epidemic Issue
    The research conducted by the author of the documentary, together with his team, is the deepest and the most trustworthy one on the opioid epidemic.
  5. Opioid Use and Addiction in Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans
    My chosen topic integrates the welfare of veterans of recent wars, such as conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the prescription of opioids for trauma, general mental well-being, and adaptation to civilian and even academic life.
  6. Rhetorical Devices in America’s Opioid Crisis Documentary
    In addition, the interview with the mother of an athlete, who was prescribed painkillers and found dead because of overdose, persuades the target audience to think about the opioid crisis.
  7. Opioid Use in Veteran Students
    The relationship between pain management, transition to civilian life, and possible opioid misuse is also central to the theme of the paper.
  8. Managing Opioid Use in a Community
    Due to the devastating effects of substance abuse, it is critical to prevent the aggravation of the issue. As a result, the problem of addictive disorders will be addressed in the community.
  9. Requirement for Safe Non-Opioid and Opioid Prescription
    The checks and verification on the education requirements set for the licensure of the prescriptive authority accorded to the APRNs are at the heart of the Nurse Anesthetics Association’s actions and procedures in the state […]
  10. Opioid Misuse and Academic Achievement of Veteran Students
    The proposed research aims at closing the gap in the existing literature by studying the influence of opioid misuse on the academic achievement of veteran students.
  11. Pharmacogenetic Testing and Opioids
    It has been noted that the use of pharmacogenomic testing is now extending to some widely prescribed medicine and other drugs used in primary care.
  12. Bioethical Issues in Health Care – Opioid Overprescribing
    In order to address the problem of opioid overprescribing in healthcare facilities, administrators should seek to implement and support the application of the so-called analgesic ladder for patients with chronic pain.
  13. The Issue of Opioid Abuse and Addiction in Treatment
    The project will primarily focus on the issue of opioid abuse and addiction to treat and minimize the effects of pain through the given pharmacological method of pain management.
  14. Opioid Crisis During Trump, Obama, and Bush Presidency
    The president is the head of government, meaning that this political figure has the power to solve the existing problems. Trump declared the opioid crisis a national emergency, meaning that sufficient attention was necessary to […]
  15. The Role of Medical Practitioners in the Issue of the Excessive Use of Opioids
    Medical practitioners and healthcare workers bear the burden of ethics regarding the excessive use of opioids, as observed in the evidence provided, to prove how they have every tool at hand to prevent it. Large […]
  16. The Opioid Pandemic Problem and Solutions
    The organization postulates the first wave to have been triggered by an increase in the prescription of opioids in the 1990s, leading to an overdose. In this psychiatric time journal, Steven King reports on the […]
  17. The Use of Opioids and Narcotics in Dentistry
    For instance, McCauley et al.report that the history of previous opioid prescriptions has the potential to cause opioid misuse and abuse in the future.
  18. Lessons From Corporate Influence in the Opioid Epidemic: Thoughts on Annotated Bibliography
    The description helps each reader understand the relevance, accuracy, and quality of each reference used to prepare a document. This information is relevant in identifying the cause of the opioids crisis and how it affects […]
  19. Opioid Crisis: Pharmaceutical Payments to Physicians Affect Excessive Opioid Prescribing
    Payments provided to doctors by drug companies negatively influence the quality of drugs and may lead to the overprescription of such opioids.
  20. Substance Abusers – Opioids
    The potential for addiction to opioids like heroin and prescription medications for short-term pain relief, such as methadone, is high.
  21. EMS Treatment From Opioid Overdose
    Myalgia, in this case, was caused by the destruction of muscle tissue in the area and the release of cell components into the bloodstream.
  22. The Opioid Crisis in the Modern United States
    The major negative consequence of the opioid crisis is the increasing drug addiction among Americans because of the popularity of opioids to be used in both healthcare and home settings.
  23. Opioid Crisis in the US
    The rate of overdose death related to the use of opioids has drastically increased over the last couple of decades. It is assumed that prevention programs offered to teenagers and adolescents can effectively reduce the […]
  24. Peer Reviewed Article: Opioid Abuse Among Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and Student Anesthetists
    Recovery is a difficult process for drug addicts, but it is more challenging for nursing students and health care professionals that work in the field of anesthesiology. It is important to track the use of […]
  25. Opioid Analgesics and Antagonists
    The analgesic effect of Opioid substances is achieved through decreasing the levels of pain detection; boosting the ability to tolerate pain and reducing the reaction to the perception of pain.
  26. Opioid Disease Prevention: Levels of Disease Prevention
    The purpose of this essay is to apply the public health concept of three levels of disease prevention to the current opioid crisis.
  27. Applying Prevention Strategies to the Opioid Crisis
    Secondary prevention in the context of the opioid crisis is related to screening individuals’ health conditions. Clinicians are expected to facilitate individuals’ recovery from opioid addiction in the context of tertiary prevention strategies.
  28. Health Issues: Opioids, Inc.
    To conclude, the freedom of pharmacists and physicians to administer opioid drugs for non-cancer patients is a controversial practice in times of ongoing opioid crisis.
  29. Opioid Epidemic and Budget Losses in Tax Revenue
    The authors provide the estimates of the budget losses in tax revenue associated with opioid use disorder. The authors also claim that the investment in the prevention and treatment of substance abuse disorders can mitigate […]
  30. Opioid Crisis Legislation Advocacy in Arizona
    The origins of this public health disaster date back to the 1990s when opioid drugs were seen as an unexplored novelty – and a safe one at that.
  31. SBIRT Screening for Opioid Abuse
    The steps a nurse needs to take to evaluate a patient’s physical and mental state are similar to those taken in the case of any other type of substance abuse.
  32. Johnson & Johnson Firm After the US Opioids Crisis
    However, given the legal settlements related to the opioids crisis in the US, it appears that the priority of stakeholders is inverted with shareholders occupying the first spot and consumers coming last on the list.
  33. Public Opinion: Heroin and Other Opioids
    The article “Public opinion and public policy: Heroin and other opioids” by Cook and Brownstein examines the extent to which public opinion is expressed in drug policy.
  34. Opioid Medicines in Ohio: Restricting Prescription
    The bill serves to improve the mechanisms of opioid prescription and addiction treatment in the state of Ohio to reduce the incidence of overdose deaths and other adverse effects of opioid prescriptions.
  35. The Opioid Crisis: Preventing Addiction
    Therefore, the main goal of healthcare professionals is to prevent addiction by appointing appropriate treatment and varying the time of opioid drug consumption according to the psychological characteristics of a patient.
  36. Opioids Addiction in the United States
    The growing addiction, abuse, and overdose of opioids in the United States are some of the main concerns among the federal agencies involved in safeguarding public health.
  37. Opioid Crisis: Theoretical Framework
    The significance of using the approach rooted in cognitive therapy is justified by the fact that the process of educating both nurses and patients must be the primary focus of the program.

🥇 Most Interesting Opioids Topics to Write About

  1. The Impact of Immediate Craving on the Valuation of Current and Future Opioids
  2. Opioids for Chronic Noncancer Pain: A Meta-Analysis of Effectiveness and Side Effects
  3. Opioids Excite Dopamine Neurons by Hyperpolarization of Local Interneurons
  4. A Systematic Review of the Use of Opioids in the Management of Dyspnoea
  5. The Effects of Opioids and Opioid Analogs on Animal and Human Endocrine Systems
  6. Opioids From Immunocytes Interact with Receptors on Sensory Nerves to Inhibit Nociception in Inflammation
  7. How Opioids Inhibit GABA-Mediated Neurotransmission?
  8. Motives, Diversion, and Routes of Administration Associated with Nonmedical Use of Prescription Opioids
  9. U-47700 and Its Analogs: Non-Fentanyl Synthetic Opioids Impacting the Recreational Drug Market
  10. Brain Substrates of Infant-Mother Attachment: Contributions of Opioids, Oxytocin, and Norepinephrine
  11. How Increasing Medical Access to Opioids Contribute to the Opioid Epidemic Evidence From Medicare Part D?
  12. Mortality and Socioeconomic Consequences of Prescription Opioids: Evidence From State Policies
  13. Hypogonadism in Men Consuming Sustained-Action Oral Opioids
  14. Systematic Review of the Relative Efficacy of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and Opioids in the Treatment of Renal Colic
  15. Opioids and the Treatment of Chronic Pain: Controversies, Current Status, and Future Directions
  16. Overdoses, Prescription Opioids, Heroin, and Illicitly Produced Fentanyl
  17. Therapeutic Use, Abuse, and Nonmedical Use of Opioids: A Ten-Year Perspective
  18. Kappa-Opioids Produce Significantly Greater Analgesia in Women Than in Men
  19. Safety of Benzodiazepines and Opioids in Very Severe Respiratory Disease: National Prospective Study
  20. Does Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Provide Superior Pain Control to Opioids?

📌 Simple & Easy Opioids Essay Titles

  1. The Economics Behind the Epidemic: Afghan Opium Price and Prescription Opioids in the US
  2. The Control of Pain in Peripheral Tissue by Opioids
  3. Morphine and Alternative Opioids in Cancer Pain: The EAPC Recommendations
  4. Toll-Like Receptor-Dependent Negative Effects of Opioids: A Battle Between Analgesia and Hyperalgesia
  5. Attacking Pain at Its Source: New Perspectives on Opioids
  6. Effects of High-Dose Opioids and Sedatives on Survival in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
  7. Opioid Receptor-G Protein Interactions: Acute and Chronic Effects of Opioids
  8. Opioid Endocrinopathy in Women Consuming Prescribed Sustained-Action Opioids for Control of Nonmalignant Pain
  9. Gabapentin, Opioids, and the Risk of Opioid-Related Death
  10. Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Long-Acting Oral Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain: A Systematic Review
  11. Trends in Medical and Nonmedical Use of Prescription Opioids Among US Adolescents: 1976–2015
  12. Leftover Prescription Opioids and Nonmedical Use Among High School Seniors: A Multi-Cohort National Study
  13. Critical Issues on Opioids in Chronic Non-Cancer Pain: An Epidemiological Study
  14. Opioids, Reward, and Addiction: An Encounter of Biology, Psychology, and Medicine
  15. Pharmacological and Biochemical Interactions Between Opioids and Cannabinoids
  16. Physicians’ Attitudes and Practices Regarding the Long-Term Prescribing of Opioids for Non-Cancer Pain
  17. Managing Chronic Nonmalignant Pain: Overcoming Obstacles to the Use of Opioids
  18. Equianalgesic Dose Ratios for Opioids: A Critical Review and Proposals for Long-Term Dosing
  19. A Review of the Effects of Opioids on Psychomotor and Cognitive Functioning in Humans
  20. Opioids Compared with Placebo or Other Treatments for Chronic Low Back Pain

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IvyPanda. (2025, March 18). 113 Opioids Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/opioids-essay-topics/

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"113 Opioids Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 18 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/opioids-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2025) '113 Opioids Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 18 March. (Accessed: 21 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2025. "113 Opioids Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 18, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/opioids-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "113 Opioids Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 18, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/opioids-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "113 Opioids Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 18, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/opioids-essay-topics/.