For along time now, drug and alcohol abuse in the society has been a problem that affects the youth and the society at large. This paper highlights the problems of drug abuse and alcohol drinking […]
Drug trafficking contributes to drug abuse in the society. Drug trafficking also contributes to increased criminal activities that affect the security of citizens.
The endless stream of drugs, obtainable to the individuals with little or no restrictions, poses a serious inquiry. When assessing the advantages of using pharmaceutical drugs, it is essential to consider the severity of health […]
Many experts consider addiction as a disease as it affects a specific part of the brain; the limbic system commonly referred to as the pleasure center.
Focusing on the family seems to be by far, the most known and effective way of finding a solution with regards to the “war on drugs” since it more promising to end the vicious cycle […]
However, due to low legal driving age in America, many teenagers are prone to the risk of driving under the influence of alcohol than in other countries.
The most prominent example in support of Merton’s argument in relation to drug abuse is that cultural and social circumstances play a crucial role in defining people’s desire to engage in drug use.
Thus, social media platforms definitely contribute to the misuse of various drugs by romanticizing their consumption and making “social drug use” acceptable among users.
For this case, the ministry concerned has a very hard task of ensuring there are no critical issues that are left unsolved that relate to education, failure to which will affect the performance of students […]
Although drug abuse encompasses improper use of drugs disregarding the prescriptions of medical practitioners, the principal challenges of drug abuse occasion from abuse of drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and marijuana.
The more a person is predisposed to the risks, the higher are the chances of substance abuse. The development of the effective prevention strategies for the substance abuse counselors is based on the knowledge of […]
The key features that result in successful community-based intervention on drug abuse are integrated for effectiveness and efficiency. On the other hand, drug abuse refers to the consumption of substances that elicit particular feelings and […]
It is evident among drinkers that, when the BACs are low they develop a feeling of elation and when it rises, a feeling of friendliness begins to develop.
Although youths in the 21st century engage in drug abuse due to several factors, it suffices to declare factors such as the rising unemployment status, peer pressure, and their hiked tendency to copy their parents’ […]
In an endeavor to safeguard an organization’s interests, it is important for an organization to formulate and implement a set of policies or laws to tame the vice.
In terms of Marilyn Monroe’s problem, addiction to substance abuse is dependent on the number of times the substance involved is consumed during each day, the number of days in a week or month, and […]
Kaur and Ajinkya researched to investigate the “psychological impact of adult alcoholism on spouses and children”. The work of Kaur and Ajinkya, reveals a link between chronic alcoholism and emotional problems on the spouse and […]
Perhaps the real cause of the tendency of the soldiers to engage in substance abuse and the persistence of the problem is the detachment from military authorities at the end of service.
It is agreeable that US’s ‘War on Drugs’ has been an effective substance abuse prevention plan despite the hiccups that the program faces and its inability to attain some of its designated mandates within the […]
Nonetheless, I am proud that this episode of Xanax abuse stays in the past and willing to share my knowledge with the suffering people who are now in the same pernicious situation as I was […]
She starts consuming alcohol in her early teens and became a regular drinker by the age of sixteen. During the misery stage, her thoughts and imaginations were immersed in a bottle of alcohol.
It is also notable that the use of illicit drugs and alcohol is not high among military professionals in comparison with the other members of the society. Stress and the nature of the working environment […]
Essentially, this case study will allow the evaluation of the prevailing cases of drug abuse among the youth. In this regard, the pain and peer pleasure cannot be persevered to allow an explicit cure of […]
This paper aims to highlight what the field of psychology says about the negative effects of drugs and why people continue using despite the consequences. The main effect is that it creates a memory of […]
The reason why young adults in New Jersey get involved in drugs and alcohol after becoming homeless is to manage their situations in an attempt to attain the tentative pleasure of life despite their problems. […]
His comments made me realize that it would be unwise by the end of the day for any parent to leave their children under the mercy of the media where they learned that doing drugs […]
Regardless of the many intervention measures that can be adopted to solve this problem of drug abuse, the most effective intervention measure is to create awareness to youths to enable them change their behaviors and […]
The issue at hand therefore is analyzing the various legal procedures in practice and proposing a valid course of action that is beneficial to both the fetus and the mother.
The second section will tackle underage drinking, highlighting the effects of alcohol on the developing brain and body. This initiative will encourage the children to express their understanding and thoughts creatively.
Drug-related disorders are dangerous and widespread in the United States: they increase the possibility of mental issues and criminal activity and lead to addiction.
The insights derived from the report intensify the pool of knowledge based on the relevance and significance of music therapy in the treatment of drug addiction among the distinctive counterparts.
Brain implants can be a promisingly effective solution to drug abuse if ethical rules are established properly and cultural awareness is integrated appropriately.
Hence, to shed light on why certain people are more predisposed to addiction than others, it is necessary to have a solid grasp of the relationship between personality and substance usage.
The inequality in treatment and hospitalization of individuals with substance use disorders, based on their race and ethnicity, is one of the frequent issues that is regularly reiterated.
Due to the drastic change in physical, mental, and social health of people with drug misuse problems, illicit drug use must be actively prevented an addressed by offering people with drug misuse issues rehabilitation options […]
The use of abusive drugs can cause anger in people because of the effect they have on the brain. An example of how alcohol can cause aggression in a person is that it impairs an […]
Thus, out of all the offered policies, financial support for therapy is the best one, as it motivates prevention and treatment, which, in turn, causes the improvement of this situation.
In this way, it is possible to observe the rise in the use of substance abuse every year. Drug addiction is a disease that is difficult to treat and leads to the death of the […]
The proposed program sought to educate students about the challenges of drug abuse, its impacts on academic performance, and the best techniques to avoid the vice.
Therefore, it contributes as a central factor in the essence of the character, and it is crucial to understand the core definition and the elements that foster the ideology.
Despite some debates about the effectiveness of 12 steps programs in the long term, the latter can become a decent addition to other therapeutic approaches in creating a safe environment to develop a stable abstention […]
Descriptive statistics were employed in the study to examine the data and spot trends in substance abuse among college students. Descriptive statistics were employed in the study to examine the data and spot trends in […]
This program focuses on handling peer pressure among youths, a crucial cause of drug abuse in the country. The program is also grounded on sound research, which offers the critical elements vital to handling the […]
Alcohol can additionally be the cause of brain damage manifested in the form of impairments in executive functioning, for example, weakening of visuospatial function and working memory.
Illicit substance consumption is a national problem Substance abuse causes violence Substance abuse is a burdens on families Some scholars call for evidence-based practice in prevention and intervention Substance use among family members Lack […]
The topic of drug abuse is essential for discussion due to the need to develop strategies to prevent and minimize the dangerous consequences of drug abuse in different regions.
The essay presents the issues and the causes of substance abuse among adolescents. Despite significant legislative and social communication efforts in the field, the prevalence of drug use remained relatively unchanged for the commonly used […]
National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers: Concentrates on ethical interventions Provides integrated treatment approach Offers cognitive-behavioral methods Reinforces the value of family support Recognizes addiction as a complex issue Prohibits discrimination
I realized during the treatment that my addiction was out of my control, and I never admitted that I have one. Now I admit that a healthy diet and sport is the only right way […]
The critical objective of the assessment is to improve the health status and prevent further damage from using drugs in regard to the infections and viruses the group is prone to having.
The original presentation and this extended exploration for it discuss the community structure, the essence of the problem and the theory and practice behind the SBIRT approach.
In particular, there is a lack of investigations devoted to the substance abuse of African American women. To sum up, there are various premises and outcomes for African American women involved in substance abuse.
Consequently, many people are likely to watch the advert, and the ad can increase consumption of the product and limit the fight against alcohol problems.
These numerous damages severely affect the quality of the brains work and the health of the nervous system. While discussing the effects of drug addiction, it is essential to notice that it has a devastating […]
The Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency and Excellence in Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Expansion Acts are public health policy responses to the United States’ substance abuse crisis.
The book is thought provoking and important because it allows representing the difficult social situation and the problems of gang violence and drugs in the United States from the personal point of view.
Still, this desire to get away from problems by means of substances instead of making effort to improve an individual’s environment contributed to the evolution of the challenge of substance abuse into a real public […]
💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Substance Abuse
The inpatient care of the facility is characterized by a 90-day program and this is a holistic treatment that requires clients to attend Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous meetings daily.
The concept indicates that people who have PTSD are at higher risk of substance abuse and consequently substance disorders due to the tendency to consume alcohol and use drugs to deal with stress.
Due to the difference in regularity and intensity of drug absorption, substance abuse and addiction can be correctly separated from another so that there is a concrete measure that identifies an abuse and an addiction […]
To make more informed recommendations based on the survey conducted among students, it is important to retrieve more data on the number of surveyed students to assess the applicability and feasibility of the results.
National survey results on drug use obtained by Monitoring the Future have a significant value to the development of various approaches with regard to the prevention of drug abuse.
It is therefore imperative to develop strategies for health promotion to reduce the number of teenagers, the most at-risk family member when it comes to drug abuse.
There has been “no definitive treatment strategy for alcohol-related intervention with homeless individuals”. Some of the most successful interventions or programs to help homeless individuals with alcohol and substance abuse include the following: Providing both […]
The term ‘substance abuse’ refers to continued use of drugs which is irresistible to the abuser. It is worth noting that substance abuse has serious implications to the abusers’ lives.
Children and adolescents are also affected; therefore, there is a need to develop strategies that will help the youths to overcome the problem of drug abuse.
It is noteworthy that at the top of the information, the date posted is Monday, February 14, 2011, yet against the information, the date is February 11, 2011.
Criteria one deals with tolerance which states that tolerance is a need to consume large amounts of alcohol in order to achieve intoxication, and it is the diminished effect that the substance abuser experiences with […]
Any medical practitioner treating a drug abuse patient has to be careful in many aspects, like: He has to be careful on the issue that if the addiction has effected the brain of the patient.
The intention of the research paper is to assess if indeed there is an association between alcoholism as manifested by Jackson, and a case of depression.
Substance abuse and mental health services administration has a well-established principle of collaborating with public and private partners so as to provide the most effective services to the needy people within the society.
The Juvenile program offers an opportunity for the community to prevent the young people stay away from criminal behavior and efficiently rehabilitate the young wrongdoers.
Excessive usage of these substances leads to one becoming addicted to the substance and therefor has adverse effects on the user and the society at large.
Personality type is a process that assists in the determination of people’s behavior; it however assists in the classification of people into distinct category types.
Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab The drug and alcohol rehab center contain quality care and health recovery programs tailored to those suffering from substance abuse addictions. Drug Addiction Now aims to provide the […]
The paper aims to examine the reasons why people get addicted to a substance from their psychological and biological perspectives and the effects of substance abuse on the brain, memory, personality, and behavior.
When specialists deal with preventative factors, they pay attention to both mental and physical ways to resist the drug. The symbiosis of these procedures is exceptionally efficient in terms of the drug rehabilitation process when […]
And while overall statistics show a decrease in the number of unique and persistent cases of substance abuse in Western countries in general and in the US in particular, this problem is still extremely urgent.
Scientific research shows that the development factors for adolescent drug abuse are not limited to a set of three to five causes, but are usually linked to the integration of destructive environmental conditions.
The role of nursing staff in the City of Melbourne will be analysed in relation to the engagement in community outreach and the work on eliminating dangerous consequences for the target population.
Holimon has succeeded in reviving some of her family relations, and she is still putting a lot of effort to get ahead in this area to the fullest extent possible.
The following is a range of effects of heavy alcohol intake as shown by Lacoste, they include: Neuropsychiatric or neurological impairment, cardiovascular, disease, liver disease, and neoplasm that is malevolent.
Substance abuse refers to the misuse of a drug or any other chemical resulting in its dependence, leading to harmful mental and physical effects to the individual and the wellbeing of the society.
First, it is necessary to indentify the age groups, most inclined to drug and alcohol addiction, and ascertain the major reasons for it. The research should discuss the problem of addiction from various standpoints therefore […]
Her parents were alcoholics so that by the time she was fourteen, she already had her first smoke and by the time she got a little older, she was drinking alcohol.
With respect to social work and the problem of substance abuse, research has been carried out in terms of investigating the relationship between drug abuse and poverty, the effects of drug abuse on the society.
Some of the problems associated with taking drugs are as follows: The first problem is consuming too many drugs. The fifth problem is consuming a combination of two or more drugs.
Military substance abuse, therefore, refers to the people working in the department of defense and in one way or the other are overindulging themselves in drug abuse or rather depending on a drug or chemical […]
In the past the failure of properly addressing the problem and scientifically developing and applying the treatment for substance abusers caused many to believe that substance abuse disorders do not respond to any psychological interventions.
Therefore, the presence of tolerance to alcohol is clear from the interview. In summary, the assessment generated substantial evidence that the client has a problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or […]
The problem of substance abuse has been observed in the rural setting among aging adults for a while, mostly due to the lack of a sustainable strategy for prescribing opioid medications and the absence of […]
The authors have found that the highest comorbidity is between S.A.and schizophrenia, and the lowest was in S.A.and depressive illness. Thus, it is viable to conclude that the incidence of mortality is alarmingly higher in […]
In conclusion, the problem of substance abuse among older adults involves various triggers such as health issues related to the aging process and lesser access to health care.
The purpose of this term paper is to analyze the nature of substance abuse among nurses and examine various arguments, principles, and perspectives that different stakeholders can consider to address this ethical issue.
The clients are to be asked to give an example of how people can be powerless and relate to the issue by reflective upon the circumstances that made them feel powerless in the past.
The aim of these sessions is to resolve the internal conflict within the clients in order to assist in the making of informed decisions by these individuals concerning their behavior.
There has to be a preventive strategy in every intervention procedure to avoid the occurrence of a disease. I find the course of treatment in this intervention beneficial for the creation of the needed preventive […]
In the case of descriptive research, the research findings and recommendations are expected to be congruent with the researcher’s hypotheses coupled with proving and adding knowledge to the question.
The factors defining the occurrence of drug use disorders include genetic predisposition and increased sensitivity of reward receptors in the brain, as well as the widespread availability of drugs, i.e, frequent prescription of opioid analgesics […]
The involvement of stakeholders is an essential condition for the effectiveness of this model of work and its results, and all the roles should be allocated in accordance with the capabilities of the program’s participants.
The prevention of the development of addictions is achieved through the integration of the client into the community and neutralisation of the stressors that can lead to drug or alcohol misuse.
Thus, the application of social psychology to the phenomenon of youth drug abuse helps to explain how social factors impact the prevalence of and risk for drug abuse.
Therefore, the first preferred sources for the program are the County Commission and the Alabama Department of Corrections. The program can be financed by the Montgomery County Commission in the short term and Alabama Department […]
CIDI-SAM is a structured and standardized interview, which is used in the assessment of substance use and abuse. Then a set of questions is given to all the respondents and answers analyzed.
The research worked on the hypothesis that the treatment would reduce or result in the total cessation of drug use, and better relations with family and friends.
Stress is laid on access to education and the distribution of social wealth. Because social inequality is a common problem, those affected by it are under the risk of becoming drug addicts.
The objective of the paper was to assess the empirical research on the current knowledge on possible causes of drinking incentives amongst young adults Later in adolescence and transiting to adulthood, the study identified that […]
The first step is to understand the unique needs of the targeted population. The tool will also identify the major gaps affecting the wellbeing of different workers.
According to the author of this article, understanding the past, present, and future of substance abuse treatment is quite important to a social worker.
The four elements of an economic way of thinking are the use of assumptions, isolating variables, thinking at the margin, and the response of rational people to incentives.
With this in mind, it should also be said that some assessment tool should be created for Sampson to be able to determine whether he has any symptoms of depression or not.
The researchers brought to a close that it is crucial for the intern to understand the causes before starting the helping process because this would help in choosing the best method to utilize in assisting […]
A close consideration of the social background and the self-identity issues of drinking adolescents will help identify the causes of the problem and provide a viable solution to it.
Therefore, it is important for counselors to consider these stages to help them address the issue of substance abuse among adolescents. In the habitual stage, most adolescents take drugs to help them modify their moods.
In addition, the treatise offers a comparison between the behavior of ‘a child of an addict’ and ‘an adult child of an addict’ in order to establish appropriate approaches for offering counseling for each of […]
The aim of MAST is to determine the extent of alcohol consumption based on responses provided and formulate strategies of helping the agent with regard to excess consumption of alcohol.