145 Vaccination Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Vaccination Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Sarah Dzubay “An Outbreak of the Irrational”: The Benefits of Vaccination
    According to her arguments, the families who allow their children to be immunized often reduce the possibility of contracting the disease and the frequency of transmission.
  2. Why Vaccination Should Be Mandatory
    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the main ingredients of vaccines are antigens that cause the body to develop immunity.
  3. Vaccines for Kids: Arguments For and Against Vaccination
    Children exposed to the compound are at risk of asthma and respiratory complications. However, the medication is necessary to protect kids at risk of polio, rotavirus, and measles from developing nations.
  4. The Covid-19 Vaccination Programs
    The article upholds the importance of understanding the needs of the targeted population to develop messages that are relevant in personal and social contexts to increase intentions and willingness for the covid-19 vaccine uptake. Nature, […]
  5. Kant’s Categorical Imperative Applied to Childhood Vaccinations
    However, in application to the issue of parents’ refusal to vaccinate their children, the Principle of Humanity does not protect their freedom of choice.
  6. Non-Vaccination Decision and Its Consequences
    First, unvaccinated students can only rely on the immunization of their classmates due to the absence of antibodies for the initial and prompt eradication of the illness that enters the body.
  7. Media Coverage and Child Measles Vaccination Uptake
    In this case, namely the problem of the influence of the media on the decision to vaccinate against childhood measles, it is formulated by the results of some studies in which certain conclusions can be […]
  8. Child Mild Measles Vaccination Study by Ward
    It has become an issue to the writer being in the medical field since their crucial goal is to ensure the healthiness of society.
  9. Promoting COVID-19 Vaccination: Strategies and Appeals
    The use of different venues of communication will help me to emphasize the importance of COVID-19 vaccination to the people. First, I will use social media to reach a wide scope of users who are […]
  10. The Social Networks and the Spread of False Information about Vaccination
    Comprehending the roots of the topic will solve the problem of distrust of scientific evidence and contribute to debunking myths and a rational understanding of the need for vaccination. Furthermore, the information will be collected […]
  11. Vaccination: Ethical and Legal Considerations
    Among the identified principles of ethical reasoning in the article are autonomy, which “promotes self-determination and freedom of choice,” paternalism, when “one individual assumes the right to make decisions for another,” and veracity, which is […]
  12. Religious Beliefs vs. Mandatory Vaccination
    That is because they work with children and have a responsibility to ensure their safety, and simultaneously, teachers have the right to religious freedom.
  13. Vaccination Hesitancy in Ireland and the United Kingdom
    For the purposes of this assignment, it will be necessary to discuss the subject of vaccine hesitancy in more detail, to propose functional solutions to it.
  14. The Covid-19 Vaccination: Appreciative Inquiry Discovery and Dream
    However, the developed COVID-19 vaccine has improved the chances of normalizing the situation in the world and reduced the severity of the symptoms of the disease.
  15. Polio Vaccination: Impact on Public Health
    In the middle of the 20th century, the first polio vaccine was introduced to Americans to improve the quality of human life and predict the spread of this disease.
  16. Vaccination Myths Spread by Social Media
    The main reason why myths spread fast through social media is that the owners of these platforms struggle with misinformation and disinformation they are not sure which approach to take in an effort to address […]
  17. Immunization and Vaccination-Related Concerns
    Herd immunity can offer some amount of protection even to those who have not received a vaccination due to the decreased likelihood of the disease spreading. When one individual in a group of people contracts […]
  18. Influenza Vaccinations in School-Aged Children
    Influenza vaccination is often recommended for children because of 1) the high burden of influenza among children and 2) the role of children in the transmission of the influenza virus, facilitated by their social contacts.
  19. Influenza Vaccinations for Prevention of Children Hospitalizations
    In the case of influenza vaccine research, the target patient group is school-aged children since they represent the group with the highest risks of infection and spreading of the disease.
  20. Deductive Argument for COVID-19 Vaccination
    That is, the coronavirus pandemic was announced in 2020, and people continue to be vaccinated to this day to prevent the appearance of the disease.
  21. Opinions on Vaccination Ethics
    It is essential to understand why Angell claims such a standpoint; the concern is in the trial procedure, where the experimental group receives treatment while the control group is left out of the trial.
  22. Louis Pasteur’s Epidemiology and Vaccinations
    Through his studies on silkworms, Pasteur made advances in the field of epidemiology, the study of the spread of disease as a result of the interaction between host and parasite populations.
  23. Discussion: Vaccination for Children
    Children’s vaccination is a process used in healthcare to improve the health of children and has been practiced for a long.
  24. Public Discrimination Based on the Status of Vaccination from COVID-19
    It should be noted that COVID-19 is not a rare or exotic disease, but the rapid spread of this infection from the Chinese city of Wuhan led to the dramatic assignment of pandemic status to […]
  25. Vaccination: Analysis of Articles
    From the early spreads of plague and cholera to more recent measles, smallpox, and coronavirus, the diseases have resulted in hundreds of pandemics, killing millions of lives and devastating communities and economies.
  26. Ethical Dilemma of Parental Refusal From Children’s Vaccination
    Kerry attempts to convince the Smiths of the relevance of vaccination in preventing infection by chronic diseases. Autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice are ethical principles applicable in resolving the moral issue of whether or not […]
  27. Flaviviruses and Influenza Vaccination
    Flaviviruses cause the flu, a frequently diagnosed illness that can occasionally extend to the bronchi, sinuses, and throat. In contrast to a cold, the flu typically comes on rapidly and is frequently accompanied by fever.
  28. Influenza Vaccination for Pregnant Women
    In the case of the flu, the most effective solution is vaccination. Hospitalization is often required in these cases to ensure the wellbeing of both the future child and their parent.
  29. Vaccination and Utilitarianism
    Such an approach may be problematic for parents since they also have a moral obligation to act according to the best interests of their child.
  30. Decreasing the Number of Vaccinated Children in Sicily
    According to the text of the article, it was implemented in the form of a survey through the distribution of pre-formed questionnaires.
  31. Vaccination of Indigenous Population in Queensland
    The CDC evaluation model is used in the obtaining of the program policies in healthcare and sickness arresting. The engagement of stakeholders is the first step where the Australian Government Department of Health and the […]
  32. Economic Benefits of Mass COVID-19 Vaccination
    Mass vaccination implies the distribution of free vaccines to the population preventing the spread of the virus. Furthermore, the studies indicate that the costs of vaccine distribution are less detrimental to the national economies than […]
  33. Racial Disparity in COVID-19 Vaccination
    As a matter of fact, I found it to be a highly reliable and useful source for my work due to its information relevance and accuracy, the scope of research, and valid findings.
  34. Innovative Methods for Increasing Vaccination Rate
    The bot will be able to produce a number of simple phrases related to influenza vaccination with the focus on direct reminders and instructions regarding the exact places to be vaccinated.
  35. Improving Influenza Vaccination
    The success of this project implies that the government and the medical leadership can find other strategies to educate the people about the virus and the burden of the disease to the US economy.

⭐ Simple & Easy Topic Essay Titles

  1. Vaccinations Amongst Young Adults
    Therefore, systemic factors such as policy, provision of medical services, costs, and logistics are essential aspects of influencing the behavior of young people to vaccination.
  2. Aspects of Mandatory Vaccination
    By default, the government is a representation of the goodwill of the people. The moral obligation of undergoing the vaccination process is to enable people to have coercive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Vaccination: Dangers vs. Benefits
    Vaccine skeptics point to the dangers of vaccination by highlighting the use of Thimerosal, an adjuvant used in vaccines to be a toxicological risk.
  4. Mandatory Vaccination Issue: Support, Morality, and Public Benefit
    The author of the article states the presence of a moral obligation to undergo mandatory vaccination. The author alleges that there is a public benefit when there are policies for mandatory vaccination.
  5. Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination for Collective Immunity
    Among the main positive factors in support of compulsory vaccination is the creation of collective immunity, which will help to reduce the incidence of the disease.
  6. The COVID-19 Mortality and Vaccination Rates in the US: Semiotic Analysis
    In the selected episode hosted by Kyle Green, the guest Madison Van Oort described the strengths and limitations of the discourse and semiotic analysis of the fast-fashion industry’s commercials.
  7. Influenza and COVID-19 Epidemics: Potential Implications and Vaccination
    This report is a valuable source for the present study as it includes statistical data on the prevalence of influenza on a global scale a year before the COVID pandemic outbreak and the first year […]
  8. The Canine Health: Food, Vaccination, and Hygiene
    Manufacturers will attempt to convince a person that their product is the healthiest and most appropriate, but one should be aware of what contributes to a dog’s wellbeing.
  9. Social Media Campaign Encouraging Vaccination
    Further, the purpose and the effectiveness of the campaign will be discussed in relation to communication theories. In the given campaign, mutuality is expressed by the organization’s and the public’s willingness to be connected.
  10. Ethical Dilemma Regarding Forced Vaccination
    It seems that people are already used to restrictive measures from the government and have accepted the need to use masks in public places, but the introduction of compulsory vaccination and the resulting bans proved […]
  11. Opposing Views on Mandatory Vaccination
    One of the most controversial points related to the pandemic is the introduction of mandatory vaccination. There are also arguments against the implementation of mandatory vaccination; one of the states that it is morally correct […]
  12. Capstone Project: HPV and Vaccination
    However, already in a number of countries, there is a potential for complete disappearance or decrease of anogenital warts within the population, which is associated with the short incubation period of this HPV and is […]
  13. The Benefits of Vaccination
    He is “Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford where he holds the prestigious Simonyi Chair for the Public Understanding of Science and is a Fellow of New College”. The author’s audience consists of […]
  14. The African Americans’ Reluctance to Get Vaccinated
    This combination was made possible by using the Mixed Methods Research or MMR, which has features of both qualitative and quantitative methods and implies the interpenetration of these methods and the analysis of relationships between […]
  15. Vaccination Against the COVID-19 for Pregnant Women
    Meanwhile, it would be valuable to turn to the original source and compare the authentic results with those presented in the text of the journal article.
  16. Vaccination in the Context of the First Amendment
    The purpose of this paper is to review the dilemma in the context of the First Amendment and the free exercise of religion.
  17. The Anti-Vaxx Movement: Anti-Vaccination Trends
    Personally, I think that the popularity of the anti-vaxx movement is very concerning, as it endangers the health and wellbeing of large number of people.
  18. Mandatory Vaccination for Children
    If earlier it opposed vaccinations for children, then in the new version of the document, the organization advises for vaccinating children, but after the vaccine is received by risk groups, including the elderly, health workers, […]
  19. Rhetoric of Anti-Vaccination Comments by Joe Rogan
    The argument by Joe Rogan relied on the logic that young people who exercise and eat a healthy diet are not likely to get the disease.
  20. The Contribution of Vaccination to Global Health
    In the discussion about immunization as an issue, it is important first to discuss herd immunity as a phenomenon implied to protect populations from infectious diseases.
  21. Question of Mandatory Vaccination
    For example, there is a question about the need for mandatory vaccination of children against COVID-19, since they have a low risk of being infected and had severe health outcomes but are at risk of […]
  22. Individual Rights and Vaccination Policy
    Giubilini asserts that explaining the importance of immunization to the parents might minimize their fears and they will eventually accept it. Vaccination protects individuals and society against the adverse effects of diseases such as measles.
  23. Vaccination Is Important
    Many years of research and experiments showed success in creating vaccines for many infectious diseases, such as measles, rubella, hepatitis A, B, diphtheria, flu, tuberculosis, and many others. While some people see it as a massive step towards the future and improving health care in general, others disagree with the effect and purpose of such […]
  24. Health Care Policy: HPV Vaccination
    It is important that these actors among others play a big role in influencing formulation of health policy. In this regard, it is necessary that content is marched up to its objectives of health policy.
  25. Children’s Vaccination and Immunization in Sweden
    According to the existing research and pieces of evidence concerning the issue of children’s vaccination and immunization, the aim of the above-mentioned procedures is to ensure that the child will not contract a specific disease […]
  26. Child Vaccination Program Evaluation: Project L.O.V.E
    The mission of the children’s vaccination program in Columbia is intended to address all the health problems affecting the whole society thus blanketing all the age groups.
  27. Pertussis Outbreak and Vaccination Against It
    The vaccination against whooping cough given to infants remains crucial to the future health of babies. It is agreeable that the vaccination schedule for Pertussis should change in order to ensure maximum effectiveness of the […]
  28. Why Adults Should Be Vaccinated
    Although they are mostly administered to small children, it is important to ensure that adults are also vaccinated because of the risk they are exposed to as they grow old.
  29. Vaccination Belonging to the Sphere of Quantitative Research
    As for the results of the study, they are presented at the beginning of the article and the rest of the article shows the flow of the research.
  30. “Most Important Thing Is Money Ltd”: Vaccination Development
    Thus, necessary powers have been vested with the Secretary of State for Health in England, through the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation to enforce such preventive steps, through necessary programs that […]
  31. US Vaccination Controversy
    Therefore, the key task of nurses is to explain that vaccination is an effective method for the prevention of contagious diseases, and misgivings about them are not fully grounded.
  32. The Flu Vaccinations for Healthcare Staff: Theories, Principles, and Evidence
    The highly affected group by the disease are the health care workers. The vaccination method will manage to protect the health care personnel against the attack and the spread of the disease.
  33. Influenza Vaccination of People 65 Years and Older
    The research is based on the latest reviews and scientific articles considering the effectiveness and the safety of the vaccine and the causes of pneumonia for older patients.
  34. Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Vaccination
    Vaccination for Hib is well-established, and it is worth taking the vaccine in order to prevent the threatening processes in the body.
  35. Why States Should Have Stricter Vaccination Laws?
    The government has made these immunization services affordable and accessible to all the residents of the United States irrespective of their financial capacity or legal status in the country.

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Vaccination

  1. Influenza Vaccination Campaigns: Is an Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure?
    The research conducted by Ward evaluated the total impacts and influences of externalities in respect to the vaccination of influenza as it developed its spread to the patients targeted.
  2. Measles Disease Pathophysiology and Its Vaccination
    The virus is a member of the Paramyxoviridae family. Measles is a common disease in several parts of the world which including Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the Pacific.
  3. Developmental Psychology: Autism and Vaccination
    Vaccination of infants is widely used today as the pattern of endemic diseases can be explained in terms of interplay of social, physical and biological factors in an area that is conducive to a continuous […]
  4. Rabies Dangers and Vaccination
    One of the most important tasks for society is to control the spread of diseases, and rabies is among those that are targeted the most.
  5. Anti-Vaccination as a Global Threat
    Focusing on the US as the sample population, one can rely on the interaction of the model’s components to achieve the desired result.
  6. School Interventions Against HPV and Effect on Vaccination Rates
    The author uses the methodology of policy synthesis and legal analysis to describe the implications of establishing the HPV vaccine as a school-entry requirement for policy and practice.
  7. Vaccination Among HPV Virus
    With the HPV virus belonging to the second group, it seems reasonable for the government to lobby for the vaccination to become mandatory for middle school girls to reduce the number of HPV-related precancers.
  8. Vaccination: Defending Your Right to Know and Freedom to Choose
    The negative side effects of vaccines are the most popular and strongest argument of opponents to childhood immunization. The right to oppose and choose is a vital right for freedom of thought, speech, and autonomy […]
  9. Ethical Concerns About Vaccination
    This data, paired with the history of previous vaccination and consent, should be enough to administer the vaccine in this case.
  10. Mandated Vaccination Policies in the United States
    Although some parents and guardians might be convinced that they have the right to reject such vaccinations, the final outcome is that most of the affected children will be unable to lead healthy lives.
  11. Child Welfare: Vaccinations and Immunizations
    In the United States, there are various programs and policies put in place to ensure that children below the age of 18 receive timely vaccines and social support.
  12. Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Hispanic Women
    The study is justified because establishing the level of HPV, cervical cancer, and HPV vaccine knowledge among Hispanic women would pave the way for the formulation of strategies on patient education on the issue.
  13. The Role of Vaccination Coverage, Individual Behaviors, and the Public Health Response in the Control of Measles Epidemics
    The methods section discusses the study design and how it fits the purpose of the study. The discussion section explains how the study’s findings relate to the stated purpose, while the last section covers the […]
  14. Vaccination and Its Importance for Global Health
    Accepting the importance of this practice, scientists devote much attention to the development of new ways to produce safer and more effective vaccines that can save people and promote the further improvement of the health […]
  15. Mandatory Child’s Vaccination: Arguments Against
    It is evident that this side of the argument seeks to justify avoiding vaccination of children as a method of protection from harmful substances and government intervention in personal freedoms.
  16. The Vaccination-Fearing Religious Individuals
    The validity of this statement can be illustrated, in regards to the fact that, as practice indicates, a good half of practicing Christians in the U.S.opposes the policy of vaccination.
  17. Vaccinations Issues in Africa
    However, a healthcare worker should convince such parents to have their children vaccinated so that they can have healthier lives in the future. This can lead to a remarkable increase in the number of children […]
  18. Mandatory Vaccination of Healthcare Professionals
    The majority of the medical community has accepted the concept of vaccination as an effective tool in combating and controlling diseases. The purpose of this paper is to examine the arguments and rhetoric devices used […]
  19. How Vaccines Prevent Diseases
    Nevertheless, the origin of vaccines as an endeavor date later in the 1700s from the works of the farmer Benjamin Jesty and Doctor Edward Jenner on the appearances of milkmaids that demonstrated the capacity of […]
  20. The Vaccination of Children: Pros and Cons
    However, when faced with any controversial issue, it is critical to consider the sources of varying opinions and personal biases which may hinder the examination of the topic.
  21. Mandatory Influenza Vaccination in the US
    This aspect has been cited as the key reason why most healthcare workers are opposed to the vaccine despite the tireless efforts by the government to increase the uptake of the vaccine.
  22. Vaccination’ Arguments and Ethics
    While maintaining focus on different elements of the ideology, it will be imperative to evaluate the extent to which the ideology may help in the realization of a legally viable system of an argument with […]
  23. Opposing Viewpoints on Vaccination
    The safety of vaccines has also been confirmed by the government and the medical department, who have come out to dismiss the claims that the same vaccines that are intended to protect people from diseases […]
  24. Vaccination as a Cause Autism
    This paper borrows on the arguments of Monica Prasad and Washington and Haydn when they argue that the belief about vaccinations as a primary cause of autism stems from emotional, psychological, and behavioral barriers, as […]
  25. Medical Issues: The Importance of Vaccination
    First, the exercise will enable the government of the United States to save on precious resources. It is thus imperative to provide all residents with information necessary to understand the effects of vaccination.
  26. Swine Flu Vaccination Safety, Effectiveness, and Side Effects
    A blend consisting of the virus and a standard virus from the laboratory is made to form a hybrid that is later planted in chicken eggs.
  27. Vaccinations: An Unnecessary Danger to Human Health
    In addition to the harmful preservatives, vaccines contain additives that may pose a risk to the health of the vaccination recipient.

📌 Most Interesting Vaccination Topics to Write about

  1. The Pandemic of Influenza and Vaccination
  2. Vaccines and the Anti-Vaccination Movement
  3. Cultural and Social Factors of Vaccination
  4. The Importance of the Idea of Mandating Vaccination in the Field of Nursing
  5. The Benefits of HPV Vaccination
  6. The Facts and Feelings of the Matter: A Look at the Vaccination Debate
  7. Mandating Vaccination in the Field of Nursing: Why This Is Crucial
  8. An Argument for Vaccination Against Cervical Cancer
  9. The Roles of Altruism, Free Riding, and Bandwagoning in Vaccination Decisions
  10. The Contribution of Edward Jenner in Creating the Vaccination
  11. Hepatitis: Vaccination and Organic Antioxidant Blend
  12. The Requirements for the Public Schools and the Vaccination
  13. Influenza Vaccination Reducing Hospitalization in the Elderly Population
  14. An Evaluation of the CDC Website on Flu Vaccination Awareness
  15. Does Village Chickens Vaccination Raise Farmers’ Income?
  16. Religion as a Threat to Vaccination
  17. Why Vaccination Should Be Mandatory
  18. The Benefits and Effects of the Gardasil Vaccination in Children
  19. Vaccination and Eradication of Smallpox
  20. The Ethical Issues of Quarantine and Vaccination in the Case of Infections

🔎 Good Research Topics about Vaccination

  1. DNA Vaccination and How It Can Greatly Impact the Medical World
  2. The Issues Preventing the Proper Vaccination of Children in America
  3. Vaccination and Its Effects on the Health Care System
  4. Vaccination Should Be Mandatory for All American Children
  5. An Overview of the History, Causes, and the Importance of Vaccination Against Polio
  6. Measuring the Social and Externality Benefits of Influenza Vaccination
  7. The Importance of Childhood Vaccination
  8. Emergency Preparedness in the Workplace: The Flulapalooza Model for Mass Vaccination
  9. Cause And Effect Over Anti-Vaccination
  10. Benefits of Vaccination Outweigh the Risks by Noel Merino
  11. Cost-Effectiveness of Herpes Zoster Vaccination
  12. Vaccination Impact Throughout History
  13. Clinical Psychology and Gerontology: Vaccination Against Measles
  14. The Legislative Reinforcement of Compulsory Child Vaccination
  15. Childhood Vaccination Resistance and a Culture of Health
  16. Rabies Vaccination: How It Impacted the World
  17. Ethics, Mandatory Vaccination, and the HPV Vaccine
  18. The Theory, Invention, and Implementation of Vaccination
  19. Selecting Optimal Prices and Outpost Locations for Rural Vaccination Campaigns
  20. Influenza Vaccination at a High School : Implications for Outbreak Risk
  21. The Search Between the Link Between Autism and Vaccination

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 3). 145 Vaccination Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/vaccination-essay-topics/

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"145 Vaccination Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 3 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/vaccination-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "145 Vaccination Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/vaccination-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "145 Vaccination Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/vaccination-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "145 Vaccination Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/vaccination-essay-topics/.