Best Essay Writers: 55 Tips from the Pros

Best Essay Writers: 55 Tips from the Pros

Did you know that your tutors hate grading essays even more than you may dislike writing them? Why? Let’s be honest: in most cases, your goal is to write that essay quickly and then forget about it. As a rule, you won’t work hard to make it interesting and creative. Of course, you have your reasons for this “get rid of” attitude regarding your homework. You may have too many tasks to handle the same day, or the topic may seem boring to you. Even worse you may be afraid that certain judgments can be viewed as wrong or right.

As a result, there’s usually no student’s voice behind an essay. Just imagine what it feels like to reread the numerous variations of the same text again and again. Grading boring essays is like Chinese water torture, in which water slowly drips on a person’s forehead.

Save your teacher from suffering. If you want to know one secret to make all your essays a success with tutors, make them original. Here are 55 tips from the best essay writers:

Get Inspired

  1. Choose the right topic. Whenever possible, try to choose a question that interests you, or choose an unusual approach to a topic you are given. For example, if your topic is penguins, you may decide to write about their mating rituals. Make sure, however, that this topic is researchable and that you will be able to find the materials you need.
  2. Brainstorm your topic. A timer and a goal to generate as many ideas as possible within a set amount of time can boost your productivity.
  3. Create an outline or a mind map. Even before you do any research, you can decide which possible arguments to include in your essay.
  4. Browse quotes (if applicable). Statements of famous thinkers or experts about your question can help you begin.
  5. Create conditions. If you have some rituals for getting in the “writing mood,” apply them. If you don’t, create them.

Be (Reasonably) Creative

  1. Make associations. Comparing your topic with something else is usually the easiest and most appropriate way to be creative in writing academic papers. For example, you can compare old-school technologies with an extinct species, such as dinosaurs. Check twice to determine if using figures of speech makes sense in this case.
  2. Discuss unusual approaches. It’s important to discuss different points of view. Discuss counterarguments and search for little-known facts to make your essay more interesting.
  3. Look for new perspectives. Try to see the potential advantages of something that is usually considered negative or vice versa. For example, you may want to discuss the negative effects of bilingual education, which is usually considered beneficial.
  4. Create vivid descriptions. Try to appeal to your readers’ senses whenever possible.
  5. Try to bust the myths. Never take anything for granted. Make it a habit to question and doubt everything.

Do Effective Research

  1. Use academic search engines. To avoid wasting time reviewing unreliable resources, stick to a student-friendly environment. Such search engines as Google Scholar, INFOMINE, and VIRTUAL LRC can save you a lot of time.
  2. Choose the right search queries. Use short and distinct keyword phrases. Consider using synonyms.
  3. Check sample databases. Essays database grants access to thousands of academic papers shared by other students.
  4. See bibliographies of other works. Exploit the results of other researchers’ work.
  5. Check stats and trends. Google Correlate is an easy way to access stats and trends.

Spice Up Your Writing

  1. Add numbers, percentages, and striking stats.
  2. Mention breakthrough discoveries.
  3. Discuss the most up-to-date questions.
  4. Appeal to readers’ personal interests. Play with their fears and self-motivation.
  5. Add appropriate humor.

Use Rhetorical Devices

  1. Anaphora. Start several sentences with the same phrase, e.g., “If only I could change the past, if only I could know my future.”
  2. Epithet. e.g., a many-minded character, a wine-dark sunset.
  3. Oxymoron. Combine the incompatible: seriously funny, hot snow.
  4. Simile. Comparing two things using a comparison word (like). Her mood was like spring weather.
  5. Metaphor. Comparing two things without comparison words, e.g., The eyes are the windows of the soul.

Polish Your Format

  1. Grab attention in the introduction. The best essay writers recommend using attention hooks in the opening paragraph.
  2. Polish a thesis statement. Include a thesis statement—a brief one-sentence summary of your entire paper at the end of the introductory paragraph.
  3. Use transition sentences. Feel free to write “bridge” sentences to connect paragraphs.
  4. Start a new paragraph for every new topic.
  5. Write a logical conclusion. Avoid introducing any new information in the final section of your paper.

Put Everything You Can on Autopilot

  1. Manage your research findings with Mendeley or Zotero.
  2. Create citations with generators, such as EasyBib or CiteFast.
  3. Proofread your essay with Ginger.
  4. Improve the style of your paper with Autocrit or WordRake.
  5. Check punctuation with SpellCheckPlus.

Improve the Quality of Your Writing

  1. Avoid using slang and any informal language (including phrasal verbs, such as go back and stand up, and contractions, such as can’t and won’t ).
  2. Use college-level syntax. Be sure to include complex and compound sentences, but avoid making them too long and vague.
  3. Always support your claims by citing your resources. Avoid expressing your opinion on issues you’re not authorized to discuss. For instance, you may have an opinion regarding whether or not smoking is dangerous. You will, however, need to cite trusted resources to discuss how this habit affects the lungs.
  4. Be objective. Make sure your presentation of facts is objective. Avoid exaggeration or understating facts.
  5. Make it succinct. Avoid unnecessary fillers and repetition.

Use Your Time Wisely

  1. Never get stuck during the research stage.
  2. Avoid reading irrelevant literature.
  3. Start formatting citations while you research.
  4. Try free writing (writing without worrying about grammar and punctuation too much) to fight writer’s block if needed.
  5. Use such distraction-free writing tools as WriteMonkey or OmmWriter.

Avoid the Worst Mistakes

  1. Avoid lazy argumentation. Try to find weighty arguments and tackle possible counterarguments.
  2. Never forget your thesis statement. Remember that your entire essay should be connected to the central point of your paper, which is your thesis statement.
  3. Avoid jargon. Make sure your readers can easily understand what you write.
  4. Avoid offensive language. Remember to use “she” or “he” as well as “individuals with limited abilities” instead of “handicapped” or any other variants.
  5. Never ignore format requirements.

Take Advantage of Advice from the Best Essay Writers

  1. “It is perfectly okay to write garbage—as long as you edit brilliantly.” (C.J. Cherryh)
  2. “Not a wasted word. This has been a main point to my literary thinking all my life.” Hunter S. Thompson
  3. “Write. Rewrite. When not writing or rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts.” Larry L. King
  4. “I always start writing with a clean piece of paper and a dirty mind.” Patrick Dennis
  5. “Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very’; your editor will delete it, and the writing will be just as it should be.” Mark Twain

It’s your choice whether or not to follow these tips from the best essay writers or find your own way to perfect writing. Anyway, the wisdom of top writers is worth your attention.

Updated on
Comments (11)

pratanu banerjee

Great tips for writing an essay .. Amazing guidance .Superb blog.

Ivy Panda

Thanks for your kind words! We look forward to seeing you again!


Excellent tips! Keep Sharing.

Ivy Panda

Thank you, Mike!


Hey Irene,
Thanks for sharing this. It is helpful for college students.

Ivy Panda

Hey Liza,
I’m glad you found the article useful! Thank you!

Jack Watson

Nice Article!

William Oscar

Some of the important points discussed in the article. Creating an outline in the mind is very important as it helps the writer to create a checklist of the relevant points and then elaborates them in detail. Thanks for sharing such an article.

Ivy Panda

Glad you enjoyed the article, William!

Essay Writer

Very useful post for every student and professional essay writer. Keep sharing!

Ivy Panda

Hi Essay Writer,

I’m happy that you find this list helpful. We hope to see you again on our blog!