The whole world watches the immigration drama that occurs in the USA. Separated families, tears, anger, escalation of antimigration attitudes in society—this all are consequences of immigration regulations.
Writing an essay on immigration may seem difficult enough. However, the IvyPanda team is here to help you. Just keep reading and you’ll find out simple tips to ace your assignment.
Immigration Essay: Research the Problem
Before you start drafting your essay outline, you should understand what is immigration, its causes, forms, and develop your opinion.
What is immigration? This is the process of acquiring permanent residence in a foreign country. And, accordingly, an immigrant is a person who undergoes this process.
Why do people decide to immigrate?
Actually, every person has their own reason. But we gathered most common immigration causes below:
- Economics. Most people decide to move to other country when they are not satisfied with conditions in their homeland: lack of jobs, low salaries, high taxes, corruption. All of these make a person seek a better life.
- Politics. In some countries, government bans certain parts of population from occupying certain positions, gaining education they want, etc. For example, lists professions and occupations that are prohibited for woman.

- Wars. Even though we’re living in the 21st century, wars still occur. And the desire to save immigrants’ families, and escape from death leads to increasing number of refugees.
- Human right and freedom. We all want to live in a better place with our loved ones, being able to choose a career, and religion, regardless of our social or marital status. However, some countries ban same-sex marriage, some religions and religious trends other than the dominant ones. There are also a lot of countries where there is no freedom of speech. Imagine that even a short post in your social media account may lead to a prison.
- Personal causes. It may be a desire to take the career to the next level, a realization of childhood dream to live in a certain place, to acquire education in a certain institution or country, etc.
Immigration can be legal and illegal. Legal immigration means that the person is acquiring the residential status in accordance to government regulations. On the other side are immigrants who decide to try and flee to foreign countries illegally.
Is it bad? You have conduct a thorough research and form your opinion.

If you’re doing your research for illegal immigration essay, you should also investigate effects of it. Mostly, it negative impacts on economics. Illegal immigrants take any job that provides an income to support their families. Employers use this labor force without paying any taxes, providing insurance and often pay less than minimum wage. This leads to legal job cuts and lower budget revenues. And, as a result, cuts in social, education, public health, and other important programs occur.
Among other effects, we can name the rise of terrorist and criminal activities. You can explore this topic when writing the immigration essay or paper on terrorism.
Relatively easy way of illegal immigration leads to reduced motivation for legal immigration. It’s cheaper and easier.
If you’re writing the overpopulation essay, you can mention that overpopulation can be both cause and effect. The lack of access to fresh water, poverty, and pollution makes people seek for the better life somewhere else. And, as a consequence, immigration explosions provoke overpopulation, cut of legal jobs, increased pollution in the destination country.
Immigration Essay: Stick to the Structure
Now, let’s get back to the writing. First of all, brainstorm some ideas of your immigration or overpopulation essay. Write them down and then pick the topic that appeals to you the most. Don’t forget to check if there are enough sources for your paper. There are plenty of free essays and examples to help you with all of that.
The next step is to create an essay outline. A typical essay structure consists of introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Even if you need to write a five-paragraph essay, you must include these elements.
First things first, let’s start with the essay introduction. In the intro of any type of essays, you must give a hook to your readers and provide an essay thesis. Engage your readers with a couple of suggestions about the problems of immigrants that you’ve researched.

As for the essay body, its contents may vary depending on the type of assignment. In the argumentative or persuasive essay, you must put several arguments supporting your point of view. In the for and against essay, provide a counterargument after each argument. If you’re writing an opinion essay, express your thoughts and don’t forget to keep a logical flow. Otherwise, your readers will be bored and quickly lose their attention.
As well as the introduction, a conclusion is also a mandatory element. In this part, you must restate thesis and ideas, presented in a body without repeating it. Write it in other words.
Top 15 Immigration Essay Topics You Should Try
- Changing Attitudes Towards Migrants in the US.
- India–Pakistan Border Conflicts Today.
- Much-needed Reforms to Improve the US Immigration Process.
- How News Influence Our Opinion on Immigrants.
- Cultural Relationships between Migrants and Locals.
- New Methods of Immigrant Integration into Society.
- How Immigration Influences Global Economy.
- Language, immigration, and the clash of cultures.
- The Ways Illegal Immigration Affects Canadian Society.
- Immigration Laws in the UK: What Can Be Improved.
Immigration Essay: 65 Topic Ideas
Now you know how to write your essay on immigration. But you may need some ideas. That’s why IvyPanda’s experts prepared some excellent topic ideas and essay samples you may use in your assignment.
All you have to do is just check the list below, pick up ones that you find the most interesting and use them as an inspiration.

So, grab a cup of tasty coffee or tea and choose the immigration, poverty, or overpopulation essay topic:
- The Impact of Immigration on the Economy of the USA
- Migration, Immigration, and Emigration, and their Effects on Religion, Women, and Minorities in Egypt
- Illegal Immigration
- Argument for Measures to Control Illegal Immigration
- Free-rider problem and illegal immigration
- The History of Canada, Its Position on Immigration
- Economic Contribution of Slaves and Present Day Legal and Illegal Immigration
- Legal Immigration versus Illegal Immigration in America
- Crossing Borders: Immigration Issue
- Immigration and Crime Rate
- Pros and Cons of Immigration for the Immigrants
- Immigration Admissions and Control Policies
- Immigration and Ethnic Relations
- Illegal immigration in the US
- World Publics Welcome Global Trade – but not Immigration
- Maria Full of Grace and De Nadie: Immigration in Terms of Shots and Angles
- World Hunger
- History of Indigenous Australians before the arrival of the First Fleet
- Legislating homeland security
- White Australian Policy
- Globalization in Politics and on the World peace
- Illegal Migration
- Poverty among Women and Aboriginals
- The Singer Solution to World Poverty
- Poverty in America Rural and Urban Difference
- Immigrants on poverty
- Effects of Poverty on Immigrant Children
- Global Poverty
- Ending global poverty
- Women Immigrants from Asia
- Immigration
- Mexican American Discrimination
- Citizenship
- High Population Growth
- Causes and Consequences of Native American Migration
- Illegal Immigrants and Amnesty: A Pro Argument
- Challenges of the Arab Gulf States
- Overpopulation
- 19th Century Industrialization, Technologies, and Business Strategies
- Diverse Backgrounds
- A response to the article “Inequality and the American Dream”
- Undocumented workers in the United States
- Difficulties of a Child in a Foreign Linguistic Environment
- Global Population Issues and Population in Our Country
- Impact of illegal immigrants on America
- The unemployed and illegal immigrants in the United States are more likely to be involved in crime than the employed and legal immigrants
- Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants
- Dealing with Illegal Immigrants in the US
- Should Illegal Immigrants be Deported?
- Immigration as political issue in the USA
- Immigration policy
- The concept of citizenship in the United States
- Nation of Immigrants
- Anglo-American Western Expansion
- Politics of Globalization
- Immigration Debate
- Recent population trends and their impact on cities and suburbs
- Impacts of Overpopulation on the Environment
- Bioregionalism
- What causes poverty in the world
- The Cause and Effect of the Growing Population
- Poverty in urban areas
- The Worrying Population Statistics
- Population Pressure