Impressive Benefits of a Bilingual Brain: Facts & Statistics

by IvyPanda®

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Impressive Benefits of a Bilingual Brain: Facts & Statistics

Bilingualism as the ability to speak two languages fluently and without any struggle is a widespread phenomenon. In various places worldwide, people live in multilingual areas: from countries and cities to districts and households. For them, learning two or more languages is a given as they are taught intensively from birth or elementary school. For others, though, this can be a real challenge that takes plenty of time and effort.

Is it worth it, though? Is acquiring an entirely new language to the point of complete fluency a skill to strive for?
In short: yes.

In the infographic below, our team collected all the facts and figures that you may be interested in when it comes to bilingualism. You’ll find the benefits of being bilingual and even see what the potential drawbacks are. All this information may help you understand whether you should choose bilingual education for yourself or recommend it to someone else.

Impressive Benefits of a Bilingual Brain: Facts & Statistics
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juanita halepas

It would be great to emphasize all the career opportunities bilingualism has to offer, like interpretation and translation. You could probably write a whole article on that alone!
Great post. Thank you

Ivy Panda

Thank you, your opinion is very important for us!