Moving out of your parents’ house for a college or university is an exciting yet frightening step. You’ll encounter a number of troubles and issues that require responsible decisions and thorough research. Arguably the most crucial one is choosing accommodation. As you may know, many higher institutions necessitate their undergraduates reside on-campus for at least 1-2 first academic years.
In other cases, you can select a housing option right from the start. The question arises — what is more convenient, living on- or off-campus? Would you prefer to pay for a room in the dormitory and share it with fellow students? Or to rent an apartment in the town or city nearby and pick a roommate to reside with? In this infographic, our experts prepared an illustrative comparison of the housing options. See whether living on-campus is more affordable and suitable for you than residing off-campus or not. Find out what challenges await you either way. In addition, visit our free essay database. You can find more informative papes on the topic there.