During the pandemic, online education became a widespread phenomenon. Students around the globe opted for this type of learning due to its accessibility, flexibility, and convenience. Especially at the height of the pandemic, studying remotely was the only option through which you could gain new skills and graduate.
As the popularity of online education continues to grow, misconceptions are arising. Our IvyPanda team has debunked some common misconceptions regarding remote learning here. We have uncovered some unexpected features and have outlined the benefits of studying online.
đź’» Is Online Learning Important?
Online learning (or e-learning) refers to education that happens over the Internet. It allows you to get a degree, certificate, license, and more without leaving your room. With students and sometimes educators removed from the classroom, the courses are taught online. So, e-learning is the process of sharing study materials through different channels under the guidance of tutors.

It relies on three key factors:
- Flexible. This is generally considered the main benefit of online education. Students can choose when, where, and how to learn. So, they access materials, lectures, and webinars at a time convenient to them. Even when video conferences have a strict schedule, you can still select your work environment and study effectively.
- Easy to access. Today, students have a chance to study at major universities worldwide without moving. You can also get acclaimed certifications from Udemy, Google Skillshop, and Coursera online. Such accessibility opens numerous new possibilities.
- Low cost. E-learning is very scalable, which drives down the price of education. Besides lower tuition costs, you do not need to pay for transportation, housing, books, and more. As for the value of online degrees, you can graduate remotely from top colleges for a lower cost.
If you wish to learn more about online education, check out our 100% free essays. They show you the advantages and disadvantages of studying online.
Remote Learning vs. Regular Learning
Here are some of the key differences between traditional learning and online learning:
🏫 Regular Learning.
- Students are present in the same classroom as their tutor.
- Traditional education has a set schedule and location that students must attend.
- Students pick classes according to the semester tuition they pay. There is less flexibility regarding course start and end dates.
- In a traditional classroom, your professor and peers can motivate you. This is arguably the main advantage of regular learning.
- Classrooms facilitate communication among students and help you talk to your tutor when needed.
đź’» Remote Learning.
- The professor and students are not in the same room.
- Remote learning allows students to choose when, how, and where they study.
- Generally, students have a greater variety of courses to choose from.
- When studying online, no one will watch over your shoulder and push you. Remote learning requires students to be disciplined and organized.
- Some students struggle to connect with their classmates and even professors as they are not physically in the same place.
đź’ˇ What Are the Benefits of Remote Education?
By exploring the advantages of online learning, we can fully appreciate how vital it is in today’s world.

- International education has become available and affordable. The best universities around the world now offer online courses. When you register on campus, you are limited to programs in your area. Online education removes these boundaries.
- You can study according to your learning patterns. Every single person learns at a different pace. In traditional classrooms, people have to adapt to the speed of others. Online education is flexible enough to accommodate the individual learning requirements of everyone.
- Students have more control over their studies. With online learning, students can create a schedule that works for them and repeat a class as often as needed. You can restart your career, switch, and even start a new job by upskilling.
- Most online courses offer a flexible schedule. It not only allows people to maintain full-time work but also helps support good mental health. You can access your studies at any time of the day.
- The range of available programs is vast. You can get multiple degrees from universities around the world. Online education gives you the benefit of hearing and learning different perspectives and schools of thought. In addition, the enrollment process is simplified, and it does not take long to get started.
- Students and adult learners can create their perfect study environment. You can study from anywhere – from your room or a coffee shop. The only thing you need is a stable internet connection and a laptop.
- Communication between tutors and students is increased. Several studies show that learners and educators can overcome any constraints of online education. They strive to ensure an effective and frequent interaction, solving all the study issues together. Shy students are often more interested in this form of education than in regular settings.
Skills You Develop Studying Online
When studying online, students develop important life skills. It can help them perfect their lifestyle, schedule, and sleeping patterns.

Through remote education, you will learn:
- Endurance. Endurance is critical for successful online learning. Throughout the process, you will learn how to withstand any hardship that you might encounter.
- Time management. Staying focused and organized is essential for success when it comes to online learning. Many techniques, tools, and study apps can help you achieve this.
- Technical skills. Remote education creates opportunities to immerse yourself online. As a result, you will boost your technological literacy.
- Self-discipline. You will learn self-motivation and self-discipline to succeed. These qualities will assist you in your everyday life.
- Communication skills. Interacting with peers and instructors daily boosts your communication skills. It also fosters a sense of community and helps people stay connected.
- Critical-thinking skills. Critical thinking in online learning is even more important than in a physical classroom. Students and educators achieve this through reflective dialogue, problem-solving, and decision-making.
đź”® 9 Widespread Myths about Online Learning
Recall when you switched to remote studying due to pandemics or discovered affordable online courses. Were your relatives worried that e-learning will prevent you from retaining new material? Did anyone tell you that it will damage your eyesight and posture? Or that it will be so easy to study that there is no point in taking online classes?
In this case, you have probably heard one of the most popular myths about online learning. In the chapters below, we will debunk them one by one.
Myth 1: Online Education Is Easy
In reality, earning an online degree can be quite a struggle. Though it differs from graduating from a traditional institution, it tends to be quite challenging.
- Students might have more flexibility as they can adjust their schedules to meet their goals. However, they have to deal with the constant desire to procrastinate and postpone learning hours. Monitoring your progress is likely to become an issue when studying online.
- The complexity also depends on the institution. For instance, in reputable colleges, online courses require students to learn and complete the same material as in-person. For example, you won’t be able to gain a Harvard certification without putting in hard work.
- Don’t underestimate the workload as well. Online courses require more correspondence with teachers, completing extra quizzes, and even passing scheduled exams.

Myth 2: Technologies Are Distracting & Difficult
In reality, you won’t be distracted from studying at home more than during regular classes. Generally, a student will need the same concentration and patience to learn online. Some can focus even better in an online classroom since they don’t have a mate next seat to talk to.
For those who struggle with staying present during a lecture, there are numerous online tools that allow students to remain focused. As for the kids, colorful and game-like programs will make learning fun and engaging.
As far as the fear of technology is concerned:
To take an online course, you don’t have to be a tech guru. If you can figure out how to order pizza online, you are good to go. You will quickly learn how to navigate the process of logging into an online platform and submitting your homework.
Myth 3: You Have to Teach Yourself
In reality, online instructors are as caring, engaging, and present as the ones in brick-and-mortar classrooms. You can ask questions if something is not clear, and they will guide you to the solution the best they can.

Of course, some courses are prerecorded or lack 24/7 available tutors to contact. Yet, even in these cases, you are likely to find a Q&A section under each lesson or send a message directly. Besides, there are multiple discussion forums where students can help each other.
Myth 4: Online Courses Won’t Teach You Anything
In reality, good online programs from reputable colleges meet all the academic standards. They offer essential study resources and educate students just as well as regular classes. Some online courses may be more effective and well-thought-out than their in-person counterparts.
Online colleges must undergo the same review process as traditional institutions to gain accreditation. It sometimes goes through stricter scrutiny since e-learning is still relatively new.
In addition, educating students in an online environment can improve the tutors’ performance. The new means of communication and scoring can make them think about engagement and effectiveness. So, both educators and learners will enhance their skills and gain new knowledge thanks to online classes.
Myth 5: Online Degrees Are Useless
In reality, not all online courses are the same. Naturally, you can get a free degree on some sketchy website and find it worthless. Yet, diplomas and certifications from acclaimed institutions will come in handy for both job search and professional development.
When remote learning was unusual, companies might have felt that online degrees were less practical than traditional ones. Today, a fair number of certifications that you can get online are valued by employers. The more people study at home, the more widespread and useful online degrees become. In some cases, especially with remote work positions, employers can prefer those that got their certifications online.
Myth 6: E-Learning Lacks Structure
In reality, most online courses require students to follow some set schedule. You may deal with an official study plan, with webinars during set hours and multiple strict deadlines. Or, you will have to excel at time management and organize your day according to your online courses yourself. Either way, you will have a schedule for each study day.

Myth 7: Online Learning Is Lonely
In reality, interaction is an integral part of online education. Technologies simplify it as much as possible. Today you can speak to people worldwide or your roommate next door through the same device. Therefore, you can also use technologies and social media to study and communicate with others.
E-learning may allow you to study completely alone if you choose courses that don’t require any interactions. Yet, we don’t recommend it.
When you participate in an online dispute, receive feedback from your educator, or simply stay present during a webinar, you feel connected and motivated. Plus, you will get insight into your student community, which can be fun. Use the opportunity to speak on the discussion boards, social media groups, and via email to ensure you are part of the group.
Myth 8: Everyone Is Cheating
In reality, cheating at home can be a lot trickier than in a regular classroom. There are methods that enable instructors to deter students from academic dishonesty:
- First, some software disables new browsers from being opened. Such programs prevent students from accessing other resources during exams or chatting with friends during lectures.
- Second, professors can use plagiarism detectors on any essay they receive. Students won’t be able to copy-paste their way through online courses without serious repercussions.
- Third, some online programs sometimes require students to take exams at physical locations or with a webcam. Educators will be able to track their actions and see cheating attempts as usual.
All in all, if a student is determined to cheat, they will do it regardless of the location or study format. E-learning just doesn’t facilitate this process.
Myth 9: It’s Bad for Kids’ Health
In reality, in the past years, technology has improved significantly. It’s not as harmful to our, or kids’, eyesight as it was just a decade ago. Though staying in front of a screen all day can be dangerous for anyone’s health, resting and exercising from time to time will help avoid such issues.
Children can’t stay concentrated for long and may be addicted to their devices. So, some worried parents have assumed that taking online classes will be terrible for their kids’ health and opposed the idea. Yet, technologies are not the central issue here.

There is another point to be made:
Educating special-needs students can be pretty challenging, regardless of their age. Many parents and learners worry that online classes won’t benefit them. It might have become a serious issue, but special-ed tutors are doing their best to adapt e-learning for such students.
You can find exceptional online courses for special needs people.
đźš© Real Challenges of Online Education
Now that you know all the myths about online learning, we should discuss some actual problems students encounter. Studying at home can be tricky, especially if you struggle to manage your time and prioritize your tasks successfully. So, let’s talk about the critical challenges in detail.
- Remote education can be harmful to your physical health. As we’ve mentioned, the increased time spent in front of devices can lead to various health problems. Some researchers agree that online learning can cause real risks to people. For instance, a lack of physical activities can lead to obesity. Yet, such problems can be prevented. Taking breaks to walk around the block, exercise, or go for a run can help you with many issues caused by prolonged seating.
- Online learning is linked to mental health issues. According to studies, e-learning has been connected to developing anxiety and depression. Students feel trapped and isolated when they study at home for too long without communicating with others. However, there are ways to overcome this issue. It includes exercising regularly, eating healthy, taking time to rest, and maintaining a good study/life/rest balance. If you feel that it does help, do not hesitate to contact a therapist.
- Devices get broken or corrupted. The lack of working or reliable technologies is very upsetting. It adds additional challenges when you need to submit a paper or attend a lecture via Zoom. So, it makes sense to have an extra device just in case. If you don’t have the means to buy another phone or laptop, you can borrow one from a friend or family member. You can also access a public library with computers.
- Students get distracted easily. Learning from home can be a great experience, but such a familiar location can be too distracting for some. Plus, your roommates or pets can become the center of your attention. However, that issue isn’t that serious. For instance, you can ask everyone not to disturb you when you study and lock your pets out of the room. Also, disconnect from any apps and platforms that might be distracting.
- It’s tricky to remain motivated to study. Finding the determination to learn might be challenging when you don’t have to go to a classroom five or six days a week. One of the ways to reset your mind is to create different study places in your house. Commute to your kitchen table or desk in another room to start learning. Plus, try to think about a bigger goal to help you stay motivated: getting a dream job or becoming a professional.
- Some students get ignored. In an online classroom, instructors may accidentally forget about one of their learners, especially when they don’t see them. It can leave students feeling discouraged and frustrated. Yet, remember that you can always ask for clarification whenever you don’t understand something. Plus, you can try to read and access additional study resources. And if you don’t want this problem to arise, be proactive!
đź‘Ť 10 Tips for Successful Online Learning
As you can guess, you can still enjoy online learning, regardless of all the challenges. To help you with that, we’ve gathered these home learning tips. Try them out and see how you can become a successful remote student.
Before anything else:
Make sure your devices and Internet connection are reliable. You don’t want to be disconnected during live webinars and workshops. So, consider buying extra modems and signal boosters not to be left behind. To ensure stability, connect the modem directly to your computer whenever possible instead of using Wi-Fi.
To study online successfully, try these tips:

đź“Ť Conclusion: Will Online Learning Prevail?
We have discussed some particularities of online learning, but we still didn’t touch upon the central question:
What will happen to remote education in the future? Is it a temporary phenomenon? Or will we slowly switch to this study mode?
The pandemic proved that many degrees could be acquired remotely. Yet, not all. For instance, some certifications and degrees require hands-on experience, so students still need to attend physical classes.
Over recent years, education has gained many forms and alternatives. However, a conventional classroom is not going anywhere, at least for now. Each student has unique situations and opportunities. Therefore, they decide according to their needs and goals how they are going to study.
As a result, in the near future, both traditional and online education will remain prevalent.
Thank you for reading our article! If your friends or family members misunderstand or have an interest in online learning, share this link with them.
đź”— References
- The Importance of Online Learning to Students — Nord Anglia Education
- Benefits of Online Learning: 16 Advantages to Learning Online — The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
- 5 Online Learning Tips for Student Success — Juliana Scheiderer, Ohio State Online
- Student Tips for Online Learning Success — North Hennepin Community College
- 7 Most Common Myths about Online Learning — Los-Angeles Community College
- 8 Myths About Online Learning: The Truth Behind the Screen — Brianna Flavin, Rasmussen University
- Top 6 Myths About Online Learning — Jen Carlevatti, the University of South Florida
- 5 Reasons Why Online Learning Is the Future of Education in 2023 — Education.com