Air Pollution in Los Angeles Essay

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Air pollution is one of the most important problems and one of the most urgent issues of the modern society all over the world. Some cities in the developed countries pose a major threat to the ecological situation in the whole country. The city of Los Angeles leads to several issues within the United States of America. Air pollution in the city remains one of the major social challenges affecting the residents. The high air pollution incidences have been associated with the two most important causes.

The notable causes for air pollution in the city include the continuously expanding vehicle traffic and the escalating population levels. It is notable that air pollution has reached unreasonably high levels. Scientists have argued that the predicament of pollution in the city presents potential health impacts on the residents. The good thing about air pollution is that there are diverse strategies that are applicable in responding to the situation. The provision of robust public transportation systems and sustainable development of housing units are likely to minimize air pollution in the city. The rapid growth in the city’s population presents diverse benefits.

Arguments and Counter Arguments

Los Angeles has topped in pollution for the last fourteen years even after the introduction of the Clean Air Act. The city presently experiences injurious air pollution for over fifty days annually. The consequences of the high levels of polluted air include asthma problems as well as other respiratory ailments for the residents (Codrington 327). Furthermore, the city has recorded escalated mortality rates, heart attacks, and stroke, because of the unhealthy air people breath. The air from the mountainous areas in Los Angeles and the onshore winds normally merge at the basin (Codrington 327).

This has created the basin areas of Los Angeles to act like a normal photochemical reaction point trapping the unhealthy emissions generated by the millions of Los Angeles residents. There are different aspects of the residents’ activities and practices, which have escalated the occurrence of highly dangerous air in the region (Codrington 326).

The use of private transport has been at the core of pollution challenges in Los Angeles. The increasing number of vehicles in the city has resulted in massive traffic jams (Downs 88). Furthermore, as the population of the city continues to escalate and without public transport policies, people are increasingly purchasing private cars to facilitate their mobility. The transport has become annoying and ineffective (Downs 88).

The escalation of congestion in the city has worsened the problem of air pollution because of the volume of unhealthy air emitted in the atmosphere (Downs 88). The gas emissions from the millions of vehicles in the city contain several particulate matters, which hasten pollution of the air. The situation has sometimes become so worse particularly during peak hours when residents move to different places for their daily engagements (Downs 88).

The occurrence of air pollution in the city is not entirely problematic, as some gains have been noted. There are advertisements that attempt to explain that solutions for air pollution are tenable (Downs 81). The relevant persons can employ diverse regulations to minimize the impacts of pollution. The Los Angeles administration can introduce high occupancy vehicles (HOVs) in the public transport system (Downs 81).

The HOVs can carry more people and eliminate traffic congestion on the roads. The introduction of a public transport system remains the best solution for traffic congestion in the city (Downs 81). Furthermore, the number of cars on the Los Angeles should worry about the residents. The technological advancements can provide solutions to the contribution of cars in escalating pollution (Downs 81).

It is notable that the application of regulations to control air pollution in the city has failed. This means that the administration may not rely on the regulations in future attempts to stop the problem of pollution. Both the administration and residents have had many debates about the introduction of public transport in the city (Downs 78). The debates started several decades back but are has not been easy to implement the suggestions. Furthermore, building additional infrastructure such as transit facilities and escalating the services in the available facilities have failed to contain the issue of traffic congestion (Downs 78). The notable regulatory processes envisioned to alleviate the problems associated with traffic congestion have failed. The introduction of cars emitting healthy gases has also failed to work. The residents have continued to purchase more cars thus escalating the problem (Downs 78).

The problem of pollution in the city has also been attributed to the escalating populations. However, the population may present diverse opportunities to the city. Population problems in the city may not reduce in the near future (Shyam, Verma, and Bhargava 9). The geographical location of the city to Mexico has facilitated constant arrival of Mexicans. Furthermore, the city has attracted many people because it provides the best joints for entertainment. The city also has excellent education and business institutions. The increase in the population has also escalated the number of cars on the roads (Shyam, Verma, and Bhargava 9). Therefore, higher populations in the city have escalated the economy and business opportunities in the area. The availability of cheap labor has attracted many industries to the region. It is notable that Los Angeles residents have not complained about the problem of pollution (Shyam, Verma, and Bhargava 9).

Indicatively, the high population has indeed presented more challenges to the transportation system in the city. It is not possible to argue that high population has generated more business opportunities. The businesses activities cannot supersede environmental concerns (Shyam, Verma, and Bhargava 9). The predicaments facing the city are likely to continue. The increased population of Mexicans arriving in the state of California is also not likely to cease. Therefore, the city’s problems with pollution will continue to affect many.

The air pollution problem has also presented many opportunities through the different control strategies aimed at minimizing its impacts on the residents. The air contamination control processes have expanded employment opportunities (Chiras 420). The costs generated from the industry have also supported many important activities in the state. This is an indication that air pollution in the city provides certain benefits to the residents. This argument gives more attention to the outcomes of air pollution than to prevent it before its occurrence (Chiras 420). The argument also seems to be giving more attention to the opportunities presented by air pollution. These outcomes are insignificant because the aim of Los Angeles residents should work together for the realization of pollution free environment. The residents and the administration can work together by developing a mechanism for introducing public transport.

Air pollution control in the state remains crucial in the realization of improved ambiance. The activities aimed at minimizing emissions require the relevant authorities to make certain decisions. The Air Resources Board together with local air control committees normally adopts appropriate strategies. The board has taken leadership in pursuing diverse control strategies including technology to manage emissions (Chiras 420). The notable technologies include cleaner engines for point of source controls. The strategies also include treatment methods for emissions. This method requires that gases are treated at their point of source prior to emission into the environment (Chiras 420).

This also entails the application of catalysts for in the automobiles industry where certain products enable the emissions from vehicles to be neutralized before their release into the environment. The regulatory mechanisms require vehicle users to apply cleaner gasoline and diesel. Furthermore, people are encouraged to use less destructive alternative fuels (Chiras 420). It is notable that regulators employ strategies that target mobile sources of emissions to minimize the release of unhealthy gases.

The air pollution has been attributed to many diseases affecting the residents of Los Angeles. The much debate about pollution-related health predicaments has forced people to stop thinking about other human illnesses. It is notable that other illnesses that have a worse influence on peoples’ health than the pollution-related challenges (Chiras 414).

Pollution-related diseases include chronic illnesses and infectious ailments overshadowed some notable diseases. The arguments about other health predicaments faced by residents of Los Angeles should not emerge in this discussion (Chiras 414). The health challenges to the residents and should not attract other counterarguments. Air pollution is a challenging situation for the American people. The impacts of health problems associated with air pollution remains a big threat to the lives of many Los Angeles residents (Chiras 414).

The predicaments of air pollution in remaining a challenge for the residents of the city. The human activities have played a significant role in the destruction of the environment with private transport services and the ever-escalating population (Burchell 133).

The health problems associated with the impacts of traffic congestion in the city has been overwhelming. The proponents of the Los Angeles development model have continued to make their arguments for the situations. The proponents have been able to discuss the issue of vehicle population (Burchell 135). They have suggested that the high numbers of vehicles offer certain opportunities. The number of vehicles that causes traffic congestion can be reduced through the introduction of public transport, employing green transport activities, and adhering to regulatory provisions developed to facilitate the movement (Burchell 135). However, this paper argues that these arguments are more retrogressive and presents potential problems to the efforts to promote pollution control activities.


In summary, the air pollution problem in the city of Los Angeles has continued for many years. The challenges emerging from the situation are also evident in the environment. The high population of people in the city is identified as one of the causes of pollution. The increasing number of vehicles also causes traffic congestion. The fact that Los Angeles lacks public transport systems, thus making the use of private cars a common phenomenon. Supporters of the current situation in Los Angeles have argued that certain gains can be obtained from air pollution. This paper disagrees with the counter-arguments presented by the supporters.

Works Cited

Burchell, Robert W. Sprawl Costs: Economic Impacts of Unchecked Development. Washington [D.C.: Island Press, 2005. Print.

Chiras, Daniel D. Environmental Science. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2013. Print.

Codrington, Stephen. Planet Geography. Sidney: Solid Press Star, 2005. Print.

Downs, Anthony. Still Stuck in Traffic: Coping with Peak-Hour Traffic Congestion. Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution Press, 2004. Print.

Shyam, Shilpa, H N. Verma, and S K. Bhargava. Air Pollution and It’s Impact on Plant Growth. New Delhi: New India Pub. Agency, 2006. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 26). Air Pollution in Los Angeles.

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"Air Pollution in Los Angeles." IvyPanda, 26 June 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Air Pollution in Los Angeles'. 26 June.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Air Pollution in Los Angeles." June 26, 2020.

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