The history of the world has seen many prominent figures who have left a strong mark on the philosophical paradigms of millions of people. In many cases, this impact exists in the form of religious dogmas and traditions, which are transmitted from older generations to new ones. There are particular personalities, which have inspired millions of people across the globe and defined the development of worldviews and philosophy for centuries. Among them, Jesus Christ and Confucius have become some of the most prominent figures in the history of the world. Their teachings have become the Earth’s major religions with millions of followers. They were two utterly different men divided by continents, but their ideas have survived across two millennia. In spite of major fundamental differences between Confucianism and Christianity, it is still possible to discern some similarities between the personalities of their founders. The purpose of this is essay is to compare the lives and the teachings of Confucius and Jesus Christ.
Religious views form the core of the major differences between civilizations. The East and the West are separated by water and land, but the primary dividing aspect has lied in the philosophical sphere. Jesus and Confucious both lived in an Ancient era when laws and values were different. Nevertheless, the common feature of their personal impact is characterized by the eternal nature of their teachings. The paradigms of social, political, and ethical thought have shifted significantly over the past 2000 years, but the ideas of Jesus and Confucius have retained their relevance (Li). Therefore, these great philosophers were able to grasp the very nature of the human soul, describing the aspects, which lie beyond time and space. However, despite the renowned status of both religions today, Li writes that both figures caused considerable controversy during their respective periods. This fact introduces another common feature, which consists of the challenges faced by the religious leaders initially. These barriers add value to their teachings, as they have managed to survive despite severe criticism across centuries.
On the other hand, despite the common characteristics of these people, Confucius and Christ demonstrate a range of differences, as well. While their teachings may even appear contemporary from a modern person’s perspective, there are still five centuries separating them (Muesse). Furthermore, the two personalities differ in terms of their status within the religions. In the eyes of his followers, Confucius has remained a philosopher with a profound understanding of the universe. On the contrary, Jesus Christ has acquired a divine status of the embodiment of God on Earth (Muesse 189). Such views have caused greater controversy across the globe, and the number of those who oppose them has increased, as well. At the same time, while Confucianism has numerous followers, it still remains regional in nature, encompassing mostly the populated Chinese territories. Christianity, however, is global, as the scope of its influence spans across entire nations and continents.
In conclusion, Jesus Christ and Confucius have undoubtedly made valuable contributions to the global philosophical views. Both leaders come from relatively ancient periods, although not simultaneous. Their teachings have inspired millions of people across the globe and across time, as well. Even though controversial opinions and criticism surrounded Christianity and Confucianism in their early days, both religions have withstood the pressure and proved their relevance to humanity, regardless of era. Nevertheless, both figures demonstrate fundamental differences, and the primary one consists of the religious status them. Unlike his Eastern counterpart, Jesus is openly proclaimed to be God incarnate, spreading the divine ideas on Earth. Nevertheless, despite possible differences, Confucianism and Christianity remain crucial elements of humanity’s philosophical development. Accordingly, the influence of Jesus and Confucius on the evolution of public thought is undeniable.
Works Cited
Muesse, Mark W. Four Wise Men: The Lives and Teachings of Confucius, the Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. ISD LLC, 2018.
Li, Frank. Jesus Christ vs. Confucius. Ecointersect, 2017, Web.