Environmental Features of the Sacramento City Term Paper

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There are so many really beautiful cities on our planet: some of them attract people due to their sizes and population; some cities present rather captivating history and cultural heritage and some cities amaze people with their places of interest and tourists are eager and eager to visit this place once again. This time, I want to talk about the city that is famous due to its annual Summer Shakespeare Festival and is considered to be one of the cities, which have more than two nicknames, known to lots of people from different countries. River City, The Big Tomato, City of Trees, and Sac – all these nicknames are about Sacramento, the capital of California. Lots of words may be said about the City of Sacramento, its historical development and growth, its culture and population, its heritage and remarkable features.

Historical Development, Population, Demographics, and Growth of the City of Sacramento

Sacramento takes seventh place among the Californian cities, which turn out to be the most populous: the population of Sacramento is over 407018; about 49% are men, and more than 51% are women. (AreaConnect, n.d.) Native people of Sacramento have so many reasons to be proud: its rich history, its culture, and even location have so many privileges.

In 1879, Sacramento was called one of the most permanent capital states. Such status of the city, its rapid growth, and advantageous location – all this explains the fact that Sac starts taking leading positions in many spheres and becomes one of the most attractive places for tourists. It is necessary to admit that Sacramento is the only place, where two great rivers, the Sacramento and the American, meet. Such kind of “meeting” gives birth to the first nickname of Sacramento – the River City. Lots of kayakers and rafters are eager to visit this city in order to feel all those unbelievable emotions and excitement. (A Brief History of Sacramento, n.d.)

The growth of the City of Sacramento is caused due to its huge number of tourists attractions. The Sacramento Zoo is one of the oldest places of interest here: more than 300 animals may be found there. California Military Museum and California State Archives provide the visitor with one more opportunity to learn the history of the state and comprehend what caused so rapid and considerable development of the region. (PlanetWare, n.d.)

Map and Photographs of the City of Sacramento

Map of the City.
Map of the City.
California State Capitol, Sacramento.
California State Capitol, Sacramento.
Tower Bridge at Night in Sacramento.
Tower Bridge at Night in Sacramento.
Sacramento City Hall.
Sacramento City Hall.

Main Environmental Setting/Features of the City

The idea of the environmental features of the City of Sacramento is one more point that has to be evaluated right now. In fact, environmental features are those significant resources and settings, which may serve as perfect means to restrain or even to prevent certain transportation improvements. In other words, these settings are all those natural resources of a certain area. As for the environmental features of Sacramento, there are several such resources, which have to be mentioned.

Of course, one of the most remarkable examples of environmental settings may serve the Sacramento Valley and the corridor of the two rivers, the Sacramento and the American. In fact, there are several rather bright perspectives, which are connected to the state of water management within the whole Sacramento Basin. Such scientists like Annette Huber-Lee, Winston Yu, and some others admit that “balance between water for food and water for the environment has been destructively tipped in favor of irrigated agriculture and that the only possible future is one based on constant efforts to roll back the irrigated area in the basin.“ (Huber-Lee, n.d.)

Environmental Plan

Review of the First Sustainability Master Plan of the City of Sacramento

In December 2007, the first Sustainability Master Plan was conducted. It turned out to be a kind of map that should help to create a sustainable City. The Mayor and the City Council were those people, who adopted the plan and introduced it to the citizens. The major point of this plan is to encourage every citizen of the City to green own homes and even neighborhoods. If this purpose is achieved, the major outcome, changes in the environment, will certainly happen. Such greenhousing may happen by means of technological interference, water treatment, garbage recycling, attention to transportation means, etc.


First of all, it is necessary to control water and “to converse the use and protect the sources of drinking water and work to provide exceptional flood protection.” (Sustainability Implementation Plan 2008) Certain measures have been already taken in this sphere: erosion control work, efforts on rice pesticides, and numerous inspection programs. In the future, numerous protection efforts concerning the two rivers’ ongoing source will be continued. With the help of educational programs, people get to know more about how to conserve water. Numerous water inspections help to take under control water consumption. And, finally, encouragement for leadership within water utilities and frequent participation in river tools are considered to be one of the major issues of the Master Plan.


Our society is developing quickly. This development causes numerous changes within each sphere of life, this is why it is better to take care of everything around in order to live in good conditions. The amount of waste (it does not matter whether it is garbage or some solid waste) is growing as well. This is why in order to green the houses, as it is mentioned in the Master Plan of Sacramento, it is better to think about waste recycling or reuse. In the Plan under consideration, there is no separate point for waste problems and their outcomes, this is why it is crucially important to take into account the problems, the citizens may face because of waste and start thinking of how to predict these difficulties.


Of course, to achieve positive results while greening homes, it is also necessary to remember about the problems, caused by transportation. It is better to “reduce dependence on the private automobile by working with community partners to provide efficient and accessible transit and transit-supportive land uses, and reduce long commutes by providing a wide array of transportation and housing choices.” (Sustainability Implementation Plan 2008) The development of pedestrian improvement programs is considered one of the major points in the transportation issue. Bike parking and green bikeways should be also taken into consideration in order to demonstrate to people that trees and other greenery around turn out to be rather attractive and useful.

Natural Environment

Well, a lot may be said about the natural heritage of the City of Sacramento. Its Mediterranean climate and really winning location help to take leading positions in many industries and attract many tourists. Of course, the major advantage of the city is its location on the Sacramento River and the American River. Due to such water access, the food industry provides the representatives of Sacramento to maintain good relations with other states. Sacramento should not lose this heritage and take all possible steps in order to develop and increase its richness.

Environmental Challenges

Without any doubt, Sacramento may face numerous challenges connected with the environment. People should know that there are lots of reasons, which may lead to environmental problems, and some of them are: the rise of population and desire to have own cars – are the reasons caused by humans; global warming lead to more hot days, which also have the negative impact on the environment. If people do not stop to follow the garbage and do not start planting, the environment may be under a serious threat, so, people should think about it.

Review and Expected Improvement

The desire to create a green city is not a dream, it is a reality that the City of Sacramento wants to achieve. With the help of the Master Plan, developed in 2007, the citizens of Sacramento get proper instructions to green their houses and make their places more beautiful. This environmental plan should certainly improve the future of Sacramento due to several reasons:

  1. educative programs help to comprehend everything on the theoretical level, at first, and then use the knowledge in practice;
  2. communication with people in order to improve their own lives usually have positive results as everyone wants to live better if it is possible;
  3. environmental threats are one of the less noticeable ones, but still, they make a considerable impact on humans’ lives, and we should be ready for any challenge.

Sacramento is really wonderful place with its sights and culture.

Reference List

AreaConnect. (n.d.). . Web.

The city of Sacramento. (n.d.) A Brief History of Sacramento. Web.

Creating a Sustainable City: 2008 Implementation Plan (2007). Web.

Huber-Lee, A., Yates, D., Purkey, D., Yu, W., & Runkle, B. (n.d). . Web.

PlanetWare. (n.d.). Tourist Attractions in Sacramento. Web.

Maps and Photos: Mapepry: Real Life Maps. (n.d.) . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, May 24). Environmental Features of the Sacramento City. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-features-of-the-sacramento-city/

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"Environmental Features of the Sacramento City." IvyPanda, 24 May 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-features-of-the-sacramento-city/.


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Environmental Features of the Sacramento City'. 24 May.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Environmental Features of the Sacramento City." May 24, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-features-of-the-sacramento-city/.

1. IvyPanda. "Environmental Features of the Sacramento City." May 24, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-features-of-the-sacramento-city/.


IvyPanda. "Environmental Features of the Sacramento City." May 24, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-features-of-the-sacramento-city/.

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