Predicting the Cardiovascular Events Essay

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Professor Phillip Greenland, explored the subject of Predicting the Future: Can We Predict Who Will Develop Cardiovascular Events? In the seminar, he indicated it is difficult to predict the future even though there is a lot of information on cardiovascular information; more than knew about it 20 years ago. The information and guidelines in the topic stated that there exists evidence based on numbers; and for people to manage risks, they should know the numbers and the risk.

In Texas a bill was enacted in regards to cardiovascular disease, the bill stated that all health facilities that offer to screen need to set some resources necessary for screening from the insurance of the patient. The seminar discusses various ways of determining risks associated with an individual concerning cardiovascular challenges. The seminar focuses on methods of identifying the level of risk in individuals in regard to cardiovascular illnesses; it works to classify people as high risk, low risk and medium risk.

The purpose of the seminar is to design measures of various risks associated with cardiovascular diseases. The seminar also focuses on measuring outcomes based on adjusting risks and other aspects that are necessary to conduct proper research in health-related research and influence the outcome. The seminar provided an understanding of measuring risks and categorizing the risks. It provides a better understanding of aspects related to risks, this is a good avenue as it provides information important in determining initiatives related to measuring risk such as comparative effectiveness.

Professor Phillip Greenland, after claiming it is difficult to predict the future, stated that the best way to determine the future is to manage risks associated with cardiovascular illnesses. He then described the need and importance of determining the level of risk. He gave an example of a new law in Texas that stated the need to conduct screening to determine risks in an individual about cardiovascular illnesses.

The seminar and the book by Radosevich and Kane described the reason for measuring risk and the fundamental designs employed in risk measurement (1-354). The seminar and the book provide collected data on various subjects on risk measurement and analytical methods and proceed to discuss the results from the collected data to provide a better interpretation of the collected data. The information in the seminar is presented clearly and in a way the audience understands. The seminar and the book are appropriate educational materials as they offer comprehensive information for a researcher and both act as crucial resources.

Researching measuring risk factors involves determining and recognizing various factors associated with risk. Determining the level of risk in an individual ensures the proper provision of health care. Across the nation, people are demanding quality health care, the consumers, insurance companies and the government will achieve quality health care through research on measuring risks. The seminar and the book detail the methodology used in measuring risk thus assisting in predicting the future.

The key to dealing with cardiovascular illnesses is addressing the main cause of the illnesses; the seminar does not focus on this subject but instead focuses on risks associated with the disease. The seminar is important for medical students as it provides information necessary in analyzing medical challenges and is important when conducting research.

Works Cited

Kane, Robert. and David M Radosevich. Conducting Health Outcomes Research. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011.

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IvyPanda. (2022, May 1). Predicting the Cardiovascular Events.

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"Predicting the Cardiovascular Events." IvyPanda, 1 May 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Predicting the Cardiovascular Events'. 1 May.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Predicting the Cardiovascular Events." May 1, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Predicting the Cardiovascular Events." May 1, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Predicting the Cardiovascular Events." May 1, 2022.

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