The impact of the Taliban on boys and girls’ education in Afghanistan was really great: different educative strategies and concentration on war affairs deprived girls of the opportunity to get education on the same level […]
The husband is always considered the head of the family among the Hazaras, with most of the families practicing polygamy. Afghanistan is one of the states that constituted the Mongol Empire, but the Hazaras are […]
However, slow growth of modernization and the emergence of radical opposition to governmental reform signified that the Afghan people are still attached to conservative patterns already in the second half of 20th century, with the […]
The geopolitical uncertainty of Central Asia has emerged because of the fear that the Afghan state might become a springboard for different terrorist groups in the region.
In late 2020, after the departure of NATO troops from Afghanistan, the Taliban, a group of militant Islamists and Jihadists, conflicted with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Office of the United Nations High […]
However, King Fahd ended extremism in an alternative way, he researched the problem of extremism and then developed a strategy to send extremists to Afghanistan.
Though the problem of education unavailability for women in Afghanistan is unanimously regarded as a tremendous concern both in Al Jazeera’s report and the Washington Post’s opinion piece, the two introduce different perspectives due to […]
I think that a utilitarian would support this war directly after the initial terrorist attacks, as the perceived benefit will be increased happiness for the United States from the lack of outside threats.
On the contrary, to the north of the country, close to Tajikistan, Afghanistan has the Bactrian Plain, which contains a unique geographic area in the form of an extension of the clay-sandy Karakum desert.
To be more specific, this is because the main essence of Bentham’s philosophical standpoint is that only those actions which bring happiness and pleasure to others are morally right.
After the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan, the U.S.evacuated the Americans by Aug.31. It is important to note that the Biden administration claims an international agreement with Taliban representatives to allow the United States to […]
It is, therefore, true to conjecture that the insurgency in Afghanistan was as a result of the inefficiency and the inability of the government to counter and resolve the challenges faced by the country and […]
The main threat is related to terrorist activity, which may increase after the withdrawal of troops, and with no presence in the area, it may be impossible for the US to prevent the harm.
The constructs of childhood in Afghanistan during the periods of Taliban and Post-Taliban rules are depicted in different ways due to the impact of global and local forces of society as the main means shaping […]
Although the existence of the al-Qaida group of terrorists has always undermined the efforts to maintain peace and retain normalcy in the country, there is a window of hope to achieve the same.
Domestically Pakistan does not have anywhere near enough resources to deal with the various terror cells in the country due to limited budgets and the fact that the yearly monsoon seasons leave such an impact […]
It is the resilience of the people and harshness of the terrain that made it difficult to conquer the country that borders Pakistan to the South, Iran to the West, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan to the east.
It provides in-depth discussions into the Soviet Union’s involvement in the war, the international position on the activities of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, foreign involvement and help to Mujahideen, the withdrawal and exit of […]
President Obama explains the situation of the war in Afghanistan and the efforts that the United States has made regarding the war, but first begins by explaining the cause of the war.
The history of violence in Afghanistan is the reflection of the country being caught between the dominating powers of the region, since the collapse of the Mongol Empire in the sixteenth century.
The very existence of the civil Government in Afghanistan is with the active assistance of the reigning National Alliance, needs the support of foreign powers and NATO allies to stay in power.
The soviet invasion in Afghanistan can be attributed to the rise and growth of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan when Anti-Muslim afghan guerillas, the Afghan government, and the Soviet forces were involved in the crisis.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate eight healthcare determinants for the population in Afghanistan, including age, gender, socioeconomic status, environment, education, access to healthcare, the burden of disease, and the economy.
The most distinguishing feature of Afghanistan’s economy is an increase in the informal sector in recent years, in particular, in the manufacture of narcotics.
The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that the American Government did not appreciate the magnitude of the ethical implications of the war in regards to the state, world politics, world economy and the […]
The continuous negligence of the Afghanistan girl child in terms of access to education and employment opportunities is likely to widen the current disparity in education between men and women in the region to a […]
The result now means that the Republicans now control the majority of the representation in the House. Coming to the midterm elections, the focus had been on the state of the economy with much pressure […]
Therefore, the Taliban actions against the civilians, as well as their participation in other terrorists’ actions have become the trigger to the U.S.intervention aimed at establishing peace and welfare and in Afghanistan, as well as […]
According to Fields, there have been a lot of efforts by the United States to enhance the reconstruction of the country after a lengthy period of war against terrorism in the region.
Thirdly, there is social gender inequality, which is demonstrated by women being the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, inequalities in education attainment, lack of freedom to marry and divorce, and unequal access to […]
From the 1980s the Taliban, which began as a resistance group fighting against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, has played a key role in the affairs of Afghanistan. This paper has argued that the presence […]
Spradley argues that for the ethnographers to be able to learn culture they must know what is involved in cognitive and behavioral development of the people involved.
03 1 Table 2: Population pyramid dynamics Source: Self generated from Indexmundi Figure 4: – Life expectancy Source: Indexmundi Human Development Index Figure 5: Afghanistan’s HDI indicators for 2011 comparing with other countries Source: UNDP […]
In a more instinctive manner, there is need to redefine Afghanistan’s security, economy and identity in order to minimize the increasing rate of poverty, tension and insecurity in the country.
Although the US war in Afghanistan has lasted a decade already and is still continues as we speak, the United States of America together with its allies should still persist because the Afghan government needs […]
However, the following arguments seek to reinforce the fact that the use of private security contractors is desirable in contemporary settings. Consequently, it is safe to argue that the continued use of private security contractors […]
Therefore, as a representative of the US special envoy in the country, applicability or rather employment of varied techniques and strategy will be a great assistance to people in ensuring the containing of the objectives […]
S-Afghanistan war; the cause of the Al-Qaida attacks on the U. S and its allies and motive of the subsequent military intervention by the Afghanistan.
The government of Afghanistan deserves to promote and encourage the minorities’ rights as provided for in the constitution. Access to justice and the rule of law is appropriate for the Afghan government in the wake […]
Over the last three decades, the NATO has been making various strategies to end the war and the drug business in Afghanistan because of the negative activities that the Taliban carries out not only in […]
Therefore, the United States need to pull out its troops from Afghanistan because the cost of retaining them is unsustainable, Al-Qaeda organization is no longer a threat, and that Afghanistan requires independence to fight terrorism.
Since the resources of Afghanistan offer great opportunities for the state development and for the enhancement of industry, it is necessary to realize the benefits of the enhancement of mining as well as the probable […]
To buttress this assertion, this paper shall give a detailed description of some of the Taliban reforms which resulted in an improvement in the lives of the people of Afghanistan.
With regards to Afghanistan, the UAE has positively and immensely contributed to the international efforts of stabilizing Afghanistan and supporting the efforts to have a peaceful Afghanistan.
It is also vital to note that the diplomatic relations between the two states have existed for the last two decades whereby the UAE under the guidance of its foreign policy has provided grants and […]