- 🔝 Top-10 Barack Obama Essay Topics
- 🏆 Best Barack Obama Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- 🦋 Barack Obama Project Ideas
- ✅ Simple & Easy Barack Obama Essay Titles
- 💡 Most Interesting Barack Obama Topics to Write about
- 🧑🏽 Good Research Topics about Barack Obama
- ⭐ Interesting Topics to Write about Barack Obama
- ❓ Questions About Barack Obama
🔝 Top-10 Barack Obama Essay Topics
- ’A More Perfect Union’ Barack Obama Rhetorical Analysis
- The Challenges of Racism Influential for the Life of Frederick Douglass and Barack Obama
- Barack Obama’s Victory Speech 2008 – Analysis
- Michelle Obama American Dream Speech Analysis –
- Barack Obama’s “Yes We Can” Speech Analysis
- Barack Obama as a Transformational Leader
- The “Obama’s Deal” Documentary Reflection
- Barack Obama’s Speech as a Rhetorical Example
- Barack Obama’s Charismatic Leadership
- President Obama’s Inaugural Speech Analysis
🏆 Best Barack Obama Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- Barack Obama’s Family HistoryPayne, on the other hand, was born in the year 1922 in Wichita, Kansas and she died 86 years later on November 3, 2008 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- The Challenges That Being Black Creates for Douglass and ObamaHowever, that is not the case since a lot of racism was evident in the twentieth century, and Barack Obama was one of the victims.
- Barack Obama as an Exceptional LeaderAccording to Huffington, “the first one hundred days of Obama in office has had a lot of achievements and intangible transformational leadership”.
- “Dreams From My Father” by Barack ObamaThe paper comprises the advantages and limitations of the author’s flow of thought, his manner of own life details description, and the effects which are seen nowadays in the political career of the author.
- President Obama’s Inaugural Address in 2009First, the inclusion of certain phonological elements such as alliteration, consonance, and assonance works to beautify the language, which causes it to resonate with the listener.’Pounded the pavement’ or ‘picked up the phones’ is an […]
- Compare and Contrast of the Historical Figures: Barrack Obama and Joel OsteenHe is also the best selling author and he has sold million copies of his books in America and abroad; he was included in the list of the ‘ten most fascinating people’ by Barbara Walter.
- Obama Had Authority to Order Operation GeronimoThe public opinion of the US citizens supported the president and military force actions because of the ongoing conflict between the USA and Al-Qaeda.
- Lifespan & Personality: Towards Explaining President Barrack Obama’s Personality TraitsPresident Barrack Obama from the perspective of developmental psychology by applying two theories of personality in the analyses of the influences throughout the lifespan.
- Barak Obama and Donald Trump: Communication StylesNonetheless, it is essential to determine which of the factors play a decisive role by comparing the communication styles of Barak Obama and Donald Trump, examining the examples of their debates and speeches across their […]
- Political Rhetoric: Barack Obama’s March 18 SpeechThe context of the speech was reassuring white voters that they did not stand a chance to lose anything based on a statement of a renown Black American Pastor. The speech used the pattern of […]
- Comparing the Challenges that Being Black Creates for Obama and DouglassThe books “Dreams from my father” by Barack Obama and Frederick Douglass’s “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave” provide some of the best examples of using personal narratives to portray the […]
- Speech Analysis: Ronald Reagan vs. Barack ObamaThus, the need of this speech was influenced by the political circumstances of that time of ensuring the freedom of Berliners and thwarting the advancement of communism in the heat of the cold war.
- The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of ObamaIn the book The Breakthrough, Gwen Ifill addresses the political background and what part the women and men the author calls “the breakthrough politicians” or what the editor of the New Yorker David Remnick refers […]
- Obama vs. Lincoln: Presidents’ ComparisonThe people of the nation are the first line to be affected with how the president handles the state that is why they are very keen in evaluating the current president.
- Should the Obama Generation Drop Out? by Charles MurrayAlthough Murray emphasizes an importance of the reforms of the educational system, the information in his essay provides the description of the inability of many students to deal with college-level material and incapability to pay […]
- Barack Obama’s 2013 Jerusalem Speech: Ethos, Logos, Pathos, and Persuasive LeadershipObama’s ability to reference and connect to the Passover story associated with the Jewish culture affirms he fairly examined the issue and had the credibility and authority to address the audience.
- Challenges and Progress in U.S. Healthcare Reforms Since ObamaThe healthcare reforms that the United States came to during the presidency of Barack Obama have come a long way. Still, the path to adopting the necessary laws was long due to political, economic, and […]
- Barack Hussein Obama’s Personality DevelopmentAdditionally, due to the inclusion of hidden memories in the brain, the super-ego functions as a moral conscience, and the ego is the most realistic part that helps in mediating between the desires of the […]
- President Obama’s Justification for Killing bin LadenIn Schlag’s opinion, the secrecy of lawyers in working on the legal actions surrounding the plot of Bin Laden’s death raised concerns regarding the justification of his killing.
- Conservatism in the Clinton and Obama AdministrationsThus, the Clinton and Obama administrations have examples of how the presidents challenged the rise of conservatism and were considered the continuation of it simultaneously.
- What Explains the Increased Use of Drones Under The Obama Administration in PakistanThe C.I.A.holds the responsibility for the Drone attacks in Pakistan.”The C.I.A.began using drones in Pakistan in 2004, even though the United States was not engaged in a war with that country.
- President Obama’s and Sen. Cruz’s Hanukkah GreetingsThe speeches reveal that upholding the celebration is an important event in commemorating the justice of redemption of Jerusalem and rededication of the second temple at the beginning of the Maccabean revolt.
- Barack Obama Policies in Healthcare: Ethical and Unethical BehaviorThe United State should not have health care reform when members are working but it has to support every child and provide him/her with quality healthcare services.
- Obama’s Health Care Speech to Congress SummaryHe said that the failing economy was affecting businesses and homeowners and there was a need for decisive action to cut costs and therefore ensure the survival of the Americans by not counting the returns […]
- Opioid Crisis During Trump, Obama, and Bush PresidencyThe president is the head of government, meaning that this political figure has the power to solve the existing problems. Trump declared the opioid crisis a national emergency, meaning that sufficient attention was necessary to […]
- Social Media Helped Obama WinThe theory of hegemony is instrumental in understanding the relationship that exists between media and power as it can go a long way in reinforcing certain beliefs.
- A Critique of President Obama’s Administration Position on ContraceptionThe paper comes from the premise that after all contraception is widely used in the US but not all the women can afford the contraceptive.
- Barack Obama: Ambassador Leadership StyleThe history and current experiences of the leaders determine the approaches to the management of contemporary institutions. The advantage of this leadership is that the staff gains a lot of experience as they become more […]
- Constitutional Issues vs. Obama Healthcare LawThis is because of government involvement in subsidizing the medical cover costs and putting it mandatory for everyone to have a medical cover or pay a fine.
- Obama’s Health Reform and Weak Points RevealedConsequently, the chief goal of the US administration is to re-focus the benefits promised by the medical care in the USA on citizens but not on medical products manufacturers.
- Success and Mistakes of Barack Obama’s Foreign PolicyThis paper aims at discussing the achievements and shortcomings of the 44th U.S.president’s foreign policy. The second mistake of Obama’s foreign policy seems to be its expansive nature.
- President Obama’s Budget Proposal for the United StatesThe budget is also expected to have an expansion of the earned income tax credit for the working poor. Contrary to the above, Republicans argue that raising the tax of the wealthy during a downturn […]
- The Healthcare Reform Law by Obama: Budget of the Healthcare ReformThe proposed healthcare reform has an estimated budget of $828 billion; half of which is scheduled to be acquired from the expansion of Medicaid with an extra $29 billion stipulated to aid in the funding […]
- Obama’s Health Care Bill: Legaslation`s Changes ReviewIt is imperative to note that the passage of the bill involved wrangling from what appeared as proposition and opposition sides of the Health Care Reform bill.
- President Obama’s Wall Street ReformsThe new “bill stipulates that the amount of fees charged by banks to process debit card transactions need to be realistic and relative to the cost of the transaction”.
- Obama Versus McCain as Presidential CandidatesJohn McCain is a strong supporter of the Iraq war and he voted in the year 2002 in support of a joint resolution to authorize the American invasion of Iraq.
- Obama’s Deal: The Problem of Healthcare ReformThe main purpose of this paper is to analyze the problem of healthcare reform, which was raised in the documentary Obama’s Deal, and to evaluate the impact of lobbyists’ efforts on the legislative process.
- Barack Obama’s Leadership SkillsBetween the ages of six and ten, the young Barrack lived in Indonesia before coming back to the US to complete his education which culminated in a degree from Harvard Law School.
- “Dreams From My Father” by Barack ObamaBeing a cultural anthropologist, she played a vital role in the development of Obama in that he grew up appreciating the fact that he was different and at the same time having the belief that […]
🦋 Barack Obama Project Ideas
If you need creative project ideas on a topic related to Barack Obama, you’re in the right place:
- The main aspects of effective public speech strategies used by Barack Obama. You can create a card game about Obama’s public speech strategies. The ex-president is very skilled in engaging the audience. Identify his best rhetorical devices and include them in your game.
- Barack Obama’s presidential campaign advertisements compared to his opponents. Creating a collage of images from Obama’s campaign is a creative way of presenting research on the effectiveness of his media project managers.
- Interfaith prayer analysis: what point is Barack Obama making? Here’s a more challenging task: try creating a rhetorical analysis of Obama’s remarks at the Sandy Hook Interfaith Prayer Vigil in the form of a poem.
- Long-term objectives in Obama’s American Jobs Act. Another idea is to present your honest opinion and thoughts about Barack Obama’s proposed American jobs act as a blog entry. Even if you don’t have a blog, it can be an excellent way to demonstrate your perspective.
- The effectiveness of Barack Obama’s Stimulus. Share your opinion supported by reliable sources about Obama’s 2009 Stimulus. It can be an infographic or other type of digital artwork in an engaging format.
✅ Simple & Easy Barack Obama Essay Titles
- Obama Speech on Race – March 2008Although the Constitution promised its people justice, equality and liberty, it has never been able to rid the slaves off their bondage and provide the people of every race and color their privileges and equal […]
- The Barack Obama Presidency in the United StatesThis essay discusses President Obama’s administration policies on foreign and domestic issues, the challenges he faces, the strengths he can utilize, and what he needs to do in order to deliver the promises he made […]
- George W. Bush’s Activities and Forecasts for Barack ObamaSo far, all he has done to show that he would make a better president, was to overturn a number of decisions made during the Bush administration.
- “Race and the Opposition to Obama” Critical AnalysisThe opinion of the author is correct because if the people hate Barack Obama due to his race and opposition, they should adore Bill Clinton and George W.
- Obama’s Tax Relief Plan AnalysisThe following graph outlines the proposed tax cut relief plan in detail and it would be analyzed in terms of the effect that it has had on the economy and it’s bearing on the American […]
- Barack Obama and Joe Biden Committing to Domestic ReformThe 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt is mostly renowned for his policy of progressivism, which initially arose at the end of the nineteenth century as a response to the vast changes brought […]
- Obama: Successes and FailuresBut Obama has not relented on the plan; in his speech to the Congress about the plan, he challenged them to face the plan as a way of tackling health issues.
- Obama and Solving the Problem of Racial InequalityOne of the most important problems in this sphere is the growing tendency of authorities to influence the work of mass media.
- Inauguration of President Barack Obama on 2009He smiled and waved to the audience, he was confident in correcting the Chief Justice during the oath and he was strong in his speech speaking of what has been done wrong in the past […]
- American Racism: So Why Isn’t Obama White?The race up to the inauguration of Barack Obama as President-in-waiting of the United States brought, once again, the issue of skin color to the front.
- An Analysis of Barack Obama’s Style of Public SpeakingDuring the course of his speech, Obama alludes to this slogan a number of times to drive home the point that he is the ‘agent of change’.
- B. Obama H. Clinton: Peculiar Individuals in US HistoryBarack Obama-tracing his root in Africa- is out to be the first Black American to become the president of America while Hillary Clinton is out to be the first female president in the history of […]
- Barack Obama as the Next President of the USAThe real estate foreclosures, affected by the current crisis of the banking system, make way for imminent trouble in the 2008 Election as the conflict between the homeowners and foreclosed properties takes a clash.
- Barack Obama: The First Black President EverHis contribution to debates in the Congress and the introduction of very trivial bills shows that he has a knack for democracy and he holds the wishes of the ordinary American citizen deep in his […]
- “Barack Obama: Miles Traveled, Miles to Go” by Erin KaplanThe first one is the 2009 rise of Obama to the presidency, and the other one is the part where Obama experienced challenges as the president in 2010.
- Barack Obama’s Charisma in LeadershipAccording to the report, charisma falls under leadership’s vision and it can be a misleading trait of leadership that can be used to manipulate subjects.
- Sociological Concepts for “Obama Gets It Right”In order to avoid condemning other segments of the population in terms of the troubles afflicting the black people, the president noted that they were responsible for these problems.
- Obama Campaign vs. Save the Children InitiativeSave the Children organization focuses on the future and the context needed to improve the lives of children in the US and worldwide.
- Is Obama “The Reagan of the Left”?This fact, alongside Obama’s ambitious nature and his investment in the progress of American prosperity, is the reason why he is sometimes referred to as “the Reagan of the Left”.
- Did President Obama Save the Auto Industry?As a result of all the failure, such industry giants as General Motors and Chrysler were unable to pay their bills, and to avoid a collapse had to plead for the government’s help.
- Barack Obama’s Inaugural Speech and RhetoricObama seems to be talking from a point of experience and his understanding of the challenges he articulates is a proof to his assertion.
- New York Times: Obama Vows to Push Immigration ChangesDespite this bias, the report provides a fair view of the Democratic Party and the president’s view of the republicans on the issue of immigration.
- ‘Obama’s Deal’ Documentary AnalysisAfter the struggle which was won by the president following the singing of the health reform, a surprise in the support that the president and his party had enjoyed was realized to have faded from […]
- First Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney and Barack ObamaDespite Obama was talking longer than Romney in the debate, most Americans thought that he was less dominant. However, most people believed that Romney controlled the agenda of the debate.
- Presidential Campaign: Barack Obama’s Message and Its PowerIt is clear that the candidate is one of the leaders of the movement for the change supported by thousands of Americans.
- King’s and Obama’s Views on Racism in AmericaIf this assertion is made today, Barack Obama will disagree with MLK’s statement, as seen in the excerpt to the speech entitled A Perfect Union: The profound mistake of Reverend Wright’s sermons is not that […]
- Historical Event: Barack Obama’s ElectionThe United States of America has had a shameful racial history characterized by the discrimination of the non-white citizens in the country.
- Peniel Joseph’ Views on Barack ObamaThe first chapter of the book dubbed “Re-imagining Black power movement” looks at Obama’s rise to power as a defining moment in the US.
- Rhetorical Analysis of Obama’s SpeechIn his speech, Barack Obama makes a magnificent attempt to address the issues of racial dishonesty and white privilege that is still observed in America, to describe the “black anger” that is inherent to the […]
- President Barrack Obama 2013 Inaugural SpeechHe asserts that the process of inaugurating a president is part and parcel of the constitutional order to elevate the status and sovereignty of a nation.
- Ronald Reagan Revolution Through ObamaThis strategy weakened the economy of the Soviet Union as it tried to keep the pace to be recognized globally like the US, and in the process, the move stopped the advancement of the soviet […]
- President Barack Obama’s Healthcare ReformsIt is important to note that healthcare is one of the basic human needs in the world and specifically in the United States of America.
- Obama’s First Election and RacismFor African Americans, the march of Barack Obama towards the American presidency was the culmination of a long journey that started in the farmlands of the South during times of slavery.
- Has President Obama’s Presidency Changed the US?Obama’s Presidency and Transformation of the US From the time the US acquired its independence, all presidents of the United States of America have had their failures and successes in terms of changing the nation.
- How Obama’s First Election Has Been Affected by Racism?The election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America heralded the beginning of a new chapter in the country.
- The Controversial Health Policy in the USA Initiated by the Obama’s AdministrationIn the United States of America, the concept of public policy does not only refer to the final outcome of a set of policies, but it also entails the making of decisions and analyses of […]
- US Foreign Policy During Obama PresidencyThe foreign policy of Bush gets placed in a dire light, even as news springs grieve that the Afghanistan policy of Obama is parallel to that of Bush.
- President Obama’s Higher Education AgendaHigher education in the United States of America has been dwindling for the last few years. He has been reinstating that economy of the United States of America relies heavily on education.
- President Obama’s Duties as the American CEO in His Second TermAs the president and the chief executive of the United States, President Obama, under the federal constitution, is granted the powers to execute the laws, to appoint key federal officials and to grant pardons as […]
- President Obama’s Foreign PolicyThus, Obama wanted to establish a foreign policy to change how the U.S.was perceived by the Muslim world and improve the relations.
💡 Most Interesting Barack Obama Topics to Write about
- Did Obama’s Stimulus Work?Moreover, the question of the act’s effectiveness is rather controversial because it is possible to discuss the results from the point of the immediate successes and long-term goals with references to the economic measures which […]
- Sumner, Wilson, Reagan, and ObamaIn this work, I take the view that while government has at time proven to be the very burden, the citizens need to be protected from, when run in line with the constitution and with […]
- Obama’s Speech in IndiaThe United States president said he was convinced and sure that, relating with India would make the interests of the two nations best advanced.
- Obama’s American Jobs ActObama wanted the American Jobs Act to be passed by the Congress as he believed that this act was the only necessary for the country. In conclusion, Obama’s American Jobs Act is a great opportunity […]
- Print Media Journalism: Obama CampaignReporters are small cogs in large business organizations that have a vested interest in producing a marketable, neutral product” Bennett upholds the centrist view of print media journalism, though he accepts that “as the political […]
- Addressing Barack Obama’s Presidency IssuesThe President has arguably neglected the economic recovery agenda that was the priority of the Democratic Party during his first term in office.
- Barrack Obama and Race in Politics and CultureThe objective of this paper is to identify and illustrate the following issues that play key roles in determining the future of politics in America.
- On Guard, Mr. Opponent! Searching for the Logical Fallacies in October Debates. Obama vs. RomneyAnalyzing the conversation which Barack Obama and Mitt Romney had during the October debates, one can see distinctly that the outcomes of the above-mentioned debates depend considerable on the public’s opinion of each of the […]
- Obama’s Administration Seeking Peace With IranObama’s administration and the other governments who participated in the deal believe that the Iranian President Hasan Rouhani has offered appropriate evidence to prove that he is a modest leader aiming at advancing his country’s […]
- Obama and Romney’s Plans for Higher EducationRomney plans to reduce the cost of a dollar in the federal government while boosting the private sectors of the government. One of the Romney’s plans seems to favor the higher education sector in the […]
- Immigration Debate: Romney & ObamaThe American election debate usually attracts a lot of interest from its citizenry and the whole world due to the fact that the United States is a world super-power.
- Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney on Health CareThe health care system in the United States of America is subordinate to the private sector, the state, and County governments.
- The Views on the Debate of President Obama and Romney on 10/3/12The president received the backing from the Supreme Court when implementing the stipulations of the healthcare act. President Obama was right by supporting the enactment of sound policies that improve healthcare for average Americans.
- Why Did President Obama Fail in His Attempts to Stop Israel Building Settlement and Prevent the Palestinians from Applying for UN Membership?Powerful states have strong influence in the international system and use of force is sometimes justified to bring peace and tranquility.
- Welfare Expenditure Reduction: Obama’s Federal Worker “Tax”Within the plan, the federal government is asking federal employees to more than double their contributions towards their pensions, by about 1.8%.
- Hero’s Journey: “Little Obama” MovieThe belief of the movie is that these years were the most important one in laying ground to the character of Obama.
- Memo to President Obama on the Possible Insolvency of the Postal ServiceThe Postmaster General, in a prepared testimony that he is to deliver to the Congress, has stated that the Postal Service is in danger of insolvency.Mr.
- Evaluating Obama’s PresidencyThe president has also recognized the need to make adjustments in the education sector in order to produce graduates who fits in the global workplace. In his presidency, Obama has recognized the importance of the […]
- President Obama’s State of the Union Address on January 1, 2011Among the notable issues that the President addressed in the speech were the country’s economic policy, development and employment issues. However, despite the economic growth, the president acknowledged that many American citizens still lack jobs […]
- Barack Obama as President of the United StatesTheodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States of America and was often referred to as one of the ablest presidents of the progressive era.
- Is Barrack Obama Like Hitler?According to his book, Obama on the other hand recognizes and desires to change the problems in the American functional government and state of politics. This has generated a lot of criticism and the continued […]
- Fiscal Policies by President Barrack ObamaThis research paper will further offer a comparison of the two as employed by the current president of United States of America then describe a statement of polices adopted by the White House.
- Obama’s Speech on the Issue of Gun ControlIn the case of the speech “Obama on Gun Control” this takes the form of the President attempting to convince the American public of the righteousness of his cause on the basis of the image […]
- Obama’s Speech on 2012 Budget CutsOn February 14th, 2011, the president of the United States of America, delivered a speech detailing his government’s vision for the county, alongside the speech, he presented the government’s suggested changes in 2012 fiscal budget. […]
- Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy: Partners or Opponents?Yet, what I think is that Sarkozy is one of the best French presidents who really acts in the interests of his country and people.
🧑🏽 Good Research Topics about Barack Obama
- Analysis of Barack Hussein Obama’s Inaugural Speech
- Comparison of the Similarities and Differences Between the Eulogies of Robert F. Kennedy and Barack Obama
- Analysis of Barack Obama’s Speech at Nelson Mandela’s Memorial
- Comparison Between the Campaign Platforms of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
- Analysis of President Barack Obama’s Actions of Legalizing Same Sex Marriages and Medicinal Marijuana Through the Lens of Lao-Tzu
- Comparison of “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King and Victory Speech by Barack Obama
- Analysis of President Barack Obama’s Speech on the Death of Osama Bin Laden and the Fight Against the Al-Qaeda
- Rhetorical Analysis of Barack Obama’s Interfaith Prayer
- Barack Obama Examined Through an Adlerian Framework Superiority Striving
- Analysis of the Advertisements for the Current Presidential Campaigns for Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
- Comparison Between Barack Obama and John McCain
- Conflict: Obama and Vocal Orchestra
- How Does Barack Obama Engage His Audience?
- How Does Barack Obama Use Language to Create Impact in His Speech?
- How the Current Economic Crisis Has Changed Barack Obama’s Plans and Policies for the United States?
- How Will Obama Change the United States of America?
- What Is Making Barack Obama to Be a President in the US?
- Who Is Barack Obama?
- Differences in the Methods of Dealing With Economic Downturns Between President Herbert Hoover and President Barack Obama
⭐ Interesting Topics to Write about Barack Obama
- Barack Obama and Birth Abortion Ban
- Comparison of the Art of Rhetoric in Ancient and Modern Times, Based on Gorgias’ Arguments as Well as a Speech by Barack Obama
- Argument in Favor of Increasing Minimum Wage in America as Proposed by President Barack Obama
- Barack Obama and the Bush Tax Cut
- Barack Obama: Biography & First Black American President
- Comparison of the Administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Barack Obama
- Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Daniel Craig and Others – 1 Is 2 Many – Campus Sexual Assault
- Barack Obama & Martin L. King: The Crossed Fate of Two Emblematic Leaders
- Political Centralism: The Development of Political Consciousness
- Barack Obama – Oval Office Speech on End of Operation Iraqi Freedom Mission
- Syria and Us Military Action Address to the Nation
- Barack Obama – Speech on the Iraq War at Federal Plaza
- Dreams From My Father by Barack
- Barack Obama: Speech to the Nation on Passage of New Health Care Reform Bill
- Barack Obama’s Oval Office Speech to the Nation on BP Oil Spill Disaster
- Call for Stricter Gun Control Laws, Comfort in a Time of Distress, and Eulogy to the Victims of the Sandy Hook Shooting in the Emotional Speech of President Barack Obama
❓ Questions About Barack Obama
- What Does the Way Barack Obama Makes Use of Rhetoric Language?
- How Did Barack Obama Use Internet and Social Media to Become President?
- Did Barack Obama Deserve to Win the Nobel Prize?
- How Has Barack Obama Impacted America?
- What Has Barack Obama’s Election Victory?
- How Does Barack Obama Engage His Audience?
- What Theme Does President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Speech Have?
- When Did Obama Withdraw Troops from Afghanistan?
- Has the Election of Barack Obama Changed the Discussion?
- How America’s Relationship with China Changed Under Obama?
- What Is the Link Between Barack Obama and the Bush Tax Cuts?
- How Did Barack Obama Begin His Political Career?
- What Is the Difference Between Barack Obama and Bill Clinton?
- Is Barack Obama Leading Change in the U.S.?
- What Jobs Did Barack Obama Do Before He Was President?
- Which Are the Rises and Success of Barack Obama?
- What Is Barack Obama Most Famous For?
- How Does Media Coverage of Barack Obama Differ in the U.S. and the UK?
- What Are Barack Obama’s Views on the Trade System?
- Why Do We Celebrate Barack Obama?
- What Do You Think Was the Impact of an African American Being Elected to the Highest Office in the United States?
- Where Did Barack Obama Grow Up?
- What Is the Link Connection Barack Obama and the Democratic Party?
- How Do Perseverance and Helpfulness Make Barack Obama a Hero?
- What Challenges Did the Obama Campaign Face During the 2008 Election?
- When President Obama Took Office, What Steps Did His Team Take to Assess the American Economic Crisis?
- How Has Being a Father Shaped President Obama’s Term in Office?
- Why Was Finding Osama Bin Laden so Important to President Obama?
- What Was President Obama’s Approach to the Crisis in Syria?
- How Does President Obama Describe His Approach to Foreign Policy and Intervention?