85 Criticism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Criticism Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Marxist Criticism on The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Essay
    Moreover, the location of the lottery at the town square between two buildings- the post office and the bank represents the political and economic power of the government and those in power such as Mr. […]
  2. Historical Criticism of “The Birds” by Daphne du Maurier
    Although the short story “The Birds” and the movie The Birds are often perceived as a single entity, it is possible to consider all differences between these two versions thoroughly due to historical criticism.
  3. Analysis of Guernica: Pablo Picasso’s Guernica Critique
    Generally, the painting has been viewed as a representation of the bombings that led to the loss of lives and destruction of property in Guernica, Spain.
  4. The Tell-Tale Heart Psychological Analysis & Critique
    The outstanding character in the tale, who is also the narrator, attracts a lot of attention from the readers. The narrator forms the basis of the tale.
  5. Boeing 787: Outsorcing Benefits, Risks, Criticism
    The Boeing outsourced the manufacturing of various parts of the 787 aircraft, and this had depressing impacts on the corporation, including setback in releasing Boeing 787 to the marketplace.
  6. Literary Criticism on Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    In the essay, Wallace examines the racism in the novel in a bid to protect the African Americans from “mental cruelty and harassment depicted in the novel.
  7. Sociological Criticism of Twain’s “The War Prayer”
    In the given essay, it is discussed that The War Prayer cannot be viewed solely as a story of a pacifist, as the main argument is weak and unjustified. That is why The War Prayer […]
  8. The Movie “Blue Velvet”: Psychological Criticism
    The gist of this paper, therefore, is to offer psychological criticism of the Movie as regards its screenplay, plot, direction, and general presentation, and this is done by applying the Freudian Theory of Psychological Analysis […]
  9. Beyond Description: Writing Beneath the Surface
    According to Jowitt, in order to describe a dance properly the writer is to possess a variety of different skills allowing them to select appropriate metaphors, apply correct judgment, draw clever comparisons, and present dance […]
  10. Feminist Criticism in Literature: Character of Women in Books
    Wright The unimportance of women in the play is a critical factor for the women should follow all the things that their men counterparts impose on them.
  11. Formalist Strategies in Literary Criticism
    If we analyze the approach of a formalist critic we would see that this form of criticism is more dependent on imageries presented in the text rather than the basics of the literature.
  12. Marxist Criticism in “Death of a Salesman” by Miller
    Marxist criticism helps to get insight into the relationships between individuals and social groups and to understand the historical, social, economic, and political context of the environment of the story and its influence on a […]
  13. A Criticism of the Asch Conformity Experiment
    In this critical analysis of the experiment, we shall focus on the various assumptions that surrounded the experiment. This can mostly to the experiment carried out in the 1950s by the famous psychologist Solomon Asch.
  14. Rhetorical Theory: Ideological Criticism
    These include cultural studies, which of course helps in identifying the changes that take place to the meaning and application of various ideographs. These transitions also lead to changing meaning and application of the ideographs.
  15. Pizza Hut Corporation: Concept, Analysis and Criticism
    The name of Pizza Hut Corporation derived from the shape of the first company building that resembled a hut. The introduction of bold flavors within the Pizza Hut restaurants contributed to the popularity of the […]
  16. Marxist Criticism
    Marxism theory underscores the theme of this movie that, social conflicts between the rich and the poor fueled the social change that America underwent along her the path to capitalism.
  17. Feminist Approach in Literary Criticism
    The reason for this is simple this particular plot’s development suggests that, just as it happened to be the case with the functioning of a male psyche, the working of a female psyche implies that […]
  18. “An Essay on Criticism”: Poetic Principles and Practices
    The Essay of Criticism is divided into three parts: the first examines the rules of taste, their relationship to nature, and the authority of classical authors.
  19. Literary Criticism: The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes
    This paper examines the poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” by Langston Hughes and delineates the meaning by focusing on the various elements in the poem like setting, the background of the author, and the […]
  20. Criticism of Realism Theory in International System
    The international system dictates the foreign policy of a state implying that changes in the international system would probably affect the foreign policies of a state.
  21. Rhetorical Criticism of the Titanic
    Jack and Rose develop a friendship They walk round the ship and explore all the hidden areas The people of the high class treat and see the employees and people from the lower societies There […]
  22. Feminist Criticism: Theories and Perspectives
    In the current literature review, the subject of feminist criticism will be examined from the perspective of existing theories and reflections correlating with how women were and are portrayed in cultural contexts. The authors have […]
  23. “The Underdogs” by Mariano Azuela: Criticism of the Mexican Revolution
    Depicting the events of the Mexican Revolution through the soldier’s eyes, the author criticizes the goals and means of the Federales in these military operations in particular and reveals the tragedy of common people in […]
  24. “Where College Fails Us” by Caroline Bird: Criticism and Rebuttal of Article
    The purpose of this essay is to analyze the issues pointed out by Bird in her book on the failure of college education and to underpin it as incorrect by prove that college education is […]
  25. Michael Bay’s Concept of Films in Criticism
    This concept creates some suspense in the mind of the audience as they wait to see what could be in the background and how it relates to the actor.
  26. The Criticism of “New Media”
    The result is “new media” the likes of which the world has never seen and has prompted journalists, thinkers, political leaders, and the elderly to be overly concerned that in the near future the science […]
  27. Little Big Man (film, 1970) – Social Commentary and Criticism
    By focusing on the way of the life of Jack Crabb, the film describes vividly the historical events in the United States especially between the natives and the first settlers.
  28. The Middle-Range Theories: Internal and External Criticism
    The middle-range theories were developed by Robert Merton, and the main aim was to enable the explanation of social phenomena as an alternative to the general theory of inquiry.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Criticism

  1. Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” Criticism
    To illustrate, The Story of an Hour narrative is based on the supposed death of Brentley Mallard – the husband to Louise Mallard – thus reflecting a number of real life deaths that characterized Chopin’s […]
  2. The Theory of Higher Criticism: Key Assumptions and Fallacies
    The study of the books of the Bible requires the ability of the scholar to understand the meaning of the words.
  3. Historical Criticism of Ivanhoe’s Book
    Although, certain critics from the nineteenth- and twentieth-century explore the themes of the novel and concur that the lady Rebecca is very fascinating of all the characters in the novel many of the readers also […]
  4. Tanzania’s Tourism: Criticism and Recommendations
    To start with, the basic reasons for such problems to local people are government’s economic interests; ignorance of local people; intrusion by foreigners as tourism investors and visitors; and inability of local governments to effectively […]
  5. New Criticism in the English and American Literature
    Consequently, any effort to state the meaning of the poem appears to be heretical, as it is an affront to the honesty of the complex arrangement of sense within the literary creation.
  6. Louis Simpson’s The Battle: Formalist Criticism
    The author will also look at how the poem ends, the plot of the work and how this plot is related to the structure of the poem.
  7. Constructive Criticism in Leadership
    The manager’s charisma and constructive criticism benefited all employees, enhancing productivity and professionalism and developing skills and competencies. The manager at my first workplace was open to feedback and positive criticism from top management and […]
  8. Cultural Criticism: Generational Names and Identity
    Names are supposed to reflect and crystallize the most prominent qualities of generations to which they are ascribed. Fisher states apropos of the subject that “generational names are largely the creations of social scientists and […]
  9. Theories of Literary Criticism: Social and Literary Philosophy
    This essay engages in an in-depth, meaningful, and critical discussion of the most significant theories of public criticism.
  10. Positive and Negative Criticism of Firms
    The model of flexibility leads to the move towards flexibility which is more of an opportunistic nature taking the advantage of a high level of unemployment and a reduction of the power of unions.
  11. The Nuremberg Trials and Their Criticism
    For instance, the Allies used Count Methods during the trials despite the fact that they were non-European. The Nuremberg court was not impartial since the judges were selected by the victors of the war.
  12. Coca-Cola’s Advertising: Media and Cultural Criticism
    On the other hand, denotation is the real or basic meaning of a word as contrasted to the ideas it proposes. The image of the coke beverages in the advertisement is a direct representation.
  13. Homosexuality Criticism Rates
    Society and religion Many people from different society levels have different views on homosexuality with religious leaders and followers arguing that the practice is disrespect to God and immoral assault to the society.
  14. Criticism of Novel-To the lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
    Ramsay; however, it is a false portrayal of men and this might indicate how the author intended to disfigure the male characters.
  15. Feminist Criticism in “The Story of an Hour” and “The Yellow Wallpaper”
    This is because she is the only one who knew the suffering she was undergoing in that marriage and that she did not always love her husband.
  16. WalMart and Its Criticism
    This will correct the bad public relations that it has received in relation to health standards. This will make it easy for various stakeholders to understand the company’s position in a better way.
  17. The American Health Care Act Criticism
    Another crucial aspect supporting the criticism of the AHCA is the impact on acute issues in U.S.healthcare, such as disparities in medical services and the opioid crisis.
  18. Literary Criticism of The Yellow Wallpaper by Gilman
    When she is isolated in the room, she notices a shadow emerging from the wallpaper and creeping over the walls and floor.
  19. Critique the Theory of Self-Efficacy Using the Internal and External Criticism
    Self-efficacy as a concept is a notion in social theory that explains an individual’s belief within their capacity to illustrate a specific behavior and the affirmation that they can undertake a given function to attain the intended result or outcome. Self-efficacy, in its wholeness, is a component of people’s abilities to illustrate specific conduct. The […]
  20. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy and Modern-Day Criticism
    King was linked to the development of the civil rights movement as it was considered to cause a lot of revolution in the country through the use of peaceful demonstrations, which succeeded in the attainment […]
  21. Analysis and Criticism of Performance Management
    The article “Why Most Performance Evaluations Are Biased, and How to Fix Them” is an analysis of the performance approach in management.
  22. Jury Psychology and Decision Criticism
    The main difference between a jury trial and other forms of legal proceedings is that the decision on the guilt or innocence of the defendant is made in it by a panel of non-professional judges.
  23. Action-Based Ethics Criticism
    Finally, the action-based approach is criticized based on the overemphasized role of autonomy in moral conduct as opposed to the key role of the community in virtue-based ethics.
  24. Paul Walley’s Case Study Criticism
    There are noticeable strengths and weaknesses of the external analysis presented in the case study by Paul Walley. These are the weaknesses of the described external analysis.
  25. Criticism of the Police Recruitment Method
    This paper will criticise the police recruitment process and the criteria used in the selection of police officers, particularly the use of background investigation to determine a participant’s integrity and personality testing using psychological tests, […]
  26. Elements of Criticism in Architecture and Criticism to F. L. Wright
    The architectural designs of the pyramids show a high level of skill put forth by the experts who were involved in their construction, given the fact that the pyramids still exist currently after hundreds of […]
  27. The Reasons of Criticism for the Jury Trials
    A jury is a group of legal experts who assess the evidence and give a verdict in a court of law.
  28. Agency Theory in Corporate Governance: Criticism and Real Application
    In general, the given term stands for a set of rules and practices that are used to govern and control the performance of companies.
  29. Symbolic Criticism in ‘Fences’ by August Wilson
    The focal point of this paper is to present a symbolic criticism of the play “Fences” by August Wilson with a special emphasis on the significance of Gabriel in the play.

💡 Most Interesting Criticism Topics to Write about

  1. Literary and Theatrical Criticism on Ibsen’s “Enemy of the People”
    It was an essential part of Ibsen’s dramatic talent that he embodied the problems and conflicts of his own personality in the characters of his plays.
  2. “Contemporary Literary Criticism” by Lowell
    His collection of poems “The Mills of the Kavanaughs” was written under the influence of Robert Frost and Robert Browning. The poem is mixed with images of death and a young boy’s love for his […]
  3. The Concept of Literary Criticism
    Feminist literary criticism is focused on the analysis of texts from the feminist perspective. Feminist literary criticism is based on the feminist theory and broad politics of feminism.
  4. Social Criticism in Books: ‘The Dispossessed’ by Ursulak Le Guin and ‘White Noise’ by Don DeLillo
    The Dispossessed discusses a wide range of utopian concepts derived from Taoism, the ideas of political thinkers like Fourier and Kropotkin, and the oppositional politics of the 1960s and early 1970s.
  5. Hurricane Katrina Crisis Response and Criticism
    Hurricane Katrina that hit several regions of the US in 2005 caused some of the greatest losses in the history of the country.
  6. Art Criticism and Its Basic Stages
    At this step, the art critic mentions everything he/she knows and understands about the piece of art. The final step is judgment, which entails how the critic thinks of the work.
  7. Stetson’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” Criticism
    Since the woman who narrates is alienated from the community and not allowed to work or be engaged in any other activity, she describes her inner thoughts and feelings, and that makes the whole story […]
  8. “Architecture Criticism: Dead or Alive?” by Blair Kamin
    Blair Kamin is one of the most famous architecture critics in the United States, and current debates regarding changes in media and the role of architecture criticism in this process are also discussed by Kamin […]
  9. The Photograph Description and Criticism
    In this picture, the foreground is where the woman is seated and the background depicts transparent window of the apartment The photograph was likely taken in a broad daylight since outside the apartment to be […]
  10. American Democracy and Equality Criticism
    However, the absence of even the smallest traces of ‘equality’ in America can be confirmed not only within the context of what accounts for the living standards, on the part of the country’s rich and […]
  11. Bretton Wood Institutions’ Criticism and Response
    Its supporters claim that in terms of the conditions applied by the financial institution to its members, it follows the existing and prevailing economic policies in the world.
  12. Capitalism in the US: Criticism and Alternative
    In the beginning of the 19th century, there was a labor movement that is described by the organized approach from people to the businesses and governments.
  13. Hillary Clinton: Furthering Political Agenda Through Feminism
    Despite the progressive feminism movements that advocate for parity in the different aspects of the society, Nudd and Whalen argue that the feminists are less concerned with achieving the liberation of women.
  14. Social Criticism Work in the Scandinavian Crime Fiction Novels
    The issue of revenge being a better option in the Swedish society is evident when, at the end of the novel, Blomkvists makes efforts to bring down the executive who worn the lawsuit mentioned at […]
  15. Teaching Assistant: Providing Constructive Criticism
    First, the teaching assistant should praise the student’s work defining the strongest parts of the work. The teaching assistant should also show particular parts of the work to improve.
  16. Effect of Criticism on Development of Appropriate Handwriting Proficiency in Children
    Therefore, the research assumes that negative criticism and relationships are social factors that influence the development of appropriate handwriting proficiency among seven-year-old children.
  17. “What Has Happened to Art Criticism?” by Charlesworth
    Also, the author is immensely aware of the cultural and social conditions that prevailed at the time of the creation of most photographic pieces.
  18. Television Criticism in Advert
    The use of “Green Police” in the advert to arrest a young man at the mall and the guys at the road for using plastic containers and a bottle respectively, at first fails to bring […]
  19. Criticism: Expressing Opinions
    The differences between perceptions and significance of opinions and opinionated expressions are of great impact to society’s view of criticism. Contrary to this, opinionated sentiments are baseless most of the time.
  20. Criticism of “Our Faith in Science”
    The authors imply that scientific methods can help to prove the positive effect of Tenzin Gyatso’s practices in order to tell about this phenomenon to the international community.
  21. The Literary Criticism of Agnosticism
    Agnostics have been unable to take a stand in the issue due to their inability to make a decision and it is advisable that agnostics emulate theists and atheists.
  22. Film Criticism: Literature Overview
    The author of the book had provided a critical overview of a number of theories devoted to films and supported those with the examples to show that his words are not empty. The great part […]
  23. An Artistic Criticism of the Film Syriana: The Multi-Plot Flick
    The movie to some extent purports that the US Congress can participate in numerous discussions about the profits realized by oil companies without ever establishing the real core of the matter because even the individuals […]

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 23). 85 Criticism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/criticism-essay-topics/

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"85 Criticism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 23 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/criticism-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "85 Criticism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/criticism-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "85 Criticism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/criticism-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "85 Criticism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/criticism-essay-topics/.