In this paper, the researcher sought to investigate the effectiveness of using the kit for the purposes of optimising the extraction of DNA from marine soils.
The discovery of the spatial structure of DNA undoubtedly made a decisive contribution to the development of modern biological science and related fields.
Thus, a DNA match corroborates the fact that the suspect was at the scene of the crime and this evidence can help in establishing a case against the suspects.
Transformation of bacterial cells, which is one of the approaches used in genetic engineering, involves the transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another using a plasmid vector.
In fact, it is possible to speak about the advent of a new field of criminalistics, DNA profiling. RFLP analysis is very discriminative, though, it is worth mentioning, that the samples have to be undamaged, […]
Oswald Avery was a man driven with the desire to contribute to humanity but when he finally discovered something of utmost importance the world of science was not quick enough to give recognition to his […]
The biology and history of how cancer begins in the DNA may be traced back to the 1940s when DNA was discovered as a genetic material and the subsequent understanding of how mutations in DNA […]
It includes the replication and production of numerous copies of the inserted DNA utilizing a vector, a DNA molecule capable of transporting foreign DNA, and a host organism.
The isothermal amplification of nucleic acids represents a simplified process that allows for the quick and efficient accumulation of nucleic acid sequences in an environment of constant temperatures.
In phylogenetic studies, the analysis of DNA from fossil remains allows one to determine the taxonomic identity of a species, while in forensics, one can find the connection between traces and the perpetrator or the […]
Adding yeast as a vector may significantly alleviate the incorporation of the new genes into any species because it includes protein which is vital for the species’ growth and rapid gene manipulation.
Thus, DNA evidence should be used to narrow the circle of suspects before the technology is improved and other people could safely submit their DNA samples.
The video helped me actualize my prior knowledge on sex and gender as well as enriched my understanding of what biological processes make people transgender. In conclusion, the video under analysis helped me improve my […]
The plasmid vector pTTQ18 and the GFP PCR product will be digested with restriction enzymes and the desired DNA fragments obtained thereof will be purified by Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and ligated with DNA ligase resulting […]
These DNA microarrays are used by scientists in order to determine the appearance levels of a big number of genes, and also to the manifold region of a genome.
The efficiency of this instrumental method is built on the idea of close similarity in the structure of DNA molecules to be more precise, the arrangement of nucleotides in it between closely related species: the […]
DNA analysis is a method aimed at the identification of a person according to his or her characteristics of DNA. In the earlier stages of an investigation, when the mentioned technique serves as a powerful […]
On some occasions, parents and clinicians have used such knowledge to manipulate the fetus’s genetic structure, hindering natural reproduction and messing with God’s creation.
The first step towards safeguarding and gaining from biodiversity involves sampling, identifying, and studying the biological specimens to identify the extent of the diversity and use that knowledge for the benefit of the country.
The experiences of Kuwait and the UAE are yet to demonstrate the consequences of the extreme expansion of DNA retention system, but another country has also provided some information for the consideration in the worldwide […]
In addition, the author of this paper makes a comparison between the structure proposed by the two biologists and the information provided in recent textbooks.
The three optimization methods scientists have been using to optimize DNA vaccines are the use of regulatory elements, optimization of the codons, and addition of the kozak sequences.
In general, the differences between DNA samples are qualitative and quantitative, and this is explained by the fact that these are responsible for the key biological differences between humans and primates.
In the approach based on cells both the replicating molecule or the biological vehicle known as the vector and the foreign DNA fragment are cut using the same restriction enzyme to produce compatible cohesive or […]
This means that there should be efforts that are aimed at the promotion of this field so that we can be in a position of solving most of these problems.
The DNA was first presented as evidence in court in the year 1986 in the USA, and in the subsequent years it presented serious challenges in the court rooms, presently it is been accepted in […]
Therefore, the main objective of DNA fingerprinting in agriculture is to overcome the limitation of insufficient dissimilarity among prior genotypes and come up with the best ideas to discover new molecular markers and collect data […]
In this article, the author describes the work of Steven Benner and other scientists who contributed to the improvement in understanding the nature of synthetic DNA bases.
Therefore, even though the major part of the evidence can be inaccessible, the sample can be amplified due to the development of technology. The final stage is the evaluation of the accuracy of the analysis […]
Regarding the case of the robbery and murder of a man and a woman, different types of physical evidence can be collected. However, this method can be less effective in case of the contamination of […]
The researchers found that the chromosomes in the fish’s neurons would often change shape while their owners slept, enabling the repair of the damage accumulated in periods of activity.
The process of DNA replication has been studied extensively as the pathway to understanding the processes of inheritance and the possible platform for addressing a range of health issues occurring as a result of DNA […]
In the documentary, the city planners warn the public that the insufficient growth and the development of the suburban areas threaten both the economy of the country as well as its community.
The result will be; log to the base of 2 of ‘x’ equals ‘y’.’y’ usually refers to the power to which one raises ‘2’ to get ‘x’ This can be simplified as follows; F =2x […]
DNA was obtained from blood, muscle tissue and feathers of the bird. The last step was to visualize the DNA extract through gel electrophoresis and making conclusions of the bird’s sex.
The researchers in the article carried out an analysis entailing a total sum of 9300 salmon fish species. The latter was followed by mixed stock samples in the lower region of Fraser River and test […]
The concluding statement of the Supreme Court of the United States defined the procedure of obtaining DNA samples as a procedure identical to taking fingerprints or taking pictures of the crime scene.
The mission of the Wildlife Forensic DNA Laboratory is to provide evidence to governmental and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of the wildlife in the country.
It is indeed correct to argue that contemporary DNA research has not only changed the field of physical anthropology in major ways, but it continues to alter and broaden our understanding and perceptions in a […]