Looking for Martin Luther King topics to research? Being one of the most prominent human rights activists in the 20th century, MLK is definitely worth writing about!
Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and a civil rights defender who rose to fame in 1955. In his iconic “I have a dream” speech, he talked about civil and economic rights for people of color in the US.
In your Martin Luther King essay, you might want to focus on his ideas and philosophy. Why is MLK considered a hero? How did he change the world? In your paper, you can answer these questions. Another option is to look at the main themes Martin Luther King touched upon in his speeches. One more idea is to analyze the key quotes of MLK. Whether you are assigned an argumentative essay or a research paper, this article will be helpful. It contains a list of catchy MLK essay titles, best Martin Luther King topics, and research questions. Martin Luther King essay examples are added to inspire you even more.
🔝 Top Martin Luther King Topics to Write About
- Martin Luther King: Ideas and Philosophy
- Why Is MLK Considered a Hero?
- The Montgomery Bus Boycott: The Significance
- I Have a Dream: Rhetorical Analysis
- MLK and the Idea of Peaceful Protest
- Assassination of Martin Luther King
- Martin Luther King Jr. and Christian Ideas
- Martin Luther King and His Views on the Vietnam War
- MLK: The Role in Popular Culture
- MLK Assassination: Conspiracy Theories
🏆 Best Martin Luther King Essay Examples
- Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream SpeechOne hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination…….
- “Letter From Birmingham Jail” Rhetorical Analysis EssayHe supports his argument in the next paragraph, where he puts it across that they have been governed by a combination of unjust and just law whereby there is a need to separate the two.
- Use of Pathos: Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream”During his lifetime, Martin Luther King Junior had the privilege of giving several speeches whose main theme in almost all was on the freedom of the black Americans.’I have a dream’ was among the many […]
- The Comparison of the Speeches by Martin Luther King and Alicia GarzaBoth speeches address the same issue that concerns the inequality that exists in the US society when it comes to the rights of black and white people.
- I Have a Dream Speech AnalysisThe speech has become a symbol of a new era of freedom and symbol of the American civil rights movement.”I Have a Dream” is a representation of the “America Dream” about a free and equal […]
- Martin Luther King Jr. vs. Nelson MandelaLetter from Birmingham jail was directed to the people and the eight white clergy members in Birmingham who condemned the actions of Martin Luther in public.
- Martin Luther King’s Speech: A SummaryKing noted that the constitution and the Declaration of Independence guaranteed the freedom and equality of all the citizens of the country.
- Analysis of “I Have a Dream “, by Martin Luther King, Jr.They are used in the speech to capture the attention of the audience. Repetition is used throughout the speech to put an emphasis on the main idea of the message.
- Ethical Leadership: Martin Luther KingAll individuals were expected to consider his actions and embrace the idea of morality. Through the use of a positive community culture and empowerment tactics, King managed to model such desirable behaviors.
- Martin Luther King Jr. as a Born LeaderKing was a trait leader, as he was able to translate his vision or his dream to others and make them enthusiastic about it.
- How could King be more upset with moderate whites than violent extremists like clansmen?In his letter, King is trying to persuade and win the authority of the white man who in the real sense had acted as a hindrance to the attainment of the various goals of the […]
- Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” Speech CritiqueThe purpose of the king’s speech was to motivate the endorsement of change within the Americans, and the state, in relation to Americans’ inappropriate views towards unlike races or tribal groups in America.
- Analyzing Martin Luther Speech “I Have a Dream”It is also imperative to note that Luther is addressing all Americans, both white and black, and hence the use of words “we” and “our”.
- Speech Evaluation: Martin Luther King, Jr.The analysis of the speech helps to understand various tools and techniques, which he implemented to find the way to reach the audience.
- Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter From Birmingham JailHe raises the stakes in his letter by pointing out “…the intent of our peaceful, active action is to generate a crisis-filled situation that will certainly necessitate commencement of negotiations”. King’s letter reveal a man […]
- Martin Luther King and His Impact on SocietyThe ability of people to refuse to follow the regime is a major way how Martin Luther King accomplished change and respect towards the African American population.
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Steve Jobs: ComparisonIn the case of Martin Luther King Jr, his commitment to non-violent resistance as a way of effecting social change was informed by his Christian upbringing and study of Mohandas Gandhi’s philosophy.
- Martin Luther King Jr.’s and Malcolm X’s Leadership StylesThesis: Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were both charismatic leaders, but the latter was more of a transformational leader as well because of his idealistic views and his ability to inspire his followers to […]
- Martin Luther King Jr.’s and Alicia Garza’s Speeches ComparisonHe demonstrates inspiration and magnetism, explaining the history of the issues affecting the audience. Garza is passionate about leaving her home and joining the movements on the streets to pass the message of freedom.
- Martin Luther King and Winston Churchill’s Leadership StylesThis move that paved the way for his growth in the military career later led to his emergence as a renowned leader in Britain and across the world.
- Rousseau’s the Social Contract vs. Martin Luther KingHis “Social Contract” is one of the most intriguing writings of Rousseau because he defends man, though being part of the society has its own right in terms of privacy.
- Comparing the Oratory Styles and Impact of Martin Luther King Jr. and Alicia GarzaOn the other hand, Alicia Garza also displays a level of passion and charisma that captures the attention of her audience.
- “The Quest for Peace and Justice” by Martin Luther KingKing states that poverty is one of the main problems for the global community, both in developing and economically developed countries.
- Historical Figures: Martin Luther King Jr.In his speeches, he also addressed controversial and urgent topics like the war in Vietnam and poverty opposing the policies that instigated it.’Freedom’ the word that he often used had the central place in his […]
- Rhetorical Techniques in “Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther KingHis flawless use of metaphors and parallelism allows the reader or the audience to empathize with King and support him in his fight against racial injustice.
- Martin Luther King’s Psychological PortraitMartin Luther King is one of the most prominent figures in the history of the United States who had a profound impact on the development of the country.
- Martin Luther King JuniorOther clauses repeated in the speech include; ‘Now is the time’ found in the sixth paragraph of the speech, where Martin was emphasizing that the time of freedom had come.’Let freedom ring’ is another clause […]
- “Why We can’t Wait” by Martin Luther King (Jr)He was quick to emphasize confidently that the reason for writing the letter was not in response to criticism but to the injustice, which was persistent in Birmingham. The letter is a strong response in […]
👨🏿 Martin Luther King Essay Titles
- Charismatic Leadership in Martin Luther King’s and Alicia Garza’s SpeechesThis essay compares and contrasts the two leaders’ speeches, highlighting the traits of charismatic leadership and the value of context in message delivery.
- Martin Luther King and Malcolm XAlthough Malcolm X did not favor violence, he had a strong objection on the subject of nonviolence philosophy on the blacks.
- Analysis of the Kings Letter From Birmingham JailFrom the biblical stand, the king was justified to move in the hope that his contributions would bring change in the destined world.
- Martin Luther King Junior, Great American LeaderI have always been aware of the fact that if I were to succeed in my life and become a great person, then I would have to develop a solid personality and character.
- A Short Biography of Martin Luther King, JrThe aim of the proposed study is to explore the factors between the occurrence of King’s principles in a world of racial discrimination and the impact of non-violence and civil disobedience in the world of […]
- Martin Luther King’s “Letter From a Birmingham Jail”This letter from Birmingham Jail analysis essay shall highlight some of the issues discussed in the historic letter including King’s reason for being in Birmingham and why he felt compelled to break the law.
- The Martin Luther King AssassinationMartin Luther King is often regarded as one of the most courageous leaders of the Civil Rights Movement in the history of the USA.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights MovementMartin Luther King noticed the negative trend and he took his stand to make people see the devastating effects of the war.
- Oedipus and Martin Luther King: Leadership and AngerNevertheless, their anger manifests the characters in distinct ways, pointing to the self-destructiveness of Oedipus and the controlled anger of Martin Luther King.
- Martin Luther King’s Opposition to the Vietnam WarUltimately, Martin Luther King thought that America was involved in the Vietnam War for imperialism and aggression, power and wealth, to retain American supremacy.
- Martin Luther King’s “Strength to Love” and American Religious ExperiencesIn Strength to Love, King presents a number of church sermons establishing the importance of cultivating ultimate love inspired by Christianity as a source of the good capable of overcoming the atrocities of the world.
- The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial of HonorThe design of the memorial refers to the line about a stone of hope in Dr. The creative expression in the monument thoroughly captures the people’s perception of Dr.King.
- Elvis Presley and Martin Luther King’s Shared DreamThe similarities between the song and the speech concern both the form and content of the test, with the key message being the desire for a better world in which everyone can exist in harmony […]
- Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy and Modern-Day CriticismKing was linked to the development of the civil rights movement as it was considered to cause a lot of revolution in the country through the use of peaceful demonstrations, which succeeded in the attainment […]
- Martin Luther King’s and Alicia Garza’s SpeechesA master of words, a preacher, and a fighter for the equality of people before God and the law, King speaks with hope for a better future for the world and the nation.
- Martin Luther King’s Leadership ApproachMoreover, King was part of the change and provided a good example to the people making the crowd trust the idea of equality in the country.
- The Speeches by Martin Luther King and Malcolm XI want to thank you for this interesting and properly built discussion about how justice and the law are combined in the speeches by Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. The indefatigable aggressiveness of the […]
- Martin Luther King Jr: American Civil Rights LeaderThis was an act of defiance against the laws which segregated the buses based on the color of the people.Dr. King led to the abolishment of the laws which were oppressive to the African-Americans.
- Martin Luther King’s Speech “I Have a Dream”In conclusion, it is necessary to note that King’s speech is still relevant as nowadays, African Americans, immigrants, and females do not have opportunities that they would have in the world of justice.
- Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X as Civil Rights LeadersMartin Luther King addressed both black and white people, and his goal was to convince them of Jim Crow’s moral injustice and social discrimination.
- John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Abraham Lincoln: Principles of LeadershipIn this regard, John Kennedy stated in general that, “We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world or make it the last”.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm XUnder the leadership of Martin Luther King, whom the activists chose as their representative and leader, they protested the arrest with a bus boycott that put a strain on the town’s economy.
- Kennedy’s and Martin Luther King’s Assassination in 1960’sThe American history of assassinations in the 1960’s left an indelible mark in the minds of many people. Similar to the assassination of John F.
- “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King: What Has ChangedThe constitution was drafted by the framers in such a manner that only White men who owned acres of land and property would be given the right to voice their opinion and decide the functioning […]
- Martin Luther King Argument From Birmingham JailKing provides a clear background of the real reasons of his arrestment and his desire to grab attention of the Christian society of Birmingham’s clergymen in Alabama.Dr.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.: Leadership AnalysisBy studying the activity of prominent activists of the past and the key prerequisites to their success, it is possible to learn more about the art of leading others.
- Leadership Lessons From Martin Luther King Jr.Born in 1929, Luther King Jr.lived during World War I and in the post-war era of the United States, which was characterized by the severe oppression and segregation of African-Americans within the country. Lessons to […]
- Martin Luther King and Malcolm X: Who Is Closer to Success?Martin Luther King Jr.and Malcolm X are remembered for their outstanding fight for civil rights in the United States at a time when the black community faced oppression and inequality in different ways.
🎓 Creative Titles for MLK Essay
- Martin Luther King Jr.’s Social and Political PhilosophyC: “An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law”. C: “An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law”.
- “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King: What We Already AchievedMartin Luther King is a figure of world significance whose famous speech influenced millions of people and led to significant reforms in the U.S. Yet, there are still certain areas in which the U.S.and would […]
- The Speech “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther KingIt could be said that the primary goal of the paper is to examine the effectiveness of the speech while evaluating the impact on the audience, occasion, speaker, and the lines of the speech.
- The Civil Rights Movement: Martin King and Malcolm X’s ViewsKing also stressed that the major concepts he adopted were taken from the “Sermon on the Mount and the Gandhian method of nonviolent resistance”.
- Dr. Martin Luther King’s Speech I Have a DreamFor example, at the beginning of the speech where he began by lamenting on the precarious justice system in the United States that was tilted against the Negros, he figuratively used the terms “promissory note,” […]
- Martin Luther King’s Leadership in Historical ContextThe ideological commitment, articulation of the values, and the goals of the civil rights movements made King one of the leaders of all time.
- “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” by Luther KingThroughout, however, he refers back to the notion of time, the moment, and in this, he is addressing the concept of Kairos.
- “I Have a Dream” Speech by Martin Luther King JrUnlike previous presentations, the speech had an influence on the overall realization and implementation of statutory provisions that were critical to the sustenance of equality and justice in society.
- Martin Luther King and Thomas Hobbes on the Subject of JusticeThis paper discusses the subject of justice and specifically holds the view that justice is to follow one’s consciousness, and not to obey the unjust law.
- Malcolm X and Martin Luther King ComparisonIn the entire history of the United States, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were the greatest advocators of freedom and civil rights. He believed that the whites were not to be allowed to misbehave […]
- Loury, Douglass, and King Jr.Loury addressed the challenge to liberals and conservatives that was in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. Loury found it difficult to sell the idea of self help and reliance among the black because […]
- Martin Luther King’s Last SpeechHe says that just like the biblical Jews who suffered in the wilderness, but their descendants finally reached the Promised Land, so will the descendants of the black people in the United States.
- Obtaining Objective Truth in Regards to Martin Luther King’s Role in the Fight for Equality in the United StatesHistorians and Scholar’s View of Martin Luther King’s Role in the Fight for Equality in the United States Historians and scholars have made a lot of contributions to discovering the life of Martin Luther King […]
- Martin Luther King, Jr.He observed that the Whites had continually segregated and oppressed the Negroes despite the fact that, the latter had tried to emancipate themselves from the demeaning chains of racial prejudice and segregation that clouded the […]
- Why the Philosophy of King is More Effective in Fighting Racism than Malcolm’s?The idea of harmony and respect of all human beings is a result of his Christian foundation as well as the philosophy of Gandhi that he encountered later on in his life.
- Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have a Dream“Martin Luther King is optimistic that African Americans will have basic rights including voting and other social rights in the future.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial FoundationThe Memorial is located in the South West region of the National Mall. It is believed that Martin Luther King, Jr.influenced and continues to influence every visitor in the museum.
- Martin Luther King and The March on WashingtonTo elaborate his point of view he refers to the Constitution which stated that people were equal in terms of their political rights, and shows how African-Americans were disfranchised by the government.
- Forgiveness in Martin Luther’s Movement for Rights BlacksThe bible teachings tell us that God exists in the holy trinity and the only way to forgive others is for us to be able to forgive our own transgressions.
- The Fight for Equality in Martin Luther King’s Life and WritingsThe south was defeated and as such one of the effects of the war was to help reconstruct this region by putting in democratic laws.
- Changing the Unjust Laws: “Letter From Birmingham Jail”Therefore, the main aim of the letter was to push for the changing of the unjust laws as well as upholding the Supreme Court ruling of the year 1954.
- The Dangers of Dogmatism With Approaches Adopted by Martin Luther King Jr and PlatoMoreover, King justified his pursuit of justice on the streets from the fact that the protests he organized were essentially peaceful and nonviolent; meaning that all he was trying to do was get his message […]
- Reliability of King’s argumentsThe major conclusion of the part of Martin Luther King’s speech touching upon the issue of Ho Chi Min’s land reform is that this reform was benevolent for the peasants, and can be categorized as […]
- Comparing Views on the Feminism of Wollstonecraft and Martin Luther KingThis means that if women are given and encouraged to have the same level of education as the men than the society would be a much better place as both the female and male genders […]
- The Black Arts Era: Contributions of Malcolm X & Martin Luther King Jr.The era was heralded by the establishment of the Black Arts Movement in Harlem in the decade of the 1960s. Many historians view this movement as the artistic arm of the Black Power movement, representing […]
- Motivation Evaluation: Martin Luther King Jr.This enables us to understand the humanistic and diversity views of motivation in King. A diversity view of motivation points out the fact that King was a realist and pragmatic in his approaches.
- Separate but Equal: “Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr.In particular, it is necessary to analyze this work in terms of ethos, pathos, and logos and the way in which King balances these three appeals in order to convince the readers.
- Political Theories of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr.The struggle reached a climax in the mid 1960s, and in the midst of it all were two charismatic and articulate leaders, Martin Luther King, Jr.and Malcolm X.
- “Why We Can’t Wait” a Historical Document by Martin Luther King Jr.Many of the exceptional leaders in the past have spent some time in detention centers due to their aspiration to transform the society.
❓ Research Questions about Martin Luther King
- Was Martin Luther King Vital to the Gaining of Civil Rights for African Americans?
- Does Martin Luther King Junior’s Life Affect His Children’s Lives?
- Has Dr. Martin Luther King’s Dream Become Reality?
- How Did Gandhi Influence Martin Luther King?
- Why the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Should Be Repealed?
- How Did Martin Luther King Affect the Civil Rights Movement?
- How Did Religion Influence Martin Luther King?
- How Far Did Martin Luther King Further the Cause of Civil Rights?
- How Important Was Martin Luther King Compared to Malcolm X?
- How Martin Luther King Predicted the Decline of the Mainline Church?
- How Martin Luther King Would Have Viewed Comments about Hurricane Katrina?
- How Much Impact Did Martin Luther King Have in Black Rights?
- Why Does Martin Luther King Have a Public Holiday but Not Malcolm X?
- Why Martin Luther King Jr Is a Machiavellian Leader?
- Why Some Activists Rejected the Approach of Martin Luther King to Civil Rights?
- What Are the Three Important Facts about Martin Luther King?
- How Did Martin Luther King Change the World?
- What Are the Five Accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr?
- How Racism Experience Shaped Martin Luther King?
- Do All States Recognize Martin Luther King Day?
- What Did Martin Luther King Speak Out Against?
- What Is the Main Purpose of Martin Luther King’s Speeches?
- For What Was Martin Luther King Imprisoned?
- Who Inspired Martin Luther King on Nonviolence Fight?
- How Martin Luther King’s Ideas Represented in “Conscience for Change”?