146 Netflix Essay Topics & Examples

Looking for Netflix topics to write about? One of the world’s most popular streaming services with over 200 million subscribers all over the world is worth writing about!

In your Netflix essay, you might want to focus on the history of the service. Another option is to discuss the pros and cons of streaming media. One more idea is to talk about the most trending Netflix documentaries. Whether you need to write a college essay, research paper, or thesis, this article will be helpful. Here we’ve collected the best Netflix essay examples, topics, questions, and writing tips. All you might need to write an A+ essay about Netflix!

🏆 Best Netflix Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Netflix Problems and Solutions
    The company has traditionally used the strategy of fast mail DVDs delivery, and it has also expanded the availability of its content through streaming.
  2. The Brand Positioning Map for Netflix
    On the basis of the findings, it is evident that the perceptual map is inherently subject, but online sources reflect the scores shown in the table.
  3. Netflix’s Price Elasticity of Demand Strategy
    If there is a large change in the price, but a slight change in the demand for a commodity, the relationship between the price and the demand is inelastic.
  4. Netflix Organizational Change Case Study
    Following the struggles that Netflix has undergone in an attempt to introduce price plans in correspondence to the cost of the Internet and licensing fee, the company adopted strategies that envisage the Lewis Three Step […]
  5. Aspects of Netflix’s Communication Strategy
    A good strategy enables the employees to understand and adopt the changes within the target time for a timely transition without affecting the business’s normal operations.
  6. The Netflix Corporate Strategy
    Over the decades, technological advancement steered the paradigm shift on the segmentation of the international market attributing to an emergence of a niche.
  7. Reed Hastings’ Leadership Style: Netflix CEO’s Strategy
    Since the work of a leader is crucial for the performance of the whole enterprise, it is essential to analyze the leadership style of a particular business leader through the perspective of his or her […]
  8. Netflix Company’s Monopolistic Tendencies
    The purpose of the present paper is to examine if the Netflix’s tendencies to monopoly are increasing. The characteristics of monopoly and oligopoly in the modern setting are given.
  9. Netflix Inc.’s Political, Legal, Regulatory Forces
    Also, we implement measures to meet regulatory requirements in terms of licensing and other rights to the content so that our customers have the exclusive right to watch official streaming media.
  10. Netflix Inc.’s Strategy, Innovations, Expansion
    As a result, its innovations have been able to keep up with the advances in technology and capitalize on them ahead of the competition.
  11. Netflix
    The company was established out of the increase in the digitalization of technology and the press towards quality broadcast of television.
  12. Netflix Inc.’s History, Mission, Vision, Objectives
    Thus, by the end of 2002, we became the leader in the market of DVD rentals and our total revenues rose up to $200 million.
  13. Netflix: Communication Strategy
    In developing a communication strategy, it is essential to know the company’s audience and adapt the message to the customers’ profile.
  14. Netflix Inc’s Environmental Analysis
    The internal structures of the firm clearly demonstrate the firm’s ability to lead the market. A detailed SWOT Analysis of the firm reveals that the firm is still strong and has the ability to maintain […]
  15. Netflix vs. Blockbuster
    Netflix on the other hand has a smaller area of operation compared to its older competitor, with stores in the US, Canada, and a handful of countries in Latin America. At the same time, the […]
  16. Netflix Company’s Global Success and Opportunities
    Also, there is the need to repurchase the right to distribute some products, and the costs of content production tend to increase globally.
  17. Netflix Internal & External Challenges
    The move to minimize the use of the distribution centers is highly feasible because it would help to reduce operational costs for the firm.
  18. How Netflix Reinvented HR Case Study
    The fourth focus of the company was to create a business-oriented company culture that allowed all its employees to understand the business model, goals, and mission of the company.
  19. Communication in the “Emily in Paris” Netflix Series
    According to it, speakers prefer using the language of a minority to adjust to their communication needs, as Emily needs to understand the people surrounding her in France.
  20. Netflix’s Strategy From Machiavelli’s Perspective
    Considering the differences between the modern business context and the epoch contemporary to Machiavelli, the main objective of the report is to define the advantages and disadvantages of using the philosopher’s ideas for the strategic […]
  21. Du Pont Company Analysis Project on Netflix
    The company’s proprietary recommendation service facilitates the selection of titles at the Company’s Web site by subscribers. The subscribers have an option of returning the DVDs to the Company via the Company’s prepaid mailers.
  22. Netflix Challenges and Opportunities
    In essence, this is one of the ways that the company adds value to their services bearing in mind that communication is as important as the quality of products.
  23. Blockbuster and Netflix Firms’ Failure and Success
    It is due to the presence of many employees of different cultures and the influx of young people into the ranks of the company’s employees.
  24. International Business for Netflix
    The high competition is mainly attributed to the large number of movie entertainment providers, and the slow growth of the market.
  25. The Netflix Firm’s External Opportunities and Threats
    Low-Cost Mobile Streaming Option – In order to attract and keep members in the global market, Netflix can provide a more affordable option. In recent times, Netflix increased the number of countries in which […]
  26. Netflix: Competitive Advantage
    The corporation greatly values its individuality which seems to be the reason for Netflix being a leader and the longest player in the market.
  27. Netflix Company’s Initial and New Strategies
    In the early stages when Netflix was conceived, it had a competitive advantage over its competitors thus; it only needed sustainable innovations in its business to enhance its growth.
  28. Netflix: The Streaming Service
    The variables in the research will be the number of views on the platform and the average time spent by users.
  29. The Netflix Firm’s Technology and Entertainment
    Timely recognition of the mistake and a change in company policy was the only right decision, and put the management on a path of long-term development and unprecedented competitiveness.
  30. Contemporary Issues in Netflix
    Currently, the CEO of Netflix is still its founder, Reed Hastings, who is known for being innovative and thanked for the company’s growth.

⭐ Interesting Netflix Essay Topics

  1. Netflix: The Hiring Process Improvement
    Thus, it was decided that specific improvements had to be implemented to the hiring process and the interviews that accompany it.
  2. Market Strategy Plan for Netflix
    Consumers want customization The gap between the wealthy and the poor in the United States is growing. The U.S.economy is recovering slowly.
  3. Netflix’s Culture: The Driving Force
    On the other hand, I would not like to be in such a culture where employees are afraid of being fired and, for this reason, do not support their colleagues in difficult times.
  4. The Netflix Company’s Business Model
    It outlines what the organization expects to produce or offer, how revenues will be made, and all the costs the firm will expend to make the model work.
  5. How Netflix Company Innovated Its Business Model
    The business model is a key aspect that allows the company to develop and increase its profits. However, with changes in global technology and the development of the Internet, the company has expanded its business […]
  6. Netflix Inc.: Financial Options
    First, the stock options provide incentives to employees who wish to invest in the company. Second, the stock options allow the company to increase its income.
  7. Netflix in the Time of COVID-19
    The first argument that supports the essay’s thesis is the number of people who subscribed to Netflix during the pandemic restrictions.
  8. The Damsel Who Does All the Distress: Love Quinn in Netflix’s “You”
    Considering these facts, what the TV show does with the character of Love Quinn is that it presents her in a way that makes the audience relate and sympathize with her despite her being a […]
  9. Netflix: Commercial Loan and the Line of Credit
    In the income statement, the loan will increase the value of the interest expense every year by an amount equal to $208,333.
  10. Netflix Recommendations: Streaming Services Marketing
    The marketing campaign of gender equality that is being exercised nowadays by Netflix earns the respect of viewers and increases their loyalty and trust in this streaming service.
  11. Apple and Netflix Firms’ Technological Comparison
    Since Apple devices are the same in all countries where the company operates, cultural differences do not present a source of external influence on the company; on the contrary, the company’s products have largely influenced […]
  12. Netflix’s Documentary Series Turning Point
    It touches on the events that led to the formation of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, how the events of 9/11 affected the people of the United States, and how the government responded to the threats […]
  13. Streaming Entertainment: Netflix and Amazon Prime Video
    To conclude, Netflix and Amazon Prime have a similar price for the basic subscription, with the latter offering additional discount for students, but each platform has different advantages.
  14. Netflix: The Largest Supplier of Films and TV Series in the World
    In the age of the rapid development of technology, people do not have to go to the cinema, buy CDs, or turn on the TV to get acquainted with new products of the film industry.
  15. Netflix’s Struggle for Leadership in Video Streaming
    First of all, the contemporary development of the streaming service industry presupposes the attraction of customers through the brand’s reputation, quality of content, and consumer targeting.
  16. Netflix: Income and Price Elasticity
    Further, price elasticity of supply refers to measuring the effect of changes in price on the demand and supply of goods.
  17. Netflix: Communication Styles
    While Netflix Co-CEOs use interviews as a way to communicate their message to the audience, managers rely on face-to-face communication, e-mails, and calls.
  18. Netflix and Viacom CBS: Comparative Analysis
    However, the difference comes in the values of the firms and the type of organizational structure used. Therefore, there are similarities and differences in the organizational culture and structure of Netflix and Viacom CBS.
  19. Netflix: Management During COVID-19 Pandemic
    In the recent years, Netflix has started to put more resources into their own content, with firms predicting that Netflix spends nearly 18 billion currently on content, and 85% of that going to the production […]
  20. Netflix and Its Understanding of Target Market
    Brand development and customer relationship management are the well-developed strategies used by the company to promote its service. A combination of different tools, such as web forms, email marketing, social media engagement, and landing pages, […]
  21. Netflix: Strategic Analysis
    These recommendations are designed to address the threat of new substitutes and competitive rivalry in the industry, which is the most impactful forces in the industry based on Porter’s theory.
  22. Netflix: Strategic Development
    Thanks to this, the company is the most influential player in the market and can cope with any competition. This strategy is sustainable because it is based on changes in the world and can adapt […]
  23. Netflix Versus Blockbuster Versus Video-On-Demand
    It seems quite appropriate to use the SWOT model for analyzing the potential of Netflix, Blockbuster, and Video-on-demand. It seems quite appropriate to use the SWOT model for analyzing the potential of Netflix, Blockbuster, and […]
  24. Netflix Inc.: Revenue Analysis and Recommendations
    What is the value of a new subscriber to Netflix? As well, the Netflix service is additional superior to in-store rentals.
  25. Vodafone & Mannesmann and Amazon & Netflix Mergers Analysis
    Specifically, the concept of a merger will be defined, followed by an example of a successful merger performed in the global economy recently.
  26. Netflix: Solving the Problem of Increasing People’s Stress Tolerance
    Currently, an obvious fact is the increase in the number of psychosomatic diseases, in the origin and course of which the leading role belongs to the influence of traumatic factors.
  27. Netflix Goes Global and Its Profit Soars
    To better understand the corporation’s current position in the market, it is necessary to analyze Netflix in the context of technological advancement and globalization and envision its opportunities to increase revenues.
  28. Canadian Producer’s Pitching to Netflix
    The industry’s chief regulator, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, and its largest trade body, the Canadian Media Producers Association, believe, given the revenue as large as $942 million in Canada, Netflix should make contributions […]
  29. Netflix Company’s Development and Business Model
    Netflix is one of the Silicon Valley giants and one of the most successful entertainment companies in the world. The reason was the decision to separate two primary services the company provided, DVD rental and […]
  30. Netflix Company in the Movie Industry
    The organization is hence involved in the provision of services that allow clients to select the movies of their choices from any of the sources they can use, and then they request for the delivery […]

📑 Good Research Topics about Netflix

  1. View of Netflix’s Future Direction
    One of the factors contributing to the firm’s growth is its investment in the international market. Despite the loss incurred by Netflix’s projects that the demand in the Nordic countries reflects the prevailing market opportunity […]
  2. Netflix’s Business: Renting Movies and TV Episodes
    The management of the company understood the fact that the global market would develop and that the company needed to be innovative and develop strategic policies to remain viable in the market.
  3. Netflix Inc.’s Database and Analytics
    Netflix also assisted the customers to develop the habit of online rentals. The fulfillment operations enabled the customers to rate and list the movies.
  4. Netflix Company’s Staffing Practices
    The goal of the company is to expand services to as many countries as possible. The company utilizes the internet to distribute its content.
  5. Netflix Company: Monitoring of Business Process Controls
    In such a way, the overall mission of the activities associated with the controls testing and the compliance processes is to align the functioning of all the corporate domains with the organizational goals in such […]
  6. Netflix: Entertainment Company’s Analysis
    The company should focus on its impact on the environment; data hubs and services can negatively influence the surroundings and lead to the increased utilization of resources.
  7. Netflix Inc.’s Strategies, Products, and Finances
    The evaluation of the product presence in the general marketplace is to include discussing the topics of the market of on-demand entertainment and the company’s global presence.
  8. Netflix Inc.’s Worldwide Marketing Improvement
    The first objective of this proposal is to review the background information about the company and the business context in which it functions and to estimate the timeframe and budget for the implementation of the […]
  9. Amazon and Netflix: Movies Delivery
    Amazon is also a leading marketer of movies in many parts of the world. The practice reduces the number of customers who purchase or rent movies from Amazon and Netflix.
  10. Netflix Company Future Trends
    As a result, there will be a blurring of the nature of business between the producers of content and the distributors.
  11. Netflix’s Branding and Positioning Strategy
    Reflectively, the kiosk model will facilitate timely distribution of the films to clients and increase the returns since the aspect of convenience will not be compromised.
  12. Netflix Internet Marketing
    The users assist Netflix in marketing the company to other potential users of the service. Netflix uses the numerous capabilities of the internet to market its services.
  13. Netflix Customer Services
    In light of setting up the support services, they have to consider the needs of customers in order to ensure that the support services are focused on customers.
  14. Netflix Branding: Subscription Services Specifics
    As a marketing strategy, this style ensures that the image of Netflix is embedded in the clients’ mind all the time so that they will always think about Netflix anytime they need to watch something […]
  15. Analyzing the Consumer Market: NETFLIX
    On the other hand, it is unheard of for a Muslim to think of eating pork, a common delicacy with the Hindu.
  16. History of Netflix Company
    The online movie service enabled Netflix to obtain the “first to market” competitive advantage. Immediately after the introduction of the smart phones, the company offered a mobile application for the Apple iPad and iPhone.
  17. Netflix Company’s Strategies
    This greatly increased the competition between the players in the industry as the firms that operated in the industry focused on how they could be able to provide the services that were required by the […]
  18. The Separation of Streaming and Mail Order Movie Services as a Strategic Plan by Netflix
    The cost for the two desperate services has thus increased for Netflix subscribers, and the separate website for the mail order service means customers will have to create new accounts distinct from their current Netflix […]
  19. Netflix’s Software Business Services
    A critical analysis and evaluation of the cases study reveals that Netflix had to various extents incorporated these strategies in its business pursuits with each generic strategy contributing to the success or failure of the […]
  20. Netflix and Blockbuster Battle for Market Leadership
    The function of performance examination is to determine whether a company is carrying on well, this information is very vital in attracting investors and also identify areas that call for upgrading.
  21. Does Netflix Have a Pricing Issue?
    Even though the amount by which a company may increase prices of its products is decided by every individual company, the 60% increase in price by Netflix is justified due to the growing demand for […]
  22. Netflix: Enhancing a Sustainable Competitive Advantage
    From the enormous negative comments noted by customers, there seem to be some disconnection between the vision of the company and the needs of its customers.

🎓 Best Netflix Thesis Ideas

  1. Analysis of Netflix Information Systems
  2. Amazon, Netflix, and Uber: The Innovation Brought by the Online Companies
  3. Analysis of Netflix and The Walt Disney Company
  4. Analysis of Netflix’s Social Commerce Strategy
  5. Analysis of the Online Services and the Rise of Netflix
  6. SWOT Analysis of Netflix
  7. Blockbuster vs Netflix
  8. Can Netflix Regain Lost Ground?
  9. Can Netflix Recover From Its Strategic Mistakes?
  10. Customer Analysis of Netflix
  11. How Culture May Impact Netflix’s Strategy?
  12. How Netflix Is Conquering the World?
  13. How The Netflix Revolution Has Been Driven by the Millennial Generation and a Changing Visual Media Industry?
  14. What Is Netflix?
  15. Why Apple Should Buy Netflix?

📌 Controversial Netflix Topics to Write About

  1. Overview of the Management Style of Netflix
  2. Competition in the Movie Rental Industry in 2008: Netflix
  3. Effects of Netflix on the Audience
  4. Entrepreneurship Case Netflix
  5. Netflix’s Transformational Leadership Style
  6. Netflix and Personal Movie Finder
  7. Marketing Mix Netflix
  8. Marketing Plan Netflix
  9. Motivational Analysis of Netflix
  10. Netflix Analysis as a Streaming Application Competitor of Netflix
  11. Netflix and Disruptive Innovation
  12. Netflix Business Model
  13. Netflix Business Plan
  14. Netflix Information System
  15. Netflix Is One of the Largest Media Companies

❓ Netflix Research Questions

  1. How Does Netflix Evaluate Content?
  2. What Methods Does Netflix Use for Data Collection?
  3. How Has Netflix Changed Society?
  4. Blockbuster vs. Netflix: Which Will Win Out?
  5. Can Streaming Transform the Music Industry With Netflix?
  6. How Does Netflix Use Big Data and Analytics?
  7. What Problem Does Netflix Solve?
  8. Why Is Netflix Attractive to Customers?
  9. How Has the Netflix Revolution Been Driven by the Millennial Generation and a Changing Visual Media Industry?
  10. How Netflix Started and Their New Threats?
  11. What Challenges Does Netflix Face?
  12. What Is the Summary of Netflix?
  13. How Has Netflix Become a Staple in Home Entertainment?
  14. What Strategy Does Netflix Use?
  15. How Can Netflix Improve the Trend Line for the Future?
  16. How Did Netflix Lose 800,000 Members and Good Will?
  17. How Does Netflix Affect Consumer Behavior?
  18. How Can Netflix Stay on Top of Their Competitions?
  19. How Can Netflix Continue Expanding Business Opportunities?
  20. Who Is Netflix’s Target Market?
  21. Why Is Netflix So Important?
  22. What Are the Benefits of Netflix?
  23. What Is Netflix Research and Development?
  24. What Is Netflix’s Main Product?
  25. Why Should Apple Buy Netflix?
  26. Are Ratings Informative Signals for Netflix?
  27. What Type of Marketing Research Does Netflix Use?
  28. What Are the Critical Elements of Netflix’s Strategy Today?
  29. What Is Netflix Designed For?
  30. How Does Netflix Measure Customer Satisfaction?

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"146 Netflix Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda, 22 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/netflix-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "146 Netflix Essay Topics & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/netflix-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "146 Netflix Essay Topics & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/netflix-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "146 Netflix Essay Topics & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/netflix-essay-topics/.