130 Popular Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

  1. What Is Popular Culture? Definition and Analysis
    Therefore, Storey observes that the incorporation of the true meaning of the word culture as a way of life and culture should be in the form of ‘signifying practices’ named above.
  2. Disney and Its Impact on Popular Culture and Society
    A waitress who is a cast in The Princess and the Frog undertake to begin saving to fulfill her dreams and the dreams of her late father of owning a restaurant.
  3. Japanese Animations’ Effects on the Japanese Economy and Their Cultural Influence on Foreign Countries
    These artists incorporate the characteristic anime stylizations, gags and methodology in their piece of work to produce animations that are a bit similar to Japanese anime. The growing interest among foreign artists in anime is […]
  4. Popular Culture and Art Definition, Brief History and New Opportunities
    One might argue that the transition from the rejection of popular culture as an element of art to its acceptance and the celebration of the opportunities that the combination of the two may provide is […]
  5. Mass Society and Popular Culture Theories
    Both the popular culture and the mass society are theories that are used to explain perspectives in media. For some scholars mass society is a menace since it can destabilize the differences established amid the […]
  6. Punk Movement Versus Popular Culture: Background and Development
    The Punk movement of the 1970’s is often regarded as a British working class movement, born out of the frustration of the politics that ruled the time and the influx of popular culture most of […]
  7. Angels and Insects: The Issue of Incest in the Pop-Culture
    In the first novella entitled Morpho Eugenia, the author has examined the nature of the human soul including how it relates with the other people.
  8. The Smurfette Principle: Gender Stereotypes and Pop-Culture
    After watching “The Little Mermaid”, and reading “The Cat in the Hat”, Sophie is left disgusted by the peripheral role that female characters play in the media.
  9. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
    In the fields of literature, and design, architecture, in addition to marketing business and the interpretation of culture, history and law are started to analyze on the basis of post-structuralism in the nineteen sixties of […]
  10. Popular Culture and Social Change Across Cultures
    Popular culture surrounds us everywhere: in our computers and phones, in our homes and outside. It has several functions and a vast potential to unite and divide people.
  11. Race in Popular Culture: “Get Out” (2017)
    The themes of white-black relationships and the role of the police in racial judgments comprise the two major topics for a thorough discussion.
  12. Popular Culture – Madonna’s Significant Impact
    In fact, it is true that the changes in the societal equilibrium and forces form the basis for popular culture. In fact, Madonna uses most of the ambitious views as well as body images to […]
  13. Kitsch in the Popular Culture of the 20th Century
    Coming from a German word that literally means “trash,” the term was first used to designate the low-brow mass-produced works of popular culture in the Europe of the 1920s.
  14. Eminem as a Modern Pop Culture Figure
    The movement toward success, despite the accompanying obstacles and authorities, is a characteristic symbol of modern culture, including that manifested in the work of Eminem.
  15. Pokémon Go as a Pop Culture Phenomenon
    Despite ground-breaking nature of Pokemon Go, there is critique of the game concerning the effects of location-based technologies on the privacy of constructions.
  16. American Pop Culture Impact on Decision-Making
    However, sophisticated and manipulative as it is, American pop culture still holds on to the most “American” values, such as democracy and freedom of being able to decide what it is that you want and […]
  17. The NBA 2K Game as the Element of Popular Culture
    Despite the original aim of producing the series of popular video games NBA 2K is a popularization of basketball among the representatives of the modern situation, the release of the series also focuses on advertising […]
  18. Western Pop Culture and Street Fashion of Japanese Youth
    The research of the topic needs to be preceded by the explanation of the key subjects and notions used in the current paper.
  19. Popular Culture in America Today: Evolution, Features, and Impact in Other Parts of the World
    This essay discusses the evolution of popular culture in America, the main features of this culture, the impact of American culture in other parts of the world, etc.
  20. Race and Ethnicity in Three Pop Culture Artifacts
    The present paper offers an overview of the problem of race and ethnicity as reflected in three pop culture artifacts: a song Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey, the movie In the Heat of […]
  21. Popular Culture Resistance: Causes and Goals
    However, along with the apparent contribution to the development of globalization, this fast rise of popular culture poses the question of authenticity as the unique image of various peoples is being lost.
  22. Postmodernism Era: Body and Popular Culture
    To understand how the body is constructed and deconstructed in modern western society, it is important to analyze the significance of the corporeal factor in the culture of postmodernism.
  23. Russian Popular Culture: History, Development, and Effect of Technologies
    Nevertheless, this was not to continue in the 20th century following the emergence of the communist ideology that played a major role in the culture of the Soviet Union like no other part of the […]
  24. Pop Culture Aspects and Role in the United States
    The sports culture portrays the excellence and contribution of the blacks as a whole and this has even increased their popularity in the media.
  25. The Lizzie Borden Case in American Popular Culture
    The purpose of the paper is to establish the contribution of the case to the current popular American culture and art.
  26. Reshaping of American Popular Culture: The Tumultuous 1960s-1970
    The government of the day remained uncommitted or unwilling to support the experiences and outcomes of most of these underserved members of the society.
  27. Japanese Popular Culture: Anime, Video Games, and the Film Industry
    This report will investigate the growth and influence of Japanese pop culture through anime, video games, and the film industry. The game was created by a Japanese studio and is built on the concept of […]
  28. Pop Culture as a New Tool of Imperialism
    From the first standpoint, most of the experts agree upon the point that the effectiveness of pop culture as one of the instruments of the so-called “soft power” is unquestioned.
  29. Jazz Music Popularization in Chinese Culture
    Despite being created in the United States, Jazz music is preferred in many regions of the world where it has captured the attention of creative musicians.
  30. Ideologies and Popular Culture: A Popular Television Commercial
    The humorous nature of this commercial might appeal to many cultures and people. In addition, the commercial has the ability to formulate a new ideology among men and women.
  31. Analysis of “Yuri” Manga as a Peculiarity of Japanese Popular Culture
    Conclusions of the analysis indicate that yuri manga is not limited to lesbian culture, moreover, it is a significant element of Japanese popular culture.
  32. Popular Culture and Daily Life. Electric Shadows by Xiao Jiang
    As a matter of fact, this is the strength of popular culture where an individual seems to have been changed by the turn of the events that are happening in his life.
  33. Disability Stereotypes in Pop Culture: Me Before You vs. The Ringer
    The below discussion aims to show that pop culture reinforces stereotypes around disability by referring to the examples of Me Before You and The Ringer.
  34. Role of Stereotypes From “Ethnic Notions” in the Popular Culture
    Thus, the images of Tom as the embodiment of non-resistance and the Mammy as the symbol of limited opportunities for African Americans serve as a reminder that stereotypes still persist in popular culture.
  35. Popular Culture and Williams’ Life of the Mind
    In turn, the goal of Life of the Mind is to convey the traditions of spiritual values and cultural and artistic experiences of generations.
  1. Export of Popular Culture Products in Asia
    The first one is that the relationship of Japan and South Korea started worsening in 2012, and it drastically impacted the sales, as Japan is the main market, which led to the second which is […]
  2. Korean Popular Culture and the Selling of Place by Youjeong Oh
    Korean Popular Culture and the Selling of Place by Youjeong Oh examines the use of K-pop music and Korean dramas with an aim to promote the rural and urban places in South Korea.
  3. Pop Culture and Race, Ethnicity, Sexual Morality, and Gender
    On the other hand, there is a historically, politically, and economically determined point of intersection between parts of the feminist movement and the conservative media.
  4. Body, Health and Illness in Popular Culture
    Alternatively, the sickness may come from the influence of a negative supernatural creature, such as a witch or a demon, that exists in the direct opposition to the divine.
  5. Popular Culture and TV Shows: Analysis of American Idol
    The positive aspect of the show is the interactive aspect that is essential in all popular cultures. The first group is comprised of the judges who guide and monitor the performance of the contestants.
  6. Violence and War in Japanese Popular Culture
    50 years after the end of the war, the effects of the war have continued to influence the Japanese culture and have also affected its relations with other countries.
  7. Consumerism and American Popular Culture
    The global community has experienced the impact of advertising and the development of popular culture in terms of change of cultural values and establishment of the international ones.
  8. The Impact of American Popular Culture on Society
    It can also be perceived as the culture of the majority of people in the united states of America.culture can either be liked by a given group while strongly be opposed to another faction of […]
  9. Sociology of the Media and Popular Culture
    Newspapers are quickly declining as the main source of information in the public sphere. Newspapers have been a very important part of the public sphere.
  10. Multiculturalism in Contemporary German Popular Culture
    It was also observed that when hip-hop was practiced in Germany, the Old School of the US that was going to be taken over, was the message rap of Grandmaster Flash and the Glorious Five […]
  11. Popular Culture for Political, Personal, and Economic Struggles
    The objects of popular cultures advance the notion of special cultures and introduces the ideas of cultural divisions such as the elite in the communities and those that are not in this category.
  12. The Influence of American Popular Culture on the Heroes of “The Bluest Eye”
    The same situation of blind following the popular culture idols that were hand-made by the promoters and PR managers who created an ideal white culture in the USA and managed to persuade the nation in […]
  13. Promotion of Pop Culture in the Mass Media
    Mass media did everything for the purpose of enculturation of this product as a national brand for the American people and as a hint for imitation of proper manners in service and way of eating […]
  14. Media and Popular Culture: Pros and Cons of Technology
    On the one hand, new media and technology allow global society to view and understand political changes and conflicts in these countries and respond to global violence and misbehavior of some nations.
  15. Exploration of Popular Culture in 18th Century England
    The special role of England in the history of the European enlightenment consisted first of all, in the fact that it was its native land and in many respects the trailblazer.
  16. Popular Culture From the Fifties to Heroin Chic: Feminism
    The women have become aware of their legal rights and disabilities as a consequence of the inclusion of educated women in movements to repair the legal disabilities.
  17. Popular Culture and Contemporary Life. The Matrix
    The movie The Matrix represents a new reality or a new philosophy of the 21st century. The Matrix may be a new mode of transmedia storytelling, as Jenkins argues, but the value of the movie […]
  18. Evaluation Argument of a Pop-Culture Text and Its Representation
    To the young generation, this kind of music with simple words and hard-talking lyrics, the mind-blowing and intricately skillful music, and the imagery portrayed by the rock stars appealed in a personal manner and embodied […]
  19. The Study of Mass Communication and Popular Culture
    The contributions of the French sociologist emile Durkheim to the formation of sociology are rather sufficient, as the scientist has studied the ways in which societies could maintain their integrity and coherence in the present […]
  20. The Role of Internet in Formation of Popular Culture
    The computer is a scientific device that accepts the log-in information and thereafter manipulates it to produce the desired result based on the program of instructions on how data is to be processed.
  21. Christianity and Pop Culture: ”The Passion of the Christ” Film
    So, the aim of this work is to analyze the views of different authors of the articles dedicated to the film The Passion of the Christ.
  22. Korean Popular Culture: Problem Statement
    In this context, the topic of soft power becomes critical since it involves the process of influencing other nations’ preferences and attitudes through the dissemination of various cultural values.
  23. Korean Popular Culture: Attractiveness and Popularity
    Korean popular culture can be discussed as a strong tool of soft power because of the high attractiveness and popularity of this culture in the world.
  24. “Hybridity and the Rise of Korean Popular Culture in Asia” by Doobo Shim
    The investigated article “Hybridity and the Rise of Korean Popular Culture in Asia” by Doobo Shim is also devoted to one of such cultural phenomena as it tends to explain the growing popularity of Korean […]
  25. The Role of Asian Women in the Popular Culture
    In the given paper, the following points are going to be addressed, and the following issue is going to be researched: 1) the traditional patriarchal role of women in the Asian culture and society, which […]
  26. Harry Potter Stories and Impact on Pop Culture
    Harry Potter shows how prejudices, conflict, and social hierarchies work in the community and the role of the moral concepts in struggling with difficulties.
  27. Korean Popular Culture: “In Between Days” Analysis
    The hardships of assimilation are put to the fore in the film In Between Days. It is necessary to note that the vast majority of the challenges immigrants face are not in the spotlight.
  28. Korean Popular Culture: “Boomerang Family”
    The picture keeps an eye on the steps of the day-to-day existence of a dysfunctional family, where the three brothers and a sister one by one decided to return to their family home and live […]
  29. Popular Culture in American Society and American History
    These people are sure that the popular culture in this perspective has a positive effect and shows the society its problems, the popular culture directs the situation for better outcomes, for the reduction of the […]
  30. Stereotypes From Popular Culture and Their Effects
    The following paper explores the mechanisms behind stereotyping in an attempt to determine whether it is possible to minimize its adverse effect and which approach is the most viable for the purpose.
  31. Science Integration Into Popular Culture: The Essence of Science in Popular Culture and Its Influence on Contemporary Society
    More and more people tend to be interested in science due to the availability of information. The information provided by mass media is to be relevant and reliable.
  32. Hatshepsut’s Life and Her Image in Pop Culture
    To ensure the continuity of the kingdom, Thutmosis II married Hatshepsut. When Thutmosis II died, the legitimate heir of the throne, Thutmosis III, the son of Hatshepsut, was only 7 years.
  33. An Evolutionary Window on the Worlds of Pornography and Romance
    The article by Salmon is devoted to the inquiry into the reasons for the popularity of pornography among men and romance among women.
  34. Popular Food as a Part of Contemporary Culture
    Thus, the objective of this paper is to analyze various approaches to the interpretation of popular food as a part of modern culture, to explore the contemporary food in the framework of cultural authenticity, and […]
  35. Korean Popular Culture and Western Influences
    In this paper, the evaluation of the relations of power between the western impact and Korean popular culture in terms of Asian countries will be offered to demonstrate how competitive and independent the Koreans can […]
  1. Folk and Popular Culture in Demick’s and Kershaw’s Views
    Many people in the world have presented their views regarding the traditional practice of eating dogs. More people will embrace modern marriage practices in the future.
  2. Korean Popular Culture and National Identity
    The story of Jin-tae and Jin-seok portrays the kind of struggles experienced by many people in the country especially during the Korean War. The people have been using different movies to present the Korean national […]
  3. Popular American Culture Concept and Religious Trends
    Popular culture is commonly defined as the totality of ideas, attitudes, perspectives, and other features shared among the people in a particular culture that and often take shape through informal consensus in the society.
  4. Pop Culture and Print Media: Trends Propagated by the Print Media
    The mass media has greatly influenced the way of life in the modern world. Americans tend to identify themselves with the idols found in the magazines and other print media and aim at achieving a […]
  5. Popular Culture and Electronic Media: The Impact of Electronic Media Advertising
    Each type of electronic media contributes to influencing communities and societies around the world, a thing that has led to the alteration in popular culture to this day.
  6. Sex and Violence in Pop Culture and Their Influence on Society
    Analyzing the articles it is possible to come to certain conclusions about the ways and facts the authors choose to convey the topic and how they contributed to the understanding of the question.
  7. Michael Jackson’s Pop Culture: Characteristics and Importance
    Besides the desire to generate revenue, ‘pop music and culture have been very helpful in consolidating the efforts of the black population’.
  8. “Pop Music, Pop Culture” by Chris Rojek
    The title specifically prepares the reader for the interconnection between culture and popular music, as it is one entity that is a great part of human society and the music industry.
  9. The Effects of Modern Popular Culture on Personal Beliefs and Values
    I persisted with this behavior until I was admitted to the university where the modern culture dwells on wearing casually. This essay has showed that modern popular culture changes the beliefs and behaviors of people […]
  10. Media Affects Society or Society Affects the Media
    This paper will, therefore, focus on the positive effects of modern popular culture and evaluate whether media affects society or society affects the media.
  11. Robert Altman and Global Popular Culture: ‘The Player’ and ‘Gosford Park’
    After all, as it can be seen in the film, it is such their sense that weakens their ability to act as the agents of progress, which in turn undermines the integrity of the American […]
  12. Identity in Pop Culture: Asians and Females in US Society
    It is possible to trace the influence of media on communication strategies analyzing representation in terms of ethnicity and gender focusing on such group as Asians and females in the US society. Of course, it […]
  13. The Main Distinctions of Popular Culture and Its Growth
    To get a better understanding of this issue, one should first look at the definitions of culture and popular culture. This case illustrates an idea that it is rather difficult to establish the boundaries of […]
  14. Media and Popular Culture in East and South East Asia: Kyoung-Hwa
    The author underscores the fact that the use of mobile phones in transmitting messages in the Japanese society is in the increase.
  15. Mix Methods Analysis in “Seeing From a Different Angle: The Role of Pop Culture in Teaching for Diversity and Critical Media Literacy in Adult Education”
    The article in question considers the issue of entertainment media influence on the adult education, its influence on the educators in their personal and professional life.
  16. New Media and Popular Youth Culture in China
    New media have created a popular youth culture that encourages diversity and development of voices and cultural styles, hence giving the youth the ability to challenge the subversive cultural-political beliefs in the society.
  17. De Certeau’s Politics in Everyday Life in Relation to Popular Culture
    Hence, according to De Certeau, everyday life operates in the same manner by poaching and grabbing in the territories of others, applying the products and rules that are already in existence in a particular culture […]
  18. Popular or Mass Culture: Mimetic Analysis, Semiotics and Narrative
    Hence, it is relevant to analyze the lyrics of the pop music video.[Marx, 2008] First, one has to admit, that the lyrics of the song is the perfect accompaniment to the video visualization and completely […]
  19. Mass Cultural Phenomenon: What People Look For in Pop Culture
    In the Paparazzi video, Lady Gaga is first seen with her boyfriend getting intimate; however, some paparazzi appear and try to get shots of them.
  20. What Is the Relationship Between the Social Definition of Deviance and the Media’s Role in the Dissemination of Popular Culture?
    The main function of news media is to offer mass audience with information and account of events that occur in the world.
  21. Movies in the American Popular Culture and American Society
    Economic, social, and political changes played a considerable role in affecting the scope of movies. Changing social and individual preferences helped the integration of the movies with other social features.
  22. Billboard as an Element of the Popular Culture
    Creators of the high culture have been on the quest to appeal to the wider public through the mass media and that is where the billboards come in.
  23. Cultural Production and Popular Culture Development
    Considering the popular culture of the period after the World War II, the increase of the interest to the cinematography and music may be remembered.
  24. Popular Culture in the History of the USA
    The problems discussed in the movies and considered in the TV shows and newspapers were connected with the war battles with the representation of the life of the soldiers.
  25. The Role of Popular Culture in the United States of America
    The popular culture has changed the way people dressed and dressing the way most people on the music videos do is cool, no matter how irrelevant a piece of clothing is to the situation.
  26. Popular Culture: The Use of Phones and Texting While Driving
    Given that rituals and stereotypes are a part of beliefs, values, and norms that society holds at a given instance of history, the use of phones in texting while driving has rituals and stereotypes associated […]
  27. American Popular Culture: The Influence of Stereotypes
    In dance for instance, ballet is believed to be a preserve of affluent people in the society and predominantly white while ‘break dancing’ is believed to be a preserve of African-Americans in less affluent sections […]
  28. Grunge, Riot Grrrl and the Forgetting of Women in Popular Culture’: Article Summary
    The author uses the Grunge era of the 1990’s in her analysis as the point of reference. The survey makes a clear reference to the Australians that were living in the era at the time.
  29. Popular Culture and Teenage Pregnancy Among Americans
    This has been the case particularly in regards to the Western society of the early to the middle 20th century and the up-and-coming international normalcy of the late 20th and 21st century.
  30. Popular Culture of TV Watching in USA and China
    However, as compared to USA culture, watching television programs in China is controlled and regulated by the state, a situation that has forced some young people to resort to internet television where they watch downloaded […]
  31. Adolescents and Popular Culture: A Critical Analysis on Blogging Culture
    It is the purpose of this research paper to critically evaluate the popular culture of blogging among adolescents with the premise that it reinforces pro-social activities and self esteem among the teenagers.
  32. Roman & Greek Mythology in Pop Culture: Examples, Referenses, & Allusions
    One of the most famous examples of the use of the characters taken from Greek mythology in pop culture must be the mentioning of the famous goddess, Venus, in advertising, which is, in fact, based […]

❓ Pop Culture Research Questions

  1. How Does Pop Culture Connect Us?
  2. How Is Pop Culture Harmful?
  3. What Is Pop Culture and Why Is It Called So?
  4. Is Pop Culture Positive?
  5. Why Is It Called Pop Culture?
  6. Who Influenced Pop Culture the Most?
  7. Why Is Pop Culture Famous?
  8. How Did Pop Culture Change?
  9. How Has Pop Culture Influenced the Economy?
  10. What Influences Pop Culture?
  11. What Factors Influence Pop Culture?
  12. Is Social Media Pop Culture?
  13. How Does Pop Culture Influence Society?
  14. Who Started the Pop Culture?
  15. How Does Pop Culture Influence Youth?
  16. Is Music a Pop Culture?
  17. What Is Pop Culture Media?
  18. Where Did Pop Culture Begin?
  19. How Did Pop Culture Develop?
  20. Does Pop Culture Reflect Values?
  21. What Does Fashion Look Like in Pop Culture?
  22. How Does Pop Culture Influence Cinema?
  23. Is Dancing a Pop Culture?
  24. How Does Pop Culture Spread?
  25. What Are the Main Characteristics of Pop Culture?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 22). 130 Popular Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/popular-culture-essay-topics/

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"130 Popular Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 22 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/popular-culture-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '130 Popular Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 22 November. (Accessed: 24 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "130 Popular Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/popular-culture-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "130 Popular Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/popular-culture-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "130 Popular Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/popular-culture-essay-topics/.