If you’re writing an open letter to the government or trying to analyze some political topics, this page is for you. You will find these President essay examples collected by our team helpful.
🏆 Best President Essay Examples & Topics
- The Egyptian Pharaoh vs. US President ComparisonThe Pharaoh was each temple’s high priest in Egypt and was the earthly representative of the Egyptian gods. The President is the head of State and does not meddle in Church/ religious affairs.
- US President vs. the Canadian Prime MinisterAs the leader of the executive, the President must appoint the top officials in all of the major federal agencies such as the CIA, NASA, and the Federal Reserve Board.
- Comparison of the U.S. President and the President of MexicoThe U.S.president serves as the head of state, the head of the government, the person in charge of the executive arm of the federal government, and he is also one of the two nationally elected […]
- Pharaoh vs. President: Similarities and DifferencesThe pharaoh and the president are both responsible for the well-being of their people and are entrusted with ensuring prosperity of their countries; however, choosing between the two, I would prefer to be a pharaoh.
- What Is a Successful President?In order to govern efficiently and promote policy for the betterment of the country and its residents, a president must not only follow a specific political ideological agenda but rather display empathy, open-mindedness, integrity, and […]
- President Obama’s Inaugural Speech AnalysisIn his speech, Obama was seen to take advantage of the significance of that moment to address the Americans’ main concerns.
- Four Freedoms by President RooseveltThroughout the discussion we shall elaborate the four freedoms in a broader way for better understating; we shall also describe the several measures that were put in place in order to ensure the four freedoms […]
- Abraham Lincoln: The 16th U.S. PresidentHaving been born in a poor background and the difficulties in life he faced, it is hard to believe that Abraham Lincoln could make it to be one of the most talked-about public figures in […]
- President’s Day in the United States Then and NowToday, however, more people are referring to the holiday as the President’s Day, highlighting the fact that it honors not just George Washington, but also every person who has been the head of the United […]
- President Theodore “Teddy” RooseveltIn his view, Roosevelt was convinced that a good nation must be able to pass its resources to the future generation increased and not depleted.
- President Obama’s Inaugural Address in 2009First, the inclusion of certain phonological elements such as alliteration, consonance, and assonance works to beautify the language, which causes it to resonate with the listener.’Pounded the pavement’ or ‘picked up the phones’ is an […]
- Can a Woman Be Elected President of United States?Those who support the idea of having a female president in United States argue that: if American was to have a woman a for a president then every thing would change since this would mean […]
- Dwight D. Eisenhower: World War II Hero and U.S. PresidentIn addition to his leading role as a peace and desegregation crusader, prior to his election as the 34th American president and even after his rise to the top seat, Eisenhower was a well known […]
- Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford as PresidentsIn addition to excellent academic performance, Nixon was also the leader of the student’s body in the college. In the Navy, he rose in ranks to a lieutenant commander and served in the pacific especially […]
- U.S. President and CongressCongress and president should listen and react according to the views and the opinion of the people or the voters. The people elected the president to act and create things to happen and by electing […]
- The Vietnam War: Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy Leadership RolesOn November 1, 1995, Eisenhower’s action to give military training to the government of South Vietnam marked the official start of the U.S.involvement in the Vietnamese conflict.
- An Analysis of President Nelson Mandela’s SpeechIt is of importance to note that in his speech; Mandela was very sincere and direct especially when he was talking about the light that is found within the human soul.
- “The Qualities of Effective Presidents” by Fred I. GreensteinFinally, Greenstein explains the most influential of these characteristics, emotional intelligence, as having the most profound impact on any administration. Of these six, emotional intelligence is the sleeping giant.
- Reconstruction: Presidents Lincoln and JohnsonThe reconstruction took place in three phases namely the Presidential reconstruction of 1863-1866, Radical reconstruction of 1866-1873 and the redemption of 1873-1877.
- Top Ranking U.S. PresidentsThe head of state and government of the United States of America falls under the auspices of the President who oversees the executive branch of the federal government as well serves as the commander-in-chief of […]
- Will Donald Trump Make a Good President?Donald Trump might be a successful businessman and a true patriot, but he lacks the skills and experience to be a good leader of a country and represents opposition to core American values.
- Obama vs. Lincoln: Presidents’ ComparisonThe people of the nation are the first line to be affected with how the president handles the state that is why they are very keen in evaluating the current president.
- Role and Powers of PresidentsIn the above view, the president has the responsibility to act in the interest of the public, ensure all situations are right for the interest of his people and make right judgments because they directly […]
- R. Nixon as a President Who Had the Biggest ImpactThe war was aggravated by the fact that the Cambodian army coup led to a new entry of troops into Vietnam. The president faces impeachment and was forced to resign, leaving the country in a […]
- President Zelensky’s Speech During the US VisitTherefore, thanks to the abovementioned qualities of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, his leadership, particularly during the speech to the US Congress, need to be considered in more detail.
- Presidents of the United States and FranceThis essay will provide a comparative analysis of the political role of the Presidents of the United States and France and their relationship with representatives of the legislative branch of government. Some duties and rights […]
- The Impacts of President Lincoln’s DeathThe impact of the assassination of President Lincoln on Reconstruction is one of the most debated topics in American history. On the other hand, Lincoln’s policy and the fight against slavery became the leading cause […]
- President Hoover’s Role During the Great DepressionAlthough a significant percentage of the causative constituents emanated from the previous government’s economic strategies, President Hoover elevated the conditional outlier.
- President Obama’s Justification for Killing bin LadenIn Schlag’s opinion, the secrecy of lawyers in working on the legal actions surrounding the plot of Bin Laden’s death raised concerns regarding the justification of his killing.
- Speech of President Abraham Lincoln on Gettysburg FieldThe Battle of Gettysburg is one of the most significant and well-known not only during the Civil War but also in the entire history of the United States.
👍 Good Topics to Write to the President About
- Inside the President’s War Room DocumentaryTerrorists aimed two of the planes at the business symbol of New York the World Trade Center towers, and the other two at the Pentagon and, presumably, the White House or the Capitol.
- Progressive Ideology by President RooseveltIn addition, the key role of the progressive lies in addressing the problems of the other, for which reason they are to remain enthusiastic and inspiring under any circumstances.
- The President as a Legitimate AuthorityNonetheless, a person has the right to disagree with the policy of the President but must respect him as the head of the country.
- The COVID-19 Bill Proposal by President BidenAs the standing committees to introduce the bill to, the budget committees of the House and the Senate will be involved.
- Was Andrew Jackson a Good President?Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States of America, inaugurated in 1829, and keeping the office to himself until 1837.
- Foreign Policy Actions of Three PresidentsGeorge Washington believed that the treaty is beneficial to the United States due to the stabilization of the relationship with England.
- The Contribution of Former U.S. Presidents in Overcoming the Great DepressionThe Great Depression presents an event in which the U.S.developed progressive leadership policies to improve living standards. Modern politics in the U.S.has caused social divisions similar to the period of Unravelling.
- President Obama’s and Sen. Cruz’s Hanukkah GreetingsThe speeches reveal that upholding the celebration is an important event in commemorating the justice of redemption of Jerusalem and rededication of the second temple at the beginning of the Maccabean revolt.
- President Roosevelt’s New Deal in TennesseeThe United States was in the middle of the Great Depression when Roosevelt was elected. In conclusion, the election of Roosevelt seemed like a solution to the impacts of the Great Depression.
- China Under President Xi JinpingThe ascension of President Xi Jinping to the position of general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party in 2012 marked the turning point of China’s political and economic reforms.
- A Critique of President Obama’s Administration Position on ContraceptionThe paper comes from the premise that after all contraception is widely used in the US but not all the women can afford the contraceptive.
- Stories From the Great Depression: President RooseveltAt the same time, the era of the Great Depression was the time when many Americans resorted to their wit and creativity.
- President Obama’s Budget Proposal for the United StatesThe budget is also expected to have an expansion of the earned income tax credit for the working poor. Contrary to the above, Republicans argue that raising the tax of the wealthy during a downturn […]
- A Shift From Climate Change Awareness Under New PresidentSuch statements raised concerns among American journalists and general population about the future of the organization as one of the main forces who advocated for the safe and healthy environment of Americans and the global […]
- The Three US Presidents ComparisonBy the mode of office occupancy, I mean, whether the candidate assumed the office by the virtue of being the vice president at the time of the president’s death or whether the candidate was actually […]
- Visit of the United States’ President to IndiaThough both of the articles are on the same exact topic: the historical visit of the United States’ President to India in order to establish mutually beneficial relationships there still are the differences in the […]
- President Obama’s Wall Street ReformsThe new “bill stipulates that the amount of fees charged by banks to process debit card transactions need to be realistic and relative to the cost of the transaction”.
- George Washington: The First President of the Great Free CountryHe was recognized not only as the commander in chief but also as one of the leaders who assisted in crafting the new constitution.
- Histories of American Republican PresidentsBy the time of his nomination to vie for presidency, Harding was not known to the entire country but only in his State Ohio where he was serving as the Senator.
- Major U.S Presidents From the Republican PartyThe year 1881 saw the appointment of Chester Alan Arthur as the 21st President of the United States. As a president, Arthur was conscious of the wrangles and divisions in the Republican Party.
- Women Should Be Included in the Military Draft if the President Activates ItThis means that if there is to be a military draft, whether due to the need of health workers, or the already existing and growing numbers of women in the military, women should definitely be […]
- The President Ronald Regan Power: The Air Traffic Controller Strike 1981Realistically, the President may have assessed the ability of the Union in terms of communicating their message and noted that it held no substance, considering the fact that the strike was against the law.
- Arrogant Americans, Mr. President?Indeed, my nation stands tall above the rest because of the way we value life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, frowning upon those who wish to trample upon the most basic rights of these […]
- President’s Training & Development RecommendationsIn any training and development, there are important things that a person has to keep in mind this is because like the training of a president it is the role of a person to ensure […]
- Inauguration of President Barack Obama on 2009He smiled and waved to the audience, he was confident in correcting the Chief Justice during the oath and he was strong in his speech speaking of what has been done wrong in the past […]
- 2008 U.S. Election History Review: The First African American Elected PresidentThe election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States was a historic event in the life of the American republic.
- Abdul Kalam: The People’s President of IndiaBefore his expression as India’s leader, he regarded himself as an engineering prophet and was awarded India’s superior civilian honor Bharat Ratna in 1997 for his work with DRDO and his position as a scientific […]
- The Next President of the United StatesI feel that in view of the present circumstances in which the USA is going through in terms of the high incidence of terrorism, education needs, the delicate economic situation, social security, and healthcare needs, […]
- Barack Obama as the Next President of the USAThe real estate foreclosures, affected by the current crisis of the banking system, make way for imminent trouble in the 2008 Election as the conflict between the homeowners and foreclosed properties takes a clash.
- Responsibilities of the President in Foreign PolicyWhile both the President and Congress share responsibility for the foreign policy, the share of the former is larger than the latter and the gravity of the responsibility is […]
✅ Interesting Topics to Write about President
- Presidents Misdeeds: Ethics and Critical ThinkingThe same applies to what is right and what is wrong that is what is right or wrong differs from individual to individual, group to group, society to society.
- President Bush and United States CongressThe major program that President Bush is seeking to do in order to advance is to comply with some of the proposed positions of the above factors.
- F. D. Roosevelt and L. B. Johnson: USA PresidentsIt provided a relief to the needy people in the society through the creation of employment opportunities, and improvement on agriculture.
- Vice President in the Political System of the USAThis means that the powers in the country are divided between the three branches executive, legislative and judicial, and the President of the United States is considered to be the head of the country.
- Woman as a President: Shock for the SocietyIn midst of high-budget and long political campaigns, one of the hottest questions that are rolling down is the chances of the first female president in the political history of the United States.
- Barack Obama: The First Black President EverHis contribution to debates in the Congress and the introduction of very trivial bills shows that he has a knack for democracy and he holds the wishes of the ordinary American citizen deep in his […]
- Bill Clinton’s Accomplishments as PresidentBesides the record-high surpluses and the record-low poverty rates, the economy could boast the longest economic expansion in history; the lowest unemployment since the early 1970s; and the lowest poverty rates for single mothers, black […]
- Leader Skills of Presidents of the United StatesModern-day politics in America revolves around the presidential republic whereby the President of the United States has most of the power as the head of state, government as well as the electoral system and the […]
- Is America Ready to Elect the First Female President?The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the current willingness of American society to elect a woman as the U.S.president. However, the major part of the society subsequently considers the idea of a […]
- President Trump’s Impeachment: For and AgainstTrump has been the target of a probe that tried to check the claim that his presidential campaign collaborated with the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election until the middle of 2019.
- Turnover Rate at President Trump’s White HouseThe meme was inspired by a series of appointments and quick dismissals from the office that followed numerous politicians during Trump’s time in the office.
- President Trump’s Impact on EconomyHowever, it is of high importance to analyze how practices and policies, implemented by the president, has impacted the economy of the nation. In conclusion, it should be stated that, based on the current policies […]
- Ronald Reagan as a President and a PersonHe was against the ideas of communism, and he thus worked hard to ensure that communism did not find a place in Hollywood.
- President’ Policy Decisions in the USASome of the gun control laws are in the Gun Control Act 1968 and the National Firearms Act 1934. Shootings in the recent past informed the decisions of most Americans to advocate for strong and […]
- The Puerto Rico Crisis and the President’s RoleThe primary purpose of the article is to outline the responses to Trump’s posts on social media criticizing the relief efforts undertaken by the Puerto Rican officials.
- US President’s Office and Congress Power RelationAny kind of talk regarding the power relation between the Office of the President and the U.S. The gulf that separates the Presidency and Congress was by design, in accordance with the legal requirements stated […]
- Struggle for Democracy: President InterviewIn a recent episode of the 60 Minutes, Lesley Stahl mentioned some of the problems on the tip of the tongue of many Americans, addressing the pillars that the American political system had been founded […]
- Why Franklin Delano Roosevelt Was Most Popular Presidents?His administration left a lasting mark on the history of the American people because of the way he handled the two largest threats to the world’s stability namely the Second World War and the Great […]
- Did President Obama Save the Auto Industry?As a result of all the failure, such industry giants as General Motors and Chrysler were unable to pay their bills, and to avoid a collapse had to plead for the government’s help.
- Egypt’s Presidents and Their ContributionThe contribution of leadership style of each of the presidents to the economy of the country will be identified and then discussed in detail with an effort of isolating its strengths, and weaknesses.
- Growth of the US President OfficeThe establishment of the office of the president by the United State’s Constitution towards the end of the 1780s marked a significant milestone in the country’s history.
- President Barrack Obama 2013 Inaugural SpeechHe asserts that the process of inaugurating a president is part and parcel of the constitutional order to elevate the status and sovereignty of a nation.
- Remarks by the President on National SecurityThe article explains why the United States should be part of the world. The article rejects the use of these means of interrogation.
- President Bill Clinton Speech CritiqueThe president begins his speech by thanking the governor of Oklahoma and acknowledging the families of the bereaved as well as the people of Oklahoma.
- Andrew Jackson: The 7th U.S. PresidentHe was the seventh president of the USA between the years 1829 and 1837. The southern region mainly practiced farming and became the producers of raw material for the northern frontier that was industrialized.
- All the President’s MenHowever, the reality in All the President’s Men is depicted vividly and completely, and it is possible to speak about the successful representation of the documentary facts in the context of the highly artistic work.
- Donald Trump: His Political Course and Contribution as a PresidentDonald Trump was the fourth child in the family, and alongside his siblings, he was raised to be inconceivably ambitious and hard-working, with the belief he was “destined for greatness as a king”.
- President Clinton’s ImpeachmentInvestigation and charges The events that led to the investigation of Clinton began when Clinton was still the governor of Arkansas.
- President Barack Obama’s Healthcare ReformsIt is important to note that healthcare is one of the basic human needs in the world and specifically in the United States of America.
- Has President Obama’s Presidency Changed the US?Obama’s Presidency and Transformation of the US From the time the US acquired its independence, all presidents of the United States of America have had their failures and successes in terms of changing the nation.
🎓 Simple & Easy President Essay Topics
- Presidents Eisenhower and Johnson: the Civil Rights MovementThe social historians have managed to cogently present the politics that surrounded the civil rights movement. The movement also managed to gain the support of the aims of government, the executive, legislature, and even the […]
- Division of Power Between Congress and the PresidentThe national security planning is mainly the responsibility of the executive branch under the chairmanship of the president, The National Security Council and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- President Obama’s Higher Education AgendaHigher education in the United States of America has been dwindling for the last few years. He has been reinstating that economy of the United States of America relies heavily on education.
- American History Analysis. Reflecting on the Life of President ReaganReflecting on the life of President Reagan, this book, written in prose form defines the thoughts of President Reagan on various aspects of America from the social, political, security, and the need for appreciation of […]
- Korean President Roh Suicide From Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs PerspectiveAccording to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is the peak of experience when a person reaches understanding and harmony with his/herself and the surrounding people.
- President Reagan’s Thoughts on AbortionIn prochoice view, the rights and happiness of the mother supersedes the need to protect the life of the unborn child.
- Republican Presidents Theodore Roosevelt & TaftAnd so he set out to work as the president of the United States consequently becoming known as one of the vigorous presidents that the country had ever had.
- President Obama’s Duties as the American CEO in His Second TermAs the president and the chief executive of the United States, President Obama, under the federal constitution, is granted the powers to execute the laws, to appoint key federal officials and to grant pardons as […]
- President Obama’s Foreign PolicyThus, Obama wanted to establish a foreign policy to change how the U.S.was perceived by the Muslim world and improve the relations.
- The Role of the US President in World AffairsMany people in the US were happy with the way Eisenhower handled things but scholars accused him for handling the matters of the state with many consultations.
- Egyptian President Anwar Al-SadatFive year later, Anwar Sadat assumed the position of the secretary to the National Union and eventually the speaker of the legislative assembly from 1960 to 1968.
- Lifespan & Personality: Towards Explaining President Barrack Obama’s Personality TraitsPresident Barrack Obama from the perspective of developmental psychology by applying two theories of personality in the analyses of the influences throughout the lifespan.
- Avoiding Power Abuse: When the Actions of the President Have to Be Restricted by the CongressDespite the fact that in the resent-day world, the leader of a state controls every single sphere of the life of the state, the restrictions imposed on the leader by qualified exceptionalism principle allows for […]
- The U.S. President’s PowersDuring the early years of the inception of the U.S.presidency, presidents had limited executive power. However, a ‘unitary executive’ has helped in increasing the powers of the Executive Office of the President.
- Politics in America: President and CongressThe Congress may also propose constitutional amendments and thus redefine presidential powers such as limiting the terms of office of the president. The Congress also has the power to impeach the president as seen in […]
- How Can You Explain John Quincy Adam’s Great Success as Secretary of State and His Relative Lack of Success as President?One of the outstanding successes of John Quincy Adams when he was a secretary of state was the Doctrine of Monroe.
- The Effects of Three American Presidents’ Administrations on Immigrants’ FamiliesIn 2001, the family of my uncle felt comfortable living in the country and hoped for the further stabilization of the economy.
- The Views on the Debate of President Obama and Romney on 10/3/12The president received the backing from the Supreme Court when implementing the stipulations of the healthcare act. President Obama was right by supporting the enactment of sound policies that improve healthcare for average Americans.
- Critical Analysis of Document 28-1 President Lyndon B. Johnson Describes the Great Society and Document 30-4 President Ronald Reagan Defends American MoralityIn this way, he tries to attract the attention of the audience, emphasizing that the future of the country depends on the new young generation which will solve the problems and develop the new course […]
- Why Was Andrew Jackson One of the Best Presidents?The main aim of the movement was to end control of government by the elites and to encourage citizens to participate in government. The war of the Bank is the name given to the disagreement […]
- Why Did President Obama Fail in His Attempts to Stop Israel Building Settlement and Prevent the Palestinians from Applying for UN Membership?Powerful states have strong influence in the international system and use of force is sometimes justified to bring peace and tranquility.
- Getting Behind the Scene: The Image of an Ideal PresidentOne of the brightest examples of the politician whose ambition to take the first position despite the circumstances is Barack Obama, the 44th President of the USA.
- President Obama’s State of the Union Address on January 1, 2011Among the notable issues that the President addressed in the speech were the country’s economic policy, development and employment issues. However, despite the economic growth, the president acknowledged that many American citizens still lack jobs […]
- Thomas Jefferson’s PresidencyFirstly, following the prevailing chaos of the then US because of overdependence, Thomas set out to instigate what is currently referred to as the Declaration for Independence of the US. President Jefferson’s service is highly […]
- Barack Obama as President of the United StatesTheodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States of America and was often referred to as one of the ablest presidents of the progressive era.
- President’s Tools Available to Influence BureaucracyIn comparison to other tools, power of appointment is considered as the primary tool to a president for manipulation of bureaus.
- Thomas Jefferson: The 3rd U.S. PresidentIn 1776, he was preferred to outline the Declaration of Independence owing to his pose in the Continental Congress, which has been unanimously considered as a bond of the US and international autonomies.
- Fiscal Policies by President Barrack ObamaThis research paper will further offer a comparison of the two as employed by the current president of United States of America then describe a statement of polices adopted by the White House.
- Gamal Abdel Nasser: Former President of EgyptIn 1954 when Naguib moved to consolidate support from the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups, army members of the RCC loyal to Nasser Kidnapped him and Nasser was later installed as the Prime Minister.