99 Slaves Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

📃 9 Tips for Writing Essays on Slaves

Tackling the topic of enslavement, which requires an approach that is both delicate and serious, is a challenging task.

From writing a slavery today essay to giving a historical overview of the issue, the many existing specifics to this subject require a particular level of knowledge and empathy to secure a high-quality paper.

Thus, getting a few pointers in the correct direction will help you write an essay that is both respectful and factual.

Tip #1

Do your research and outline beforehand. Book and journal titles are an excellent place to start your bibliography, and later you can add interviews, memoirs, and other types of sources if your subject allows it.

These two actions secure your understanding of the theme and save you time that would have wasted on re-writing paragraphs from scratch.

Tip #2

Understand the setting you are writing about and recognize that there are different types of slavery. From plantation work to household “maid culture,” there exists a multitude of variants of it. Limiting yourself to a single facet of slavery may be detrimental to your work.

Tip #3

Keep track of terminology. Whether you are writing about modern-day human trafficking or medieval serfdom, there always exists a set of terms relevant to your central theme.

Distinguishing between them not only provides a good foundation for future academic work but also helps build up your credibility in the eyes of your readers.

Tip #4

Give a historical overview of your issue before delving into topical specifics. Doing so will help you immerse your audience in your central theme.

Additionally, it supports you in presenting a well-rounded and scholarly analysis of your subject, as well allows you to tie it together with modern-day occurrences.

Tip #5

Outline the contemporary implications of your subject. A good slaves essay does not exist in a vacuum within a historical timeline that is unrelated to today.

Ask yourself if there are aftereffects of your subject that are relevant in the modern world, or which may have an effect in the future if left unchecked.

Tip #6

Maintain respect for the subject throughout your writing. A firm anti slavery stance demonstrates your humanistic approach, which today’s academia highly values.

Conversely, subverting and attempting to challenge such a controversial issue may not be in your best interests as a beginning essay writer.

Tip #7

Remove sentences that do not help you build up your thesis statement. An essay that involves a multitude of topics is hard to write, and you should not make your work more difficult by making it lengthy.

Keep in mind your instructor’s word count and think of ways to compress information into easy-to-understand blocks that your audience will quickly understand.

Tip #8

Read slavery essay examples online. Through evaluating others’ work, you may begin to understand what tools and techniques you can use in your paper.

Furthermore, take notice of the examples of slavery essay titles available and get inspiration for your own headings from them. However, remember, that plagiarism is a punishable academic offense, and you should avoid copying and pasting parts from sample papers.

Tip #9

Write a catchy title that will attract your readers’ attention. Slavery essay titles should be factual, considerate, and help distinguish your work from other, similarly themed papers.

Doing so after you have finished with your main body of work will make sure that your title is reflective of the ideas that you are presenting in your essay.

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🏆 Best Slaves Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Slaves-Masters Relationship in the United States
    The relations between the slaves and their masters could never be harmonious and a lot of resentments could be easily noticed on the part of slaves who thought that even their least existing rights were […]
  2. Spartacus and His Role in the Liberation of Slaves
    The main aim of this essay is to have an insight of the life of Spartacus and the impacts that he had on history.
  3. Black Slaves vs. White Servants: Historical Injustices
    In addition, it is important to stress that the working conditions of the white servants and the black slaves were not significantly different.
  4. The Freeing of Slaves: U.S. History
    However, post the American Civil war, there was a surge in demands to end to the horrific practice, and to some measure, it was diminished.
  5. The Impact of the Slaves’ Journey to the United States
    The acquisition of enslaved people brought significant benefits to the state, but still, it was a violation of human rights and was sincere over time.
  6. Condition of African Slaves in Colonial Virginia
    At that time, this act was one of the first to oppress the position of the black population. In addition, the act provided for the organization of detachments that were supposed to return the liberated […]
  7. The Rebellion of Runaway Slaves in Jamaica
    It led to the development of a new constitutional policy, and the Crown became more suspicious of the Caribbean. Suriland is a fusion of different cultures: the Caribbean, Suriname, and Netherlands.
  8. International Arbitration: The Czar and the Slaves
    The rapid growth of the territory exacerbated the dispute over the fate of the new states – whether they were to be free or slave states.
  9. Resistance and Revenge Among Slaves
    One of the most common forms of resistance was sabotage of production by breaking tools, feigning illnesses, and slowing the work process.
  10. Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Jackie Robinson Story
    It was advantageous to become aware of this person’s significance to the United States and the resolution of the racial issue in sports in particular.
  11. African Slaves as the Source of Labor
    Still, for the vast majority of servants who survived the harsh conditions of life in the New World, the main goal was a humble and independent life.
  12. Slaves in the Civil War and Free Blacks After It
    The Compromise of 1850 was a set of five bills the Congress passed to solve political confrontations between the free states and the states promoting slavery.
  13. Frederick Douglass and His Fight for Slaves Rights
    Slaves used to be numb, their voices were not heard because of their illiteracy and inability to speak publicly, which can be seen in the second edition of the second edition of his work Narrative […]
  14. The Hopeless Life of Slaves and Laborers
    Talking about the lives of slaves and comparing them to the theoretically free lives of immigrants, we are comparing the inevitable to the unknown: hopeless life of a slave and helpless life of a worker, […]
  15. Indians, Colonists, and Slaves in South Atlantic Forest
    On the one hand, one of the merits of the book is the choice of the territory the author analyzes from a historical perspective.
  16. Slaves and Slavery in Ancient Rome
    The revolt of slaves under the direction of Spartacus 73-71 BC is considered the most significant event of the period of crisis of the Roman republican regime in the first century DC and is estimated […]
  17. Characteristic of Slaves, Servants, and Black in Virginia from1670s to 1880s
    The slave trade flourished for over a century before the first boatload of twenty Negroes was brought to Jamestown, Virginia, through a Dutch slave trader in 1619 and property in men and women were legal […]
  18. Lives of Slaves in the Plantations and Britain
    The picture tells a lot about the lives of slaves in the plantations and in Britain. Slaves reinterpreted the bible whereby they realized that they were not supposed to be servants.
  19. Negro Slaves in the Film “Twelve Years a Slave”
    If there was an argument to the contrary, this was brought to a decisive end when Solomon Northup was kidnapped from his home in one of the northern states, and dragged into a life of […]
  20. Life of Slaves and Their Owners
    With no personal freedoms, the slaves were often forced to sexual relationships with their owners both male and female. So, the lives of the slaves and their masters were completely different.
  21. Portraits of Escaping Slaves Portrayed as Heroic Fugitives
    Great literary writers in the 18th and 19th centuries dwelled on the issue of slavery as they tried to depict the experiences of slaves in a comprehensive manner.
  22. How the Aftermath of the War of Independence Affected the Lives of African Slaves in the North and South
    The lives of the Africans were affected by the aftermath of the war of independence. When they were colonized, it marked the end of the war between the Africans in the south and those from […]
  23. Economic Contribution of Slaves and Present Day Legal and Illegal Immigration
    In Europe, slavery peaked in the fourteenth and ended in the late twentieth century after the emancipation of serfdom. The economy of a country is undoubtedly the last receptor of the effects of illegal immigrants.
  24. Contribution of Slaves in Colonial America
    Contribution of Urban Slaves There was however a slight difference among the slaves that worked in the plantations and those that lived in the urban setups of the colonial America.
  25. Masters and Slaves: ”Up From Slavery” by Washington Booker
    Instead of criticizing the opposition between the black and the white, Booker emphasizes the interpersonal relationships between the masters and their slaves, emphasizing the devotion of the latter to the white population.

📌 Most Interesting Slaves Topics to Write about

  1. Underground Railroad Runagate Road Slaves
  2. Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Depictions of Slaves
  3. The Treatment of Ex-Slaves in the South during Reconstruction
  4. The Sufferings That Slaves Had to Endure in History
  5. Welfare Dependency: a Residual Culture of Ex-Slaves
  6. The Phsychological Suffrage Of Former Slaves
  7. William Still: Guiding Runaway Slaves to Freedom
  8. The Role and Value of Slaves and Slave Markets in the Antebellum South
  9. To What Extent Did The Fugitive Slaves Acts Impacted Slavery
  10. The Rhetoric of Henry Highland Garnet in His “Address to the Slaves of the United States”
  11. Understanding Slaves During The 20th Century
  12. The Subtle Rebellion Of African Slaves
  13. Women, Slaves, and Free Blacks in the Civil War
  14. The Relationship between Masters and Slaves until 1861
  15. Physical And Mental Abuse On Slaves
  16. Was The American Civil War Fought To Free The Slaves
  17. The Role Of Women In The Emancipation Of The Slaves
  18. Why Did Sugar and Slaves Become Linked in 17th Century Caribbean?
  19. The Role of the Slaves in the American Economy
  20. The Practice of Raping Slaves During the 1800’s in the United States
  21. The Material Culture of Slaves in Early America

👍 Good Research Topics about Slaves

  1. The Sufferings of the African American People as Slaves in the History of the United States
  2. The Turner Rebellion and Thomas Bacon’s Sermon to Maryland Slaves
  3. Treatment of Native Americans and Slaves
  4. The Metamorphosis of African-American Slaves after the Civil War
  5. Use of Black People of Africa as Slaves for the Benefits of White People in North America
  6. The Physical and Emotional Horrors that Slaves Suffer
  7. The Major Issues of Slaves, Guns and Drug Trafficking in the United States Between 1600 and 1860
  8. The Plight of the African Americans at the Time When They Were Slaves
  9. Why Slaves Did Not Successfully Revolt In The Cape
  10. The Two Main Reasons That Shaped the Outcome of African American Slaves in the United States
  11. The Lives Of Black Female Slaves And White Female Indentured Servants In 17th Century America
  12. US Amendment Extended Citizenship for African-American Slaves
  13. The Vikings Capture and Use of Slaves
  14. The Views and Lifestyles of Slaves During Slavery
  15. The Origins and Number of Slaves in the Roman Empire
  16. The Role of Black Slaves and Freed Black Slaves in the Revolutionary War
  17. The Unique Experience Of Women Slaves
  18. The Treatment Of Slaves and Servants in Early America
  19. Women Slaves in South Carolina: Primary Sources and Resources
  20. The Occupations of Slaves Sold in New Orleans: Missing Values, Cheap Talk, or Informative Advertising
  21. What Were The Living And Working Conditions Of Slaves

❓ Slaves Research Questions

  1. How Did President Lincoln Make It Possible for Slaves to Be Free?
  2. What Were the Main Crops Grown by Slaves in the Carolinas?
  3. How Were Slaves Brought from Africa and Shipped to America?
  4. Why Didn’t Slaves Revolt More Often During the Middle Passage?
  5. How Are Freedom for Slaves and the American Civil War in the 19th Century Related?
  6. What Were Three Effective Ways Slaves Escaped Slavery?
  7. Should the United States Federal Government Pay Reparations to Descendants of Slaves?
  8. What Is the Explanation for the Reluctance of Slaves to Seek Their Freedom?
  9. How Were Slaves Affected Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Economically?
  10. Why Were Sugar and Slaves Linked in the 17th-Century Caribbean?
  11. How Did the American Revolution Affect Slaves and Women?
  12. What Was the Conflict Between Thomas Jefferson’s Beliefs About the Injustice of Slavery and His Ownership of Slaves?
  13. How Important Were Humanitarian Issues and Racism in the Treatment of Slaves?
  14. What Was the Relationship Between White Masters and Black Slaves in American History?
  15. How Did African American Slaves Try to Control Over Their Lives?
  16. What Were the Living and Working Conditions of the Slaves?
  17. Did Thomas Jefferson Own Slaves at the Time of the Declaration of Independence?
  18. How Did Rural Slaves Live and Work on Brazilian Sugar?
  19. What Kind of Suffering Did Slaves Have to Endure in History?
  20. How Did the United States Handle the Slave Issue After the Civil War?
  21. Was the American Civil War Fought for the Freeing of Slaves?
  22. How Were Slaves Treated Before the Civil War?
  23. What Were Some of the Reasons President Lincoln Decided to Declare All Slaves Free During the Civil War?
  24. How Did Religion Affect Slaves Before the Civil War?
  25. What Conditions Did African American Women Live in During Colonial America as Slaves?
  26. Did the Way the Masters Treat Their Slaves Cause the Rebellion?
  27. What Is the Difference Between the Slaves of the North and the South?
  28. How Did Race, Gender, and Class Affect Slaves?
  29. What Was the Role and Importance of Slaves and Slave Markets in the Antebellum South?
  30. How Did Slaves Create Their Society and Culture?

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"99 Slaves Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/slaves-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '99 Slaves Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.


IvyPanda. 2024. "99 Slaves Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/slaves-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda. "99 Slaves Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/slaves-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. "99 Slaves Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/slaves-essay-examples/.

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