In its most common use, the word torture refers to “the use of physical or mental pain, often to obtain information, to punish a person, or to control the members of a group to which […]
In case, there is no time and the bomb will explode in a couple of hours, is it reasonable to wait for the lawyer, keep to the procedure, and let the innocent people die.
The shopping experience is portrayed by the shopping malls as an experience that is both pleasurable and interesting ignoring the dark side of shopping; the economic aspects of recreational shopping culture.
Regardless, torture is still popular across the globe, and it has elicited a new debate questioning whether it is immoral and unacceptable to use torture in the case of efforts to fight terror in the […]
The power structure of the US military and the coercive tactics of torture employed by the senior US officials was the major driver of the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Could the State assert, that to prevent hundreds or thousands of deaths, the torture of an individual is justified? This is the path of the coercive expropriation of property rightfully belonging to the individual.
An example of mental torture can be explained by the following; Y is a friend to X, they have been caught in the same crime act, Y is then taken to a separate room adjacent […]
One of the shortcomings of this document is that, not all countries are signatory to the same; there are many atrocities of torture which are still being committed in these countries.
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether torture and other forms of interrogation techniques should be used in obtaining intelligence that has the potential to save lives.
This paper will examine the dispute between states A and B, the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice based on its statute, and the role of the International Criminal Court in this case.
Torture should be justified in extreme cases because, in an event whereby the lives of millions of people is at stake, and it is proved beyond doubt that a prisoner or prisoners has or have […]
Is its simple definition, torture refers to the infliction of pain to an individual as a means of interrogation. Torture as a form of interrogation is wrong because of the consequential reasons that it has.
Thus under any law of natural justice, of self-defense, and anticipatory self-defense, extreme measures such as torture are justifiable for the defense of the country and its people.
1948, United Nations General Assembly, after the second world war adopted the Universal declaration on human rights, which prohibits the use of torture or any other form of inhuman or demeaning treatment or punishment In […]
The concept and ethicality in terms of justifying torture are of crucial importance, especially nowadays in the light of the recent events regarding the terrorist attacks in the United States and in the United Kingdom.
In this case, we should expect people to argue that torture is wrong based on the fact that it does not derive happiness that is always desired from an ethical perspective.
To gain a comprehensive understanding of torture, it is vital to incorporate Levinson analysis of torture when he says torture involves deliberate physical harm to get information from somebody, or to influence a person’s action.
Over the years, waterboarding has been used in Europe to get information from suspects. This discussion has revealed that the waterboarding method facilitates access to information from uncooperative suspects.
However, the full state of affairs in Abu Ghraib prison came to the knowledge of the public when a report by the military into the first pictures leaked to an online magazine.
The ideology of the group might force the security agency to apply torture implying that the religious beliefs and cultural beliefs have a role to play as far as the use of torture is concerned.
Greenberg further gathers the opinions of various military leaders on the application of different forms of torture and the effectiveness of the techniques.
This research paper will generally focus on the application of waterboarding as a form of torture, the implications of war relative to the executives in Governments and the soldiers in the field and eventually provide […]
The researcher notes that the government never provided a clear explanation of the events and their position on the possibility of resorting to torture.
In the United States, the emergence of terrorism attacks in the 21st century has led to the application of torture in the interrogation of terrorists and suspects to reveal pertinent information that is critical in […]
For example, offering a gift if the thief releases the car and the child, asking the mother to plead with the thief to have mercy upon the child or opting to withdraw the charges completely.
S intelligence service applied torture while interrogating the suspects, for the sake of combating terrorism in the world regardless of international law against torture.
The French experience during the Algerian war proves that the use of torture, though regrettable, is important to defeat successfully terrorist organizations around the world.
The final chip in the portrait of the “civilized” citizens of the Empire, the process of the Magistrate incarceration, does not seem to add much to the portrayal of the tortures; however, it adds a […]
As a result world leaders, especially those working in conjunction with the United Nations, decided to initiate a convention against torture and their rationale for doing so was stated as follows: “Considering that, in accordance […]
📌 Most Interesting Torture Topics to Write about
Ethics of the Absolute Prohibition of Torture
Use of Pathos in Writings on Torture
Torture: The Extremity of Enhanced Interrogation Methods
George Orr’s Torture by His Dreams in the Lathe of Heaven
Torture and Murder Jews and Its Human Nature
Explaining Middle East Participation in the Convention Against Torture
The Use of Torture in Crime and Punishment in the 16th Century
Torture and Torment in The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe
The Torture of Negligence in Relation to Medical Malpractice
Prohibition of Torture: Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Solitary Confinement Is Torture and Inhumane, But Is It Necessary?
Global War on Terror: Should Torture Ever Be Permitted
Torture Is a Violation of Human Rights
The Unnecessary Torture of Detainees Conducted by Central Intelligence Agency After the Attacks of the Twin Towers
The Militarization of Mass Incapacitation and Torture During the Sunni Insurgency and American Occupation of Iraq
Understanding Torture and Its Different Methods
Torture Is an Advanced Physical Interrogation Technique
Torture: Justified or Unjustified?
Torture and Experimentation as Violation of Human Rights During the Holocaust
An Analysis of the Physiological Pain and the Torture Methods in History
👍 Good Research Topics about Torture
An Argument on Why Torture Should Be Allowed by the Government
The Torture and Stress of the Jews During World War II in the Novel, After the War by Carol Matas
The Theme of Man’s Domination of His Torture in Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado
An Analysis of Torture and Punishment in the Elizabethan England
The History Behind Torture and Why It Should Not Be Utilized
Effective of Torture in Counterterrorism
The Importance of Torture in Relation to National Security
Torture vs Other Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment
Role of Psychologists in Developing Torture Techniques
The Use of Torture Should Be Banned by the Government
Historical Methods of Torture and Execution
The Role of Custodial Torture and Its Removal of Body
Identifying the Prohibition of Torture as Jus Cogens of International Law
Examining the Use of Torture to Combat Terrorism
Does the United States Have a Right to Torture Suspected
How Torture Crafted the Inquisitions and the Great Terror
Interrogation Policy Analysis and Abu Ghraib Prison Prisoner Torture
The Effects of Torture on Human Rights Violations
Ethics and Torture Christian View
Torture: Reality Television and Young Girls
Torture and Its Effects on the United States
The Truth about Torture and Enhanced Interrogations
United States in Compliance With the United Nation’s Convention Against Torture