Weapons of Mass Destruction Report

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The real meaning of terrorism is to terrify. It originates from the Latin word ‘.terrere’. In other words, terrorism refers to the people who are terrified and not connotes to the perpetrators. Usually, it is the news media and public agents who emboss the tag on operations of violence that declares it as terrorism. Thus, terrorism can be explained as public acts of annihilation, unleashed without a concise military aim that provokes sense of fear. (Juergensmeyer, 2003, p.5)

Thus, plans of Stalin, the Russian government-encouraged death squads in El Salvador, the racial extermination of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, ethnic purifying in Kosovo and Bosnia, the government supported stimulated violence of Hutus and Tutsis in Central Africa and these were unleashed in the religious disguise had created a culture of fear and is called as state sponsored terrorism. (Juergensmeyer, 2003, p. 5).

Further, state sponsored terrorism may be more harmful as there is no guarantee that when the terrorist they train and develop turn the tables against them at a future date. Further, a state may not have full control over these terrorists which they supply and train. Without this control mechanism, states may not be in a position to vouch WMD deployed to a terrorist group that it would not be employed against them at a future date.

One of the main reasons for religious fantasist resort to terrorism is the fear of social marginality in the ensuing future. (Juergensmeyer, 2003, p.195).There are four kinds of terrorism: They are

  1. mass-casualty terrorism
  2. state –sponsored biological or chemical weapons terrorism
  3. small scale biological or chemical terrorists attacks and
  4. super terrorism.

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) And Its Impact

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) connote some small numbers of weapons that can destroy major life or inanimate objects on a large scale in a lightening speed. WMD is of three kinds namely nuclear, biological and chemical. Among these, chemical are easily accessible to terrorists since the techniques of manufacturing chemical-war elements are narrated in the open literature and easily accessible to any one through internet or books.

Chemical-war elements consists of five major categories namely nerve agents, blood, blister, choking and incapacitating. Nerve agents are widely used by the terrorists as G-agents which are non-persistent and cause death just after inhalation and V-agents which are persistent in nature can be sucked up through skin. Nerve gas is very dangerous as a small drop of a nerve gas can cause immediate death of large numbers of people.

It is estimated that at least 17 countries have the personnel with skills required to develop radioactive material necessary to develop a nuclear weapon or to develop a biological weapon.

Terrorists may use a variety of biological agents and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases has listed the following biological toxins and diseases which are probably appropriate for introduction into the population by purposeful diffusion.

  • Infection through Bacterial agents like cholera, anthrax, tularemia, plague and “Q” fever.
  • Through viruses like Venezuelan equine encephalitis, viral hemorrhagic fevers and smallpox.
  • Through Biological toxins like staphylococcal enterotoxin B, botulinum, T-2 Mycotoxins and ricin. (Ronczkowski, 2004,p.136)

Disease-carrying substances are biological warfare agents which include viruses, bacteria, fungi and rickettsiae. Diseases like cholera, anthrax, pneumonic plague and typhoid can be spread through biological warfare. Further, viruses can cause disease like flu, AIDS, smallpox and Polio. Biological agents described above can be acquired by the terrorists either from the medical research laboratories or by way of theft. Chemical weapons have the advantage of easy acquisition and disadvantage like incubation periods ranging from a few days to a few weeks.

Immediately after 9/11 attack, terrorist succeeded in spreading the Anthrax in U.S.A. The main reason why anthrax is being preferred by the terrorist is that it is easy to produce at low costs in large volumes. Its production technology is available in the open literature. As a dry powder, it can be stored for a long period and is also stable in nature. Further, it is easy for delivery by dispersing it as an aerosol with crude sprayers.

The Aum Shinrikyo loosened a Sarin nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway and this exposes how terrorist can use chemical weapons for their goals. Some defectors have informed how Russia was planning to employ biological horror to unleash on the West. The most important outbreak of Salmonella food poisoning in Oregon in 1984 caused by the purposeful infectivity of salad bars in restaurants by the Rajneesh cult was originally evaluated by public health officials to be of natural origin till a follower of the cult confessed the truth.

There exists always danger of terrorists acquiring nuclear weapons either by stealing it from military stock or while it is being transported. Pakistan being a rude state, there exists danger of atomic weapon being handled by terrorist group especially Taliban as Pakistan is politically in a weak position. Another concern is if Iran is able to proliferate nuclear weapon, it may use it against Israel at any time.

WMD in the hands of rogue states were more dangerous as these states are devoted to holding onto, grasping and enlarging their authority. The quest for power and authority for these rogue states is the motivating forces behind many of their actions particularly their eagerness to proliferate WMD.

In case of a dictator or military junta or power monger or autocratic person, use of WMD may be the final option in case there happen scenarios mainly to keep his authority and to have edge over his enemies. The collapse of the erstwhile Soviet Union and the management of its WMD arsenal have thus some how rather administered without any catastrophe. In future, one cannot expect such kind of success.

WMD are more likely to be employed by new nuclear states with small arsenals against noncombatants that too in terrorist mode. A nation with the limited arsenals may use WMD against its mighty foe so as to have edge over them.

According to Intelligence forecast, by 2015, U.S.A may likely to face a ballistic missile danger from Iran and North Korea. These states have invested both money and time in formulating efficient deterrents for American supremacy. These countries are seriously engaged in developing ballistic missiles armed with WMD are likely to provide this kind of deterrent. This strategy provides a strategic counter to U.S information based and conventional military superiority. States with weaker economy may seek to safeguard their sovereignty may visualize WMD terrorism as their only viable option.

Terrorist can acquire nuclear weapon by purchasing or stealing plutonium or enriched uranium and then fabricating a nuclear explosive device. The recent concern is increasing business in civil mixed-oxide (MOX) nuclear fuel. Thus, if terrorists are able to acquire MOX fuel, it is relatively easy for them to eliminate plutonium oxide from it chemically and then employ it to proliferate nuclear weapons. Thus, MOX has increased the peril of nuclear terrorism.

Cyber terrorism is being perused by the terrorist to destabilize centralized government computer networks or major telecommunication centers like NASA or Whitehouse. Terrorists prefer cyber terrorism as it can be conducted from long distance with complete anonymity that too with a little cost.

HUMINT refers to human intelligence which is offered by individuals rather than by technical means and is very frequently offered by covert agents and spies. It is to be noted that spies are significant source of information about a country’s political leader’s strategies and their political decisions. The present strategy of U.S. intelligence community is relying more on high-tech surveillance and has altogether neglected human spying which is known as HUMINT.

The present U.S. intelligence community is being criticized as out –of-date and atavistic and time has come that HUMINT has to be outsourced to private industry as private sector is a decade ahead of government in collecting intelligence. Human intelligence can foretell what the enemy is thinking and to initiate preventive steps. It is being alleged that CIA had lost its spotlight on HUMINT assignments and urged to depute more spies on the streets , to lessen the reliance on foreign intelligence agencies and should muster ways and means to penetrate into terrorists cells. Al Qaeda was able to attack U.S. as U.S. did not employ spies to infiltrate into their organization. Hence, HUMINT is required to be revamped and improved.

Dissemination of WMD

No doubt, proliferation of WMD is likely to impact the global security and stability as is demonstrated with contemporary crises with Iran and North Korea. United Nation is also playing a crucial role in preventing the dissemination of WMD technologies and urged all member states to achieve minimal norms of control and oversight over WMD associated proliferation and other activities within their borders. If UN attempts to prevent the dissemination of WMD technologies fails, it could pave way for the access of these technologies by the hard core terrorists groups.

With availability of information through internet, WMD could be easily miniaturized. One of the methods to prevent the dissemination of WMD is to interfere with maritime transport. Since IAEA (The International Atomic Energy Agency) has credible evidence of hundreds of incidents involving illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive material by using maritime transport, warships should be used to inspect the cargo vessels for overseeing the illegal transport of WMD materials.

Aerodynamic dissemination technology permits non-explosive delivery from a line source. Further, this technology also offers a theoretical capability of managing the size of particle, the altitude of dissemination which is to be controlled and the direction of wind and known velocity. Accurate weather predictions can facilitate the attacker to guess the direction of wind and velocity in the target area. (Nwanna, 2004, p.20).


Dispersion concerns with the virtual placement of the chemical agent ammunition upon or adjoining to a target instantly before dissemination so that the material is most professionally deployed. When a chemical or biological agent is released or if a nuclear weapon detonates, each creates a primary cloud of either liquid or solid aerosols. This cloud later settled down to grounds reckoning upon the traits of aerosol and atmospheric conditions, finally landing on plants, individuals, equipments and the ground.

Finally, the contamination evaporates as dispersion minimizes the concentration in the cloud and the biological or chemical agent is destroyed by air. Nations should develop concepts to minimize their vulnerability to WMD through dispersion and mobility.

To achieve success in effective dissemination and dispersion, weather observation and estimation are essential to increase the probability of CW dissemination and it reduces the risk of harming the friendly forces. (Nwanna, 2004, p.20).


Detonation connotes bursting of atomic bomb which produces a huge fire-ball that expands swiftly. Detonation may be either an airburst or a ground burst. A surface burst happens under water or land. Further, it may happen in the under water in harbor or port or basement of a building and this type of detonation creates a larger crater.

Burns can be caused in two ways due to thermal radiation emitted by a nuclear detonation. It can create flame burns on body. If a nuclear detonation occurs in inflammable atmosphere, indirect flame burns could surpass all other kinds of injury.

The Hiroshima explosion was estimated to have detonation in the range between 12 to 18 kilotons or 0.18 megatons. The Castle / Bravo test that was carried out in 1954 by U.S had the largest detonation which yielded about 15 megatons. In 1961, the Soviet Union reportedly detonated a hydrogen bomb which was measured about 58 megatons. (Croddy, Wirtz & Larsen, 2005, p.211)

Terrorist’s attacks on Schools

Schools are vulnerable for terrorist attacks. This is well demonstrated by the terrorist attack on a school in Beslan, Russia through a hostage –taking scenario. Terrorists may try to attack a school through its school transportation or through food sources. Russian incident stressed the concern about a direct attack by terrorists on a school. Thus, school management should introduce necessary heightened security measures and emergency preparedness.

About 32 Chechen and Arab terrorists captured an elementary school in Beslan. They claimed that they were disgusted with the war for independence from Russia. They compelled more than 1000 hostages including parents, teachers and children into the school gymnasium. Further, parents and teachers were forced to retrieve explosives from under the floor that had been implanted by the terrorists during summer holidays. About 336 hostages were killed when the terrorists detonated these explosives.

To countermand the terrorist attack on schools, Thailand and Israel permits school teachers to carry guns. Some other counter measures for terrorists attack on schools are to have armed voluntary guards, armed guards on all school trips and tight security measures to be introduced in each school. Further, both teachers and aged boys should be trained about gun safety and guard procedures. (Forest, 2006, p.125).

Future Activities of Terrorists

In future, terrorists may engage not only in acquiring fissile material and proliferating nuclear explosives but also engage in attacking nuclear power plants thereby releasing large volume of radioactivity mainly to gain publicity.

One of the arguments against nuclear power plant is that any terrorists strike or accidents to reactors could pollute outsized areas and there is a probability of nuclear fuel could be stolen and employed for making atomic weapons.

Further, there is possibility of radioactivity due to occurrence of accidents while transporting nuclear waste to a common, single depository and the transportation of spent fuels may be vulnerable to terrorist attacks.

In future, use of WMD by religious fundamentalists is more of concern especially American Christian white supremacists and fundamentalists groups and by group on the extreme right of politics. (Bamaby, 2001, p.21).

However, some critics argue that the empirical evidence for construing that there is a risk of WMD terrorism appears to be as vague as the challenge of proliferation of the same is daunting.

United States and its allies must work relentlessly to keep weapon of mass destruction (WMD) out of the hands of al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups by cracking down on the smuggling of weapons and dual –use technologies.

The Iraq war was started with the aim of ousting the regime headed by Saddam Hussein. The charge sheet against the regime was, attack on Kuwait in past, killing of Kurds, having WMD (weapon of mass destruction), activities to make atomic bomb and providing hiding space to most wanted terrorists. The reason given is that it will prevent another 9/11.Based upon the Iraq’s experience, a number of institutional reforms should be introduced to combat the spread of WMD. (Zelnick, R. 2006, p36).

Further, N.Korea, Iran may use ballistic missile fitted with WMD against U.S.A by 2015. Hence, US congress regularly allocates more funds to ballistic missile defense system. Ballistic missile defense system may deem it to be highly beneficial for prevention of harm by the deployment of WMD.

Russia is more concerned about American NMD system. Though, American NMD system has been designed to safeguard against small numbers of missiles, American NMD will obviously weaken the deterrent capability of Russian’s strategic rocket forces. It is to be recalled the confession statement of erstwhile Russian security council member namely Alexander Lebed who declared that his county had designed, deployed and later lost a chunk of nuclear “suitcase bombs.” According to him, this devise could be handled and detonated by an individual and could deliver a one-kiloton explosion capable of killing 100,000 people at a time. Russia initially denied this and later acknowledged that suitcase bombs were safely under their control.

Imagine, if Al Qaeda or Iran or North Korea is able to access or proliferate these suitcase nuclear bombs, they might use the same against their common adversary namely U.S.A.

China is also threatening U.S.A now and then for its support to Taiwan. China has cautioned that USA may not like to sacrifice Los Angeles to safeguard Taiwan. China has WMD and has capability of launching strategic counterattacks and has the potentiality to launch a long-distance strike. China has often warned USA for supporting Taiwan by threatening that U.S.A will not sacrifice 200 million Americans for 20 million Taiwanese.


It is the need of the hour to step up actions to deter the use of WMD by terrorists. Preventive actions include better improved intelligence and primarily human intelligence aimed against terrorist future designs. Research should be improved to augment better forensic and detection means so that root cause and place of origination can be identified immediately and instantly. (David Kay, 2001, p.12).

It should be seriously considered to establish a permanent UN inspections and monitoring body to do away the proliferation of WMD. However, it is to be noted that inspection can not be regarded as panacea. At the same time, no magic bullet will be regarded as effective against nuclear proliferation. It is the need of the hour to establish a permanent, global, nonproliferation inspection authority which should be established to supervise strict enforcement and countries like Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea and Pakistan should be monitored closely.

Many observers are of the opinion that combating global terrorism needs addressing its fundamental causes like economic downtrodden, restriction on political and social rights, violations of the rule of the law, undesired military occupations and radicalism.

UN should develop new, more exhaustive skirmishing WMD strategic initiatives by including all precautionary steps to combat WMD on global level.


Bamaby Dr Frank. (2001). Waiting for Terror: How Realistic is the Biological, Chemical and Nuclear Threat? Oxford: Oxford Research Group.

Croddy Eric, Wirtz James J & Larsen Jeffrey A. (2005). Weapons of Mass Destruction. New York: ABC-CLIO.

Juergensmeyer, Mark. (2003). Terror in the Mind of God: The Global of Religious Violence. California: University Of California Press.

Forest James J F. (2006). Homeland Security: Public spaces and social institutions. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Kay David, WMD Terrorism: Hype or Reality. Boulder, CO: US Air Force Academy, 2001.

Nwanna Gladson I. (2004). Weapons of Mass Destruction. What Should You Know? New York: Frontline Publishers, Inc.

Ronczkowski Michael. Terrorism and Organized Hate Crime. CRC Press. 2004.

Zelnick, R. (2006). Iraq: Last Chance. Policy Review, (140), 3+.

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