Global Warming and Effects Within 50 Years Research Paper

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The environment is the most debatable topic of the 20th century. As we humans have used more resources than we should have, for technological advancements and in the name of luxury. We have reached heights of luxury and we have created machines that are incomparable but during the process, we have damaged the environment which is as essential for our living as our heartbeat. We are at a point where we can not close our eyes and avoid the situation as environmental effects are damaging our society so rapidly that if nothing is done to control the situation, we human beings as dinosaurs would become extinct. This is an issue which can not be blamed on anyone neither our politicians are responsible for it neither are the rich. Every one of us is responsible for the situation and hence it is our sole responsibility to take a step which would improve the condition.

The question that arises is how are we affecting the environment? The answer is simple the increase in usage of technology and demand for luxury by every person has led the situation to such a critical point. An example of how this can be mass production, the increase in fashion sense, the changing trend, and the desire to be adopted by pop culture has led us to mass consumption. Our increasing demands for goods have led to an increase in factories which indirectly has resulted in pollution and we all know how damaging pollution is for the environment. There have been numerous changes in the environment amongst which global warming is an issue that needs extra attention.

Global Warming

Global warming in general means the heating up of the earth. Our planet is heating up, this warming is obvious by the climatic change every country is having Heat waves and periods of unusually warm weather during summers not only is it hot but summers are for a longer period than they ever were in the past. The average surface temperature has increased by about 0.6°C (1°F). Not only is the earth warming up but the sea is warming up at the same pace seal levels are rising, causing damaging coastal flooding.

Many areas which were covered preciously covered with snow-top mountains are now observed to have snow-less peaks as glaciers are melting. An example of this can be taken from the artic and the Antarctic which used to be the coldest places in the world are also warming up. Thus there is an overall change in climate and the imbalance in climate is known as global warming.

Global warming by few Scientists is often known as “climate change” the reason being is that according to the global warming is not the warming of earth it basically is the misbalance in climate. According to scientists if the earth’s average temperature rises due to global warming, winds and ocean currents move heat around the globe in ways that can cool some areas, warm others, thus changing the amount of rain and snow falling. Thus the result is that there are different climatic conditions in different regions.

Reasons for Global Warming

There have been many indications that show that global warming has taken place during the 20th century. Natural reasons were always affecting global warming. However, the rapid increase in global warming is due to human activities. Our planet, Earth, is continually being warmed by different sources.

There have been many reasons which have affected global warming amongst which the most significant one is the greenhouse effect. The “greenhouse effect” is similar to its name there are many gasses like carbon dioxide which when released into the atmosphere stay in the atmosphere. Stay in the atmosphere means get trapped in the atmosphere. In literal gases let in light but prevents heat from escaping into the space the result of which is Sunlight shines onto the Earth’s surface, where it is absorbed and then radiates back into the atmosphere as heat but as the heat can not escape because of which earth crust gets warm. These are known as the green “greenhouse” gases. The more greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere, the more heat gets trapped and the warmer the earth gets.

The concept of the greenhouse effect is not a new one. Scientists have known about the greenhouse effect since 1824. Earth’s surface is generally very cool and the greenhouse effect keeps the earth climate livable. Otherwise, the earth’s average temperature would be 60 degrees Fahrenheit cooler. The only problem faced by the earth is that the increase in greenhouse gases has resulted in increasing the temperature at a rapid speed.

The Levels of greenhouse gases have had many changes and variations over the century. Sometimes the levels have gone up while sometimes down over the Earth’s history, but the variations have a minor. The variations have been so minor that we can assume it to be fairly constant for the past few thousand years. “Hence average global temperatures have stayed constant over that time as well, until recently. The reason for the increase in emission of greenhouse gases is the burning of fossil fuels and other GHG emissions, which is enhancing the greenhouse effect and warming Earth Human beings should be held responsible for such emission of gasses as human beings use these gasses for the material benefit of the human race.

Another reason that contributes to the emissions of gases is livestock. Methane is the second-most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide which is produced major through Farm animals are a major source of global warming. According to the United Nations, livestock such as cattle, buffalo, goats, sheep, camels, pigs, and horses are responsible for 30 percent of the methane emissions connected with human activities (Brown). The digestive processes of the hundreds of millions of animals slaughtered for their flesh every day are increasing the emission of methane gas. With prosperity, the consumption of meat has increased.

According to statistics, Cows are thought to contribute 20percent of the world’s methane emissions. Dairy cows can belch 106 to 132 gallons of methane gas per day. That is 200 times more than a person. In a year they each emit 20 pounds of smog, forming gases known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). That is more than a car or light truck (Brown). Not only do the cows contribute many insects amongst which Termites produce 4 percent of the world’s methane. The gas brews inside the insect’s hindgut and is released over its entire body.

Then there is gas escaping from the ocean floor may provide some answers to understanding historical global warming cycles and provide information on current climate change. Atmospheric methane is at least 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide and is the most abundant organic compound in the atmosphere.

Other factors that emit greenhouse gases in the air are deforestation which produces around 25% of greenhouse gases. Consumption of energy-using services, such as travel, space heating, and cooling, and industrial processes such as metal smelting and cement manufacture also produce carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas. Then there is nitrogen oxide which is caused by the counting of nitrogen in manure used as fertilizer and nitrogen in crop residues, in addition to nitrogen from chemical fertilizers. Thus all these gases including many others are increasing greenhouse gases in the environment.

Effects of Global Warming

The question that arises here is what is the problem if Earth is facing climatic imbalance? We are technologically so developed that we can easily manage variations of temperature. While in truth the conditions caused by global warming can not be controlled by a human being. Greenhouse gases are the key feature because of which the climate is changing at a rapid speed and the speed of climate change is faster than some living things may be able to adapt. Also, a new and more unpredictable climate poses unique challenges to all life.

In the past climatic conditions had a predictable pattern, there were shifts in-between temperatures but they were gradual. “The only difference in shifts of the history was that it was very slow and smoothes the average global temperatures today and during those ice, ages are only about 5 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit), over hundreds of thousands of years there has been such a minute variation. While now with the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gasses found in the atmosphere the temperature has become so warm that, Earth’s remaining ice sheets (such as Greenland and Antarctica) are starting to melt too”. (Global Warming Interactive, Global Warming Simulation).

The melted ice which is water flows in the river and thus raises sea levels significantly. As the mercury rises, the climate changes in unexpected ways. Not only is the climatic change causing the sea level to rise, but weather can also become more extreme it can get cold breaking all previous records. Hence the changing climatic conditions mean more intense major storms, more rain followed by longer and drier droughts (technology developed can provide warmth and coolness to ham beings but the extreme climate can be dangerous for crops), changes in the ranges in which plants and animals can live, and loss of water supplies that have historically come from glaciers. A 2005 study by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) reports that about 50% of the world’s coral reefs are in extreme danger of becoming extinct within the next 40 years and hence urgent measure should be taken to protect them against the threat of climate change.

“Weather affects all aspects of human life, from where we live and where we travel, to the food and fresh water supply we need to survive,” (Resse, n.p.). Thus it is observed that global warming has effects other than the imbalance in temperature. Amongst the other effects Spreading diseases is a major issue due to climatic changes more smoggy days and heatwaves are been observed contributing to a greater number of illnesses and deaths in the United States. It has been observed that hot temperatures and extreme weather are likely to cause increased adverse health impacts. The reason for warmer temperatures is the pollution from cars and other man-made sources which increase the concentrations of ground-level ozone. Thus eventually increasing the temperature and smog. Smog can damage lung tissue, increasing respiratory and heart disease and death. High levels of smog have negative impacts even a slight increase in smog can cause asthma in children. Not only does hot weather have prospects that lead to an increase in temperatures even low temperatures perpetuate malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases in the tropics. As global warming occurs, the mosquitoes can expand their range to higher elevations and northward. A study has proved that all diseases caused by water are caused by heavy rainfall; heavy rainfall damages crops which indirectly induces diseases.

Other than an increase in diseases and the emergence of new diseases caused by global warming. Global warming has proved to be disastrous for the Ecosystem. The increase in global temperatures has resulted in the loss of species diversity of animals and plants, as species that cannot adapt to the diverse or extreme temperatures die off.


The disasters that have occurred are pointing towards the damaging effects of Global Warming and thus to control the situation several methods are devised to control the damaging effects of Global Warming.

The most important way to reduce the effects of global warming is by reducing the emission of gas in the environment and there are many ways to do so amongst which reduction in electricity usage can prove effective as if we use energy-saving bulbs instead of tub lights, lamps and chandeliers we can prevent 75 kilograms (kg) of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere annually. Then there is driving of cars, driving cars less will save 0.75 kg carbon dioxide for every 2 kilometers thus if we use buses, trams instead of personal cars or walk to cover short distances we can reduce gases in the environment. Then there is recycling, recycling waste will save 1,200 kg approximately of carbon dioxide each year by a single house.

“Land degradation is another important issue controlling access and removing obstacles to mobility on common pastures. Use of soil conservation methods, together with controlled livestock. Payment schemes for environmental services in livestock-based land use to help reduce and reverse land degradation. Atmosphere and climate increasing the efficiency of livestock production and feed crop agriculture. Improving animals’ diets to reduce enteric fermentation and consequent methane emissions, and setting up biogas plant initiatives to recycle manure. Then there is the concept of improving the efficiency of irrigation systems. Introducing full-cost pricing for water together with taxes to discourage large-scale livestock concentration close to cities”. (Livestock a major threat to the environment).

Then the government should take action against the increase in factories that produce greenhouse gasses an example of government action against global warming is the Kyoto protocol. The Kyoto Protocol is a document signed by about 180 countries in Kyoto, Japan, in December 1997. The protocol commits 38 industrialized countries to cut their emissions of greenhouse gases between 2008 to 2012 to levels that are 5.2 percent below 1990 levels.

“Another way of how government can prevent damages of global warming is through taxation an example of this can be “taxation of gasoline should probably be persuaded on a world level. Higher taxes would encourage conservation and the development of alternate mode” (global warming).


there have been several predictions made in relation to global warming but it has been conformed by scientists that these predictions are occurring more quickly than they had expected. An example of this can be that eleven of the twelve hottest years since thermometer readings became available occurred between 1995 and 2006.

There has been a number of natural disasters after 1995 and some natural disasters that provide a basis for the existence of global warming include the Tsunami. Many researchers have connected the increase in a natural disasters in the 21st century is because of global warming. According to these scientists, natural disasters have occurred all along with history. The only difference in the disasters of the 21st century is that disasters have occurred with might by that I mean all disasters have broken previous records an example of which can be the recent Asian earthquake and tsunami to human. Scientist has claimed tsunami to be caused by global warming because they have claimed that global warming could weaken undersea slopes of frozen gas hydrates locked in deep-sea slopes are warmed enough to shift from solid to the gas state. The abundant deep-sea deposits shift from their position and this movement could inflate slopes with gas and cause them to collapse, sending tsunami-generating pulses all the way to the surface. Thus it can be assumed that Earths’ warming is one of the features that caused the tsunami.

Another example of a natural disaster that has proved to cost millions of human life is hurricane, Katrina. Then there is the meltdown, According to scientists, global warming has caused the Columbia Glacier to retreat seven miles in the last 20 years, leaving calves of ice in Prince William Sound.

Future of Earth Due to Global Warming

Global warming is a phenomenon that cannot vanish or cure in a couple of days if we humans from today work in the direction of reducing the emission of greenhouse gases we can reduce its effects. While if the conditions remain the same and we humans keep on producing greenhouse gases then a few predictions are made by scientists.

“No one can know the future, at least not in detail. But enough is known to allow us to fashion plausible scenarios of events that could well take place if current trends and present understandings are evaluated about the growing problem of global warming” (Are we entering the greenhouse century).

Thus based on the current situation Scientist have predicted that if global warming increases at the same pace then there is a comprehensive risk of extinction of more than one million species by 2050. The ecosystem will be damaged badly, an example of this can be the disappearance of alpine meadows in the Rocky Mountains, as well as tropical mountain and mangrove forests because the new warm local climate or the rise in the coastal sea will not support them.

Then there is the prediction in the change in climatic patterns according to scientists some current projections point to a rise in average global temperature of 0.5°C (slightly less than 1°F) by the year 2030. There are many researches done to predict the future with global warming and the researches along with computer simulation reports have predicted the future of many nations including North America. It has been predicted that North America will have to face more hurricanes, floods, droughts, heatwaves, and wildfires, in the future. The rising sea level will be the cause of floods. The floods are not only a matter of concern but the prolonged summers will head to a growing season which would lead to an initial increase in Crop production, but climbing temperatures and water shortages will ultimately lead to sharp reductions.

Then there is Africa which already has scorching summers and thus would have extreme effects, approximately a quarter billion of its population will be losing most of its water supplies. Food production will fall by half in many cities and thus government will have to spend 10% of their total budgets and maybe, even more, to adapt to climate changes.

Then there is Asia which will have to face unpredictable flooding as the rising temperatures melt Himalayan glaciers and rock avalanches will wipe out many villages. The same will happen in the European Alps and the South American Andes. The rising temperatures and dry soil will replace the rain forests of the eastern Amazon. Eliminating much of the habitat that now supports the greatest diversity of species in the world. The countries which have prepared for the future will escape the effects but only for a short period as if global warming is not curtailed it would lead to human extinction.

Thus it can be evaluated that global warming will only lead to disasters and the countries that are not prepared for the future in climatic changes are the countries that will face the most drastic effects.


Many changes that are occurring on this planet are not the result of natural forces or events. Rather, it is human activity that now drives the most significant transformations. Most habitats, for example, are shrinking in area. (Cooke, n.p.).

Global warming is uncertainly one of the most important problems faced by the scientists of the 21st century. The solution to this massive problem is not easy but one thing’s for sure we will all have to work together in a collective way if we are to avoid the dangers of over-warming of earth.

Thus, it is about time that we human beings realize that global warming is an important issue that needs to be resolved. It is not too late to cure the damages of global warming but if we don’t take steps of prevention, then a time would come when the damages would be so major that they won’t be controllable.

Works Cited

Brown, Augustus. Why Pandas Do Handstands: And Other Curious Truths About Animals. New York: Free Press, 2006.

Cooke, F., and Jenni Bruce. The Encyclopedia of Animals: A Complete Visual Guide. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2004.

Global Warming Interactive, Global Warming Simulation, Climate Change Simulation – National Geographic. 2007. Web.

Livestock a major threat to environment. 2007. Web.

Reese Halter, (n.d.) Wild Weather – The Truth behind Global Warming.

Rudiger Dornbusch, James M. Poterba Global Warming: Economic Policy Responses: proceedings of a Conference Held in Rome (n.d.).

Stephen Henry Schneider. Global Warming: Are We Entering the Greenhouse Century? James Clarke & Co. (n.d.).

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 23). Global Warming and Effects Within 50 Years.

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IvyPanda. (2021) 'Global Warming and Effects Within 50 Years'. 23 September.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Global Warming and Effects Within 50 Years." September 23, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Global Warming and Effects Within 50 Years." September 23, 2021.


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